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DSJM-1st year MSU

Our film is an inspirational film which will surely touch the hearts of the
viewers. All of us exerted a lot of effort to make this film especially the actors
and directors. Each one of the members did their very best in making this
film. Even though we struggled on some task, we still made this film possible.

Our film is all about a student who experienced hardships in life and got
inspired by an exceptional teacher. We all know that teachers are the one
who educate and nurture students to be a better student and a better person.
People should not belittle teachers because being a teacher is not an easy
task. People should look at all professions equally because all jobs are not

In students who struggled in school finances and academics should be

also understood. They have reasons and not all students are rebel. Some are
just experiencing some financial or family problems and just having a hard
time in keeping up in school.

Making this film has enlightened me. It made me think that working
together and helping each other is the key to success. That having
perseverance and patience will help you to move forward and not give up.
Those challenges are just the way to make us stronger and teach us lessons
about life.

Also, we should all remember that we must understand and respect

each other at all times because we don’t know what other people go through
in their lives. He/she maybe smiling but behind that is a sad and tired person
trying to live and survive. All of us are just trying to live and survive in this
cruel world.

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