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Marie Curie was born in Poland in 1867, She won a gold medal from high school.

After graduation then

he went to Paris for higher studies at the Sorbonne university, where she had master in physics and
mathematics. She would also later receive a doctorate in physics. In 1895 She met Pierre Curie and they
married. In 1903, Pierre and Marie along with Henri Becquerel received the Nobel Prize in physics for
their discovery of radioactivity. In 1911, she was again awarded the Nobel Prize for discovery of the two
new elements polonium and radium. In 1923, the French government gave her a pension of 40,000
francs a year in recognition of her lifetime of work in France. During World War I, Marie worked to
develop x-rays. She became ill and died from all her years of exposure to radium. After Marie's death her
daughter Irene received the Nobel Prize for their work in atomic research.

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