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Like congruence of segments and angles, congruence of triangles is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.

❖ Reflexive Property of Triangle Congruence: Ex: A  A , AB  AB ABC  _____ ❖ Symmetric Property

of Triangle Congruence: Ex: AB  BA If ABC  EFG, then _______________ ❖ Transitive Property of
Triangle Congruence: Ex: If 1  2 and 2  3, then 1  3 If ABC  EFG and EFG  JKL , then Based on
the Human Development Index, the ten most underdeveloped countries in the world are:

1. Niger (.354)
2. Central African Republic (.367)
3. South Sudan (.388)
4. Chad (.404)
5. Burundi (.417)
6. Sierra Leone (.419)
7. Burkina Faso (.423)
8. Mali (.427)
9. Liberia (.435)
10. Mozambique (.437)

A developed country, industrialized country, more developed country, or more economically developed

country (MEDC), is a sovereign state that has a developed economy and advanced technological infrastructure relative to
gle are complementary. m1 + m2 = 90 2 17 1. Find m C. An exterior angle of a triangle is formed by one
side of the triangle and the extension of an adjacent side. m 1 + m 2 = m 4 Example: 60 + x = 111 x = 51
1. Find m 1 = _______ 39 A B C Exterior Ang

le Theorem – the sum of the two nonadjacent (remote) interior angle = exterior angle m1 + m2 = m4
nonadjacent(remote) interior angles 4 3 2 1 exterior angle nonadjacent(remote) interior angles exterior
angle 111 x 60 1 60 808 2. Find x = ______ x = _____ a. b. 3. Find m D = _________ 4. Find m JKL =
____________ 5. Find m PRS = _________ 6. Find the measures of each numbered angle. 88 x 55 40 x 3x
B D 68 4x + 5 C A J K L 2x - 15 50 x 23 R P 9x + 2

seas travel, and gain work experience (Anderson et ce: Used to describe the number of instances or
records that pertain to a specific entity. (9) Off-site storage: Storage procedure used to safeguard the
critical resources. (15) On-demand reports: In my view, it is the difficulty about natural actions which is
most damaging to the Logical Contradiction Interpretation. Before I turn to the other views, however, I
should mention some objections that are usually taken to be its most serious problem. I will call these
the Hegelian objections, since they were originally put forward by Hegel and promulgated by Bradley
and others. 11 One of the Hegelian objections is that universal law test is empty. I will borrow the
formulation used by H.B. Acton, discussing Kant's Critique of Practical Reason example of a man who is
considering not returning a deposit (C2 27-28/26-27): In an essay entitled On the Scientific Treatment of
Natural Law (1803), Hegel says that all Kant's argument shows is that a system without deposits is
contradicted by a system with deposits, but not that th

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