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The table demonstrates the average length of a promotional video on the internet and the

average time that viewers spend watching the promotional video.

    For public service we can see,this is the type of service with the highest average length of all
types of advertising at about 45.8 seconds and this is the highest type of advertising that
viewers spent time on (for 18.5 seconds).
 To begin with, Public service is the highest proportion with both average length of
advertisement and time viewed, at about 45,8 seconds and 18,5 seconds respectively.

In automobile that have a high length of a promotional video ,similar to entertainment

advertising (in automobile it is 27.2 seconds and in entertainment it is 27.8 seconds), but the
average time viewers spend watching automobile and entertainment ads Is just about 14.7
seconds while entertainment is only 10.8 seconds.
 There is a slight similarity between Automotive and Promotional video, accounts for 27,2
and 27,8 each. On the contrary, there is a remarkable difference in time viewed
sections, 14,7 compared with 10,8.

financial services compare with other retail, these are two types of ads with high average length
of 20.5 seconds and 21.0 seconds, respectively. However, in terms of average time spent by
viewers, financial service is more than other retail about 11.8 seconds (financial service and
other retail is 16.3 seconds and 4.5 seconds).
 Financial services and Other retail also have a high average length of advertising videos,
around 20,5 and 21,0 seconds individually. However; the average time of Financial
services is almost four times as much as Other retails, 16,3 and 4,5 seconds, which is
the lowest in the table.
a group of travel, home furnishings, and consumer electronics is a group of ad types with
average length (18.0 seconds, 17.3 seconds and 15.3 seconds, respectively) and average
views at range average is 13 seconds, 10 seconds and 7.1 seconds, respectively).
 A group of travel, home furnishings, and Pharmaceuticals have a significant similarity
with the length of video, calculates for 18,0 seconds, 17,3 seconds, and 16,6 seconds
each to each.
The remaining two types are clothing and pharmaceuticals, which have an average ad length of
14.6 and 16.6 seconds, but have low views of only 6 seconds and 6.3 seconds.
   Overall, the average duration of ad types is 22.4 seconds, and the average time it takes for
viewers to spend on that ad is 10.7 seconds.

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