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1. wine
3. bottles of water
1 Get together with a partner and ask and 2. apples
answer questions using the words in the 4. cheese
bubble on the right. Here is an example: 5. dog biscuits
6. slices of ham
Tom: Did you buy a lot of juice? 7. cream
Alice: No, just a little. 8. chocolate
Alice: Did you buy many bananas? 9. carrots
Tom: No, just a few.

2 Here is a mini book, TV series and film quiz for you! Answer the questions and include the
quantifiers one, two, three, none, neither, both or all in your answers.

a. How many of these people are actors?

Francis Ford Coppola, Diogo Morgado, Shakira

b. How many of these books were written by Stephenie Meyer?

Twilight, New Moon, Breaking Dawn

c. How many of these films are action films?
Question: How many of these are films?
World War Z, X-Men
Dexter, Downton Abbey, Gossip Girl
Answer: None of them.
d. How many of these series are sitcoms?
True Blood, Game of Thrones

e. How many of these films won an Oscar?

Django Unchained, The Avengers, Moulin Rouge, Gone With The Wind

3 Complete the gaps in the dialogue with an appropriate quantifier.

Mum: “Sarah, sweetheart, if you’re going out, pick up a. ______ milk from the supermarket. We don’t have b.
______ left. We had c. ______, but Dad drank it d. ______ last night.”
Sarah: “Which brand of milk do you want? Mimosa and Nestlé are e. ______ good, f. ______ is fine by me. g.
______ is all that cheap though. h. ______ of the brands
at the supermarket are a bit pricey. We don’t need to buy i. ______ milk, only j. ______ cartons. Do you have k.
______ money?”
Mum: “Yes, I’ve just been to an ATM, so I have l. ______ money in my purse. Take m. ______ the coins, the
n. ______ coins, the better – o. ______ weight in my purse. We also need p. ______ fruit and veggies, but take
care that the bags aren’t too heavy. Bring q. ______ brands of milk, Nestlé and Mimosa. Last time I went to the
supermarket, there were r. ______ people, but at this hour, there must be s. . Maybe the shopping will take t.
______ time if you go to the store.”
Sarah: “Don’t worry, Mum, I have u. ______ of time before the exams start, so I may as well fill it with v.
______ shopping. See you later!”

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