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Motivational Factors:

Factor $$$ A Total

Have a reliable job

Help society
Have achievements
Make decisions independently
Do not work under pressure
Have power
Be competent
Be independent
Be creative
Have a high income
Become famous
Spend enough time with family and friends
Acquire new knowledge
"Do the heavy lifting"
Have authority
Have freedom in time
Take risk
Influence others
Choose a workplace
Career advancement
Look good
Be active in the community
Collaborate with others
Have interests in addition to work
Be on the team
Invent something new
Feel valuable and important
Be self-motivated
Train the brain with sophisticated problems
How to Use the Test:

Imagine you have $10,000

1. Fill in the first column of the test:

 Select one of the most important motivational factors for you. Let’s value it at $3,000
 Select from the remaining two most important motivational factors. Let’s value them at $2,000
 Select from the remaining another two most important factors. Let’s value them at $1,000
 And two more. Let’s value them at $500

You got 7 motivational factors that are ranked in dollars in the first column.

2. Fill in the second column of the test:

Opposite the ranked motivational factors, in the column “A” (achievability) put down numbers from 0
to 2 answering yourself the question:

- Can you get this motivational factor at your current job?

 2 — I can achieve
 1 — perhaps, I can achieve
 0 — I cannot achieve

The number of 2, 1 and 0 is not limited.

3. Fill in the third column of the test.

For the selected motivational factors, multiply the value of the first column ($$$) by the
value of the second one (A).

Add the values in the third column. You should get the total amount in dollars.

$15, 000 — you are in the green zone. Your work is inspiring, you see ways to self-fulfillment, you are
able to maintain the heat of the moment and are well motivated.

$10, 000-14, 000 — the yellow zone. You are motivated, you enjoy your work, but there is
definitely room for improvement. Pay attention, which motivational factors got 0 or 1
coefficients? Think of a way to implement them in your current company. And remember, you
can always consult with colleagues, friends or manager.

Less than $10, 000 — the red zone. Something needs to be changed. Consult with your
manager or HR on how to implement activities that are interesting to you.

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