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replacing all of the red bracketed text with specific details for your

Promised Land Story

[Customer’s Name] was a [describe the person] who purchased [name of your
product or service] because of [problem/result s/he wanted]

Before using my product, s/he [Describe prior situation and/or questions,

concerns, skepticisms, objections]

After using my product/service, s/he [Describe Specific results achieved. How life
is better, different, problem solved]

Promised Land Story Example

John was a restaurant owner who purchased our merchant services because of
his high credit card processing fees were cutting into his restaurant profits

Before switching to our service, he his processing fees were cutting into his
profitability, but he was hesitant to switch because he didn’t want to pay for new

After using our merchant services, he now pays $300 less per month in credit card
fees, his equipment is $12 less per month, he processes cards faster and his
service fee has dropped by $50. Not only is he processing more business, he’s
saving $4,344 per year.

Cautionary Tale
[Customer’s Name] was a [describe the person] who did NOT purchase [name of
your product or service] because of [objection or reason why s/he did not

Unfortunately, s/he [Describe a horrific experience the person had because they
purchased an inferior product/service]

If s/he had made a better purchasing decision, [Describe the SPECIFIC results this
person could have experienced along with all of the regrets and things that s/he
missed out on]

Cautionary Tale Example

Jennifer was a bride-to-be who did NOT hire a quality photographer because of
she was trying to save money and cut costs anywhere that should could

Unfortunately, she was in tears when she got her photos back, and even today,
years later, she feels incredible regret when she thinks about them. Her wedding
photos turned out dark and dull. The posing is awkward. The shots look
amateurish. To top it off, several memories from her day were omitted
completely because the photographer missed the opportunity to capture them or
forgot about them completely … leaving her with nothing more than a faded
memory of these once-in-a-lifetime moments.

If she would have hired an experienced professional, she would beam with pride as
she showed her wedding photos to her family members and girlfriends. She
would pull out her wedding album every year on her anniversary and get lost in
the rich, saturated colors. She would have had unique and creative posing. Her
photographer would have captured candid moments that he didn’t even realize
were happening as she was caught up in the busyness of her day. She would
show off her album every chance she could because everyone who sees it
expresses awe at the beauty of her photos. Her girlfriends would speak with
hidden jealousy in their voices as they ask, “who was your photographer?” But
perhaps the one thing she wishes she had the most was a high quality family
heirloom to share with her children and grandchildren one day.

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