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UPM-CALC/SEM1/2015-16/CEL2102/SCL-WEEK 7


Giving Opinions on Art (Part B)

Deadline: 2/11/2015

The following is an online group activity meant to help strengthen your language for
effective listening and speaking. This activity is to be carried out only after you have
completed Part A (SCL 6), in which you need to form a group of 3 to 4 members.


1. In this part of the activity, you are required to video record your group discussion
which should be about 15 minutes long. Please do not rehearse your discussion
before the recording session; we want you to capture your natural discussion style in
this activity.
2. Record your discussion the moment someone starts talking, and end the recording
when everyone has finished talking.

3. You are required to do the following for your group interactions:

a. Take turns to show each other the image you have selected and share briefly
with your group members your answers to Questions 1 & 2 in Part A.

b. As you listen to your friends’ sharing, please make appropriate responses to

what is being said. For instance, you can ask for clarification if you do not
understand his / her point(s), or you can express your opinion in response to
what your friend has said.

4. For submission of Part B, you need to first upload your video recording (for example,
on YouTube), and then provide the URL for your video. Use the following format for
submission on Edmodo:

SCL WEEK 7 (Group Discussion)

Name & Matric Number of group members:

1. LOH MEE YING 184285

2.MI XIAO 181246
3.CHOI ZI XIN 185641

Type the URL for your video here:


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