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• Use Double spacing throughout the

title page • Bold

• Use A4 paper throughout the research • Times New Roman
paper. • Font Size: 14
• Capitalize the First Letter of Each
5-Space down Important Word.

Research Title

• Bold 2-Space down

• Times New Roman
• Font Size: 12
• Given Name, Middle Initial, Sure
Name (Ex. Juan A. Dela Cruz) Researcher 1

Researcher 2

Researcher 3

2-Space down
• Italic
• Times New Roman
• Font Size: 12
Strand – Grade Level/Section
• Italic
• Times New Roman
2-Space down
• Font Size: 12

In partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Subject

Research Project

• Italic 2-Space down

• Times New Roman
• Font Size: 12

Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation

Vinzons Avenue, Daet, Camarines Norte

4-Space down

Date Submitted • Italic

• Times New Roman
• Font Size: 12
(Sample Title Page)

Social Media: The Final Frontier in Customer Experience Management

Pia A. Wurtzbach

Catriona Elisa M. Gray

Margarita M. Moran

Strand – Grade Level/Section

In partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 2

Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation

Vinzons Avenue, Daet, Camarines Norte

May 2021

(Write your acknowledgment here.)

• Times New Roman, 12
• 1.5 Spacing
• Indent the first line.
• Justify text alignment.
• Margin: Left – 1.5; Right, Top & Bottom – 1

(Write your dedication here.)

• Times New Roman, 12
• 1.5 Spacing
• Indent the first line.
• Justify text alignment.
• Margin: Left – 1.5; Right, Top & Bottom – 1

This is to certify that the grammatical conventions in Standard English, spelling,

capitalization, punctuations, word choice, and sentences structure of this research study
with the title “Research Title” has been reviewed and edited by the undersigned.

(Insert the Name of Editor)


This is to certify that the statistical analysis of the data gathered of this research
study with the title “Research Title” has been reviewed and checked by the undersigned.

(Insert the Name of Statistician)


Write your abstract here. Limit it to 150 to 300 words. Use Times New Roman 12 as font
style and size, respectively. Use 1.5 spacing, indent the first line, justify the text alignment
and use the margin format used in preliminary papers.
This section should include:
• The overall purpose of the study and the research problem(s) you investigated.
• The basic design of the study.
• Major findings or trends as a result of your analysis
• A brief summary of your interpretations and conclusions.

(Starting with Chapter I not with the preliminary papers)


Write here an introductory paragraph for the chapter I. Present the organization of the
introduction section.

Background of the Study

The body of this section must be in paragraph form. Each paragraph must be indented
without any space between paragraphs. The text must have 1.5 spacing and justify the
alignment of the text.
State the background of the study
Establish the research gap.
• Explain the current state of the field.
• Explain the reasons or justifications for conducting the study.
• Explain the research gap.
• State that your research addresses the gap.

Statement of the Research Questions/Objectives

This study aims to (state the general research problem). The paper specifically aims to
answer (or address) the following research question (or objectives).
1. Specific problem 1 (question form for problem and declarative form for
2. Specific problem 2 (question form for problem and declarative form for
3. Specific problem 3 (question form for problem and declarative form for

Research Hypothesis
The following hypotheses were formulated to guide this study:
Null Hypothesis (𝐻𝑜 ): (State your null hypothesis).
Alternative Hypothesis (𝐻𝐴 ): (State your alternative hypothesis).

Significance of the Study

The findings of this research will prove useful to the following entities:
Beneficiary 1. (Explain how beneficiary 1 will benefit from the result of the research)
Beneficiary 2. (Explain how beneficiary 2 will benefit from the result of the research)
Beneficiary 3. (Explain how beneficiary 3 will benefit from the result of the research)

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This research attempts to (state your general problem). Primarily the focus of
this research is on (state the scope or coverage of the research). (Explain why the study is
delimited in that way)
It should be noted that the present study did not cover (state the areas that
were not covered be the research). (Explain why the study excluded those areas.


Introduction for Literature Review

• State the purpose of writing literature review.
• Indicate the scope or coverage of the review.
• Present the organization of review’s content.

Conceptual Literatures
Concept 1
• Definition
• Description (types, functions, importance, features, effects and/or causes,
advantages and/or disadvantages if applicable)

Concept 2
• Definition
• Description (types, functions, importance, features, effects and/or causes,
advantages and/or disadvantages if applicable)

Concept 3
• Definition
• Description (types, functions, importance, features, effects and/or causes,
advantages and/or disadvantages if applicable)

Related Studies
Study 1
• General and specific objectives of study 1
• Research design, participants, and instruments used
• Major findings related to your paper
• Conclusions related to your paper
• Weaknesses of Study 1 that were addressed by study 2
Study 2
• General and specific objectives of study 2
• Research design, participants, and instruments used
• Major findings related to your paper
• Conclusions related to your paper
• Weaknesses of Study 2 that were addressed by study 3
Study 3
• General and specific objectives of study 3
• Research design, participants, and instruments used
• Major findings related to your paper
• Conclusions related to your paper
• Weaknesses of Study 3 that were addressed by your study.
• Reinforcement of research gap after reviewing the available literature.
• Statement that your study attempts to address the identified research gap.
• Relationship of literature review with specific objectives or research question
of your study.

Conceptual and/or Theoretical Framework

• Presentation of a diagram or any appropriate graphical aid
• Explanation of the conceptual and theoretical framework

Definition of Terms
• Define the terms used in your study conceptually or operationally.


Write here an introductory paragraph for the methodology. Present the organization of the
methodology section

Research Design
A. Explain why you use quantitative research in your study.
B. Explain the specific quantitative approach used and why this is chosen.

Context and Participants

• Explain the context of the study or the time and place where the study is
• Explain relevant details about the participants. These include the number of
participants and their demographic characteristics such as age, gender, socio-
economic status, and their relevant background information.

Research Instruments
A. Describe instrument 1 and justify its use. Explain how it is validated and
revised. If it is adopted, explain the reason for its adoption and describe its
reliability and validity.
B. Describe instrument 2 and justify its use. Explain how it is validated and
revised. If it is adopted, explain the reason for its adoption and describe its
reliability and validity.
C. Describe instrument 3 and justify its use. Explain how it is validated and
revised. If it is adopted, explain the reason for its adoption and describe its
reliability and validity.

Data Gathering Procedure

Explain the specific steps that you will undertake to complete the data gathering phase.

Data Analysis
Describe the statistical test that you will use to analyze your data. Justify your choice.


(Write here the finding you obtained in your study. Use tables of graphs, each
accompanied with textual interpretation.)
❖ Introductory Paragraph
• Restating of general and/or specific research questions/objectives
❖ Results corresponding to research question/objective 1
❖ Results corresponding to research question/objective 2
❖ Results corresponding to research question/objective 3

(Write here the explanation of your results. Cite other studies whose finding support or
deviate from your own.)
❖ Discussion of overall results
❖ Discussion of Results corresponding to Research Question/Objective 1
• Link to related literature or studies
• Link to existing theories
• Alternative explanation (if there is any)
❖ Discussion of Results corresponding to Research Question/Objective 2
• Link to related literature or studies
• ting theories
• Alternative explanation (if there is any)
❖ Discussion of Results corresponding to Research Question/Objective 3
• Link to related literature or studies
• Link to existing theories
• Alternative explanation (if there is any)
❖ Discuss the implication of overall results.


The body of this section must be in paragraph form. Each paragraph must be indented
without any space between paragraphs. The text must have 1.5 spacing and justify the
alignment of the text.

❖ Paragraph 1 (Summary)
• Summary of finding for research question/objective 1
• Summary of finding for research question/objective 2
• Summary of finding for research question/objective 3
❖ Paragraph 2 (Conclusion)
• Conclusion 1
• Conclusion 2
• Conclusion 3
❖ Paragraph 3 (Implications)
• Practical Implications
• Theoretical Implications
• Methodological Implications
❖ Paragraph 4 (Limitations)
• Limitation 1
• Limitation 2
• Limitation 3
❖ Paragraph 5 (Recommendations)
• Future studies and the current study’s limitations
• Practical recommendation
• Theoretical recommendation
• Methodological recommendation

Use Times New Roman 10 for this section. Use the format required by your teacher in
listing the references. Arrange your references in alphabetical order. Do not use any bullets of
numbers when listing the references. Make sure that the bibliographic information for each
reference is complete.

Provide photo documentation during the conduct of your study with caption each

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