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What is germination?

Germination is the process of a seed

sprouting to become a plant. This germination worksheet
follows a sequence of first, next and finally about the steps
involved from a seed to a plant. This worksheet is suitable
for grade 2 and 3 students
Write T if the statement is true and F if not.
I. 1. The four main parts of a plant are roots, stem, leaf and
flower. f
2. The functions of roots of a plant are present under the
ground. These roots give support to the plant. It carries
water and nutrients from the soil.t
3. The functions of stem of a plant are present above the
ground. It also gives support to the plant. It carries food and
water to all parts of plant. f
4. The function of leaves is to prepare food for the plant. f
5. The names of three fruits are mango, apple and
watermelon. f
6. Fruits are useful for us because they protect us from
various diseases. t
7. Baby plant grows into a new plant. t
8. The three important things a plant needs to grow are air,
water and sunlight. f
9. A seed cannot grow into a plant without water. F
The parts of a plant / What plants need to grow
Roots -> Take in water and food (mineral
salts) from soil. Anchors plants. The roots
of a plant are spread out.
Stem -> "Like a straw", transports water
through plant. Raises the height of flowers
and leaves. Brings closer to light.
Structural. The stem is made up of little
Leaves -> Different shapes. Almost always
green but sometimes covered with another
colour such as red. Green substance in
leaves -> chlorophyll. Leaves make food for
the plant. To do this they need the water
and mineral salts obtained from the soil.
They are carried inside little veins in the
leaf. To make food leaves also need
sunshine and CO2.
Flowers - > Flowers produce seeds which
form new plants.
Space and warmth also needed for a plant
to grow.

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