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4 – Leading by example   

Since Altino foods have been in the restaurant business since many years and hold a reputable position in
the market, they have developed great values. The employees have been following the company’s policies
and protocols and have delivered what is expected out of them. However, the owners and the managers
have been leading by example. The owners have made sure that they have treated all the employees with
respect and dignity.  
The owner can set up example by showing how to place the table, how to show customer service by
greeting the customers personally. Further, the manager will be demonstrating the employees on how to
actively do activities by setting up an example himself. Employees can be motivated further when the
owner and the manager will be following up the set standards and protocols.  
*Overall Assessment Task 2: Satisfactory          Not Yet Satisfactory  
*Optional additional comments from trainer and assessor 
*Trainer and Assessor to complete 

Overall Result (Assessor to complete) 

Overall result Assessment Task 1: S         NYS   
Overall result Assessment Task 2: S         NYS   
Optional Additional Feedback: 

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