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Check Your Comprehension

A. Choose the correct answers for the following questions.

1. Jamie Oliver _________________ the Fifteen restaurant.
a. is a chef at
b. is the owner of
c. was a student at
2. Oliver uses Fifteen to help young people _________________.
a. eat healthy food
b. find jobs
c. become rich
3. In paragraph 3, When they start, they are usually…, who does they refer to?
a. students at fifteen
b. tv chefs
c. customers
4. Today, most Fifteen graduates are working in the _________________ industry.
a. building
b. education
c. food
B. Number these events (1-4) in the order they happen.
a. ____ The student chefs graduate from their training.
b. ____ The student chefs get hands-on training at a top restaurant.
c. ____ In September, a new group of 18- to 24-year-old start work.
d. ____ The student chefs use their training to find jobs.

C. Answer the following questions.

1. James Oliver started Fifteen to help young people get a fresh start in their lives.
How could restaurant training make a young person’s life better?
2. How does learning to manage money and difficult customers help someone in
the restaurant business?

From what you have learned, what does it take to become a professional chef?
What do they have to learn? Use the graphic organizer below to write your answer.

The qualities they need to

have are creativity A chef need to learn
how to cook

Teamwork, passion Basic knowledge about

being in a kitchen.

Organize, curiosity, Learning in a culinary


Let's Get Deeper

Discuss the following questions with a partner.
1. How can people in a community use food to help others? Think about it and
share all the ways you know to your classmates.
2. If you were Jamie Oliver, what would you do to help the community during
Coronavirus pandemic?
1. People in the community use food to help others by giving food to the homeless people, proverty
people, etc.

2. I I were Jamie Oliver, I would also let people who are losing their job and go to my restaurant to cook.
I do that because they will improve their cooking skill. When the Corona pandemic ends, they can
make various of food than before.

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