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Unemployment in Colombia.

I considered that the unemployment in Colombia is seriously and

controversially problematic, because several people don't have any job and
there are many necessities for their life.

In this opportunity, I take this information from Andres Acuña and Paola
Andrea Vaca González, who are economics and statistics science masters
students of National University of Colombia. They began this investigation on
january 2014.

Firstly, the evolution of unemployment is one of the most debated problems in

the current economic topic due to, its important implications for the prosperity
of society, leading to a decline in income that shows the way to changes in
lifestyle, whit negative consequences such as: decreased self esteem,
depression,anti-aging etc, deteriorating the well-being of families.

In the same way this study says that the unemployment rate grow more day a
day, for that time of pandemic even more, the important thing is that between
april of 2019 and April of 2020 5.4 million jobs were lost due to covid-19
pandemic, a quarter of employment in the country, half of the loss of occured
in the manufacturing industry, trade and construction.

The other hand, according to the statistics department, the employment rate
today is 13,7 between 2019 and jun,2021.Employment opportunities are also
expected to improve by 2022.

Because of this, people have less quality of life due to less money, there are
fewer needs they can solve, this leads to migration and family disintegration,
most of the time people have to look for other means of subsistence.

Secondly, we could all wonder right now. How to solve the problem of
unemployment ? it is not so easy thing, however it could be.

In addition, the study proposes 4 possible solutions which are the following.

1.Facilitate the informality: Aid to economic recovering(street vending)

2.Goverment assistance: Solidarity band,help for the unemployed.
3.promote the investment.
4.Tax schemes,producing income.
5.prepare the human talent.

This would be possible if the government,businesses and citizens join forces

to improve the living conditions of Colombian families.

In conclusion, unemployment is a serious problem for any economy,

especially in the Colombian economy, it creates negative effects on the
people who are unemployed as they joless and suffer from worse prospects.

Also, I think that everybody in my country has to improve their skills so they
can work easily.

Finally, I suggest that people should learn through study to do something they
can live on, for example to work the wood,repair cars or any productive
activity, so they can receive some money.

21062014000200004.(causas de desempleo en colombia en el siglo XX) Informalidad del

empleo en Colombia)
(tasa natural del desempleo en colombia)

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