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LiliPopo friends embroidery pattern

Notes and colour guide

Copyright Kathryn Popovski 2015

The colours

A – Anchor 895 dusky pink

B – Anchor *893 vintage pink

C – DMC 3047 very pale yellow

D – DMC 451 brown

E – DMC 648 silver grey

F – DMC ecru

G – Anchor 848 pale grey blue

H – Anchor *850 darker blue

I – DMC 3713 pale pink

J – Anchor 255 green


I used two strands of thread throughout the pattern

I used a white medium weight cotton (the kind you might use for a pillowcase)

I used a no.7 crewel needle

The design sits nicely in a 7” wooden hoop (but you can always photocopy it larger
or smaller for a different size hoop)

The stitches I used are

Back stitch for all the outlining and stripes

Straight stitches

French knots
The stitching

Begin with the pink girl’s hat. Using colour A outline the hat in backstitch. Next, still using A, back
stitch the stripes.

Change to colour B and put lines of backstitch just above the other stripes. Then do the same again
with colour C.

Now stitch her hair using colour D and backstitch. Once I have stitched the lines I fill in the gaps at
the top as in the picture.
For her face it is helpful to start your thread by making a couple of stitches in the back of the hair
where her left eye begins.

Using colour E make two back stitches for her left eye then carry the thread through the back of the
hair stitching to her jaw line and backstitch to the neck.

Stitch her neck and then carry on stitching the jaw line.

When you come to the mouth you just make a little stitch then continue with the rest of the jaw line
finally making two backstitches for her right eye.

You stitch the blue girl’s face in the same way but from right to left.

You will also use colour E to stitch the tops of both girls’ legs, where their socks end (the skin part).

Outline her dress (but not her sleeves) and the heart pocket in colour B. Her sleeves and the French
knots along the top are colour F.

The French knots at the hem are colour A

Her socks are colour B with three little straight stitches in B for the ribbing. And her shoes are colour
Now for the second girl

Begin with her hat. It is outlined in colour G. The inner ears and the small straight stitches that fill
it are colour F

Her hair is also colour F stitched in the same way as the pink girl.

Outline her overdress in H. Outline her sleeves and make stitches for the stripes on them in G. Next
make stitches in between those stripes using I. Her underskirt, heart pocket and the French knots on
her dress are all stitched in I.
Her long socks are outlined in B. Next make the stripes (just single stitches) using B. Pop single
stitches of F in between.

Finally her shoes are back stitched in G

Now it’s time to stitch the flowers and hearts.

The hearts are stitched as follows:

Bottom right and middle left – B

Middle right and top left – I

Top right and bottom left – A

The grasses are single stitches while the flower stalks are backstitched both in colour J

The flower heads are back stitched as follows from left to right

1 and 4 – I

2, 3, 6 and 7 – A

5 and 8 – G

Your stitching is done!

Time for a nice cup of tea

copyright Kate Popovski 2015
copyright Kate Popovski 2015
Finishing your hoop

You can use the embroidered panel as part of something else such
as a cushion or quilt or you could frame it in a traditional frame
but it can also be framed in the hoop you stitched it in.

This is a simple way to frame it.

All you need to do is take your stitching out the hoop.

Pop it face down onto a clean towel, put a clean cloth over it and
gently press it. The towel prevents your beautiful stitches from
being crushed.

Now place the embroidery back in the hoop centring the design and
trim the excess fabric to a circle about 2” bigger than the hoop

Next you are going to make a running stitch about 1/2” in from
the edge of the circle leaving a tail.

When you get back round to the beginning again take both threads
and pull them to gather the back of the fabric in as in the picture
Tie the gathering into a knot.

This method means that as your fabric relaxes you can still get to
the back and tighten it all up again.

If you wanted to you could cut a circle of felt and stitch it over the
back for neatness but bear in mind that you will need to undo this
to tighten your fabric up again.
Friends second colourway

Threads used

Anchor 874 gold DMC 3041 purple

DMC 3042 lighter purple DMC 153 lilac

DMC 451 brown Anchor 972 cherry

Anchor 893 lighter pink Anchor 1017 dusky pink

DMC 369 green

2 strands of thread were used throughout the pattern

Backstitch was used for all the outlining

French knots and seed stitches were also used.

Using DMC 3041 outline the hat. Now add stripes using the same. Next take DMC
3042 and backstitch another set of stripes and finally take Anchor 874 and pop in a
final layer of stripes.

Still using Anchor 874 back stitch her hair. Now take DMC 451 and back stitch her
eyes, chin line, neck and legs. Her mouth is a single stitch in the same

Take DMC 3041 and outline her dress in back stitch (not her sleeves). Backstitch her
sleeves and heart pocket using DMC 3042 and add the French knots using the same
thread and wrapping it twice around the needle.
Her socks are outlined in DMC 3042 and filled with little seed stitches in DMC 153.
Her shoes are outlined with Anchor 874.

The flower heads are also back stitched although you could use detached chain if you
prefer. The two on her right are stitched using Anchor 1017 and the two on her left
using DMC 153.

The grass is stitched using single stitches in DMC 369. The stalks are backstitched using
the same.

Start the second girl by outlining her hat using Anchor 1017. The inner ears are
stitched using Anchor 893 and the seed stitching inside the hat uses the same thread.
Take DMC 451 and back stitch the hair in rows close together, also back stitch her eyes
using the same. Her chin neck and mouth are stitched using Anchor 893.

Begin by backstitching her over dress using Anchor 972. Use the same thread to stitch
her heart pocket and the bottom French knot. Next take Anchor 1017 and stitch her
underskirt and outline her sleeves. Add some stripes (single stitches) to the sleeves using
the same colour. Now add stripes in between those using Anchor 893. The middle
French knot is Anchor 1017 and the top one Anchor 893.

Outline her socks and shoes using Anchor 972 (the tops of her legs are Anchor 893).
Add stripes to the socks alternating Anchor 1017 and Anchor 893. The flowers to her
right are Anchor 1017 and those on her left DMC 153
Finally stitch the hearts using back stitch.

Clockwise from the top Anchor 874, Anchor 1017, DMC 135, Anchor 1017, Anchor
874 and DMC 153

Now you can have a cup of tea

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