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Directive LEBANON

Authors: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Public Works and

1. The funds received by the U.S. will be allotted in the following manner: 

i) $40,000 will be allotted to trusted NGO’s working toward fighting COVID. These include the Red
Cross etc.

ii) The Public Health Ministry will receive 100,000 $ in a phased manner. Money will only be provided
when complete accounts  and concrete results are provided. All of the money will not be given at once

iii) 500,000$ will be allotted to the defence ministry to procure state of the art equipment to ensure the
sovereignty of the nation. 

iv) 360,000$ will be allotted towards providing tax breaks and incentives to MSME’s to promote the
growth of business in lebanon and generate capital inflow.

iv) The remaining 1 Million be added to a newly created crisis fund that can be used for the upliftment of
the country. 

2. Engage in talks with the WHO in relation to the current COVID situation in Tripoli. Request for Personal
Protective Equipment kits, medicines like Hydroxychloroquine, sanitizers etc. to combat the spread of
the virus. 
2. U.S. and Israeli military aid will be solicited to form a naval blockade around the Port of Tripoli to choke
the supplies of Hezbollah. Once both countries agree, land forces will be stationed around the occupied
area in order to block all movement around the port area. The main aim would be to keep health
supplies from reaching them. 
2. Completely close off the surrounding areas to contain the spread of the virus. All routes leading into and
out of the Tripoli port will be blocked, and public transport will be suspended.
2. Host a virtual conference with Hassan Nasrullah to reach common ground regarding the Tripoli port.
Due to the fact that they will be unable to receive resources and medical aid of any form to reduce the
spread of the infection within the Hezbollah camps, the resources acquired by the cabinet from the
WHO can be used as leverage to strengthen our position in these talks. 

Part II- Tackling the food crisis

1. Since France, Germany, Turkey and the U.K. are the primary sources of food imports for Lebanon, they
will be concerned regarding the current situation of the country and that of the Tripoli port since it will
affect their exports to Lebanon and lead to financial losses in the long run. We would strike deals with
the aforementioned countries to be able to provide financial and logistical assistance for setting up other
channels through which food can be imported into Lebanon. 
2. Using intelligence gathered from the specialized authority created by the Ministry of Transport, Social
Affairs and Defence, the Minister of Foreign Affairs will coordinate an effort in collaboration with the
Foreign Minister of France, Foreign Minister of Germany, Foreign Minister of Turkey and Foreign
Minister of U.K. to resume trade of grain and seeds (at subsidised rates, if possible) through means
such as but not limited too:
1. Utilizing the newer ports identified by the specialized authority, keeping in my mind that they
are smaller and the resources may have to be distributed across them. Furthermore,
assistance will be taken from WHO to ensure that  
2. To prevent the repetition of a similar event (as has occurred in the port of Tripoli), assistance
will be taken from the WHO to ensure that there will be stricter enforcement of precautions like 
basic sanitization and social-distancing in other ports.
3. Air-drops
b. Solicit assistance in the setting up of additional channels for the import of foodgrain into Lebanon.
Assistance for setting up new seaports, airports, and other routes through which the supply of
foodgrains can continue uninterrupted in our country.

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