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This study was important for checking the antecedents of actual buying behavior and the

relationships among the key decisional factors towards the processed and packaged organic
foods. Future research can be done on the existing customers of organic food by checking their
online buying behavior as this study has only focused on offline buying or physical shopping. E-
commerce sites have started selling organic food items in good numbers and it controls the
significant size of the total revenue of the organic market. The study under consideration has
only targeted brick and mortar shopping for checking actual buying behaviour as it was assumed
that interacting opportunity can only be possible when we meet the customer at the market place
without changing the external environment. It was found that customers have given relevant
answers while doing organic food shopping since they were much involved at that time. But we
cannot ignore the growth of online pantry shopping as we have seen many live examples like
Amazon Pantry, BigBasket, Grofers, etc. are doing good sales of organic foods (Hasanov and
Khalid, 2015).

Researchers can also focus on the extensive study by including various states of India from
different geographies, it can give a comprehensive picture of the Indian customers. This study
was limited to Punjab but including other states from other regions of India may reflect a diverse
buying behaviour. Collaborative study with the researchers of the other part of the World can
also give a holistic view of understanding behavior like the eastern world can be compared with
some of the western countries. Moving forward, understanding the repeat purchase behavior of
organic foods can also be studied by future scholars. Marketers are always interested in
understanding the behaviour of repeat customers. Every business is interested in retaining loyal
customers; they play business tricks to engage their existing customers. Customer-specific
discounts and incentives are the talks of the town, learning the pattern of these loyal customer's
behaviour can be an interesting part for future study. All these aspects can be studied by the
future scholars that can add value in the life of the organic food companies and finally the benefit
can be transferred to the end customers.


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Appendix 1: Questionnaire

Dear respondent,

I am pursuing doctoral degree (Ph.D.) from Mittal School of Business, Lovely Professional University, Punjab. I am carrying out
. Kindly spare your valuable time to give
appropriate responses to the issues addressed in this questionnaire. The information provided by you will be kept confidential and
it will be used for academic purpose only.

All the below mentioned statements are based on five point likert scale where SD means strongly disagree, D means disagree, N
means neutral, A means Agree and SA means strongly agree. Please put a tick mark in the boxes as your response.

1. The following statements are designed to check the awareness about organic food products in terms of product knowledge and
consumer knowledge.

S. No. Organic food awareness SD D N A SA

1 I understand that organic farming boosts biodiversity

2 I understand that organic foods are produced without using pesticides, fertilizers
and preservatives

3 I know there are government standards for the organic foods in every country

4 I understand that there are certification bodies which gives certification to

organic foods

5 I know that organic foods can be identified by its unified logo

6 I know organic food production process prevents water contamination

7 I check the date of packaging on the organic foods for ensuring its freshness

8 I keep an eye on various media channels for any new organic food offering that
may be useful for me

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