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Unemployment occurs when workers who want to work can not

find a job . Unemployment has become a serious problem in the modern

day and its rate increases in recent years. Joblessness is used to
measure the economic development level of a country, so Vietnam is
trying hard to deal with unemployment’s problems.

One of the problems of unemployment is the criminal rate which

can go up. People who are out of work do not have enough money to
pay for their demand. These people can do anything as long as it can
bring them money, eventually this money is earned in the wrong way.
Therefore, the rate of people committing smuggling, theft,... will get
higher. Moreover, having nothing to do can make people frustrated and
maybe they will do some bad things to reduce this feeling, idle hands are
the devil’s tool. Another problem of lack of jobs is that it makes the
economy of a country grow lower. If people have no money, their
demand for shopping quality will reduce. Furthermore, circulation of
money will go down while this is the main driving force for economic
development. Decreasing the quality of shopping can also make
companies producing goods cut the number of employees down. Hence,
unemployment can keep continuing.

It is important that action is taken to combat these problems. One

of the solutions is controlling the rising population. The gGovernment
should motivate citizens to have small families like every family having
two children is enough. They can also propagandize the positive effects
of having few children. Another thing that the government can do is
allowing foreign companies to open their units in the country. It can bring
more opportunities to get jobs for people. Moreover, it can also help
escalating the development of the economy. Employees have a role to
solve unemployment, too. They should improve their academic level to
have a better job and increase chances of getting a job.

To conclude, unemployment can not be gone away immediately.

Hence, with these available solutions mentioned, government and
citizens should together drive it back.

General feedback:
Your essay is very well-written with great ideas. Well done! Pay
attention to some minor grammar mistakes.

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