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A Raisin in the Sun

Reading Guide Questions

Act I, Scene I

1. The stage directions say that the living room in the Younger apartment might he comfortable and
well-ordered, but ''weariness" has "won in this room." What physical details of the living room set show
these qualities?

The furniture looks old and needs to be replaced, but they didn’t have enough money to buy new
nicer furniture. The couch faded and the couch became lumpy. She just put some blankets or covers
over the couch. Moving furniture over the carpet that is worn.

2. What details of the setting show that the apartment is crowded?

That everything is worn and needs to be replaced. Bennie and Lena share a room. Ruth and Walter
share a room that is not supposed to be a room. It is supposed to be a breakfast room. Travis sleeps in
the living room.

3. Walter's wife, Ruth, is described as a pretty "girl," who is changing into a "settled woman." What has
happened to change Ruth's beauty?

She is developed into a mother type of person. She is waking up her son and is taking care of the
family. She is still pretty but she is tired.

4. How does the apartment building itself create problems for the Younger family as they begin the day?

They share a bathroom with people on the floor. Not just the 5 people in the one bedroom apartment,
but a lot of people on the entire floor.

5. When Walter comes into the living room, what thoughts are on his mind? What does he ask Ruth?

He’s asking what's the matter with Ruth.

6. When is the check coming?


7. Walter tells Ruth that she looks young this morning and calls her "baby." What do his remarks and
Ruth's responses reveal about their relationship?

That they love each other.

8. When Walter's son, Travis, comes out of the bathroom, what does he ask?

He asks for 50 cents

9. Walter and Ruth react differently when Travis asks for money for school. What are Walter's and Ruth's
attitudes about money?

They don’t want Travis to be worried about money. So they just don;t talk about it. They don’t have a
lot of money so they can;t just hand it out.

10. Ruth tells Walter she doesn't want to know what he has been thinking about Why? What has Walter
been thinking about?

Walter thinks she is being unpleasant. She probably thinks he was thinking about some sketchy way
for him to make some money. He was thinking about Willy Harris, who is in the dry cleaning business
and makes a lot of money.

11. How does Walter think women should treat their men?

“ A man needs a woman to back him up.”

12. How does Ruth react to Walter's desire for her support?

He just tells her to eat his eggs and go to work

13. Describe the immediate exchange of words between Walter and his sister, Beneatha, when she
comes into the living room.

Walter shows no mercy to her. Telling her to get up earlier, or the she is a horrible chick at that hour.

14. What are Beneatha's hopes for her own future? Why is Walter concerned about Beneatha's plans?

She wants to be a doctor. Not many women decide to become doctors.

15. What sacrifices does Walter say have been made for Beneatha's sake? How does Beneatha react
when she hears this? How does their conversation end?

16. Why does Walter return to the apartment? What does he do?

He needs money for carfare. But he will not look at Ruth

17. How is Mama described in the stage directions?

That she is a beautiful woman. SHe is full-bodied and strong.

18. What does Mama retrieve when she opens the window? What is unique about this object?

She gets a feeble little plant in a small pot. That the plant is feeble. Normally plants are living and well
if they have everything they need to survive so something must be wrong.

19. How does Mama interfere in Ruth's life?

She is telling Ruth what she already knows and Ruth thinks that mama thinks that she doesn’t know
how to run a household.

20. In conversations with Ruth and Beneatha in this scene. Mama's values become more clear. How does
Mama feel about money?

That she wants to use the money within the family.

21. What kind of man was Big Walter? Why does Mama claim he worked himself to death?

He was a very loving man. When they lost their child, Big Walter grieved hisself. “He was one man to
love his children.”

22. How much does Mama value religion? How does she react to Beneatha's denial of God?

She values religion a lot. Mama goes off on her.

23. Mama compares her plant to her children. How are the plant and the children alike? What does the
plant symbolize to Mama?

The plant symbolizes her children. They sprouted great but without sunshine they are feeble now.

24. What does Mama ask Ruth to do at the end of this scene? What happens to Ruth?

She asks her to sing. Ruth goes into a state of semi consciousness.

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