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Singing Voice Lessons

I. Anatomy and Physiology

II. Vocal Types and Range
a. Bass E2-E4
b. Baritone A2-A4
c. Tenor C3-C5
d. Counter Tenor E3-E5
e. Contralto E3-E5
f. Alto F3-F5
g. Mezzo Soprano A3-A5
h. Soprano C4-C6
III. Vocal Tones
IV. Vocal Registers
V. Legato
VI. Vibrato
VII. Vocal Dynamics
VIII. Vocal Control
IX. Vocal Care
a. Sweets
b. Late Sleep
c. Cold Water
d. Strain
e. Warm ups
X. Song Genres


1. Posture
2. Breathing
3. Sing on Pitch
4. Projection
5. Learn to sing in Chest voice
6. Head
7. Mixed
8. Belting
9. Vocal Effects – Vibratto
10. Sing songs

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