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INGLES I ......................................................................................................... 4
LESSON 1 .......................................................................................................................... 4
DESCRIBING MY SELF AN OTHERS ........................................................................... 4
SECTION 1 NUMBERS (0-100). ................................................................. 4
SECTION 2 POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES. ................................................. 8
SECTION 3 VERB “TO BE” PRESENT ................................................... 10
SECTION 4 DAYS AND MONTHS ........................................................... 14
SECTION 5 VOCABULARY ..................................................................... 16
LESSON 2 ........................................................................................................................ 23
IT’S ROUTINE ................................................................................................................ 23
SECTION 1 SIMPLE PRESENT ............................................................... 23
SECTION 2 FREQUENCY ADVERBS ...................................................... 30
SECTION 3 VOCABULARY ..................................................................... 34
LESSON 3. ....................................................................................................................... 40
WHAT’S HAPPENING? ................................................................................................. 40
SECTION 3.VOCABULARY ..................................................................... 44
LESSON 4 ........................................................................................................................ 55
AT THE SUPERMARKER ............................................................................................. 55
SECTION 2.HOW MUCH AND HOW MANY. ........................................... 58
SECTION 3. WH QUESTIONS.................................................................. 61
INGLES II .......................................................................................................63
LESSON 1. ....................................................................................................................... 63
COMPARING PEOPLE, PLACES, AND THINGS ....................................................... 63
SECTION 1. ADJECTIVES. ...................................................................... 63
SECTION 2. DESCRIPTIVE ADJECTIVES .............................................. 65
SECTION 3 DESCRIPTIVE ADJECTIVES (Adjetivos Calificativos) ...... 68
SECTION 4. COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVES (AS … AS) ......................... 71
LESSON 2 ........................................................................................................................ 78
TALKING ABOUT TEH PAST ...................................................................................... 78
SECTION 1 SIMPLE PAST ....................................................................... 78
SECTION 2. REGULAR VERBS (affirmative) ......................................... 80
SECTION 3 IRREGULAR VERBS ............................................................ 86
SECTION 4 VOCABULARY ..................................................................... 89
LESSON 3 ........................................................................................................................ 94
UNDERSANDING RULES AND INSTRUCCION ....................................................... 94
SECTION 1.IMPERATIVE FORM (AFFIRMATIVE). ................................. 94
SECTION 3. VOCABULARY .................................................................. 103
LESSON 4 ...................................................................................................................... 104
MAKING PLANS AND PREDICTIONS ..................................................................... 104
SECTION 2. IDIOMATIC FUTURE TENSE ............................................ 104
SECTION 3 VOCABULARY. ................................................................ 107
INGLES III ....................................................................................................109
LESSON 1. ..................................................................................................................... 109
DISCISSING HYPOTHETICAL SITUATIONS .......................................................... 109
SECTION 2 VOCABULARY ................................................................... 111
LESSION 2. .................................................................................................................... 115
COMPARING THEN AND NOW ................................................................................ 115
SECTION 1.REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS............................... 115
SECTION 2.USED TO............................................................................. 117
SECTION 3 VOCABULARY ................................................................... 118
LESSION 3 ..................................................................................................................... 121
COMBINING PAST TENSES....................................................................................... 121
SECTION 1.PAST PROGRESSIVE. ....................................................... 121
SECTION 3 PAST PROGRESSIVE WITH “WHILE” .............................. 124
LESSON 4. ..................................................................................................................... 126
MAKING REQUEST AND GIVING ORDERS ........................................................... 126
SECTION 1. OBJECT VS. SUBJECT PRONOUNS. .............................. 126
SECTION 2.PHRASAL VERBS .............................................................. 127
SECTION 3 IMPERATIVE MOOD........................................................... 130
SECTION 4. INVITATIONS .................................................................... 132
INGLES IV. ...................................................................................................135
LESSON 1. ..................................................................................................................... 135
TALKING ABOUT IMAGINARY SITUATIONS ....................................................... 135
SECTION 1.SIMPLE PAST TENSE REVIEW. ........................................ 135
MIGHT ..................................................................................................... 141
DILEMMAS / THE CONJUCTIONS “AND” AND “BUT” ....................... 144
LESSON 2 THE THINGS WE HAVE SEEN ............................................................... 147
SECTION 1. PRESENT PERFECT ......................................................... 147
SECTION 2 PAST PARTICIPLE REVIEW .............................................. 149
SECTION 3 SIMPLE PAST AND PRESENT PERFECT ........................ 150
SECTION 4. “FOR” AND “SINCE”. ....................................................... 153
SECTION 5. EVER, NEVER, ALREADY & YET ..................................... 155
LESSON 3 ...................................................................................................................... 160
EXPRESSING PREFERENCES AND TASTES .......................................................... 160
PREFER .................................................................................................. 160
SECTION 2. PREFER Vs. MODAL “WOULD RATHER” ....................... 164
LESSON 4. ..................................................................................................................... 170
SECTION 1. RELATIVE PRONOUNS AND CLAUSES ......................... 170
SECTION 2. DESCRIBING PEOPLE...................................................... 173
Appendix ........................................................................................................................ 177
Appendix 1 ..................................................................................................................... 178


Los números en inglés del 1 al 20 son los

que cambian de forma en su escritura y a
la vez presentan rasgos comunes. Los
números del 13 al 19 terminan igual y son
los años que corresponden a la
adolescencia por eso a los adolescentes
en ingles se les dice teenagers (teen
porque están en sus años teen y agers por
la edad).

One-Uno. Eleven-Once.
Two-Dos. Twelve-Doce.
Three-Tres. Thirteen-Trece.
Four-Cuatro. Fourteen-Catorce.
Five-Cinco. Fifteen-Quince.
Six-Seis. Sixteen-Dieciséis.
Seven-Siete. Seventeen-Diecisiete.
Eight-Ocho. Eighteen-Dieciocho.
Nine-Nueve. Nineteen-Diecinueve.
Ten-Diez. Twenty-Veinte.
A partir del veinte (Twenty), los números que le siguen son “Numeros Regulares”
acumulativos: Twenty-one (veintinuno),twenty-two (veintidós)...así hasta el 30
(thirty), al que le sigue thirty-one (treintaiuno), 40 (forty), 50 (fifty), 60 (sixty), 70
(seventy), 80 (eighty), 90 (ninety) y 100 (one hundred).

Twenty-One. (21) Forty-Five. (45) Sixty-Nine. (69) Ninety. (90)

Twenty-Two. (22) Forty-Six. (46) Seventy. (70) Ninety-One. (91)
Twenty-Three. (23) Forty-Seven. (47) Seventy-One. (71) Ninety-Two. (92)
Twenty-Four. (24) Forty-Eight. (48) Seventy-Two. (72) Ninety-Three. (93)
Twenty-Five. (25) Forty-Nine. (49) Seventy- Ninety-Four. (94)
Twenty-Six. (26) Fifty. (50) Three. (73) Ninety-Five. (95)
Twenty-Seven. (27) Fifty-One. (51) Seventy-Four. (74) Ninety-Six. (96)
Twenty-Eight. (28) Fifty-Two. (52) Seventy-Five. (75) Ninety-Seven. (97)
Twenty-Nine. (29) Fifty-Three. (53) Seventy-Six. (76) Ninety-Eight. (98)
Thirty. (30) Fifty-Four. (54) Seventy- Ninety-Nine. (99)
Thirty-One. (31) Fifty-Five. (55) Seven. (77) One hundred. (100)
Thirty-Two. (32) Fifty-Six. (56) Seventy-
Thirty-Three. (33) Fifty-Seven. (57) Eight. (78)
Thirty-Four. (34) Fifty-Eight. (58) Seventy-Nine. (79)
Thirty-Five. (35) Fifty-Nine. (59) Eighty. (80)
Thirty-Six. (36) Sixty. (60) Eighty-One. (81)
Thirty-Seven. (37) Sixty-One. (61) Eighty-Two. (82)
Thirty-Eight. (38) Sixty-Two. (62) Eighty-Three. (83)
Thirty-Nine. (39) Sixty-Three. (63) Eighty-Four. (84)
Forty. (40) Sixty-Four. (64) Eighty-Five. (85)
Forty-One. (41) Sixty-Five. (65) Eighty-Six. (86)
Forty-Two. (42) Sixty-Six. (66) Eighty-Seven. (87)
Forty-Three. (43) Sixty-Seven. (67) Eighty-Eight. (88)
Forty-Four. (44) Sixty-Eight. (68) Eighty-Nine. (89)
Los números del 100 al 1000 son:

100 (one hundred), 200, (two hundred), 300 (three hundred).....así hasta el 1000
(one thousand), 2000 (two thousand), 3000 (three thousand)...y así hasta 1
millón (one milion), 2 millones ( Two milion)....

100 one hundred 130 one hundred and thirty

101 one hundred and one 131 one hundred and thirty one
102 one hundred and two 140 one hundred and forty
103 one hundred and three 150 one hundred and fifty
104 one hundred and four 160 one hundred and sixty
105 one hundred and five 170 one hundred and seventy
106 one hundred and six 180 one hundred and eighty
107 one hundred and seven 190 one hundred and ninety
108 one hundred and eight 200 two hundred
109 one hundred and nine 300 three hundred
110 one hundred and ten 400 four hundred
111 one hundred and eleven 500 five hundred
112 one hundred and twelve 600 six hundred
113 one hundred and thirteen 700 seven hundred
114 one hundred and fourteen 800 eight hundred
115 one hundred and fifteen 900 nine hundred
116 one hundred and sixteen 1000 one thousand
117 one hundred and seventeen
118 one hundred and eighteen
119 one hundred and nineteen
120 one hundred and twenty
121 one hundred and twenty one
122 one hundred and twenty two
Exercise 1

eighteen ____ one hundred and eleven ____

twelve ____ three hundred and seventy-four ____
fourteen ____ seven hundred and eighty-nine ____
twenty ____ two thousand six hundred and twenty-one ____
thirty-one ____ five thousand four hundred and thirty-two ____
forty- ____ sixteen thousand seven hundred and ninety- ____
fifty-eight ____ thirty-seven thousand nine hundred and thirteen ____
sixty-seven ____

Exercise 2


11 ___________________________________________
29 ___________________________________________
44 ___________________________________________
209 ___________________________________________
677 ___________________________________________
892 ___________________________________________

Los adjetivos posesivos en inglés son: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their. Hacen
referencia a quien posee y no a lo poseído. En general preceden a sustantivos. **1

Inglés (Pronunciación) Español
My (mái) mi, mis
Your (iór) - tú, tus / su, sus (de usted)
His (jis) - su, sus (de él)
Her (jer) - su, sus (de ella)
Its (its) - su, sus (de algo)
Our (áuar) - nuestro/a/os/as
Your (iór) - su, sus (de ustedes/vosotros)
Their (dér) - su, sus (de ellos/as)


my job mi trabajo
my girlfriend mi novia
my friends mis amigos
your name tu nombre
his car su carro (él)
his house su casa (él)
her English class su clase de inglés (ella)
her teachers sus maestros (ella)
its roof su techo
its culture su cultura
our planet nuestro planeta
our money nuestro dinero
your country su país (ustedes)
your help su ayuda (ustedes)
their houses su casa (ellos)
their cars sus autos

Para ampliar conocimientos visita:
Exercise 1



Her book





4. camera

Me and my mother


Algo que, al principio, le resulta difícil de entender a todo estudiante es que, en
castellano, el infinitivo de los verbos tiene tres terminaciones: ar (cantar), er (beber)
e ir (dormir). Más adelante observarás que los verbos ingleses tienen gran variedad
de terminaciones. Por ese motivo -con el único objetivo de unificación- a los verbos
en inglés se les antepone la preposición to para indicar que están "en infinitivo"
(ejemplo, to be = ser o estar).


En inglés el verbo viene siempre precedido por el pronombre personal (sujeto de la

oración). En castellano no ocurre lo mismo: al comenzar una oración podemos decir
soy, estoy (sujeto tácito o implícito) en reemplazo de yo soy, yo estoy. Cabe insistir
que, en inglés, el pronombre I (yo) se escribe siempre con mayúscula, ya sea que se
encuentre al principio o en el medio de una oración.




Normal Contracted Normal Contracción

I am I'm Yo soy, estoy Soy, Estoy

You are You're Tú eres, estás Eres, Estás
He is He's El es, está Es, Está (para El)
She is She's Ella es, está Es, Está (para Ella)
It is It's El/Ella es, está Es, Está (para El o Ella)
We are We're Nosotros/as somos, Somos, Estamos
You are You're Ustedes son/están Son/Están
They are They're Ellos/as son, están Son, Están (para Ellos o Ellas)


Normal Contracted Normal Contracción

Am I? - ¿Soy/Estoy yo? ¿Soy/Estoy?

Are you? - ¿Eres/Estás tú? ¿Eres/Estás?
Is he? - ¿Es/Está él? ¿Es/Está? (El)
Is she? - ¿Es/Está ella? ¿Es/Está? (Ella)
- ¿Es/Esta él? ¿Es/Está
Is it? ¿Es/Está? (El o Ella)
- ¿Somos/Estamos
Are we? ¿Somos/Estamos?
Are you? - ¿Son/Están ustedes? ¿Son/Están?
Are they? - ¿Son/Están ellos/as? ¿Son/Están? (Ellos o Ellas)



Normal Contracted Normal Contracción

I am not I'm not Yo no soy/estoy No soy/estoy

You are not You're not Tú no eres/estás No eres/estás
You aren't
He is not He's not El no es/está No es/está
He isn't (para El)
She is not She's not Ella no es/está No es/está
She isn't (para Ella)
It is not It's not El/Ella no es/está No es/está
It isn't (para El o Ella)
We are not We're not Nosotros/as no somos No somos
We aren't Nosotros/as no estamos No estamos
You are not You're not Ustedes no son/están No son/están
You aren't
They are not They're not Ellos/as no son/están No son/están
They aren't (para Ellos o Ellas)
Exercise 1 Verb “To Be” Affirmative
Write the correct form of the verb to be in present to complete the following
1. It _________ cold today.
2. I _________ at home now.
3. They _________ Korean.
4. My name _________ Nikita.
5. We _________ from Ukraine.
6. That _________ right.
7. I _________ OK, thanks.
8. Clara and Steve _________ married.
9. She _________ an English teacher.

Exercise 2 “To Be” Interrogative

Write questions with the verb to be in present to complete the following

sentences (follow the example).

Example: you / a good singer-->Are you a good singer?

1. David Bisbal / your favorite pop star?
2. We / from England?
3. You / twelve?
4. Your friends / good students?
5. Messi / your favorite footballer?
6. She / a good teacher?
7. Martha / a tennis player?
8. The dogs / under the table?
9. The cat / in the garden?
10. He / happy?

Exercise 3 “To Be” Negative

Write the negative form of the verb to be in present to complete the following
1. We _______________ friends.

2. Mary and Mark _______________ doctors.

3. Peter _______________ a football player.

4. Blue _______________ her favorite color.

5. Catherine _______________ from Italy.

6. The dogs _______________ white.

7. They _______________ English teachers.

8. A cat _______________ a dangerous animal.

9. The computer _______________ new.

10. The chairs _______________ old.


En inglés los días de la semana y los meses son:

DÍAS DE LA SEMANA: (Siempre se escriben con mayúscula como los

propios nombres)

LUNES Monday
MARTES Tuesday
JUEVES Thursday
SÁBADO Saturday

MESES DEL AÑO: (Siempre se escriben con mayúscula como nombres)

ENERO January
FEBRERO February
Exercise 1
1. U S Y T E A D: __________________
2. A F R Y I D: __________________
3. U A N Y D S: __________________
4. A Y W D E D E N S: __________________
5. N A D Y O M: __________________
6. T S A R U Y A D: __________________
7. R H U D A T S Y: __________________

Exercise 2
1. ____ anuary
2. ____ bruary
3. ____ arch
4. ____ pril
5. ____ ay
6. ____ une
7. ____ uly
8. ____ ugust
9. ____ eptember
10. ____ ctober
11. ____ ovember
12. ____ ecember

Las estaciones (seasons) del año en inglés son:


it's hot.
it's sunny.
people go to the
In summer,
People usually go
on holiday.
Summer – Verano

it's often windy.

In autumn, it's cloudy.
it's a bit cold.

Autumn o Fall – Otoño

it's very cold.

it rains.
In Winter, it's rainy.
it snows.
it's snowy.
Winter – Invierno

it's warm.
it's nice.
In spring
people go on a
Spring – Primavera
Exercise 1
Unscramble and write the season.
1. i g r p n s: __________________
2. u m s e m r: __________________
3. m a t u u n: __________________
4. e r w i n t: __________________


Algunos países y sus nacionalidades en inglés son:

País Nacionalidad Pronunciación

AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIAN ostréilia, austréilian
BELGIUM BELGIAN bélyium, bélyian
BOLIVIA BOLIVIAN bolí:via, bolí:vian
BRAZIL BRAZILIAN bresíl, bresílian
BULGARIA BULGARIAN bulgária, bulgárian
CANADA CANADIAN kánada, kanéidian
CHILE CHILEAN chíle, chiléan
CHINA CHINESE cháina, chainí:s
COLOMBIA COLOMBIAN kolómbia, kolómbian
FRANCE FRENCH frans, frénch
FINLAND FINNISH fínland, fínish
ICELAND ICELANDER áisland, aislánder
INDIA INDIAN índia, índian
ITALY ITALIAN ítali, itálian
MEXICO MEXICAN méksikou, méksikan
PERU PERUVIAN perú, perúvian
The PHILIPPINES FILIPINO de fílipins, filipínou
RUSSIA RUSSIAN rásha, ráshan
SCOTLAND SCOTTISH skótland, skótish
The UNITED KINGDOM BRITISH di iunáitit kíngdom, brítish
The UNITED STATES AMERICAN di iunáitit stéits, amérikan
VENEZUELA VENEZUELAN venesuéla, venesuélan
Exercise 2
Look at the example and write.
He is from China.

1. China
He is Chinese

2. Japan

3. Australia

4. France

5. Spain

6. England

Los miembros de la familia en inglés son (su pronunciación está dentro de los
aunt(ant) - tía husband(jásband) - esposo
brother(bróder) - hermano mom, mommy(mam, mámi) - mami,
brother-in-law(bróder in ló) - cuñado mamita
children(children) - hijos mother(máder) - madre
mother-in-law(máder in ló) - suegra
cousin(kósin) - primo/a
dad, daddy(dád, dádi) - papi, papito nephew(néfiu) - sobrino
daughter(dóter) - hija niece(níis) - sobrina
daughter-in-law(dóter in ló) - nuera only child(óunli cháild) - hijo/a único/a
orphan(órfan) - huérfano
father(fáder) - padre
father-in-law(fáder in ló) - suegro parents(pérents) - padres
first-born(férst-bórn) - primogénito sister(síster) - hermana
goddaughter(god dóter) - ahijada sister-in-law(síster in ló) - cuñada
son(san) - hijo
godfather(god fáder) - padrino
godmother(god máder) - madrina son-in-law(san in ló) - yerno
godson(gód son) - ahijado stepdaughter(stép dóter) - hijastra
grandchildren(gránd chíldren) - nietos stepfather(stép fáder) - padrastro
stepmother(stép máder) - madrastra
granddaughter(gránd dóter) - nieta
grandfather(gránd fáder) - abuelo stepson(stép son) - hijastro
grandmother(gránd máder) - abuela uncle(ankl) - tío
grandparents(gránd párents) - abuelos wife(uáif) - esposa

grandson(gránd son) - nieto

great-grandfather(gréit gránd fáder) -
great-grandmother(gréit gránd máder) -
great-grandparents(gréit- gránd párents) -

Exercise 3
Fill in the correct family member.
1. My mother's sister is my ________________.
2. My daughter's brother is my ________________.
3. My father's daughter is my ________________.
4. My mum and dad are my ________________.
5. My sister's son is my ________________.
6. My aunt's son or daughter is my ________________.
7. My father's brother is my ________________.
8. My mother's father is my ________________.
9. My daughter's son is my ________________.
10. My brother's daughter is my ________________.


Algunas profesiones y ocupaciones o trabajos se enlistan a continuación:

accountant contador model modelo
actor actor mailman (US) cartero
actress actriz nanny niñera
air hostess azafata nurse enfermera
architect arquitecto inspector inspector
diseñador de
astronaut astronauta interior designer
au-pair, babysitter niñera jeweller joyero
baker panadero journalist periodista
bank clerk empleado bancario office worker oficinista
beekeeper apicultor painter pintor
barbero, peluquero
barber photographer fotógrafo
(de hombre)
bookseller librero pilot piloto
bricklayer albañil plumber fontanero, plomero
conductor de
bus driver policeman policía
butcher carnicero policewoman mujer policía
chemist farmacéutico politician político
chimney-sweeper deshollinador postman (GB) cartero
consultant asesor office worker oficinista
cook cocinero psychiatrist psiquiatra
customs officer oficial de aduanas psychologist psicólogo
dentist dentista receptionist recepcionista
disc jockey, DJ disc jockey, DJ reporter reportero
doctor médico sailor marinero
driver conductor salesman vendedor
driving instructor instructor de manejo scientist científico
dustman basurero secretary secretario
guardia de
Electrician electricista security guard
employee empleado shepherd pastor
engineer ingeniero shoemaker zapatero
factory worker obrero singer cantante
farmer agricultor soldier soldado
instructor de
fashion designer diseñador de moda sports instructor
firefighter , fireman bombero stockbroker agente de bolsa
fisherman pescador student estudiante
gardener jardinero surgeon cirujano
graphic designer diseñador gráfico tailor sastre
peluquero (de
hairdresser taxi driver taxista
inspector inspector teacher profesor, maestro
diseñador de
interior designer technician técnico
telemarketer, persona que vende
jeweller joyero
telesales person por teléfono
journalist periodista tourist guide guía turística
judge juez translator traductor
lawyer abogado university lecturer
vet (GB),
librarian bibliotecario veterinario
veterinarian (US)
lifeguard waiter camarero
lorry driver camionero waitress camarera
mechanic mecánico watchmaker relojero
meson albañil writer escritor
Exercise 4

Write the name of the following professions and occupations.


El presente simple afirmativo se forma con el infinitivo del verbo sin "to".

En la 3ª persona del singular (he, she, it) se añade una -s final al verbo.

I play Yo juego

You play Tú juegas

He plays Él juega

She plays Ella juega

It plays Juega

We play

You play ustedes juegan

They play Ellos juegan


I work as a secretary Trabajo como secretaria

You call her every day La llamas todos los días

He finishes his job Termina su trabajo

She goes home Se va a casa

It matters a lot Importa mucho

We study maths Estudiamos matemáticas

You use a dictionary Usan un diccionario

Les gustan los helados

They like ice creams
Formación de la 3ª persona

Como regla general, hemos dicho que la 3ª persona del singular en presente simple
lleva una -s final. Pero hay excepciones según el verbo termine en -y, -o, -ch, -sh,
-ss, -x.

1) Si el verbo acaba en -y precedida de una consonante, se cambia la -y por -


To cry She cries Ella llora

To study He studies Él estudia

To fly It flies Vuela

2) Si la terminación -y va precedida de una vocal, como hemos visto antes

como el verbo "to play", sólo se le añadirá una -s.

He plays (él estudia).

3) Si el verbo acaba en -o precedida de una consonante, se añadirá -es.

(To do) He does Él hace

(To go) She goes Ella va

4) Si el verbo acaba en -ch, -sh, -ss, -x, se añade -es.

(To watch) She watches Ella ve

(To wash) he washes Él lava

(To pass) She passes Ella aprueba

(To fix) He fixes Él arregla

Exercise 1
Arrange the words to make affirmative sentences in simple present.
1. I / to collect stamps:

2. we / to play card games:

3. he / to read comics:

4. Chris / to sing in a band:

5. we / to have a hamster:

6. Andy and John / to like cola:

7. she / to be nice:

8. they / to help their parents:

9. the children / to speak English:

10 I / to buy a newspaper every Saturday:



La estructura del presente simple en forma negativa es:

Sujeto + do/does + not + verbo ...

Forma larga Forma corta

I do not play I don't play Para indicar que es

negativo se usa el auxiliar
You do not play You don't play Do y Does para terceras
personas. No tiene
significado únicamente
He does not play He doesn't play
indica que en este caso es
un negativo al seguirle
She does not play She doesn't play

It does not play It doesn't play

We do not play We don't play

You do not play You don't play

They do not They don't play


I do not live in London No vivo en Londres

You don't have any pets No tienes mascotas

He does not understand him No lo comprende

She doesn't write a letter No escribe una carta

It does not work No funciona

We don't play tennis No jugamos al tenis

You do not watch TV No ven la televisión

They don't remember anything No recuerdan nada

Exercise 2
Write the negation of the verbs in bold.

1) They play volleyball every week.

They ___________ volleyball every week.

2) John is nice.
John ___________ nice.

3) This car makes a lot of noise.

This car ___________ a lot of noise.

4) I like computer games.

I ___________ computer games.

5) We are from Greece.

We ___________ from Greece.

6) You wear pullovers.

You ___________ pullovers.

7) They speak English.

They ___________ English.

8) He watches TV.
He ___________ TV.

9) I am from Spain.
I ___________ from Spain

10) Steve draws nice pictures.

Steve ___________ nice pictures.


La forma interrogativa tiene dos opciones, preguntar afirmativamente o


AFIRMATIVO Forma larga:

Do/does + sujeto + not + verbo?
Do/does + sujeto + verbo?
Forma corta:
Don´t/doesn´t + sujeto + verbo?

Forma Larga Forma corta
Do I play...? Do I not play...? Don't I play...?

Do you play...? Do you not play...? Don't you play...?

|Does he play...? Does he not play...? Doesn't he play...?

Does she play...? Does she not play...? Doesn't she play...?

Does it play...? Does it not play...? Doesn't it play...?

Do we play...? Do we not play...? Don't we play...?

Do you play...? Do you not play...? Don't you play...?

Do they play...? Do they not play...? Don't they play...?


Do I eat this dessert? ¿Me como este postre?

Don't you speak English? ¿No hablas inglés?

Does he know him? ¿Le conoce?

Doesn't she play the violin? ¿No toca el violin?

Does it float? ¿Flota?

Don't we study this subject? ¿No estudiamos este tema?

Do you go to the cinema? ¿Vais al cine?

Don't they smoke? ¿No fuman?

Exercise 3
Put in the correct verb forms and the nouns into the gaps. Use simple present.

1. ________to School? (You/to walk)

2. ________a banana in the morning? (Ronda/to eat)

3. ________parrots? (Your father/to like)

4. ________a room with her sister? (Wendy/to share)

5. ________a lot in England? (It/to rain)

6. ________sports after school? (The friends/to do)

7. ________camping in summer? (Susan and Jack/to go)

8. ________their friends to the party? (They/to invite)

9. ________ at the bus stop? (We/to wait)

10. ________ in the mornings? (He/to smile)

Los adverbios de frecuencia como su nombre lo indica, nos sirven para saber con
qué frecuencia o periodicidad un sujeto realiza una acción determinada.

Para saber cuándo debemos utilizarlos, aquí una lista de los adverbios de frecuencia
más comunes en inglés. La lista está en orden de periodicidad con la que se realiza
la acción: comenzando por “siempre” y terminando por “nunca”.

Always (siempre) – la acción se realiza 100% del tiempo

 How frequently do you think of me? (¿Con qué frecuencia piensas en mi?)
 Always, I can’t stop thinking of you. (Siempre. No puedo dejar de pensar en

Frequently (frecuentemente)

 How often do you practice sport? (¿Qué tan a menudo haces deporte?)
 Frequently, because I love swimming. (Frecuentemente, porque me encanta

Usually o Normally (usualmente o normalmente)

 Karen, do you know what time is John going to arrive? (Karen, ¿sabes a qué
hora va a llegar Juan?)
 No, John usually arrives late. (No, Juan normalmente llega tarde.)

Often (a menudo)

 Do you often come here? (¿Vienes aquí a menudo?)

 Not very often, and you? (No muy a menudo, ¿y tú?)

Sometimes (algunas veces)

 How frequently do you go out with your friends? (¿Qué tan seguido sales con
tus amigos?)
 I just sometimes go out with them. (Solo algunas veces salgo con ellos.)

Occasionally (ocasionalmente)

 Do you often play chess? (¿Juegas ajedrez a menudo?)

 No, I occasionally play chess. (No. Juego ajedrez ocasionalmente.)
Seldom o Hardly ever (pocas veces)

 Have you tried to speak to them? (¿Has tratado de hablar con ellos?)
 Yes, but they are seldom at the office when we call. (Si, pero muy pocas
veces están en la oficina cuando llamamos.)

Rarely (rara vez)

 Is it always this cold in February? (¿Es siempre así de frío en febrero?)

 No, it rarely gets that cold this time of the year. (No. Es raro que haga tanto
frío en esta época del año.)

Never (nunca)

 Have you seen this film before? (¿Has visto esta película antes?)
 No, I have never seen it. (No, nunca la he visto.)

Reglas gramaticales de los adverbios de frecuencia en inglés o

Frequency Adverbs.

Los adverbios de frecuencia los puedes colocar en distintos lugares de la oración:

1. Si la oración tiene un verbo (no un verbo auxiliar), coloca el adverbio de

frecuencia después del sujeto y antes del verbo.

 Diana usually calls after dinner. (Diana normalmente habla después de la


2. Si la oración tiene el verbo “to be”, coloca el adverbio de frecuencia después

del verbo “be”.

 Rachel isoften at her office early in the morning. (Raquel esta a menudo
en su oficina temprano en la mañana.)

3. Si la oración tiene más de un verbo (de los cuales uno es auxiliar), coloca el
adverbio de frecuencia antes del verbo principal.

 I can never do anything when my kid is sick. (Nunca puedo hacer nada
cuando mi hijo está enfermo.)

4. Cuando utilizas los adverbios de frecuencia en preguntas o en la forma

negativa, coloca el adverbio de frecuencia antes del verbo principal.
 Do you usually brush your teeth after each meal? (¿Normalmente te lavas
los dientes después de cada comida?)
 Yes, I always brush my teeth after each meal. (Sí, siempre me lavo los
dientes después de cada comida.)
 She doesn’t often go shopping. (Ella no suele ir de compras.)

5. Cuando contestas alguna pregunta, normalmente el adverbio de frecuencia

lo colocas al principio seguido de una coma, a menos que tu respuesta sea
más completa.

 Normally, I get up at around at 7 a.m. (Normalmente me levanto alrededor

de las 7.)
 On weekends and holidays, I always get up late. (Los fines de semana y
en vacaciones, siempre me levanto tarde.)

Exercise 1
Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its
correct position.

1) He listens to the radio. (Often)


2) They read a book. (Sometimes)


3) Pete gets angry. (Never)


4) Tom is very friendly. (Usually)


5) I take sugar in my coffee. (Sometimes)

6) Ramon and Frank are hungry. (Often)

7) My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (Always)


8) Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (Usually)


9) They watch TV in the afternoon. (Never)


10) Christine smokes. (Never)


Free time = the time when you are not working, when you can choose what you do.

Free time = leisure time


Go to the cinema - to see Hollywood blockbuster movies, Bollywood movies (from

India), art films, animated films. You can also say go to the movies.

Some film categories are: Comedy, Drama, Horror, Thriller, Action, Science Fiction
(Sci-Fi), Fantasy, Documentary, Musical.

Watch TV - Different types of television programs are: The News, Soap Operas,
Criminal Investigation Dramas, Medical Dramas, Reality TV, Situation Comedies
(Sit-Coms), Talk Shows, Documentaries, Cartoons, Game Shows, Sports programs,
Movies, Political programs, Religious programs.

Spend time with family - You can do many things with your family. Usually, the fact
that you are together is more important than the activity.
Go out with friends - You can also do many things with your friends, like go out to
a bar, go dancing at a club, have dinner at a restaurant, play a sport, sit down and
talk, go out for a coffee, have a barbecue, or any other activity that you all enjoy. Or
sometimes when you don't do anything specific, you can say hang out with friends.

Surf the internet - On the internet, you can research a topic you are interested in
using a search engine, visit your favourite websites, watch music videos, create your
own video and upload it for other people to see, maintain contact with your friends
using a social networking site, write your thoughts in a blog, learn what is happening
in the world by reading news websites, etc.

Play video games - You can play games on your computer or on a game consoles,
like PlayStation, X-Box, Wii, PSP, Gameboy, etc. You can play on your own or with
your friends or family.

Play a musical instrument - Learn to play the piano, guitar, violin, cello, flute, piano
accordion, mouth organ, panpipes, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, etc. You can play
on your own or with a group, such as a band or an orchestra.

Listen to music - Turn up the volume and listen to your favourite type of music,
such as pop, rock, hip hop, rhythm & blues, blues, jazz, classical, soul, heavy metal.

Read - Many people love to read both fiction and non-fiction books and magazines.
If you like fiction, you can read novels, short stories, crime fiction, romance, etc. If
you like non-fiction, you can read biographies, autobiographies, or books on history,
science, philosophy, religion, or any other topic you are interested in.

Write - Many people like to write in their diary. Another name for a diary is a journal.
You can also write many other things, such as poetry, novels, letters, short stories,
etc. (See under Read for more options).

Go to the park - You can go to the park alone, with family or with friends. You can
take a picnic rug and a picnic basket and have a picnic. You can read, sleep, kick a
football around, climb trees or play on the children's playground.

Go to cultural locations and events - There are many types of cultural locations
and events. You can go to the museum, to an art gallery or to the zoo to see animals
from around the world. You can go to concerts, plays, musicals, dance recitals and
opera performances.

Go shopping - Many people like to go to shopping malls and areas of the city that
are known for shopping to buy clothes or items for their houses and gardens.

Cook - Many people like to cook different types of food. You can make meals for
breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can bake cakes, cookies, slices and pastries in the
oven. Some people boast that they have a special recipe - ask them to cook it for

Study something - There are many things that you can study just because you find
it interesting! You can study a language; you can learn a skill, such as cooking or
making furniture; or you can even study the hieroglyphs of the ancient Egyptians, if
you want to!

Art and crafts - There are many, many arts and crafts that you can learn and
practice. You can paint, draw, sew, crochet, knit, sculpt, engrave, make furniture,
make jewelry, or you can even create your own new art form!

Gardening - You can plant flowers, vegetables or herbs and maintain your garden
by watering it, pulling the weeds and feeding it with fertilizer.

Exercise and play a sport - To stay fit and healthy, you can do exercise alone, such
as swimming or working out at a gym, or you can play a team sport, such as football
or basketball. For more information on sports and exercise, go to our Sports Page

Exercise 1
Complete the following sentences with the correct word from the chart.

cycle chess photographs

dancing a voluntary worker

Maggy would like to be a ballerina. So, she just

1. can't miss her ____________lessons.

It is rainy today. Why don't you play

2. ____________ with your grandfather?
3. You take very nice ____________.

I've bought a little boat. Instead of going for a

____________ ride tomorrow?

I don't have free time anymore. I am

5. ____________ and after my work, I meet my



Business Studies: Here you learn about how the business world works.

Drama: A class where you can try acting and learn about the theatre.

Economics: Here we learn about how trade, industry and money is organized in the

Geography: The study of the world's land, rivers, mountains, weather and how it all

History: The study of the past and how past events shaped our world.
Mathematics (also Math in USA; Maths in UK):The study of numbers, shapes and

Physical Education: Learning how to play sports and getting some exercise.

Religious Education / Studies: The study of belief systems and God.

Science: Usually this subject is taught in three fields:

 Biology: The study of living things like plants, animals and humans.
 Chemistry: The study of different substances and how they interact.
 Physics: The study of matter and energy and how they affect each other.


Boarding School: (noun) A type of school where students live as well as study.

'During my first few weeks at boarding school I missed my parents a lot.'

Cheat: (verb) to act in a dishonest way to get what you want.

'The student cheated by writing the answers on his hand and looking at them during
the test.'

Co-educational: (noun) a school that has both male and female students. A schools
for just boys (or girls) is called a single-sex school.

'I think co-educational schools helps students to form better relationships with
members of the opposite sex in later life.'

Coursework: (noun) Coursework is the work done by students that contributes

towards their overall grade, but which is assessed separately from their final exams.
Coursework can, for example, take the form of experimental work, or may involve
research. It can comprise of dissertations, reports or essays.

'I get nervous when I take a test. I prefer to do coursework because I have a long
time to do it and I can do it at my own pace.'

Enrol: (verb)to enrol means to join a course. In American English it is spelt enroll.
The noun form is enrolment (enrollment US)
Exercise 2
Complete the following sentences with the correct word from the chart.

geography cheat qualification

enrolled mathematics

1. My favorite subject is _____________. I'm very good with numbers.

2. We learn how rivers are formed today in __________________.

3. She tries to _________________ on her test, but her teacher sees her.

4. Only students who are _________________ on this course may enter

the classroom.

5. To work for this company you need a university



Los tiempos progresivos ("progressive tenses" o "continuous tenses") expresan el
"progreso" o desarrollo de una acción en un momento dado. El tiempo presente
progresivo ("present progressive") expresa una acción que se está desarrollando en
el momento presente, generalmente, una acción temporaria que comenzó hace
poco tiempo y que terminará pronto. En inglés, al igual que en español, el tiempo
presente progresivo está formado por el verbo auxiliar "be" (ser o estar) conjugado
en tiempo presente, más el "present participle" (form + ing) del verbo principal.

Unos ejemplos son:

Sujeto estar/ser present participle

I am eating.
You are working
She/He is playing
They are singing

Las formas del presente progresivo son:

Exercise 1 Affirmative
Use the words below to make sentences in present progressive
1) I / to read a book = __________________________
2) It / to rain = __________________________
3) He / to repair his bike = __________________________
4) They / to watch a film = __________________________
5) The cat /to sleep on the chair = __________________________
6) Jane and Emily / to do their homework = __________________________
7) Bill / to wait at the bus stop = __________________________
8) We / to listen to the radio = __________________________
9) The children / to play a game= __________________________
10)Laura / to walk the dog = __________________________

Exercise 2 Negative
Put in the verb in brackets into the gap and form negative sentences in
present progressive.
Use long forms of the auxiliaries only.

1) The children questions. (not/to ask)

2) Nick to the gym. (not/to go)
3) I the door. (not/to open)
4) He jokes. (not/to tell)
5) The baby now. (not/to cry)
6) We a farm. (not/to visit)
7) They the phone. (not/to answer)
8) Gerry, Joe and Boris hamburgers. (not/to eat)
9) My teacher at the bus stop. (not/to wait)
10) The rabbit over the fence. (not/to climb)

Exercise 3 Interrogative
Complete the questions with the correct form.

1) ___________________ in the lake? (Lisa/to swim)

2) ___________________ your brother? (you/to help)
3) ___________________ a museum? (he/to visit)
4) ___________________ her T-shirt? (Doris/to wash)
5) ___________________ home? (they/to run)
6) ___________________ to the radio? (Henry/to listen)
7) ___________________ the buckets? (the boys/to carry)
8) ___________________ the string of the kite? (she/to hold)
9) ___________________ breakfast? (we/to make)
10) ___________________ the computer? (Ron and Fred/to check)

La diferencia entre estos dos tiempos es importante acorde a lo que queramos decir.
Hasta ahora hemos visto las conjugaciones de ambos y es tiempo de ver los usos
que tienen y lo más importante ¿Cuándo usar uno o el otro?
La diferencia más importante radica en si lo que queremos decir es algo en general
o si es algo inmediato.

In general or right now?

Do you want to express that something happens in general or that something is

happening right now?

Simple Present Present Progressive
In general (regularly, often, never) Right now

Colin plays football every Tuesday. Look! Colin is playing football now.

Present actions happening one Also for several actions happening at

after another the same time

First Colin plays football, then he Colin is playing football and Anne is
watches TV. watching.
Signal words
 always  at the moment
 every ...  at this moment
 often  today
 normally  now
 usually  right now
 sometimes  Listen!
 seldom  Look!
 never
 first
 then
Note: The following verbs are usually only used in Simple Present:

be, have, hear, know, like, love, see, smell, think, want

Estos verbos no se ponen en ING

Exercise 1
Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple present or present progressive)
1. Look! He (leave) ______________ the house.
2. Quiet please! I (write) ______________ a test.
3. She usually (walk) ______________ to school.
4. But look! Today she (go) ______________ by bike.
5. Every Sunday we (go) ______________ to see my grandparents.
6. He often (go) ______________ to the cinema.
7. We (play) ______________ Monopoly at the moment.
8. The child seldom (cry) ______________.
9. I (not / do) ______________ anything at the moment.
10. (watch / he) ______________ the news regularly?


Personal items — Accesorios

Clothing — Ropa
dress vestido wallet cartera
skirt falda purse monedero
miniskirt minifalda handbag bolso de mano
blouse blusa umbrella paraguas
stockings medias walking stick bastón
tights mallas; medias glasses gafas
socks calcetines earrings pendientes
shoes (a pair of zapatos (un par de
wedding ring anillo de casado
shoes) zapatos)
high heels
(abreviatura de high- tacones altos engagement ring anillo de compromiso
heeled shoes)
sandals sandalias lipstick pintalabios
zapato con tacón de
stilettos makeup maquillaje
trainers zapatillas de deporte ring anillo
wellingtons botas de agua bracelet brazalete, pulsera
dress vestido necklace collar
slippers zapatillas piercing piercing
shoelace cordón de zapatos sunglasses gafas de sol
boots botas watch reloj
leather jacket chaqueta de cuero cufflinks gemelos
gloves guantes belt cinturón
vest chaleco lighter mechero, encendedor
underpants calzoncillos keyring llavero
knickers bragas keys llaves
bra sujetador comb cepillo para el pelo
blazer americana hairbrush peine
swimming costume bañador mirror espejo
bañador (para el
swimming trunks handkerchief pañuelo
Other related words — Otras
pyjamas pijama
palabras relacionadas
nightie (abreviatura
camisõn to wear vestir
de nightdress)
dressing gown bata, albornoz to put on ponerse
bikini bikini to take off quitarse
hat sombrero to get dressed vestirse
baseball cap gorra de béisbol to get undressed desvestirse
scarf bufanda button botón
coat abrigo tight ajustado/a
overcoat abrigo loose ancho/a
jacket chaqueta
trousers (a pair of pantalones (un par de
trousers) pantalones)
suit traje
shorts pantalones cortos
jeans vaqueros
shirt camisa
tie corbata
t-shirt camiseta
raincoat chubasquero
anorak anorak
pullover jersey
sweater suéter
cardigan rebeca
jumper jersey

Exercise 1
Write the name of the following items

1) 2) 3)

4) 5) 6)

7) 8) 9)


Word Meaning Example Sentence
Part of speech
The air conditioner keeps
Air conditioner/air
an appliance that cools down the office nice and
the air in a home or building comfortable even when it's
very hot outside.
avalanche a dangerous slide of snow The skiers were warned
noun down a mountain about a possible avalanche.
It's supposed to go below
below freezing temperature less than 0
freezing before the
preposition/adjective degrees Celsius/(32F)
blizzard a storm with lots of snow and The airplane couldn't take-
noun wind off because of the blizzard.
Word Meaning Example Sentence
Part of speech
boiling hot common expression for It was boiling hot, so we all
adjective + noun describing a very hot day jumped into the lake.
Don't bother with a hat.
light wind There is always a breeze
near the ocean.
measurement of temperature In the summer, the average
(0 degrees is freezing/100 is temperature here is 20
boiling) degrees Celsius.
It's a bit chilly today, so I
cold think you should wear a
It may look cloudy in the
cloud/cloudy water in the sky that appears
morning, but the sun always
noun/adjective as a white or grey mass
comes out by afternoon.
They're calling for a cold
cold spell a period of colder than average
spell, so we put off our
adjective + noun weather
camping trip.
The days were boiling hot,
cool temperature in between warm
but the nights were cool and
adjective and cold
comfortable for sleeping.
I don't feel the heat until it's
measurement for temperature about forty degrees Celsius
drizzling I think I'll take the dog for a
raining slightly
continuous verb walk. It's only drizzling now.
drought Forest fires are a serious
a long period with no rainfall
noun danger during a drought.
measurement of temperature It was 100 degrees
(32 degrees is freezing/212 is Fahrenheit when we got to
boiling) San Francisco.
flood The flood was so bad, our
overflow of rain water
noun basement was full of water.
flurries There are a few flurries but
noun very light snowfall the snow isn't sticking to the
We couldn't see the bridge
fog/foggy thick water vapor that blocks
because there was too much
noun/adjective one's vision
According to the 5 day
forecast the expected weather for the
forecast, it's going to rain on
noun/verb future
our wedding day.
freezing cold common expression used to It was a freezing cold day for
adjective + noun describe a very cold day the Santa Claus parade.
frost Some flowers are so strong
ice crystals on a frozen surface
noun they can withstand frost.
Word Meaning Example Sentence
Part of speech
a skin condition caused by over I lost my hat while I was
exposure to the cold (typically skiing, and I ended up with
reddish skin with white spots) frostbite on my ears.
There was so much hail that
hail small pieces of ice that fall
some of the trailer homes
noun during a storm
were destroyed.
a flu-like condition one can Bring lots of water and wear
heat stroke
acquire after spending too long a hat to avoid heat stroke in
in the sun this weather.
extremely hot weather that is During the heat-wave we
much higher than average-- cooled our beds down with
usually lasts a short time ice packs.
It feels a lot hotter than it
moisture in the air actually is because of the
Half of the buildings on the
hurricane a tropical storm with very
island were flattened by the
noun strong wind and rain
icy The roads are icy so please
slippery because of ice
adjective avoid driving down any hills.
electrical discharge and flash The outdoor pool always
between a cloud and the closes when the lifeguards
ground think lightning is coming.
mild temperature that is warmer It's quite mild out so I didn't
adjective than average(in a cold season) bother with a hat or mittens.
The meteorologist predicted
meteorologist a person who studies weather
that the cold spell would be
noun patterns
over by now.
minus/negative indicates that a temperature is It was minus twenty degrees
adjective below zero at the top of the skil hill.
The sky is overcast this
overcast morning, but the sun is
no sun is visible
adjective supposed to come out by
late afternoon.
term often used in a weather
Tomorrow's forecast is
partly cloudy forecast to indicate that the
partly cloudy with clear
adverb + adjective skies are sunny and cloudy at
skies by nightfall.
the same time
precipitation rain or snow that falls on an There is very little
noun area precipitation in the desert.
Children love to splash in
collection of rain water puddles when they are
wearing rubber boots.
Word Meaning Example Sentence
Part of speech
My hair is all wet and messy
noun/continuous water that falls to earth
from the rain.
raindrop I love catching raindrops on
a single measurement of rain
noun my tongue.
According to legend you can
rainbow a band of colours found in the
find a pot of gold at the end
noun sky after a rainfall
of a rainbow.
They cancelled the football
raining cats and dogs
raining heavily game because it was raining
cats and dogs.
It was a scorcher, so the
scorching/a scorcher extremely hot temperature/a
whole family slept in the
adjective/noun very hot day
cool basement.
time of year characterized by
My favorite season is Fall,
season certain weather
because I love to watch the
noun Winter,Spring,Summer,Fall (or
leaves changing colours.
They've been calling for
quick/light rainstorm showers all week, but so far
it's been dry.
sleet(similar to hail) All-weather-tires are best if
rain that freezes as it falls
noun you have to drive in sleet.
slush/slushy snow on the ground that has The snow turned to slush as
noun/adjective been rained on soon as it started to rain.
You really notice the smog
smog heavy,dark cloud cover caused
downtown in this type of
noun by pollution
It is already snowing up in
frozen water that warms the mountains, so the ski
noun/adjective/ continuous
slightly as it falls to earth season should be great this
All of the schools were
snowstorm large amounts of wind and
closed because of the
noun snow
We hope to have sunshine
sun/sunshine/sunny the gassy star that warms the
on the day of the beach
noun/noun/adjective earth
sunburn painful red/pink skin caused by The bald man got a sunburn
noun being in the sun too long on his head.
sunglasses/shades dark eyewear that protects you I forgot my shades and I was
noun from the sun driving right into the sun.
suntan/tanned I got a suntan on the cruise,
brown/golden skin caused by
noun(also verb)/adjective(also but it has already faded
long periods of sun exposure
verb) away.
Word Meaning Example Sentence
Part of speech
Don't forget to reapply your
sunscreen/suntan lotion cream that protects your skin
sunscreen when you get out
noun from sun damage
of the lake.
Can you check the
how warm or cold the air is temperature before we get
dressed for our walk?
When I checked the
thermometer temperature this morning,
instrument for measuring the
noun the thermometer said it was
temperature of the air
already thirty degrees
thunder is a loud noise after
Let's close all of the
lightning, caused by rapid
windows. It looks like a
thunder/thunderstorm expansion of air superheated
thunderstorm is coming.
noun by the lightning
tornado/cyclone The tornado picked up
noun violently spinning windstorm everything in its path,
including animals and cars.
umbrella held over one's head and body I always keep an umbrella in
noun for rain protection my car in case of rain.
Ultra violet rays can cause
UV (ultra violet) rays the damaging rays from the
skin cancer if you don't wear
noun sun
wind/windy It's too windy to play golf
blowing air outside
noun/adjective today.
when the wind makes the air It's minus two, but with the
wind chill factor
feel colder than the actual wind chill factor it's minus
temperature fifteen.

Exercise 2
Write the name of the following weather conditions

1) 2) 3)
4) 5) 6)




ankle tobillo elbow codo
buttock nalga finger dedo
calf pantorrilla fingertip yema del dedo
femur fémur fist puño
foot, feet pie, pies forearm antebrazo
heel talón hand mano
heelbone calcáneo humerus húmero
instep empeine index finger índice
knee rodilla knuckle nudillo
kneecap rótula little finger meñique
metatarsus metatarso middle finger dedo medio
patella rótula nail uña
phalanges falanges palm palma de la mano
shin canilla phalanx falange
shinbone tibia ring finger anular
splint bone peroné radius radio
tarsus tarso second phalanx falangina
thigh muslo shoulder hombro
thighbone fémur third phalanx falangeta
toe dedo del pie thumb pulgar
ulna cúbito
HEAD - CABEZA upper arm brazo
bags under the
ojeras wrist muñeca
beard barba
brain cerebro TRUNK - TRONCO
canine tooth colmillo abdomen abdomen
cheek mejilla armpit axila
chin mentón back espalda
crinkles pequeñas arrugas belly vientre
crow's feet patas de gallo bladder vejiga
dimple hoyuelo breasts pechos
ear oreja chest pecho
eye ojo groin ingle
eyebrow ceja heart corazón
eyelash pestaña hip cadera
eyelid párpado kidney riñón
forehead frente liver hígado
freckle peca lung pulmón
gum encía loins zona lumbar
hair cabello navel ombligo
hard palate paladar duro nipple pezón
incisors incisivos spleen bazo
lips labios stomach estómago
lower jaw mandíbula inferior thorax tórax
lower lip labio inferior waist cintura
molars molares
moustache bigote SKELETON - ESQUELETO
mouth boca backbone columna vertebral
neck cuello breast bone esternón
nose nariz carpal carpo
agujeros de la clavicle,
nostrils clavícula
nariz collarbone
palate paladar eye socket cuenca del ojo
premolars premolares femur fémur
pupil pupila hipbone ilion
sideboards (GB) patillas humerus húmero
sideburns (US) patillas kneecap rótula
tongue lengua mandible mandíbula
tonsil amígdala pelvis pelvis
tooth, teeth diente, dientes phalanx falange
throat garganta radius radio
upper jaw rib costilla
upper lip labio superior scapula omóplato
uvula campanilla shinbone tibia
wisdom tooth muela de juicio shoulder blade omóplato
wrinkles arrugas skull cráneo
spine columna vertebral
sternum esternón

Exercise 3
Write the name of the following parts of the body

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.
10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15.



Countable Nouns (Los nombres contables)

Los nombres o sustantivos contables son aquellos que se pueden contar.

 Ejemplos:

One [a] pencil (un lápiz)

Two cats (dos gatos)

Three houses (tres casas)

Nombres contables tienen una forma plural:

 Ejemplos:

Egg/eggs (huevo/s)

Bicycle/ bicycles (bicicleta/s)

Dress /dresses (vestido/s)

Se puede usar "a" o "an" con nombres contables en singular:

o Ejemplos:

An apple (una manzana)

A house (una casa)

Se pueden usar números delante de un contable:

 Ejemplos:

Three apples (tres manzanas)

Five houses (cinco casas)

Uncountable Nouns (Los nombres incontables)

Los nombres o sustantivos incontables son aquellos que no podemos contar

porque no los podemos delimitar individualmente sino que forman parte de un todo.
Son tratados como singulares (no se pueden hacer plurales añadiendo '-s').
Algunos ejemplos son:

Salt (sal),
Wood (madera),
Tea (té),
Wine (vino),
Sugar (azúcar),
Bread (pan),
Furniture (muebles),
Hair (pelo),
Information (información),
Money (dinero),
Weather (tiempo),
Time (tiempo),
Rice (arroz)

Sin embargo, en el momento que los delimitamos, estos mismos nombres o

sustantivos pasan a ser contables. Deberán ir precedidos, si quieren
individualizarse, de alguna palabra con valor partitivo.

 Ejemplos:

Agram of salt (un gramo de sal)

Apiece of wood (un trozo de madera)

Twocups of tea (dos tazas de té)

Threeglasses of wine (tres vasos de vino)

Nombres incontables no tienen una forma plural:

Rice (arroz)

 Rices

Milk (leche)

 Milks

No podemos usar números delante de un incontable:

 two rices

Exercise 1
Write countable and uncountable for the following items. .
1. Time __________________________
2. Books __________________________
3. Sugar __________________________
4. Milk __________________________
5. Pens __________________________
6. Hair __________________________
7. Chairs __________________________
8. Meat __________________________
9. Butter __________________________
10. Pencils __________________________
11. Bread __________________________
12. Jam __________________________
13. Friends __________________________
14. Fingers __________________________
15. Flour __________________________
16. Apples __________________________
17. Oil __________________________
18. Cars __________________________
19. Salt __________________________
20. Houses __________________________
21. Cheese __________________________
22. Rice __________________________
23. Tea __________________________
24. Games __________________________
25. Tomatoes __________________________
26. Cream __________________________
27. Honey __________________________
28. Carrots __________________________


En ingles cuando queremos preguntar acerca de la cantidad de un sustantivo

incontable, usamos la estructura:
“How much + sustantivo + is there?
Ejemplo: How much milk is there? = ¿cuánta leche hay?

En las respuestas se puede usar un partitivo no específico como; a lot (un montón),
a little (un poco), none (nada), some (algo).
Ejemplo: How much milk is there? = There is a little.
¿Cuánta leche hay? hay un poco
O por el contrario podemos usar partitivos específicos de unidad o medida o peso
para especificar las cantidades;
Ejemplo: How much milk is there? = There is a litre, there is a bottle, etc.
¿Cuánta leche hay? Hay un litro, una botella, etc.
Si queremos preguntar acerca de la cantidad de un sustantivo contable, usamos la

“How many + sustantivo + are there?

Ejemplo: How many oranges are there? = ¿Cuantas naranjas hay?

En las respuestas se usa: a lot (un monton), a few (unas pocas), too many,
(demasiadas), o none (ninguna), some (algunas), si queremos especificar
cantidades entonces usamos partitivos contables del tipo; un kilo, un litro, un
paquete, una bolsa, one, two, etc.

How much y how many se usan para preguntas en general acerca de cosas, cuando
queremos que se nos indique las cantidades que hay, entonces how much y how
many van acompañados de is there o are there.

Ejemplos: How much water is there? = There is 1 litre.

How many students are there? = There are eleven students in class.

También existe otra forma de preguntar cuando no estamos seguros de si hay algo
o no, y es usando:
Is there + any + sustantivo (para incontables) o
Are there + any + sustantivos (para contables)

Ejemplo: Is there any bread? - ¿Hay algo de pan?

Yes, there is - Si hay
Are there any apples? - ¿Hay alguna manzana?
Yes there are - Si hay
Si quieres especificar la cantidad o cantidades, pues usas there is o there are +

Ejemplo: There is a loaf of bread. Hay una barra de pan.

There are two loaves of bread. Hay dos barras de pan.
There is an apple. Hay una manzana.
There are three apples. Hay tres manzanas.

Apuntes especiales.

En inglés los líquidos, materias y substancias son incontables, en este apartado

debemos de incluir a los siguientes sustantivos que son incontables en inglés:
Money – dinero
Fruit – fruta
Bread – pan
Time – tiempo
Chocolate – chocolate
Meat – carne
Beef - carne (vacuna)

Exercise 1
Write the correct answer with how much and how manyaccording to the

1. We need some tea. ______ do we need?

2. We need some eggs. ______ do we need?

3. We need some paper. ______ do we need?

4. ______ cigarettes do you smoke a day?

5. ______ packets of cigarettes do you have?


WH questions ask for information. They are different than Yes/No questions.

There are 6 different WH question words:


WH questions in simple present use “do” or “be”:

WH Questions with "do"



 Where do you work?

 Where does she live?
 When do you wake up?

WH Questions with "be"



 Where are you from?

 Who is that man?
 When is your class?

WH Questions are similar to YES/NO questions 2 except they have WH words at

the start.

Para más ejemplos visitar.


 Are you from Canada?

 Where are you from?

Here are some example questions and answers:

 Where are you from?

 I am from Japan.

 What is your name?

 My name is Jacob.

 When do you wake up?

 I wake up at 7:30 am.

 Why are you angry?

 I am angry because I did not pass my exam.

Exercise 1
Complete the following sentences with the appropriate wh question word.

1. _________ do you live?

I live in Toronto.
2. _________ do you wake up?
I wake up at 7:30 am.
3. _________ is your brother?
He is great, thanks for asking.
4. _________ is this?
That's my electronic dictionary.
5. _________ do you take English class?
Because I want to improve my speaking.


Los adjetivos, tanto en inglés como en español, son las palabras que utilizamos para
describir los nombres o sujetos. Pueden decirnos cualquier característica del
nombre con el que van. Podría ser sobre su forma, color, tamaño, etc.

En inglés, los adjetivos son palabras invariables, es decir, sólo tienen una forma
única (singular). A diferencia del español, los adjetivos ingleses NO tienen género y
NO cambian del singular al plural cuando el nombre al que describen cambia su

English (Ingles) Spanish (Español)

La segunda característica de los adjetivos en inglés es el orden que tienen en una

oración. En español van después del nombre o sujeto. En inglés van antes del
nombre o sujeto.

English Spanish
A big house Una casa grande
Some nice and yellow birds Algunos pájaros bonitos y amarillos.
La tercera característica de los adjetivos en inglés es el número de silabas que
tienen (las silabas en inglés se basan en su pronunciación y no en su escritura). Hay
dos grupos que engloban a todos los adjetivos en inglés: los adjetivos cortos y los
adjetivos largos y ambos grupos tienen sus categorías como se observa en la
siguiente tabla.

Short adjectives

 1-syllable adjectives old, fast

 2-syllable adjectives ending in -y happy, easy

Long adjectives

 2-syllable adjectives not ending in -y modern, pleasant

 all adjectives of 3 or more syllables expensive, intellectual

Exercise 1
In the following chart write the meaning in Spanish and state if the adjective is
short or long. The first one is done as an example.

Adjective Meaning in Spanish Classification

Angry enfadado, enojado Short

Descriptive adjectives, physical characteristics and personality.

Exercise 1
From the following list write the meaning in Spanish of the physical characteristic
adjectives and decide if they are negative or positive.
Adjective Meaning Positive or Negative

Exercise 2
When we use more than one adjective, we have to put them in the right order.

Order the sentences placing the adjectives in the correct order. The first one is done
for you.

I /long/ have / hair/ fair (rubio)/ wavy.

I have long wavy fair (rubio) hair.


short/ dark/ has/ hair. / Andrés Iniesta


Cristiano Ronaldo/ short/ has/ hair./ dark

red/ I / have / long / straight / hair


she / hair / has. / blonde / short / straight

Exercise 3
Find the opposites and write them both. The first one is done for you.

brave rude ugly outgoing cheerful arrogant

polite silly depressed helpful pretty generous
hardworking mean cowardly clever shy lazy

1. mean - generous 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 9.



Los adjetivos calificativos indican cualidades o características del sustantivo al que

modifican, pudiendo ser éstas concretas o abstractas.

(Eng.) A big bottle, a difficult lesson.

(Spa.)Una botella grande, una lección difícil.

Orden de los adjetivos

Generalmente se colocan antes del sustantivo.


New computers.

Ordenadores nuevos.
Pero después de verbos como "be", "look", "seem", "feel"," appear", "become",
"get" pueden aparecer solos sin acompañar a un sustantivo.

These computers are new. Estos ordenadores son nuevos

It is getting cold. Está haciendo frío.
It looks interesting. Parece interesante.

Se pueden utilizar más de un adjetivo a la vez.

Como norma general se suele usar el siguiente orden:

Opinión, Tamaño,
Edad Forma Color Origen Material Uso Sustantivo
valor longitud

wonderful small new narrow blue Chinese glass vase

nice short old round green Spanish cotton bath towel

pretty tall young thin black American girl

Nota: aunque no se suelen usar más de tres adjetivos en una Oración.

Exercise 1

Use the information in the box to complete the following sentences.

long unknown noisy stressed

red old huge northern
extinct interesting

1. The novel I'm reading is _____________.

2. My house has a _____________ bathroom.
3. I had a lot work and felt really _____________.
4. I bought a _____________ dress.
5. The air conditioner was _____________because there was something
wrong with the thermostat.
6. We stayed in an_____________ hotel in Rome.
7. She has a _____________ blond hair.
8. My friend Mary was living in _____________Ireland.
9. The nominees are five relatively _____________writers.
10. Dinosaurs went _____________sixty five million years ago.

Exercise 2

Put the adjectives in order.

Italian / sports / French / nice / old old / rocking / cotton / pretty /

fantastic wooden yellow

1. A fantastic 2. A __________ 3. An__________ 4. A __________

Italian sports car.
teacher. chair. dress.

alarm / red / small African / black / leather / red / sailing /

interesting / old smart beautiful

5. A __________ 6. An__________ 7. A __________ 8. A __________

clock. bowl. jacket. boat.
Chilean / delicious plastic / red /

/ green strange

9. __________ 10. A __________

grapes. chair.


Si queremos comparar cosas o situaciones con iguales características usamos los
términos As … As (Tan ….. Como). Para situaciones negativas solo incorporamos
not as……as (No tan como).


• Peter is 24 years old. John is 24 years old. Peter is as old as John.

• Moscow is as cold as St. Petersburg in the winter.
• Ramona is not as happy as Raphael.
• Einstein is as famous as Darwin.
• A tiger is not as dangerous as a lion.

Note: There is not any difference among adjectives in this formula.

Exercise 1
Use either as … as or not as … as in the sentences below.

1) The blue car is as fast as the red car. (fast)

2) Peter is _______________ Fred. (not /tall)

3) The violin is _______________ the cello. (not /low)

4) This copy is _______________ the other one. (bad)

5) Oliver is _______________ Peter. (optimistic)

6) Today it's _______________ yesterday. (not /windy)

7) The tomato soup is_______________ the mushroom soup. (delicious)

8) Grapefruit juice is _______________ lemonade. (not/sweet)

9) Nick is _______________ Kevin. (brave)

10)Silver is _______________ gold. (not/heavy)


Comparative adjectives compare two things, people, or places unlike positive

adjectives which stand alone and do not make comparisons between nouns.
Frequently, the word than accompanies the comparative.
(ENG) Paul is taller than John. (SPA)Paul es más alto que John
In some cases the comparative is formed by adding the suffix –er to a one syllable
adjective. Sometimes two syllable words become comparative with an – er suffix as


Regla Ejemplo
1. Para adjetivos con dos consonantes añade Tall-Taller
2. Para adjetivos que acaban en la letra e añade Large-Larger
3. Para adjetivos que acaban en una vocal + un Big-Bigger
consonante añade consonante + er
4. . Para adjetivos que acaban en y quítala y Happy-Happier
añade ier (tidy, empty, dry, busy, dirty, funny,
5. Si el adjetivo tiene dos sílabas o más usa Modern-More modern
more + el adjetivo (Excepciones son los
adjetivos que acaban en y ver arriba)
Regla Ejemplo
6. Algunos adjetivos son irregulares Good – Better
Bad - Worse
Far - Farther/Further

7. Para escribir frases comparativas: She is taller than her

Se usa el verbo + adjetivo comparativo + than sister. Ella es más alta
+ objeto que su hermana.

Today is hotter than

yesterday. Hoy es más
caluroso que ayer.

Exercise 2
Write the correct form of the comparative of the following words
Adjective Comparative Form
1 close
2 huge
3 large
4 strange
5 fat
6 red
7 sad
8 spry
9 wry
10 fast
11 great
12 quick
13 fickle
14 bumpy
15 tiny
16 gentle
17 narrow
18 shallow
19 simple
20 beautiful
21 colorful
22 bad
23 good
24 much
25 well
Exercise 3
Write the correct comparative to complete the sentences

1. Apples are ___________ than chips. (healthy)

2. Elephants are ___________ (big) than bears.
3. Gold is ___________ than silver. (expensive)
4. Bikes are___________ than cars. (slow)
5. I am ___________ at English than my brother.(good)
6. My friend is ___________ than me. (tall)
7. Sandy is ___________ than Tamara. (thin)
8. My father is ___________ than Tom's father. (strong)
9. "Harry Potter "books are ___________ than "The Book of the Jungle".
10. The tiger is ___________ than a fox.(heavy)
11. The weather is ___________ than yesterday. (hot)
12. The girls are ___________ than the boys. (happy)
13. Berta is ___________ than Debby.(beautiful)
14. French is ___________ than English. (difficult)
15. Tina is 5 years old. Sandra is 10 years old. Sandra is ___________ than
16. Russia is ___________ than France. (large)
17. I am ___________ at math’s than my best friend (bad)
18. Love is ___________ than money. (important)
19. His car is ___________ than mine. (cheap)
20. The first movie is ___________ than the second. I don't recommend it.

Los superlativos se usan para distinguir la cualidad más alta en un grupo de tres o
más. O bien para mencionar que esa cualidad es lo mejor y más alto de su categoría.
Las reglas para formarlos son similares a los comparativos solo que en éstos
siempre se pone “the” antes y al adjetivo se le agrega “est” como sufijo o la palabra
“most” si son adjetivos largos. Las reglas para formarlos son:

Añadimos “iest” si una palabra termina con una consonante seguida por “y”.
Cambiamos la “y” por “i” y luego agregamos “est”.

 Easy – easiest.
 Angry – angriest.
 Cloudy – cloudiest.

Añadimos doble consonante + “est” si una palabra termina con una consonante,
una vocal, y luego otra consonante y la sílaba fuerte es la última.


 Big – biggest.
 Hot – hottest.
 Sad – saddest.

Añadimos “most” a palabras largas, es decir, si la palabra es de dos sílabas o más

y no termina con “y”.


 Expensive – most expensive.

 Beautiful – most beautiful.
 Accessible – mostaccessible.

Superlativos irregulares:

Good – Best
Bad - Worst
Exercise 4
Write the correct superlative form of the following adjectives
Adjective Comparative Form Superlative form
1 close closer
2 huge huger
3 large larger
4 strange stranger
5 fat fatter
6 red redder
7 sad sadder
8 spry sprier/spryer
9 wry wrier/wryer
10 fast faster
11 great greater
12 quick quicker
13 fickle fickler
14 bumpy bumpier
15 tiny tinier
16 gentle gentler
17 narrow narrower
18 shallow shallower
19 simple simpler
20 beautiful more beautiful
21 colorful more colorful
22 bad worse
23 good better
24 much more
25 well better

Exercise 5
Write the correct superlative form of the following adjectives to complete the

1) This is the __________ (long) river in Australia.

2) He's the __________ (tall) man in the room.
3) They're the __________ (expensive) clothes I've bought.
4) This road is the __________ (wide) in the country.
5) Anne is the __________ (good) student in class.
6) I'm the __________ (bad) student in class.
7) What is the __________ (small) animal in the world?
8) Bill's getting married. He's the __________ (happy) I've even seen
9) This book is the __________ (interesting) book I've read.
10) Is the whale or the elephant the __________ (big) animal in the



El pasado simple del verbo "To be" (ser o estar) se forma cambiando las formas
"am" e "is" por "was" y la forma "are" por "were".
A continuación veremos las formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa del verbo
"to be" en pasado:

Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa

I was not: yo no era o yo Was I?: ¿era yo? o
I was: yo era o yo estaba
no estaba ¿estaba yo?
You were: tú eras o tú You were not: tú no eras Were you?: ¿eras tú? o
estabas o tú no estabas. ¿estabas tú?
He was: él era o él He was not: él no era o Was he?: ¿era él? o
estaba él no estaba. ¿estaba él?
She was: ella era o ella She was not: ella no era Was she?: ¿era ella? o
estaba o ella no estaba. ¿estaba ella?
. It was: eso era o eso It was not: eso no era o Was it?: ¿era eso? o
estaba eso no estaba ¿estaba eso?
We were: nosotros We were not: nosotros Were we?: ¿éramos
éramos o nosotros no éramos o nosotros no nosotros? o ¿estábamos
estábamos. estábamos nosotros?
You were not: ustedes Were you?: ¿erais
You were: ustedes eran
no eran o ustedes no ustedes? o ¿estaban
o ustedes estaban
estaban ustedes?
They were: ellos eran o They were not: ellos no Were they?: ¿eran
ellos estaban. eran o ellos no estaban. ellos? o ¿estaban ellos?


 He was my friend when I was twelve years old, Él era mi

amigo cuando yo tenía doce años.
 I wasn't at school at half-past eleven - Yo no estaba en el colegio a las once y
 ·Were they at home yesterday? ¿Estaban ellos ayer en casa? (no
confundir "where (donde)" con were).

Para terminar, decir que las formas negativas contraídas son:

 was not → wasn't

 were not → weren't

Exercise 1

Write the correct form of the verb to be in past to complete the sentences.

1. I happy.
2. You angry.
3. She in London last week.
4. He on holiday.
5. It cold.
6. We at school.
7. You at the cinema.
8. They at home.
9. The cat on the roof.
10. The children in the garden.

Exercise 2

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb to be in
negative form.

1. This book ________________mine.

2. Jane and Peter __________________ married.
3. That __________ right
5. My brother____________ here at the moment.
6. We in England.
7. It Monday today.
8. Jennie's surname Peters.
9. I a hair dresser.
10. My name Alexander.
11. There many people in this class.

Exercise 3

Write the correct form of the verb to in past to complete the questions.

1. Tom Cruise a rock singer?

2. you and your teacher Brazilian?
3. it difficult to get in a university in Brazil?
4. your parents at home now?
5. English an important language to learn?
6. Bruce Willis a good actor?
7. you in your last year of school?
8. Brazil a cold country?

SECTION 2. REGULAR VERBS (affirmative)

En inglés, el simple past (pretérito) es un tiempo gramatical en cuando una acción
ocurrió y fue completada en el pasado.
Las conjugaciones de todos los verbos regulares son las mismas por todas
Para los verbos regulares, el simple past está formado al añadir -ed a la forma
base del verbo (infinitivo sin to).
Singular Plural
1st per I worked yesterday. We worked yesterday
Nosotros trabajamos ayer.
Yo trabajé ayer.
2nd per You worked yesterday. You worked yesterday
Tú trabajaste ayer. Ustedes trabajaron ayer..
3rd per He, She, It worked yesterday They worked yesterday.Ellos,
Él, Ella trabajó ayer.. Ellas trabajaron ayer.
Para los verbos regulares terminando en la vocal -e, hay que añadir -d.

Base form Simple past

hate hated
seize seized
hope hoped

Para los pocos verbos en inglés que terminan con un vocal que no sea -e, hay que
añadir -ed

Base form Simple past

ski skied
echo echoed

Para verbos regulares que terminan en una vocal+y, hay que añadir -ed.

Base form simple past

play played
decay decayed
survey surveyed

Para verbos regulares que terminan en una consonante +y, hay que cambiar la -y
por -i y añadir -ed.
Base form Simple past
cry cried
dirty dirtied
Para verbos regulares que terminan con una vocal corta seguido por una
consonante, hay que doblar la consonante final antes de añadir –ed

Base form Simple past

dam dammed
beg begged
sin sinned

Cuando el verbo regular tiene más que una sílaba, en el inglés americano la
consonante final está doblada, pero solamente cuando el acento tónico cae en la
última sílaba.

Base form Incorrect Simple past

defer defered deferred
regret regreted regretted
reship reshiped reshipped

En estos ejemplos, el acento tónico no cae en la última sílaba. No hay que doblar
el consonante.

base form simple past incorrect

orbit orbited orbitted
listen listened listenned
travel traveled travelled

Aquí hay ejemplos de frases con verbos regulares en el simple past.

Present Pretérito
I walk to school. I walked to school.
Camino a la escuela. Caminé a la escuela.
She works downtown. She worked downtown.
Ella trabaja en el centro. Trabajó en el centro.
They help on Tuesdays. They helped on Tuesdays.
Ayudan los martes. Ayudaron los martes.
He asks a lot of questions. He asked a lot of questions.
Hace muchas preguntas. Hizo muchas preguntas.

Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with the correct form in past.

1) Jane a film. (to watch)

2) He a box. (to carry)

3) They their father. (to help)

4) John and Amy things. (to swap)

5) I to Andrew. (to talk)

6) Susan with Peter. (to dance)

7) The boys basketball. (to try)

8) We _ a trip. (to plan)

9) She her hair. (to wash)

10) The car at the traffic lights. (to stop)


La estructura del pasado simple en forma negativa es:

Sujeto + did + not + verbo + … Nota: Siempre que usamos el negativo did en
pasado el verbo de la oración queda normal (sin to)

Esto se aplica tanto en los verbos regulares como en los irregulares ('to work' “to
Existen dos formas:

Forma larga Forma corta

I did not work I didn't work
You did not work You didn't work
He did not work He didn't work
We did not work We didn't work
You did not work You didn't work
They did not work They didn't work


I did not remember where I was No recordaba donde estaba

She did not wash the car No lavó el coche

Columbus did not reach America in 1789. Colón no llegó a América e 1789.

Exercise 2

Make the past simple negative of the following sentences.

1) She (not/love) chocolate as a child.

2) He (not/like) sport.
3) We (not/study) for the exam.
4) They (not/cook) at the weekend.
5) I (not/stay) at home.
6) John (not/work) in the bank at the same time as
7) They (not/play) tennis yesterday.
8) Julia and Anne (not/clean) the house at all.
9) She (not/cry) much as a baby.
10) I (not/remember) to buy milk.

REGULAR VERBS (Interrogative)

El pasado simple en forma interrogativa tiene la misma estructura para los verbos
regulares e irregulares

Nota: Siempre que usamos el negativo did en

pasado el verbo de la oración queda normal (sin to)

Afirmativo Negativo

Did + sujeto + infinitivo sin "to" Forma larga: Did + sujeto + not +
Forma corta: Didn´t + sujeto +

Afirmativo Negativo
Did I go...? Did I not go...? Didn't I go...?
Did you work...? Did you not work...? Didn't you work...?
Did he/she/it go...? Did he/she/it not go...? Didn't he/she/it go...?
Did we work...? Did we not work...? Didn't we work...?
Did you go...? Did you not go...? Didn't you go...?
Did they work...? Did they not work...? Didn't they work...?


Did I fail this exam? ¿Suspendí este examen?

Did he not know it? ¿No lo sabía?
Why did you wait so long? ¿Por qué esperaste tanto?
Didn't they tell you? ¿No te lo contaron?
When did you break your finger? ¿Cuándo te fracturaste el dedo?
Did she watch the film yesterday? ¿Vio ella la película ayer?
Didn´t she kiss her boyfriend? ¿No besó a su novio?

Exercise 3

Correct the following sentences. The first one is done as an example.

Who do you met on Saturday morning? X Who did you meet on Saturday morning?

1. Did he went to school yesterday? X

2. Why did you to go home early? X
3. Where you did learn English? X

4. Did she works today? X

5. What do you this yesterday? X

6. Did they last night phone you? X


En inglés, hay una serie de verbos cuyo Simple Past (Pasado Simple) y Past
Participle (participio pasado) no siguen ninguna regla, y por lo tanto, son los
llamados verbos irregulares. Aquí tienes una lista con varios de los más comunes
de estos verbos

Infinitive Past Simple

Begín empezar Began
Break romper Broke
Bring traer Brought
Build construir Built
Buy comprar Bought
Catch coger Caught
Choose eligir Chose
Cost costar Cost
Infinitive Past Simple
Cut cortar Cut
Do hacer Did
Draw dibujar Drew
Drink beber Drank
Drive conducir Drove
Eat comer Ate
Fall caer Fell
Feel sentir Felt
Find encontrar Found
Fly volar Flew
Forget olvidar Forgot
Get coger/tener Got
Give dar Gave
Go ir Went
Grow crecer Grew
Have tener Had
Hear oir Heard
Keep guardar Kept
Know saber Knew
Let dejar Let
Lose perder Lost
Make hacer Made
Mean significar Meant
Meet encontrar Met
Pay pagar Paid
Put poner Put
Read leer Read
Ring llamar Rang
Rise subir Rose
Say decir Said
See ver Saw
Show mostrar Showed
Sing cantar Sang
Sell vender Sold
Send enviar Sent
Shut cerrar Shut
Sit sentarse Sat
Sleep dormir Slept
Spend gastar/pasar Spent
Swim nadar Swam
Take tomar Took
Teach enseñar Taught
Infinitive Past Simple
Tell decir Told
Understand entender Understood
Wake despertarse Woke
Wear llevar Wore
Win ganar Won
Write escribir Wrote

Exercise 1
Complete the following sentences with the correct verb in past. The first one is
done as an example.

I came (come) to England in 1993.

1. She ____________ (stand) under a tree to shelter from the rain.
2. They_____________ (do) their homework yesterday.
3. We_____________ (sing) too much last night - I have a sore throat!.
4. He already___________ (eat) all the cake.
5. The child_______________ (fall) off his bicycle.
6. It_____________ (take) three hours to drive to Paris.
7. I_________________ (find) your keys under the table.
8. She___________________ (get) a new bike for her birthday.
9. She________________ (sell) her house last year.
10. We_____________(go) to New York in January.
11. Finally my mother______________ (let) me go to a party.
12. It_______________ (be) cold last night.
13. I ____________________ (meet) John at the weekend.
14. Lucy__________________ (pay) the bill before leaving the restaurant.


Observe the following pictures and identify the activity with the person:
Exercise 1
Match the following columns by linking the job, what they do and where they work
(you can consult a dictionary in case you need it).


Arrange appointments, type letters
Accountants and organize meetings. They work everywhere!

Bakers Bake bread. They work in a bakery.

They work in a bar, pub or

Barbers Carry other people's bags and luggage.
Barmen/women Clean and tidy rooms. They work in a barbers.
Butchers Cut and style people's hair. They work in a butchers.
Chambermaids Defend and prosecute people. They work in a dentists.
Design, make, alter or repair
Chefs They work in a fishmongers.
Dentists Judge and sentence people. They work in a hair salon.
They work in a hospital or doctor's
Doctors Look after passengers.
Fishmongers Look after patients. They work in a hospital or surgery.
Flight attendants Look after people's animals. They work in a hospital.
Hair dressers Look after people's eye sight. They work in a hotel or train station.

Judges Look after people's health. They work in a hotel.

Lawyers Look after people's teeth. They work in a kitchen.

Look after the finances in an They work in a law court and in a
organization. lawyer’s office.

Opticians Meet and greet visitors. They work in a law court.

Porters Operate on people who are sick. They work in a restaurant.

Receptionists Organise and repair technical They work in a school.


Sales Assistants Prepare and cook food. They work in a shop.

They work in a veterinary surgery or

Secretaries Prepare and sell fish.

Surgeons Prepare and sell meat. They work in an aeroplane (airplane

Tailors Sell goods and look after customers. They work in an office.

Teachers Serve drinks. They work in an office.

Technicians Serve people food and drink. They work in an opticians.

Vets Shave men's beards and cut men's They work in factories and
hair. construction.
Waiters/Waitresses Teach people. They work in factories and shops.

Welders Weld metal to make things. They work in reception.


In the following pictures, you can identify some sport goods that are characterized
for some sports
Exercise 1

Write the correct sport good to complete the sentences below.

1. To play badminton, we need a ______________not a ball.

2. In most swimming pools, wearing a _____________is necessary.
3. When we see a man wearing a kimono, we can be sure that he practices
4. Called ' ________________', as well as 'track and field', it's a
combination of several sports such as running and throwing.
5. The objective of ______________________is to shoot an arrow and
make it go as close as possible to the center of a target.
6. Generally, men use dumbbells when they practice ___________________.
7. It's better to be tall if you want to play __________________.
8. In this sport, you can fight with a sword, a foil or a sabre. I'm talking about
9. A _________________is a specific helmet, which protects you if you fall
from a horse.
10. A ____________________ is a support facilitating the shooting of a
ball. It's especially used by golf players.


El imperativo en inglés se usa para dar órdenes, brindar sugerencias o hacer

invitaciones. Es el tiempo verbal más fácil de aprender se usa para varias

We can use the imperative to give a direct order.

1. Take that chewing gum out of your mouth.

2. Stand up straight.
3. Give me the details.

We can use the imperative to give instructions.

1. Open your book.

2. Take two tablets every evening.
3. Take a left and then a right.

We can use the imperative to make an invitation.

1. Come in and sit down. Make yourself at home.

2. Please start without me. I'll be there shortly.
3. Have a piece of this cake. It's delicious.
We can use the imperative on signs and notices.

1. Push.
2. Do not use.
3. Insert one dollar.

We can use the imperative to give friendly informal advice.

1. Speak to him. Tell him how you feel.

2. Have a quiet word with her about it.
3. Don't go. Stay at home and rest up. Get some sleep and recover.

Exercise 1

Write the imperative form of the given verbs to complete the sentences

1) _______________upstairs. (to go)

2) _______________ in this lake. (not /to swim)

3) _______________your homework. (to do)

4) _______________football in the yard. (not /to play)

5) _______________your teeth. (to brush)

6) _______________during the lesson. (not /to talk)

7) _______________the animals in the zoo. (not /to feed)

8) _______________the instructions. (to read)

9) _______________late for school. (not /to be)

10) _______________your mobiles. (to switch off)


In negative commands, we use:

"do" + "not" + INFINITIVE VERB without "to" and without SUBJECT:
Negative form Do + Not + Base form of the verb + Object

Do not (don't) smoke in public places like hospitals.


 -Don't wear that stupid hat.

 -Do not sign your name with a pencil. Sign with a pen.
 -Don't walk on the grass.
 -Don't act like an idiot?
 -Don't yell at me!

Exercise 2
Match the first column to the second one by placing the right letter in the brackets:

a. don`t accept ( ) the door to Mike

b. brush your teeth ( ) to bring the Cds
c. turn off the lights ( ) candies from strangers
d. don't step ( ) before you go to bed
e. bring your dictionaries ( ) adult programmes
f. don't open ( ) when you go to bed to save energy
g. don't watch ( ) for language arts class
i. don’t forget ( ) on the lawn



Los verbos modales son una categoría de verbos auxiliares. Verbos modales
también se llaman modales auxiliares o simplemente modales.
Los modales expresan el modo de un verbo: la capacidad, la posibilidad, la
necesidad u una otra condición del verbo principal.

En inglés, el verbo principal siempre queda en forma infinitiva sin to.

En una afirmación, el orden de las palabras es sujeto + modal + verbo

Sujeto Modal
They can come.
Ellos pueden venir.
Mike should walk.
Mike debe caminar.

En las preguntas, el orden de palabras es modal + sujeto + verbo principal.

Preguntas de sí o no (yes-no questions)

Sujeto Modal Verbo principal
Can they come?
¿Pueden venir?
Should Mike drive?
¿Debería Mike manejar?

Preguntas informativas (Wh -no questions)

Wh- word modal sujeto verbo principal
When can they come?
¿Cuándo pueden venir?

How could he know?

¿Cómo podría saber?


El modal can, como el verbo español poder, indica una posibilidad o una
Tom can help you. Tom puede ayudarte.
Wild animals can be dangerous Los animales salvajes pueden ser
Eating out can be costly Comer fuera puede ser costoso.

En preguntas, se utiliza can para solicitar permiso de hacer algo o sea para
preguntar sobre una posibilidad

Can I help you? ¿Puedo ayudarle?

Can Mike have dinner with us? ¿Mike puede cenar con nosotros?
Who can answer the next question? ¿Quién puede contestar a la próxima
When can we get back the results? ¿Cuándo podemos tener los resultados?

Should (shouldn’t, Negative).

El modal should indica una obligación por la cual la resulta no es cierta

You should call your mother.

Debes llamar a tu mamá.

I should go home now.

Ya debo irme a casa.
En preguntas, se usa should para saber si existe una obligación

Should he call her?

¿Debe llamarle a ella?

Should we pay now?

¿Pagamos ahora?

When should we leave?

¿Cuándo debemos salir?
What should I wear?
¿En qué debo vestirme?


We often use have to say that something is obligatory, for example

Note that we can use the have to

expression in all tenses, for example:
Example: Children have to go to school I have to, I had to, I have had to, I will
have to

In general, have to expresses impersonal obligation. The subject of have to is

obliged or forced to act by a separate, external power (for example, the Law or school
rules). Have to is objective. Look at these examples:

 In France, you have to drive on the right.

 In England, most schoolchildren have to wear a uniform.
 John has to wear a tie at work.

In each of the above cases, the obligation is not the subject's opinion or idea. The
obligation is imposed from outside.

We can use have to in all tenses, and also with modal auxiliaries. We conjugate it
just like any other main verb. Here are some examples:

Infinitive (with
Subject Auxiliary verb Main verb have Subject
+ She Has to work
-I do not Have to see the doctor
? Did you have to go to school?

Must (mustn’t, Negative).

El modal must indica obligación.

You must see this movie. Tienen que ver esta película
Tom must see a doctor immediately. Tom debe ver un médico inmediatamente.
Must puede indicar probabilidades o suposiciones

You must be angry. Estará enojado.

My watch must be broken. Mi reloj debe estar quebrado.

Supongo que mi reloj no sirve.
Quizás mi reloj esté roto.
He must have done that before moving Debería haberlo hecho antes de mudarse a
to Spain. España. Tal vez lo hiso antes de mover a
A la mejor lo hiso antes de mudarse a

En las preguntas informativas, la palabra must indica una obligación y puede ser
sinónomo con should. En el inglés americano should es mucho más corriente en
este contexto.
When should / must we be there? ¿Cuándo debemos estar allá?

Who should / must I talk to? ¿Con quién debo hablar?

Se puede usar must para preguntas retóricas.

Must you make so much noise? ¿Debes hacer tanto ruido?

Es igual a: Please be quiet. Por favor, silencio.

Must he ask so many questions? ¿Debe hacer tantas preguntas?

Es igual a: I hope he stops asking Espero que termina con sus preguntas
Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with the correct modal from the box

mustn't must Can can

can may Can can't
May mustn't can must

 It's a hospital. You _______________ smoke.

 He had been working for more than 11 hours. He _______________be tired
after such head work. He _______________ prefer to get some rest.
 After we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language
and forgot almost everything I knew as a child. Now, I _______________ just
say a few things in the language.
 The teacher said we _______________read this book for our own pleasure
as it is optional. But we _____________read it if we don't want to.
 ___________ you stand on your head for more than a minute? No, I _______.
People_______________walk on grass.
 Drivers _______________ stop when the traffic lights are red.
 _______________ I ask a question? Yes, of course.
 _______________ you speak Italian? No, I can't.

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences with must or mustn't.

1. You _______________ brush your teeth three times a day.

2. You _______________ forget to do your homework regularly.
3. You_______________ be nice to your classmates.
4. You _______________wear warm clothes when it is cold outside.
5. You _______________chew gum in class.
6. You _______________study hard if you want to pass your exams.
7. You_______________ fight with your classmates.
8. You _______________play football in the classroom.
9. You _______________listen to your teacher very carefully.
10. You_______________ forget your best friend's birthday.
11. You _______________ be rude to your grandparents.
12. You _______________go to the dentist's twice a year.
13. You _______________stay in bed when you are ill.
14. You _______________feed zoo animals.
15. You _______________do your online exercises.

Exercise 3

Put in have to or has to into the gaps

1) They_______________write a test.

2) She_______________clean her desk.

3) Ken and Liz _______________ learn English words.

4) Andy_______________help his brother.

5) We_______________do our homework.

6) He_______________ write with a pencil.

7) I_______________feed the hamster.

8) You_______________take photos.

9) Victoria_______________read the newspaper.

10) The teacher_______________send a text message.


Write the correct name of the following pictures you may check the word on line
or in a dictionary.



Exercise 1

Unscramble these letters to find the food item:

1. Kilm: _milk________
2. Tame: meat_____
3. Reap : ___________________
4. Tralwemoen: ___________________
5. Rarcto: ___________________
6. Fefeoc: ___________________
Simple Future has two different forms in English: "will" and "be going to." Although
the two forms can sometimes be used interchangeably, they often express two
very different meanings. These different meanings might seem too abstract at first,
but with time and practice, the differences will become clear. Both "will" and "be
going to" refer to a specific time in the future


[Will + verb]:


 You will help him later.

 Will you help him later?
 You will not help him later.


[Am/ is / are + going to + verb]:


 You are going to meet Jane tonight.

 Are you going to meet Jane tonight?
 You are not going to meet Jane tomorrow.


"Will" often suggests that a speaker will do something voluntarily. A voluntary action
is one the speaker offers to do for someone else. Often, we use "will" to respond to
someone else's complaint or request for help. We also use "will" when we request
that someone help us or volunteer to do something for us. Similarly, we use "will not"
or "won't" when we refuse to voluntarily do something.

 I will send you the information when I get it.
 I will translate the email, so Mr. Smith can read it.
 Will you help me move this heavy table?
 Will you make dinner?
 I will not do your homework for you.
 I won't do all the housework myself!
 A: I'm really hungry.
B: I'll make some sandwiches.
 A: I'm so tired. I'm about to fall asleep.
B: I'll get you some coffee.
 A: The phone is ringing.
B: I'll get it.


"Will" is usually used in promises.

 I will call you when I arrive.
 If I am elected President of the United States, I will make sure everyone has
access to inexpensive health insurance.
 I promise I will not tell him about the surprise party.
 Don't worry, I'll be careful.
 I won't tell anyone your secret.


"Be going to" expresses that something is a plan. It expresses the idea that a person
intends to do something in the future. It does not matter whether the plan is realistic
or not.
 He is going to spend his vacation in Hawaii.
 She is not going to spend her vacation in Hawaii.
 A: When are we going to meet each other tonight?
B: We are going to meet at 6 PM.
 I'm going to be an actor when I grow up.
 Michelle is going to begin medical school next year.
 They are going to drive all the way to Alaska.
 Who are you going to invite to the party?
 A: Who is going to make John's birthday cake?
B: Sue is going to make John's birthday cake.


Both "will" and "be going to" can express the idea of a general prediction about the
future. Predictions are guesses about what might happen in the future. In "prediction"
sentences, the subject usually has little control over the future and therefore USES
1-3 do not apply. In the following examples, there is no difference in meaning


 The year 2222 will be a very interesting year.

 The year 2222 is going to be a very interesting year.
 John Smith will be the next President.
 John Smith is going to be the next President.
 The movie "Zenith" will win several Academy Awards.
 The movie "Zenith" is going to win several Academy Awards.


In the Simple Future, it is not always clear which USE the speaker has in mind.
Often, there is more than one way to interpret a sentence's meaning.

Exercise 1
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gap. Use will-future or going to-future.

1) Philipp _will be_______15 next Wednesday. (to be)

2) They _are going to get___ a new computer. (to get)
3) I think my mother ________________this CD. (to like)
4) Paul's sister ________________a baby. (to have)
5) They ________________at about 4 in the afternoon. (to arrive)
6) Just a moment. I ________________ you with the bags. (to help)
7) In 2020 people ________________more hybrid cars. (to buy)
8) Marvin ________________a party next week. (to throw)
9) We ________________to Venice in June. (to fly)
10) Look at the clouds! It ________________soon. (to rain)

Exercise 2

Choose the correct verb for the following sentences. Do not use abbreviations
1) Next summer, I _going to travel__ (travel) to New York. My sister lives there
and she bought me a plane ticket for my birthday.
2) It's getting cold. I _____________ (take) my coat!
3) Are you going to the cinema? Wait for me. I ____________(go) with you!
4) Jane and Tom _____________ (not/study) medicine next year. Jane
_____________ (study) French and Tom _____________ (take) a gap year.
5) Mrs. Simons, those bags seem quite heavy. I _____________ (help) you
carry them.


Check the following vocabulary and answer the exercises below.

drought hail earthquake

fog lightning tornado

avalanche flood clouds

Exercise 1

Write the correct answer according to the context.

1. It didn't rain for a long time and the _drought____ruined the harvest.

2. We heard the loud sound of _______________in the distance.

3. During the _______________all the houses were covered by water.

4. We couldn't see anything because of the _______________.

5. A flash of light in the sky is called _______________.



Before going on, it is important to review the use of the simple present use.

Exercise 0.
Please choose the correct option that completes the following sentences:
1) She ___________ three languages
A) speaks B) speak

2) Gina is a language professor. She _________ French.

A) teach B) teaches

3) I always _________ the door at night.

A) lock B) locks

4) The food in Sweden is very expensive. It _________ a lot to live there.

A) costs B) cost

5) Her job is great because she _________ a lot of people.

A) meets B) meet

6) When the water _________, will you make some tea?

A) boil B) boils


As it happens in Spanish a condition is a sentence where the condition word IF

is used. It is IMPORTANT to remember that as in Spanish we use two sentences;
one is the condition and the second the result or consequence.
The real condition is something that is ALWAYS TRUE; all information is real and
both sentences are in simple present, check the information below.

Pay attention of this form

IF + condition + result.

If water boils, its temperature is at 100°

condition result
Condition word IF Sentence in present Sentence in present

When you have if at the beginning of the sentence we separate the sentences
with a comma.
Here you have more examples:

Si tengo tiempo, generalmente

A) If I have time, I usually go to the movies
voy al cine
Si congelas el agua, se
B) If you freeze water, it turns into ice
convierte en hielo.
Si trabajo demasiado, me
C) If I work too much, I get tired.

Exercise 1

Complete the following sentences (check the examples above).

run heat play get melts go
practice call put get freezes have

1. If you _heat__ butter, it ___melts___.

2. If you _________ water in a cooler, it _________.
3. If I _________ too fast, I quickly _________ tired.
4. If I _________ time, I _________ for a walk
5. If I don't _________ the piano every day I _________ poorly.
6. If you don't _________ your mom, does she _________ mad?

Exercise 1
Write the meaning in Spanish of the following professions and jobs:

1.- artisan 6.- huntsman

2.- butcher 7.- jeweler

3.- cook 8.- lawyer

4.- gardener 9.- plumber

5.- housewife 10.- smith

Exercise 2

Using the options in the box relate the following sentences with the correct name.

Barber Health care aide Manager Journalist Musician

Repairperson Waitress Salesperson Mechanic Veterinarian

1. -He/she manages a restaurant or hotel. _____________________.

2. - He / she plays some instruments. _____________________.
3. - She services food at the restaurant. _____________________.
4. - He or she takes care of elderly people. _____________________.
5. - He or she gives haircuts and shaves. _____________________.
6. - This person sells cars, clothes, etc. _____________________.
7. - He or she fixes cars, buses, etc. _____________________.
8. - He or she repairs things at home. _____________________.
9. - This person edits newspaper. _____________________.
10. - This person is a doctor for animals. _____________________.

The Future or First Conditional describes what you think you will do in a specific
situation in the future. It is different from other Real Conditional forms because,
unlike the present or the past, you do not know what will happen in the future.
Although this form is called "real", you are usually imagining or guessing about the
future. It is called "real" because it is still possible that the action might occur in the

To work with this form we follow this pattern:

A comma is
As in Spanish we needed when
can substitute if [If + Simple Present, Simple Future ] we start with
by when. if.

The simple
future can be A comma is
with will / shall not needed
/ going to or [ ... Simple Future ... if ... Simple Present ... ] when we start
may with future.

Carefully study the following examples:

 If I go to my friend's house for dinner tonight, I will take a bottle of wine or
some flowers.
I am still not sure if I will go to his house or not.
 When I have a day off from work, I am going to go to the beach.
I have to wait until I have a day off.
 If the weather is nice, she is going to walk to work.
It depends on the weather.
 Jerry will help me with my homework when he has time.
I have to wait until he has time.
 I am going to read if there is nothing on TV.
It depends on the TV schedule.
 A: What are you going to do if it rains?
B: I am going to stay at home.

Exercise 1
Complete the following exercise with the correct form and verb in the blank space.

1. - If I _________ (to study), I _________ (to pass) the exams.

2. - If the sun _________ (to shine), we _________ (to walk) to the town.
3. - If he _________ (to have) a temperature, he _________ (to see) the
4. - If she _________ (to earn) a lot of money, she _________ (to fly) to
New York.
5. - If we _________ (to travel) to London, we _________ (to visit) the
6. - _________ (to ask) my parents if you _________ (to wait) a minute.
7. - They _________ (to listen) to loud music if they _________ (to go) to
the disco
8. - The teacher _________ (to give) her a low mark if Rita _________ (to
forget) her homework.
9. - You _________ (to slip) on the rocks if you _________ (to wear)
sandals in the mountains.
10. - We _________ (to visit) the museums if we _________ (to travel) to

Write the name of the sport in the picture.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.



Before starting let’s review some points about verbs.
Probablemente al principio no comprendiste porque los verbos ingleses se dividían
en regulares e irregulares. A grandes rasgos los verbos regulares ingleses tienen
terminación -ed- cuando cambia de tiempo a pasado y participio, eso quiere decir
por ejemplo que;

I play – yo juego
I played- yo jugé

En cambio los irregulares cambian absolutamente su base, y en algunos casos no

cambian, ej;

I cut – yó corto
I cut – yó corte
I drink a coke – bebo una coca-cola
I drank a coke – bebí una coca-cola


A) From the following chart write the meaning of the following regular verbs
in Spanish. The first one is done already as an example:


admit(admít) admitted(admítid) admitted(admítid) admitir
cry(krái) cried(kráid) cried(kráid)
drop(drop) dropped(drópt) dropped(drópt)
fry(frái) fried(fráid) fried(fráid)
hug(jág) hugged(jágd) hugged(jágd)
knot(not) knotted(nótid) knotted(nótid)
label(léibl) labelled(léibld) labelled(léibld)
plug(plag) plugged(plagd) plugged(plagd)
regret(rigrét) regretted(rigrétid) regretted(rigrétid)
rub(rab) rubbed(rábd) rubbed(rábd)
satisfy(satisfái) satisfied(satisfáid) satisfied(satisfáid)
supply(saplái) supplied(sapláid) supplied(sapláid)
terrify(térrifai) terrified(térri-fáid) terrified(térri-fáid)
try (trái) tried(tráid) tried(tráid)
worry(uári) worried(uárid) worried(uárid)

B) From the following chart write the meaning of the following irreregular
verbs in Spanish. The first one is done already as an example:


be (bi) was/were(uós/uér) been(bin) ser, estar
buy(bái) bought(bot) bought (bot)
catch (kach) caught(kot) caught(kot)
cut(kat) cut(kat) cut(kat)
do (dú) did(díd) done (dán)
drive (dráiv) drove(dróuv) driven(drívn)
eat(í:t) ate (et) eaten(ítn)
grow(gróu) grew(grú) grown(grón)
hang(jéng) hung(jáng) hung(jáng)
know(nóu) knew(niú) known(nóun)
learn(lérn) learnt(lernt) learnt(lernt)
meet(mí:t) met(met) met(met)
pay(péi) paid(ped) paid(ped)
run(ran) ran(ren) run(ran)
say(séi) said(sed) said(sed)
En ingles tenemos una expresión que usamos como en español “Soler” o “Estar
acostumbrado a”. Esta expresión es “used to”. Normalmente la Usamos el para
indicar que una acción que ocurría regularmente en el pasado, ya no ocurre.
Check the following examples and rules.

Forma afirmativa e
Forma negativa Forma negativa corta
Used to Used not to usedn't to

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

I used to do I used not to do I usedn't to do Used I to do?

You used to do You used not to do You usedn't to do Used you to do?

He used to do He used not to do He usedn't to do Used he to do?

She used to do She used not to do She usedn't to do Used she to do?

It used to do It used not to do It usedn't to do Used it to do?

We used to do We used not to do We usedn't to do Used we to do?

You used to do You used not to do You usedn't to do Used you to do?

They used to do They used not to do They usedn't to do Used they to do?

Exercise 1

Complete the sentences with the affirmative, negative or interrogative form of used
to and the words in the chart below.

Used to didn't use to used to didn't use to

did you use to didn't use to used to Did they use to

1. - David Beckham _________________ play for Manchester United.

2. - We _________________ have a computer, but we do now.

3. - _________________ (they) work together?

4. - That restaurant _________________ be a clothes shop.

5. - She _________________ like him, but now they're married.

6. - Where _________________ (you) go to school?

7. - There _________________ be a police station here.

8. - I _________________ like vegetables, but I do now

Exercise 2

Include “used to” in the corresponding form and write complete sentences using the
information given. The first one is done for you.

1. I / have short hair when I was a teenager

I used to have short hair when I was a teenager

2. She / love playing badminton before she hurt her shoulder

3. She / be able to dance very well

4. Luke / not have a car

5. We / live in Brazil


Exercise 1
Write the meaning in Spanish of the following clothing items:

1.- belt 6.-shirt

2.-boots 7.-skirt
3.-gloves 8.-slippers

4.-raincoat 9.-socks
5.-scarf 10.-suit

Exercise 2

Write the name of the following items in the puzzle below

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8




Exercise 1

Write the meaning in Spanish of the following clothing items:

1.- noodles ____________ 6.- avocado ____________

2.- peas ____________ 7.- cucumber ____________

3.- cod ____________ 8.- thyme ____________

4.- pepper ____________ 9.- mustard ____________

5.- celery ____________ 10.- lamb ____________

Exercise 2
Write the name of the following items

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.



Los tiempos progresivos ("progressive tenses" o "continuous tenses") expresan el "progreso" o
desarrollo de una acción en un momento dado. El tiempo pasado progresivo ("past progressive")
expresa que una acción se estaba desarrollando en un momento del pasado.

I was watching television yesterday “Ayer estuve mirando la televisión”
I was working yesterday “Yo estuve trabajando ayer”

Estructura para formar correctamente las oraciones con el pasado progresivo:

Sujeto + was/were + el verbo principal acabado en ING.

I was Eating.
You were working
She/He was playing
They were singing

Conjugation of the past progressive in English

Positive Negative Question

I / he / she / it I was speaking. I was not speaking. Was I speaking?
you / we / they You were speaking. You were not speaking. Were you speaking?
Exercise 1.

Complete the following sentences in Past Progressive using the given verb.

1. - When I phoned my friends, they (play) _______________ monopoly.

2. - Yesterday at six I (prepare) _______________ dinner.
3. - The kids (play) _______________ in the garden when it suddenly began
to rain.
4. - I (practice) _______________ the guitar when he came home.
5. - We (not / cycle) _______________ all day.
6. - While Aaron (work) _______________ in his room, his friends (swim) in
the pool.
7. - I tried to tell them the truth but they (listen / not) _______________.
8.- What (you / do) _______________ yesterday?
9. - Most of the time we (sit) _______________ in the park.


1.- Past simple

El "past simple" describe una acción pasada ya finalizada.

When I was young I lived in Madrid (ahora vivo en Barcelona)

2. - Past continuous

Indica que una acción se estaba desarrollando en cierto momento del pasado al
cual se hace referencia. No dice si la acción ya finalizó o todavía continuaba.

When the mother came home her husband was playing with the kids (no sabemos
si terminó de jugar en ese momento o continuó jugando)

A veces se describen dos acciones simultáneas que tuvieron lugar en el pasado.

En dicho caso, se utiliza el "past imple" para describir aquella que finalizó y el
"past continuous" para aquella otra que estaba ocurriendo cuando la primera
tuvo lugar.

Yesterday evening when you called me I was having a shower

When the parents arrived home the children were watching TV

Exercise 1

Complete the following sentences choosing the right tense

1) We ___________ (sit) at the breakfast table when the doorbell

___________ (ring).
2) He ___________ (meet) a lot of friendly people while he ___________
(work) in California.
3) When they ___________ (leave) the museum, the sun ___________
4) The students ___________ (play) cards when the teacher ___________
(come) in.
5) While the children ___________ (sleep), their parents ___________
(watch) TV.
6) It ___________ (start) to rain while she ___________ (water) the flowers
in her garden.
7) When I ___________ (open) the door, it ___________ (rain).
8) While Henry ___________ (have) a drink at the bar, his wife ___________
(swim) in the sea.
9) He ___________ (hear) a loud bang while he ___________ (swim) to his
10) While he ___________ (take) a shower, his dogs ___________ (sat) his
Parallel Actions

When you use the Past Continuous with two actions in the same sentence, it
expresses the idea that both actions were happening at the same time. The actions
are parallel.

I was studying while he was making dinner.
While Ellen was reading, Tim was watching television.
Were you listening while he was talking?
What were you doing while you were waiting?

Exercise 1

Write the correct tense with the verbs given to complete these clauses:

1) While I ____________, the school bus ____________. (to text) (to arrive)
2) Cindy ____________ her leg while she ____________. (to break) (to
3) He ____________ to the radio while he ____________ breakfast. (to
listen) (to prepare)
4) My father ____________ at 70 km/h when a policeman ____________
him. (to drive) (to stop)
5) The girl ____________ that the boy ____________ her. (to notice) (to
6) My dad ____________ the ladder while he ____________ the carport. (to
fall off) (to paint)
7) While we ____________, we ____________ crossword puzzles. (to wait)
(to do)
8) Nick ____________ sick while he ____________ in Texas. (to become)
(to travel)
9) What ____________ when you ____________ about 9/11? (to do) (to
10) She said that she ____________ happy, so I ____________ to her.
(not/to feel) (to talk)


En la gramática inglesa se llama “object” a la persona que recibe la acción en la
Si decimos:
El ladrón robó la cartera a la señora.
El ladrón es el sujeto; y la señora es el objeto.
Sin embargo a veces usamos solo pronombres; entonces la oración queda así;
Él robó la cartera a ella. (Cuando las personas son ya conocidas).
De esta manera, siguiendo con el ejemplo anterior, “Él” sería el subject pronoun,
y “ella” sería el object pronoun.
Tabla con subject-object pronouns

Subject pronoun Object pronoun con pronunciación

entre barras y su significado en
I/ái/yo Me /mí/
me,a mí
You/iú/tú You /iú/
Te,a ti
He/jí/él Him /jím/
Le, a él
She/shí/ella Her/jer/
La,a ella
It /it/él It /it/
(para cosas) a él
We/uí/nosotros Us /ós/
Nos,a nosotros
You /iú/ustedes You /iú/
Les,a ustedes
They/déi/ ellos Them /dém/
Los, a ellos
Generalmente en las oraciones cortas el subject pronoun va al principio de la
oración y el object pronoun al final.

She loves him. Ella lo ama. (a él )
She doesn´t listen to him. Ella no oye a él. (Ella no lo oye
I hate them Los odio (a ellos)

Exercise 1.

Complete the following sentences with the missing part (Object or Subject pronoun).

1.- Is this cake for me? Yes, it is for ____.

2.- Give ____ a glass of water. I am thirsty.

3.- Peter is hungry. Give ____ a sandwich

4.- Is your mother at home? Yes, ____ is sitting in the dining room.
5.- Do you know John? Yes, ____ know him.

6.- Do you know Betty? Yes, I know ____.

7.- The boys are there. Do you want to talk to ____.

8.- This is my pen. Give ____ to me.

9.- Why is she here? Because ____ wants to see you.

10.- Are those boys English? Yes, ____ are.


¿Qué son los “phrasal verbs”?

Son “verbos compuestos”: un verbo al que añadimos una o más preposiciones.

Por ejemplo “make + up” es "make up"[meikap]. Todos sabemos que esta palabra
-como sustantivo- significa maquillaje, pero ¿sabías que significa también
“inventar” e incluso “reconciliarse”? O sea que “make” en principio significa
“hacer”, pero si añadimos la preposición “up”, significa algo completamente distinto
dependiendo del contexto. Como además la preposición puede aparecer separada
del verbo en la oración, muchas veces no entendemos lo que nos quieren decir
porque no sabemos que la preposición debe relacionarse con el verbo.

Los phrasal verbs se pueden dividir en tres grupos:

1) Verbos compuestos inseparables

No se puede separar la preposición del verbo y el complemento de objeto directo

debe venir después de la preposición o adverbio que compone el phrasal verb.
Un ejemplo es “look after” con el sentido de “cuidar a” u “ocuparse de”:
Parents must look after their kids.

2) Verbos compuestos separables

En este tipo de phrasal verbs el complemento de objeto directo va entre el verbo y

el complemento.
Un ejemplo es “set apart” con el sentido de “distinguir” o “caracterizar”:
The quality of their products sets Rolex apart from other watch makers.

3) Verbos intransitivos

Varios phrasal verbs se pueden utilizar sin un complemento de objeto directo. Por
ejemplo “make up” en el sentido de “hacer las paces”:
When mom and dad have an argument, they usually make up the following day. En
este caso no se usa un complemento de objeto directo.
Por si todo esto no fuera suficientemente complicado, muchas veces un
mismo phrasal verb se puede usar junto o separado

Tomemos por ejemplo el verbo “turn off” con el sentido de “apagar”:

Tanto “Before going to bed, I turn off the TV”…

… como “Before going to bed, I turn the TV off”, son correctos.

Exercise 1

Match the picture by writing the correct phrasal verb from the box.

wake up put on wait for call in

look after write down put up take off
work out come in climb up turn off

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

Compare these two sentences:

1) 'Could you close the door?'

2) 'Close the door.'

You probably think that the first sentence is more polite than the second – and you
are right.

1) Is a request. We are asking someone to do something.

2) Is an instruction. We are telling someone what to do.

Sentence two uses an imperative to tell someone what to do.

Note: we can make 'Close the door' into a request by adding 'Please' first: 'Please,
close the door.'

An imperative is base verb (present simple verb). Above, 'close' is the verb.

Imperatives are direct. Often they are used when we are angry.
Perhaps your old school teacher told you to:

'Sit down! Be quiet! Stop talking!'

Imperatives are also used in a less scary way. They are used when giving
instructions. When you buy, for example, a new DVD player it comes with an
instruction book telling you how to use it. This instruction book is written using
imperatives. They are simple to use and easy to explain.
Remember we can't use continuous verbs; only base verbs:
'Stand up, please' and NOT 'Standing up, please.'

The negative form is do + not + base verb

For example:
'Do not smoke in your room.'
'Don't touch me!'

If there are a number of steps in your instructions, you can use the following
sequence markers:

After that

Let us use some imperatives with sequence markers to show someone how to make
a cup of coffee.

First, boil some water.

Then, put coffee into a cup.
Next, pour the hot water into the cup.
After that, add a little milk.
Finally, stir the coffee.
Exercise 1

Complete the sentences by writing the correct imperative using the verbs given.

upstairs. (to go)

in this lake. (not/to swim)
your homework. (to do)
football in the yard. (not/to play)
your teeth. (to brush)
during the lesson. (not/to talk)
the animals in the zoo. (not/to feed)
the instructions. (to read)
late for school. (not/to be)
your mobiles. (to switch off)


To offer or to invite we use Would you like…? (not ‘do you like’)

‘Would you like a cup of coffee?’ ‘Yes, please.’

‘Would you like to come to dinner tomorrow evening?’ ‘Yes, I'd love to.’
I'd like… is a polite way of saying what you want:

(At a tourist information office) I'd like some information about hotels, please.
(In a shop) I'd like to try on this jacket, please.

We use would + like a lot for offers. It is very useful for different situations.

Would you like to come to our house for dinner?

Would you like some cake?
Would you like to celebrate Chinese New Year with us?
For more informal invitations you can use can + get. Get means buy in this context.

Can I get you a drink?

Exercise 1

Fill in the words to complete the sentences using "would, would like, would love or
wouldn't like".

1.- You want to do something with your friend tonight. You ask:

What ___________ to do tonight?

2.- You are in a restaurant and you ask for a glass of water.

___________ you bring me a glass of water please?

3.- You are expecting how much you want to go to Paris.

I ___________ to go to Paris.

4.- You don't like to work as a waiter.

I ___________ to work as a waiter.

5.- You are offering your friend a sandwich.

___________ a sandwich?
Exercise 2

Order the following sentences correctly.

would/ she/ to/ like/ go/ vacation/ on/ this/ year.

1.- _______________________________________________

2.- like/ He/ meet/ wouldn't/ to/ you/ like.


3.- love/ We/ to/ you/ visit/ would/ again.


4.- play/ the/ guitar/ Would/ you/ like/ to/ ?


5.- wouldn't/ to/ swim/ there/ I/ like.




So far, you have learned some grammatical issues in the previous courses. Before
starting this fourth one let’s do a review of the simple past one.


Exercise 1

From the following paragraph there are 10 mistakes in the tenses. Please identify
them up and write the correct answer.

Bob marley early life

Bob marley was borned Robert nesta marley on February 6, 1945. Bob was
born to cedella marley when she had been 18. Bob's early life was spent in
rural community of nine miles, nestled in the mountainous terrain of the parish
of st. Ann. Residents of nine miles have preserving many customs derives
from their african ancestry especially the art of storytelling as a means of
sharing the past and time-tested traditions that are oftentimes overlooked in
official historical sources. The proverbs, fables and various chores associate
with rural life that were inherent to bob's childhood would provide a deeper
cultural context and an aura of mysticism to his adult songwriting.

Norval and cedella marry in 1945 but captain marley's family strongly
disapproving of their union; although the elder marley provided financial
support, the last time bob marley see his father was when he was five years
old; at that time, norval tooked his son to kingston to live with his nephew, a
businessman, and to attend school. Eighteen months later cedella learned
that bob wasn't going to school and was living with an elderly couple. Alarmed,
she went to Kingston, found bob and bringed him home to nine miles.

Exercise 2

Surf the web and access wikipedia. Look for bob marley’s biography and answer the
following questions:

1. How old was bob when his father passed away?

2. Who did teach bob to play the guitar?

3. In what year did bob record his first songs?

4. In what year did the wailers split up?

5. When was his hit “no woman no cry” release?

Exercise 3

Complete the following chart with the past tense of the verbs given and its
corresponding past participle.
SHAKE _______________

Exercise 4

Write complete sentences in past using the information provided; one is done for you
as an example.

1. (Mike, go, Miami, 1998)

Mike went to Miami in 1998.

2. (Alice, fly, Paris, last year)

3. (Mark, lend, boo, his cousin)

4. (Anton, hide, the chart, under bed)

5. (Kim, blow, balloon, his niece)

6. (Frank, quit, job, find new)


Would is an auxiliary verb, a modal auxiliary verb. We use would mainly to:

 Talk about the past Would en Español se traduce

 Talk about the future in the past como “ria”. Es decir I would go =
 Express the conditional mood Yo iría.

Usage of would You would play = tú jugarías.

I. Would to talk about the past

We often use would as a kind of past tense of will or going to:

 Even as a boy, he knew that he would succeed in life.

 I thought it would rain so i brought my umbrella.

II. Would to talk about the future in the past

When talking about the past we can use would to express something that
has not happened at the time we are talking about:

 In London she met the man that she would one day marry.
 He left 5 minutes late, unaware that the delay would save his li

III. Would to express the conditional mood

We often use would to express the so-called second and third conditionals.

In this case check the following sample: there are 2 sentences divided by a
comma. The if sentence (the condition) and the consequence or result. In this
case the condition is in simple past and the consequence gets “would” [in
Spanish it is the expression (sí yo jugara soccer, sería famoso)].

 If he lost his job he would have no money.

IV. Would for expressing desire.

 I'd love to live here.

 Would you like some coffee?
 What i'd really like is some tea.
V. Would to make polite requests and questions

 Would you open the door, please? (More polite than: open the door,
 Would you go with me? (More polite than: will you go with me?)
 Would you know the answer? (More polite than: do you know the
 What would the capital of Nigeria be? (More polite than: what is the
capital of Nigeria?)

VI. Would for giving opinion or hope

 I would imagine that they'll buy a new one.

 I suppose some people would call it torture.
 I would have to agree.
 I would expect him to come.
 Since you ask me i'd say the blue one is best.

VII. Would for wishing and expressing regrets

 I wish you would stay. (i really want you to stay. I hope you will stay.)
 They don't like me. I'm sure they wish i'd resign.

Exercise 1
Use the information in the box to complete the following exercise. (note: there are 2
She would I’d Like He’d
Wouldn’t It would Be She’d
He would Play Would Seem

1. I knew he would ___________ famous one day.

2. He said that ___________ help me.
3. I asked him to walk faster but he ___________.
4. As children we would ___________ together every day.
5. Nobody knew that one day he ___________ be rich.
6. If you asked me ___________ say you were crazy.
7. Would you ___________ to go?
8. Do you think he'd help? | I'm sure ___________.
9. He would ___________ to be improving.
10. We want to play tennis. I wish ___________ stop raining.

Exercise 2

Complete the Conditional Sentences by putting the verbs into the correct form. Use
"would" in the appropriate place (Remember: If sentence in simple past and
consequence with “would”.

1. If we (have) had a yacht, we (sail) would sail the seven seas.

2. If he (have) ____________ more time, he (learn) ____________ karate.
3. If they (tell) ____________ their father, he (be) ____________ very angry.
4. She (spend) ____________ a year in the USA if it (be) ____________
easier to get a green card.
5. If I (live) ____________ on a lonely island, I (run) ____________ around
naked all day.
6. We (help) ____________ you if we (know) ____________ how.
7. My brother (buy) ____________ a sports car if he (have) ____________
the money.
8. If I (feel) ____________ better, I (go) ____________ to the cinema with
9. If you (go) ____________ by bike more often, you (be / not) ____________
so flabby.
10. She (not / talk) ____________ to you if she (be) ____________ mad at

"Could" is used to express possibility or past ability as well as to make suggestions

and requests. "Could" is also commonly used in conditional sentences as the
conditional form of "can."
 Extreme rain could cause the river to flood the city. possibility
 Nancy could ski like a pro by the age of 11. past ability
 You could see a movie or go out to dinner. suggestion
 Could I use your computer to email my boss? request
 We could go on the trip if I didn't have to work this weekend. conditional

As you can see “Could” works like “Would” with conditions. It is easy to change them
but the meaning changes, it is better to understand because it is the same in
Spanish. In this case “Would” is the ending “ria” like gustaria, veria, estaria. And
“Could” is in Spanish “Podría”. Then we have the clear picture in the next sample:

If I met “Chicharito”, I would take a selfie with him.

(Sí conociera al Chicharito, me tomaría una Selfie con él).

If I met “Chicharito”, I could take a selfie with him.

(Sí conociera al Chicharito, podría tomar una Selfie con él).


"Might" is most commonly used to express possibility. It is also often used in

conditional sentences. English speakers can also use "might" to make suggestions
or requests, although this is less common in American English.

 Your purse might be in the living room. possibility
 If I didn't have to work, I might go with you. conditional
 You might visit the botanical gardens during your visit. suggestion
 Might I borrow your pen? request

It is used with conditions like “Would” and “Could”. In this case it is similar to Could
and expresses possibility too, the difference is that you give more emphasis in the
consequence with might. Check the following examples:

Positive Forms

1. If I entered the contest, I might actually win.

2. If I had entered the contest, I might actually have won.

3. If I entered the contest tomorrow, I might actually win. Unfortunately, I can't enter

Negative Forms

1. Even if I entered the contest, I might not win.

2. Even if I had entered the contest, I might not have won.

3. Even if I entered the contest tomorrow, I might not win.

Exercise 1

There are 10 questions in this exercise and each question has only one true answer,
select the correct option.

1. What would you __________ if you won the lottery?

 do
 did
 was doing
 was do

2. She wouldn't be nervous if she ________ her homework.

 would do
 did
 does
 do

3. If my grandfather ________ alive, he ________ play with me.

 were / was
 would be / were
 was / will be
 were / could be

4. If you printed on both sides, you ________ paper.

 were saved
 saved
 might save
 might be save

5. We ________ football if the weather were good.

 could be able to play

 could were able to play
 were able to play
 will be able to play

6. If you ________ a bike you wouldn't cycle to school.

 don't have
 didn't have
 not had
 weren't have

7. The film ________ more interesting if it ________ a happy ending.

 would be / has
 were / could have
 was / could have
 could be / had

8. If my father ________ me a ticket, I ________ to the cinema.

 didn't buy / couldn't go

 weren't buy / con't go
 couldn't buy / didn't go
 wasn't buy / con't go

9. What would you do if you ________ invisible?

 will become
 would become
 became
 were become

10. If he ________ to İstanbul, he ________ the Blue Mosque.

 might go / visited
 went / might visit
 were go / visited
 went / were visited



A conjunction is a part of speech that is used to connect words, phrases, clauses, or

sentences. Conjunctions are considered to be invariable grammar particle, and they
may or may not stand between items they conjoin.


The conjunction and is used to suggest:

a) That one action follows another in the chronological order.

Jane sent in her applications and waited for a call from the HR office.

b) That one idea is the result of another

Rain began to fall and the creek rose rapidly.

And can also be used to suggest a kind of comment on something mentioned in the
first clause.

James became addicted to drugs – and that was hardly surprising.


The conjunction but is used to suggest a contrast.

 It was a sunny day, but the wind was cold. (Here the second clause suggests
a contrast that is unexpected in the light of the first clause.)
 The stick was thin but it was strong.
 He was ill but he went to work.
 She is poor but honest.
 But can be used with the meaning of ‘with the exception of’.
 Everybody but James turned up.

Conditions with “Could”, “Would” and “Might” are often used to express moral
situations or to express your ideas about something. The idea here is to combine
the conditions giving your reason about a dilemma. In order to give examples or
make your idea clearer you normally use conjunctions to add (and) or to contrast
opinions (but).

Exercise 1

Read the following Moral Dilemmas and write your responses. Later contact your
tutor to get your writing checked.

 What would you do if you found your class English test in the school bathroom?

 What would you do if you found $200 on an empty bus late at night?

 What would you do if an ex-boy/girlfriend wanted to come and stay with you for
two days while your current partner is out of town?

 What would you do if someone in a shop gave you a $50 note instead of $5?


Notice: We use the present perfect to say that an action

happened at an unspecified time before now. The
"Last year" and "in the last
exact time is not important. You cannot use the
year" are very different in
meaning. "Last year" means present perfect with specific time expressions such as:
the year before now, and it is yesterday, one year ago, last week, when i was a child,
considered a specific time when i lived in japan, at that moment, that day, one day,
which requires Simple Past. "In etc.
the last year" means from 365
days ago until now. It is not We can use the present perfect with unspecific
considered a specific time, so expressions such as: ever, never, once, many times,
it requires Present Perfect. several times, before, so far, already, yet, etc.


Has/have + past participle **

(Check a list of irregular verbs on the appendix at the end here)


 You have seen that movie many times.

 Have you seen that movie many times?
 You have not seen that movie many times.


 I have seen that movie twenty times.

 I think i have met him once before.
 There have been many earthquakes in California.
 People have traveled to the moon.
 People have not traveled to mars.
 Have you read the book yet?
 Nobody has ever climbed that mountain.
 A: has there ever been a war in the united states?
B: yes, there has been a war in the united states.

Exercise 1
Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb.

1. I have__ answered the question.

2. She _______ opened the window.
3. They _______ called us.
4. You _______ carried a box.
5. It _______ rained a lot.
6. We _______ washed the car.
7. He _______ closed the window.
8. Jenny _______ locked the door.
9. The girls _______ visited the museum.
10. John and Sophie _______ helped in the garden.

Exercise 2
Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect simple).

1. I (not / work) ___________ have not worked today.

2. We (buy) ___________ a new lamp.
3. We (not / plan) ___________ our holiday yet.
4. Where (be / you) ___________?
5. He (write) ___________ five letters.
6. She (not / see) ___________ him for a long time.
7. (be / you) ___________ at school?
8. School (not / start) ___________ yet.
9. (speak / he) ___________ to his boss?
10. No, he (have / not) ___________ the time yet.
Every verb has what are called four principal parts. This means that we can take
any verb and break it into these parts. Past participles are simply one of those
principal parts of a verb.
In Spanish, past participle corresponds to the ending “ido” and “ado”. The good part
is that it is used exactly in the same way in English as in Spanish. You can identify
them in any list of verbs you have (there is one at the end click here) because it is
normally positioned in the third column. The bad news is that we have some verbs
that are irregular as you can see in the list.

Regular verbs have a pattern as you can see here:

That’s why they are called regular. If you have a regular verb, simply add –d or –ed
the present tense form of the verb.

Present Tense + d or ed Past Participle

Learn + ed Learned

spike +d Spiked

play + ed played

Irregular verbs do not follow a pattern as you may observe here:

Present Tense Change to? Past Participle

Bring brought brought

Build Built Built

win won won

Exercise 1

Complete correctly the missing form of the verbs in the following chart.
1 Awake Awoke Awoken
2 Be Was/were
3 Become Became
4 Blow Blew
5 Build Built
6 Choose Chose
7 Draw Drew
8 Fly Flew
9 Hold Held
10 Read Read


Simple past

We have already checked the simple past in English. This is a review about it: we
know the verb is in past because of it’s from in past. When the verb ends in “ed” we
say it is regular. If the past of the verb changes in its form, we call it irregular.

Examples of form

Regular verbs

Verb + ed


 You called Debbie.

 Did you call Debbie?
 You did not call Debbie.

Irregular verbs
 You went to the party
 Did you go to the party?
 You did not go to the party.

Difference in use

Ambos tiempos describen acciones que tuvieron lugar en el pasado, si bien

presentan ciertas diferencias:

a) Past Simple

Acción que se desarrolló y finalizó en el pasado, sin que se de ninguna información

sobre cual ha sido su repercusión en el tiempo presente.
 When I was young I played tennis (no nos da ninguna información sobre
si en la actualidad sigo jugando al tenis o no)

Acción que se desarrolló y completó en un periodo de tiempo ya finalizado.

 This morning I had a very tense meeting with my boss (ya es por la tarde,
la mañana ha finalizado)

b) Presente Perfect

Acción que se inició en el pasado y que aún continúa desarrollándose.

 I have worked in this bank for ten years (todavía continúo en el banco)

Acción que acaba de finalizar.

 I have missed my train (lo acabo de perder)

Acción que se ha desarrollado en un periodo de tiempo que aún no ha terminado.

 This morning I have had a very tense meeting with my boss (aún es por la
mañana) Today I have visited my parents (el día todavía no ha finalizado)

Acción desarrollada en el pasado pero cuya repercusión aún se manifiesta en el

tiempo presente.
 My brother has broken his glasses (las gafas se han roto recientemente y
siguen rotas)

Exercise 1

Select from the option the correct one to complete the sentences by linking them:
Exercise 2

Select the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. His father ............................... last year
 died  has died

2. James ........................................ school at fourteen

 has left  left  had left

3. I .................................. him for ten years

 knew  have known  know

4. I ................................. all of her novels

 read  have read  has read

5. You .................................... me for anything.

 never thanked  have never  had never
thanked thanked
6. I .................................... a strange experience last night.
 had  have had  had had

7. Suddenly I .................................. a knock on the door

 have heard  heard  was hearing

8. There ................................ no one to rescue the child.

 has been  was  had been

9. The fox .................................. to eat the bunch of grapes hanging from the vine.
 has wanted  wanted  had wanted

10. This castle ................................... in the 16th century

 has been built  had been  was built

11. I ................................... pity for the poor beggar

 have felt  had felt  felt

12. You .................................... for the grand finale.

 have selected  were  have been


The present perfect is normally used with “for” and “since”. We use for with a period
of time, for example: a few days, half an hour, two years. We use since with the time
when the action started, for example: last year, June 8, i met you.

Exercise 1

Decide if you need for or since with these time expressions.

1 Last weekend
2 Ten seconds
3 Christmas eve
4 A decade
5 I finished school
6 A couple of days
7 My birthday
8 A long time
9 Ten centuries
10 The 70s
11 I was a boy
12 August
13 The last month
14 Fifteen years
15 The accident
16 Then
17 We bought this house
18 Last month
19 A millennium
20 I met you

Exercise 2

Complete the following sentences with the correct word

1) I haven't been to erika's house ________ may.

2) Lucas has worked in the bank ________ five years.

3) I have known him ________ i was six.

4) It has rained ________ more than three days.

5) They have been married ________ 1999.

The perfect tense is also accompanied by these adverbs. Check the information
below and get familiar with its usage.

'Ever' is used

 In questions. E.g.
Have you ever been to England?
Has she ever met the prime minister?

 In negative questions e.g.

Haven't they ever been to Europe?

Haven't you ever eaten Chinese food?

 And in negative statements using the pattern nothing.......ever,

nobody.......ever e.g.


ARE ALWAYS PLACED Nobody has ever said that to me before.
VERB (PAST Nothing like this has ever happened to us.

'Ever' is also used with 'the first time... E.g.

It's the first time (that) i've ever eaten snails.

This is the first time i've ever been to England.
'Never' means at no time before now, and is the same as not..... Ever:
I have never visited Berlin

Be careful!

You must not use never and not together:

I haven't never been to Italy.
I have never been to Italy.
Already & just

 Refer to an action that has happened at an unspecified time before now. It

suggests that there is no need for repetition, e.g.

I've already drunk three coffees this morning. (And you're offering me another
Don't write to john, i've already done it.

 It is also used in questions:

Have you already written to john?

Has she finished her homework already?

 Already can be placed before the main verb (past participle) or at the end of
the sentence:

I have already been to Tokyo.

I have been to Tokyo already.

 Use just to express actions that have happened recently. Just goes after the
auxiliary have/has and before the past participle

Maria has just finished her homework. (Not so long ago)

They have just come from the supermarket.
It has just started raining.

 It is used in negative statements and questions, to mean (not) in the period of
time between before now and now, (not) up to and including the present. E.g.

Have you met Judy yet?

I haven't visited the Tate gallery yet.

Has he arrived yet?

They haven't eaten yet.

Yet is usually placed at the end of the sentence.

Exercise 1

Complete the sentences with the correct form.

1) I ____________ a new mobile phone. (Just/buy)

2) ____________ a cat without a tail? (You/ever/see)

3) My sister ____________ sushi. (Never / eat)

4) We ____________ your new tape yet. (Hear)

5) How many words ____________ for your language project? (You /


6) Sheila ____________ her breakfast yet. (Have)

7) What ____________ to the computer? (They/ do)

8) John and Alex ____________ in France for 20 years. (Live)

9) Where ____________my keys? (I /leave)

10) Simon ____________ pat's parents yet. (Meet)

11) We ____________ her an e-mail. (Just / send)

12) Where is your mother? She ____________ to the supermarket.


13) Simon ____________ (be) to South Africa once. He wants to go there


Exercise 2

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

1) Mother: i want to prepare dinner. (You / wash) _________ the dishes yet?

2) Daughter: i (wash) _________ the dishes yesterday, but i (have / not)

_________ the time yet to do it today.

3) Mother: (you / do / already) _________ your homework?

4) Daughter: no, i (come / just) _________ home from school.

5) Mother: you (come) _________ home from school two hours ago!

6) Daughter: well, but my friend Lucy (call) _________ when i (arrive)

_________ and i (finish / just) _________ the phone call.

7) Mother: (you / see / not) _________ Lucy at school in the morning?

8) Daughter: yes, but we (have / not) _________ time to talk THEN.

Exercise 3

Complete the following sentences with the correct option

1. I have _________ cut my hair before because my mum didn't want it.
2. Have you _________ met a star?
3. You have _________ helped me before, so be nice please do now!
4. Have you _________ seen your dad cry?
5. What animals have you _________ seen here?
6. I have _________ enjoyed it, it was so great.
7. I have _________ seen this film but it looks very good.
8. Have you _________ visited this museum?
9. She has _________ shown me her house, that's why I don't know where
she lives!
10. I have _________ been to Tahiti: in 2001.



 "Love" se utiliza para indicar que algo nos encanta.

We love cooking

Nos encanta cocinar.

 "Like" se utiliza para indicar que algo nos gusta.

She likes swimming.

Le gusta nadar.

 "Hate" & “Prefer” se utilizan para señalar que algo nos desagrada o es de
nuestra preferencia.

I hate washing dishes.

Odio lavar los Platos.

 Los verbos "love", "like" y "hate" pueden ir seguidos del verbo en forma -ing
o con "to" + infinitivo.


 Los verbos que indican gusto, preferencia u odio como "like", "love", "dislike",
"hate" o "prefer" van seguidos de un verbo en infinitivo con "to" cuando
hablamos de acciones que nos gustan o no nos gustan hacer en ese momento

I would like to dance.

Me gustaría bailar (ahora o en un momento determinado)

I hate to tell you that you are wrong.

Odio decirte que estás equivocado.


 Los verbos que expresan gusto, preferencia u odio van seguidos del verbo en
forma -ing cuando hablamos de una acción que nos gusta o que no nos gusta
hacer habitualmente.
She likes dancing.

Le gusta bailar (habitualmente)

We prefer walking to climbing.

Preferimos andar a escalar.

Exercise 1

Write the following verbs in the -ing form:

1. Paint _______________________ Un gerundio en inglés tiene siempre

la terminación “ing”. Mucha gente se
2. Write _______________________ equivoca al traducir pues se dice que
es ando - iendo en Español. Esto no
3. Love _______________________ es cierto para que sea ando, iendo es
necesario que tenga el verbo To Be
4. Read _______________________ antes. El gerundio en inglés se
traduce como si fuera infinitivo es
5. Listen _______________________ decir comprar, beber, correr etc. La
diferencia es que el “ing” no tiene
6. Play _______________________ intención y es impersonal por eso se
usa mucho.
7. Sit _______________________
8. Stop _______________________ I like playing.

9. Hit _______________________ I like to play.

Se traducen ambas igual como Me

10. Keep _______________________
gusta jugar. La diferencia es que en
la primera se habla de generalidad y
11. Cook _______________________ en la segunda se remarca que es
jugar y no caminar o bailar lo que
12. Make _______________________ gusta por ejemplo.
13. Type _______________________
14. Drink _______________________
15. Try _______________________

Exercise 2

Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct option in brackets.

1) I would love (coming / to come) and visit you in Australia.

2) I (like / would like) driving along the new highway.

3) I prefer him (studying / to study) in France.

4) I would like (inviting / to invite) you to my house next Tuesday.

5) I hate (talking / to talk) to people I do not know very well.

6) She would hate (talking / to talk) to someone she does not know.

7) He (prefers / would prefer) to stay at home and watch TV this evening.

8) They (love / would love) to go to the seaside on Sundays.

9) My father would like you (coming / to come) and stay with us on Sunday.

10) I (prefer / would prefer) jogging to swimming.

Exercise 3

Order the following sentences:

1) Classical My likes mother to music. listening

My mother likes listening to classical music
2) His dad car. Ana's washing hates

3) Travelling friend by loves My plane. father's

4) emails. writing I long hate

5) watching dislikes films horror She TV. on

6) in Tommy dancing the loves disco.

7) English. My speaking math’s loves teacher

8) doesn't early. friend's sister My like getting up

9) the I getting dressed mornings. like in

10) a at bath aunt having nights. loves James'


¿Cómo se dice en inglés "yo prefiero"? El verbo preferir en inglés (prefer) suele
causar bastante confusión ya que existen diversas formas para expresar la
preferencia en este idioma. A continuación, veamos qué estructuras se han de

1) PREFER: Para hablar de preferencias en general, usamos el verbo prefer

seguido de verbo acabado en -ing o de infinitivo con to sin que cambie el
I prefer buying online = I prefer to buy online (prefiero comprar por internet)

También podemos indicar que preferimos una cosa a otra con la siguiente
Sujeto + prefer + sustantivo + to + sustantivo
I prefer tea to coffe (prefiero el té al café)

Para decir que preferimos hacer una cosa a hacer otra podemos usar las
siguientes estructuras:
Sujeto + prefer + verbo acabado en -ing + TO + verbo acabado en -ing
I prefer going to the cinema to staying at home. (Prefiero ir al cine a
quedarme en casa)

Sujeto + prefer + infinitivo con to + RATHER THAN + infinitivo sin to

I prefer to read rather than watch TV (prefiero leer a ver la televisión)

2) WOULD RATHER. Significa prefiero o preferiría y va seguido de infinitivo sin

to (bare infinitive).
Shall we go shopping? I would rather go to the cinema. (¿Vamos de compras?
Prefiero / preferiría ir al cine)
Forma abreviada: I'd rather go out (prefiero / preferiría salir)
Para decir que preferimos hacer una cosa a hacer otra usamos la siguiente
Sujeto + would rather + infinitivo sin to + THAN + infinitivo sin to
She would rather go out than stay at home. (Ella prefiere/ preferiría salir a
quedarse en casa)


1) PREFER se usa en correlación con TO (si usamos gerundio) o con

RATHER THAN (si usamos infinitivo con to)
I prefer swimming to running (prefiero nadar a correr)
I prefer to swim rather than run (prefiero nadar a correr)

2) WOULD RATHER se usa en correlación con THAN.

I would rather swim than run (prefiero nadar a correr)

Exercise 1

Choose the correct option for each gap below from the following chart:
than to than stay rather than would prefer
stayed stay to travelling to have lying

a. I prefer brown sugar ________ white sugar.

b. I don’t want to go out. I’d rather ________ home.

c. I like trekking in the mountains, but I prefer ________ on a sandy beach.

d. I’d rather go in December ________ in May.

e. I’d rather come with you ________ here alone.

f. I prefer travelling by bus ________ bu train.

g. I usually have tea, but today I’d prefer ________ coffee, please.

h. I’d prefer to read for a while ________ TV.

i. I’d rather you ________ here with me and the kids.

j. She ________ to stay in a hotel.

Exercise 2

Choose the correct option for each gap below from the following chart:
go to to eat live in Paris
than discuss to travelling walking

1. I prefer coffee _________ tea.

2. I don't fancy the theatre again. I'd rather _________ to the cinema.
3. Although I love relaxing on beaches, I think I prefer _________ in the
4. I'd rather speak to him in person _________ things over the phone.
5. I prefer trains _________ cars.
6. I'm not a big fan of cars; I prefer _________ by train.
7. If I had a choice I think I'd rather _________.
8. They'd rather have lunch inside, but I'd prefer _________ outside in the garden.
En inglés existen varios verbos que expresas emociones cuyas características
demandan, en caso de tener un verbo después de ellos, que se usen formas
definidas en gerundio “ing” y en infinitivo “To” o ambas. A continuación tienes 3
listados con los verbos más comunes de cada grupo.

A) Verbs that are normally followed by gerunds.

Verbs Followed by a Gerund
Ej: They enjoyed working on the boat.
admit delay finish permit resist
advise deny forbid postpone resume
appreciate detest get through practice risk
avoid dislike have quit spend (time)
can't help enjoy imagine recall suggest
complete escape mind report tolerate
consider excuse miss resent waste (time)

B) Verbs that are normally followed by infinitives.

Verbs Followed by an Infinitive
Ej: She agreed to speak before the game.
agree consent have offer shoot
aim continue hesitate ought start
appear dare hope plan stop
arrange decide hurry prefer strive
ask deserve intend prepare swear
attempt detest leap proceed threaten
be able dislike leave promise try
beg expect like propose use
begin fail long refuse wait
care forget love remember want
choose get mean say wish
condescend happen neglect

C) Verbs that are followed by gerunds and infinitives.

Example: It started to rain. / It started raining.

begin continue love

can’t bear hate prefer
can’t stand like propose
start try stop
quit regret remember

Exercise 1

Put in the verbs in brackets in the gerund or the to-infinitive form.

1) I can't imagine Peter ______________ (go) by bike.

2) He agreed ______________ (buy) a new car.

3) The question is easy ______________ (answer).

4) The man asked me how ______________ (get) to the airport.

5) I look forward to ______________ (see) you at the weekend.

6) Are you thinking of ______________ (visit) London?

7) We decided ______________ (run) through the forest.

8) The teacher expected Sarah ______________ (study) hard.

9) She doesn't mind ______________ (work) the night shift.

10) I learned ______________ (ride) the bike at the age of 5.

Exercise 2

Decide if the verbs are followed by a verb in the gerund or in the infinitive form.

1) Finish
a) Gerund
b) to + infinitive
c) Both possibilities are correct.

2) Like
a) Gerund
b) to + infinitive
c) Both possibilities are correct.
3) Hope
a) Gerund
b) to + infinitive
c) Both possibilities are correct.

4) Feel like
a) Gerund
b) to + infinitive
c) Both possibilities are correct.

5) Seem
a) Gerund
b) to + infinitive
c) Both possibilities are correct.

6) Forget
a) Gerund
b) to + infinitive
c) Both possibilities are correct.

7) Start
a) Gerund
b) to + infinitive
c) Both possibilities are correct.

8) Manage
a) Gerund
b) to + infinitive
c) Both possibilities are correct.

9) Agree
a) Gerund
b) to + infinitive
c) Both possibilities are correct.

10) Avoid
a) Gerund
b) to + infinitive
c) Both possibilities are correct.


Los pronombres relativos3 del inglés introducen una proposición adjetiva. Pueden
ser demostrativos o compuestos. Entre ellos: that, who, those who, whom, that of.
Aquí encontrarás ejemplos traducidos al español.
Who - quien, (ju) quienes, que -se usa sólo para personas
The girl who was dancing at the party is my sister.
La chica que estaba bailando en la fiesta es mi hermana.
Do you know the person who sold me the car?
¿Conoces a la persona que me vendió el coche?
That (dat) - que -se usa para cosas y personas
It was an earthquake that caused great destruction.
Fue un terremoto que causó gran destrucción.
The animals that live here are adapted to extreme conditions.
Los animales que viven aquí están adaptados a condiciones extremas.

Which (juích) - que, el/la cual, los/las cuales, lo que -se usa para cosas-
The jewels which she bought are from India.
Las joyas que ella compró son de India.
The waiter brought the knives, none of which were clean.
El camarero trajo los cuchillos, ninguno de los cuales estaba limpio.

Whom (jum) - a quien, a quienes, al que

That is the girl whom I sent the flowers.
Ésa es la chica a quien le envié las flores.
She was a woman whom I loved very much.
Ella era una mujer a quien yo amaba mucho.

Si requieres mas información puedes vistar la siguiente página
Whose (jus) - cuyo/a, cuyos/as, de quien, de quienes
He is a man whose honesty is above all suspicion.
El es un hombre cuya honestidad está por encima de toda sospecha.
A country whose citizens know their rights and duties.
Un país cuyos ciudadanos conocen sus derechos y obligaciones.

What (uát) - lo que

I couldn't understand what she tried to say.
No pude entender lo que ella trataba de decir.
I know what I want, but I don't know how to get it.
Sé lo que quiero, pero no sé cómo conseguirlo.

Exercise 1

Complete the following sentences with the relative pronouns who, which or whose.
1) I talked to the girl _____________ car had broken down in front of the
2) Mr. Richards, _____________ is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.
3) We often visit our aunt in Norwich _____________ is in East Anglia.
4) This is the girl _____________ comes from Spain.
5) That's Peter, the boy _____________ has just arrived at the airport.
6) Thank you very much for your e-mail _____________ was very
7) The man, _____________ father is a professor, forgot his umbrella.
8) The children, _____________ shouted in the street, are not from our
9) The car, _____________ driver is a young man, is from Ireland.
10) What did you do with the money _____________ your mother lent

Exercise 2

Decide whether the relative pronoun is a subject pronoun or an object pronoun.

1. Do you know the girl who I danced with? ______________
2. Do you know the girl who danced with me? ______________
3. The apples that are lying on the table are bad. ______________
4. The apples that we bought in the shop are bad. ______________
5. We will stay at a hotel which is not far from the beach. ______________
6. We will stay at a hotel which my friend has recommended to us.
7. That is a museum which I like very much. ______________
8. That is a museum which lies in the heart of the town. ______________
9. This is the man who Barbara visited in Scotland. ______________
10. This is the man who lives in Scotland. ______________

Exercise 3

Complete the sentences using relative clauses. Use who and which.

1. A Scot is a person (live in Scotland) ___________________________

2. Nessie is a monster (live in Loch Ness) _________________________
3. A fridge is a thing (keep food cool) ___________________________
4. A DJ is someone (play music in a disco) _________________________
5. A bee is an insect (make honey) ___________________________
6. A lemon is a fruit (be yellow and sour) ___________________________
7. A watch is a thing (tell the time) ___________________________
8. A ferry is a ship (carry people across the water) ___________________
9. A shop assistant is someone (work in a shop) _____________________
10. A key is a thing (can open and lock doors) ______________________
How to describe someone in English

We can describe people based on different characteristics. Check the following






You can find more examples in Appendix 1

Exercise 1

Complete each definition with the correct words:

1) A polite word for describing someone who is 'fat' ____________.

2) The opposite of short ____________.
3) A word to describe an attractive man ____________.
4) A word to describe a very attractive woman ____________.
5) The opposite of 'fat' is 'thin'. This is another word meaning 'thin'
6) Another word meaning 'old' ____________.
7) If someone is muscular we say they are well- ____________.
8) Someone who is 26 years old is in their ____________.
9) Another word for 'small' often used to describe a woman ____________.
10) Not tall or short. Medium- ____________.
Exercise 2

Order the following words to make sentences:

1. My frizzy. is hair
My hairs is frizzy
2. moustache. has detective The a

3. very boy tall. This is

4. bald. The man is

5. eyes. I blue have

6. is hair Her long.

7. I short. am quite

8. mother very pretty. My is

9. funny is hair It's in mess. her because a

10. short. The and fat is boy

11. crooked. witch of nose The the is

12. like curly hair. I

13. I hair. straight hate

14. like to I would auburn. be

15. and man This plump. wife are his

Appendix 1

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