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UAA – Clinical methods

1. Bicuspid valve is present berween
a] Rt atrium and Rt ventricle b] Rt ventricle and Pulmonory artery c]
left atrium and left ventricle d] left ventricle and arch of aorta
2. Kayser–Fleischer rings in cornea are seen in
a] parkinsons disease b] motor neuron disease c] Wilsons disease
3. Serum copper levels are raised in
                   a] parkinsons disease b] motor neuron disease c] Wilsons disease
4. Hereditary disorder where unconjugated bilirubin levels are increased              due to
the reduced acivity of enzyme glucorony transferase is
a] Gilbert syndrome b] Wilsons disease c] wilms tumor d]
5. Hyperbilirubinemia leading to brain dysfunction is
a] Meningitis b] Nystagmus c] Kernicterus d] none
6. Forced flexion of the neck elicits a reflex flexion of the hips. It is called
a] Kernings sign b] Brudziński sign c] Rhombergs sign d] trendlenburgh sign
7. A test of drunken driving is
a] rhomberg test b] Weber,s test c] Rinnes test
8. Stra-berry tounge is seen in
a] Scarlet fever b] viral fever c] malrial fever d] typhoid
9. Not seen with Rheumatic fever
a] Arthrits b] carditis c] Erythema marginatum d] Urethritis
10. The safer option among the following
a] X-ray b] MRI c] CT- sacn
11. Laesegue’s sign is positive in
a] Meningitis b] Herniated disc c] Spinal shock
12. One of the following is an early sign of pregnancy
a] Kernigs sign b] Boas sign c] d] Chadwick sign
13. Murphy’ sign is positive in
a] Appendicits b] colitis c] Hepatitis d] Cholicystitis
14. Ototoxicity is the side effect of
a] RIfampicin b] Ethobutol c] Streptomycin d] INH
15. Optic neuritis is a complication of
                   a] RIfampicin b] Ethobutol c] Streptomycin d] INH
16. Grey turners sign and cullens sign are positive in
a] Appendicits b] Acute pancreatitis c] Hepatitis d] Cholicystitis
17. Serum amylase and lipase are increased in
a] Appendicits b] Acute pancreatitis c] Hepatitis d] Cholicystitis
18. Sodium stibo gluconate is indicated in
a] malaria b] Lymphoma c] Leishmaniasis b] SLE
19. A disorder of the basal ganglia is
a] Hodgkin lymphoma b] GB syndrome c] Multiple  myeloma d] Parkinsons disease
20. In which of the following condition cardiac murmer may be heard
a] Anaemia b] pregnancy c] Hyperthyroidism d] all
21. Cells of Purkinje are seen in
a] Cerebrum b] cerebellum c] Mid brain d] Pons
22. Aldehyde test is done to confirm
a] Malaria b] Typhoid c] Kalaazar d] SLE
23. Erythropoitin hormone is secreted by
a] cells of liver b] pituitary c] kidney d] bone marrow
24. The anti-hyperglycemic drug used to treat PCOD
a] Glemeperide b] Acarbose c] PIoglitazone d] Metformin
UAA – Clinical methods
25. The normal value of blood calcium
a] 5 to 7 mg/dl b] 15 to 25 mg/dl c] 9 to 10.5 mg dl
26. The drug which causes mydriasis
a] Acetylcholine b] Atropine c] neostogmine d] all
27. Miosis of the pupil is under the control of the following cranial nerve
a] first b] second c] third d] fourth
28. Loss of accommodation reflex of eye due to paralysis of Cliary muscle is
a] Mydriasis b] Miosis c] Cycloplegia d] Astigmatism
29. The drug of choice in organophosphorous piosioning
a] Neostigime b] Acetazolamide c] Atropine d] Acetylcholine
30. Stethascope is invented by
a] Laennec b] Samuel Karl Ritter von Basch c] Funk d] none
31. In Tennis elbow the affected part is
a] medial condyle of the elbow b] lateral condyle of the elbow c] olecranon process
of the ulna d] head of the radius
32. Blood pressure is measured at
a] radial artery b] Ulnar artery c] Brachial artery d] Axillary artery
33. Common peroneal nerve is a branch of
a] tibial b] femoral c] sciatic d] sural nerve
34. The first person to discover vitamins was
a] Jenner b] Funk c] Calvin d] Mellanby
35. The type of Immunity affected in HIV patients
a] cell mediated b] Humoral c] both
36. Keratenization of Epidermal cells is prevented by the following vitamin
a] A b] C c] D d] E
37. Carpel tunnel syndrome results because of the compression of
a] Median nerve b] radial nerve c] Ulnar nerve d] None
38. The type Of Immune T- cells affected in HIV is
a] Cd12 b] CD10 c] CD 4 d] CD6
39. Phlebotomy is advisable in
a] HIV b] Renal stone c] UTI d] Polycythemia
40. Rusty sputum is seen in
a] Aspergillosis b] Brochiectasis c] lung abscess d] Lobar pneumonia
41. Continuous Fever with a daily fluctuation exceeding 2 degree is called
a] Remittent b] Intermittent c] quotidian d] tertian
42. Barrel shaped chest / Over inflated chest is a feature seen in
a] Chronic bronchitis b] bronchial asthma c] pneumonia d] All
43. Vocal resonance is increased in
a] Pneumonia b] Pleural effusion c] Pneumothorax d] All
44. Hyper-resonant note on percussion is seen in
a] Pneumonia b] Pleural effusion c] Pneumothorax d] All
45. Example of Asymmetrical arthritis is
a] RA b] SLE c] Gout d] All
46. A test to know the wetness of eyes
a] Shobers b] Schirmers c] Thomas test d] latex fixation test
47. Tandem walking cannot be performed in
a] vestibular disease b] sensory ataxia c] Cerebellar ataxia d] All
48. Normal value of Serum Pottassium
a] 136-145 meq/l b] 98 - 106 meq/l c] 3.5 - 5 meq/l d] 5.5 – 7 meq/l
49. Normal value of serum chlorine
UAA – Clinical methods
a] 136-145 meq/l b] 98 - 106 meq/l c] 3.5 - 5 meq/l d] 5.5 – 7 meq/l
50. Low specific gravity of urine is observed in
a] DM b] DI c] Acute nephritis d] Albuminuria
51. The gap in the Myelin sheath is called
a] Oslers nodes b] heberden nodes c] nodes of ranvier d] Virchow’s node e]
Sister Mary joseph node
52. HIV is diagnosed when the CD4 count is below
a] 200 b] 500 c] 1000 d] 1500
53. Serum alkaline Phosphate is not increased in
a] Osteo malacia b] pagets disease c] Osteoporosis d] Rickets
54. Von Graefe sign is observed with
a] Graves disease b] Myxedema c] Sjogrens syndrome d] Ankylosing
55. The million dollor nerve is
a] recurrent branch of median nerve b] radial nerve c] interosseous branch of ulnar
nerve d] axillary nerve
56. Hand of benediction (blessing) results due to the injury of
a] Median nerve b] Radial nerve c] Ulnar d] Musculo cutaneous
57. Schilling test is done to evaluate
a] Megaloblastic anaemia b] Pernicious anaemia c] Iron deficiency anaemia d] All
58. Sign which is seen in patients of parkinsons disease
a] Rovsing sign b] Merson sign c] Magnan sign d] Hoffmans sign
59. Sign seen with appendicitis
a] Rovsing sign b] Merson sign c] Magnan sign d] Hoffmans sign
60. Carpal spasm on inflating blood pressure cuff is called
a] Trousseau sign b] Chostek sign c] Tinels sign d] Phalens sign e] kehrs sign

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