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Every Day Matters

ALLI REESER, 4/19/21

What Why
• Using products and at-home ideas that are • The average person produces an average of
eco-friendly 4.40 lbs of waste per day
• Finding ways to cut down on my personal • By changing my habits, I can cut down my
waste personal waste
• Exploring what works for my daily routine • In order to help the environment, I have to
start with myself before teaching others
• Fully understanding the mindset of
someone who lives a zero-waste lifestyle
Bamboo Toothbrushes

The bamboo brush is a sustainable option for a plastic

toothbrush that is made of bamboo and charcoal
based bristles. The bamboo is cut above the stem, so
that a new stalk can grow, and it is hand cut and made
into the brushes. This process is super simple and
doesn’t require extra energy.
Reusable K-Cups
The Keurig coffee machine is actually a great sustainable option. It saves water
and energy by only making the amount of coffee needed at a time. The
intentions behind the product are great, but the K-Cups are not. The pods of
coffee that people use to make their drinks are a terrible creation of waste.
Just one pod can take up to 150 years to decompose in a landfill.
The best way to use these machines effectively is to purchase a reusable pod.
You fill it with your coffee grounds and it saves energy, water and waste!
These pods are easy to clean and last up to 5 years, while one disposable pod
can only be used once.
Shampoo Bars
Shampoo and Conditioner Bars

These bars are a genius way to reduce the plastic bottle waste.
The bars can be made at home or bought and they work the
same as any normal product does. The production of these
varies, but most small businesses make them at home from
scratch and they use barely any energy to produce. These are a
great alternative and easy for packing too. As long as you find a
formula that works with your hair, shampoo bars are a great
Toothpaste Tablets
Toothpaste Tablets

These tablets are one of my favorite products I’ve found during this project.
The tablets are sold in glass containers, and they pop right in your mouth to be
used while brushing your teeth. One tube of toothpaste can last one person up
to 6 months, but in that tube there are also chemicals to keep the toothpaste
fresh over that time. Along with the un-needed chemicals, the tubes they are
sold in get thrown away.
The energy that it takes to produce these tablets is less than it takes to produce
a tube of toothpaste. The “toothpaste” is compressed into tablets and then
they are ready to use. The lack of difficult packaging makes them easy to ship
and some companies also offer refills when you send the jar back.
Bamboo Straws
Bamboo Straws
Although last year there was a craze about metal straws
and saving the turtles, there are other alternatives
available that use less energy to produce. Bamboo straws
are bio based and they are able to be washed and reused.
They are made from bamboo stalks and there is no re-
compressing or processing involved in making these. This
biodegradable option is a smarter move over a silicone or
metal straw.
Compostable Forks
Compostable Cutlery

This is one product that I would not recommend buying.

The compostable cutlery is made out of corn and
produced using lots of energy. Along with the process
not being very effective, the corn is not organic and
contains a fair amount of chemicals. Overall, this product
could be used for camping when you cannot wash dishes,
but I wouldn’t recommend these for everyday use.

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