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Read Write Inc.

Reception to Year 2 -
Year 3 to Year 4 - Catch Up
Year 5 to Year 6 - Fresh Start

Set 1 Sounds
Stretch: f l m n r s v z
Bounce: b c k d g h j p Qu t w x y x a e i o u
Special Friends: sh ch th ng nk

“ s t a m p” - overlap word
“ m a t” “mat” - point and sweep

Blend, read accurately, read fluently

1) Verbally- say and write the sound “a, m s”

2) Write- the sound “a, m, s”

Use your friend fingers
“Dog” → 3 Fred fingers
Point and sweep.

Set 2 sounds
Ay, ee, igh, ow

Set 3 sounds
Ire, ear, ure

Short responses- Collecting feedback

Long responses- Gathering information

2 Paraphrases;
1) Good reading
2) Good comprehension

- Prepare children to read the book
- Practice keywords
- Can you read accurately?

- Repeat words
- Can you read with speed?

- Understanding the story

RWI books should be changed every 3 days

First read - Accurate reading- figuring out the words
Second read - Fluency
Third read - Understand the story

Linked Text (before reading a new book)

- Read stories that are linked to the phonics books (it gives an understanding and it
gives children knowledge).
- Speed sounds that are in the book (graphemes)
- Sounds + Whole Word + Meaning

Red words- difficult to freed talk- read to children first. (pre-taught)

Speed Sounds Set 1

Say the sound-
1) Say the sound
2) Then hear the word.
3) Bounce ‘d-d-d’ then repeat ‘d-d-d-dog’ my-yt.

Read the sound-

1) Draw the sound on the board with the picture
2) Write the sound
3) Say ‘d-d-d-dog’ mt-yt
4) Explain picture sound that it looks the same as letter behind the picture
5) Get children to say sound and picture (flip cards)

Review the sounds

1) Say sound once only
2) Put new sound in the pack- children read sound and point to new sound
3) Increase speed until confident

Write the letter

1) Air write the sound
2) Bounce ‘d-d-d-dinosaur’
3) Handwrite ‘round the bottom, up his tall neck, down to his feet’
4) Ask children to copy (mt-yt)
5) Then write and bounce on paper

Speed Write
1) Say and write ‘m-a-t-s’ Choose sound to review.
2) Say the sound while they write

Fred Talk (Oral)

1) Fred talk- ‘d-i-g’
2) Blend orally- ‘dig’
3) Show children how to blend sounds into words (mt-yt)
4) Say sound, then say whole word. Repeat (fred talk throughout)

Word Time- Reading

Review the sounds
1) Ensure children can read the sounds quickly.

Learning to Blend
1) Blending orally without speed sound cards
- Say the sound first
- ‘m-a-t ‘ pause. So children can say whole word
- If they can say the sound and followed by whole word (mt-yt)
2) Blending with speed sound cards
- Say ‘mat’ clearly (mt-yt) Orally.
- Children say sound when placed on board.
- Point up to sounds with finger and say ‘m-a-t, mat’ (repeat) oral blending, practice on
3) Blending with magnetic sound cards
- Put speed sounds at the bottom of board (5 sounds only)
- Make word ‘mat’
- Point to sounds with finger and repeat
- Put speed sounds in chart
- Point and sweep your finger under the word
- Children then say sound and then read the worf
- Once they are confident, move on to blending words independently. If not
then repeat until confident.

Blending independently
1. Read the Phonics Green Words: ‘Special Friends’, ‘Fred Talk’, read word
- Show the word first
- Find special friends
- Fred talk word
- Read word
- Give definition then say word again

2. Review the words

- Special Friends, Fred Talk, Read the word
- Fred in your head
- Speedy reading
Get children to read words without dots and dashes, fred in their head. Then gain speed.
Special friends, then fred then read word.

- 3. Reading assessment: ‘Special Friends, read the word

- Special Friend then fred talk then say the word
- Don’t repeat any nonsense words!
Using Fred Fingers
1) Use non dominant hand for fred fingers
2) Use dominant hand to pinch finger
3) Hold correct number of fingers (3 fingers) ‘m-a-t’ pinch fingers
4) Then write the word. Tick word if correct. If incorrect then, correct it before moving

Speed Sounds Set 2 and 3

Speed Sound Picture-

1) Say the sound- children repeat
2) Show speed sound card. Explain picture
3) She says “May I Play?” Say ‘ay,- may I play?” Children repeat
4) Say one word on special sound card in Fred Talk. Children repeat. Say whole word
(repeat with others).

Speed Sound Letter-

1) Show letter side
2) Explain that 2 or more letters make one sound
3) Point to sound, say sound
4) Flip cards until confident

Speed Sound- New Sound

Review the words
1) Hide new sound
2) Children spot new sound and point to new sound from previous taught sounds
3) Build up speed

Phonics Green Words

1) Spot Special Friends first
2) Then read word.

Reading Assessment
1) Find Special Friends
2) Then read whole word

Spell with Fred Fingers

1) Say the word
2) Fred fingers
3) Pinch Fred fingers
4) Fred talk
5) Write word

Set 3- say the word

- Fred talk
- Pinch fingers
- Write

Day 2 – Reading Activities

Speed Sounds from the Storybook

- 10-minute speed sounds
- Using book for reference
- Find circled focused graphemes
- Point to each grapheme and use MT-YT ‘ff, ll, sh, th, ck”

Story Green Words

- Hold card, children find and say special friend
- Adult- give meaning of word
- Use of picture or actions to help
- Adult- ask children to say sounds
- Children say sounds then blend words together
- MT-YT (repeat)

Speedy Green Words

- Display green words
- Children read words
- Get them to read sounds first (silently)
- Fred in head
- Push word towards them
- Children say whole word out loud
- Repeat, gain speed until confident
- Review speedy sounds from previous story

Red Word Cards

- Hold card e.g. ‘he’
- Adult say word
- Children repeat
- Point to sounds and say what sounds you can hear
- ‘he’- ‘h-ee’
- Point to tricky letter ‘e’
- Pronounce as ‘e’ as ‘ee’
- Say word again, repeat

Partner Practise
Speed Sounds-
- Adult models how to do partner practise
- Partner 1 teaches sounds
- Partner 2 repeats
- Note sounds if need more practise
- Repeat/switch partners

Story Green Words-

- Use fingers
- Point at green words
- Fred talk, blend
- Repeat and switch

Red Words-
- Use finger (partner 1) points at word
- Partner 2 reads word (repeat)
- Read and point words out of order
- Switch partners.
- Speedy read. If an error go back to the first one on the line.

Story Introduction
- Introduce story
- Get them to engage in the story
- Explain a few words
- Use expressions
- Ask questions about story
- TTYP (talk to your partner) to discuss question
- Select 2 pairs to give feedback

Teacher- Preparation
- Prepare green and red words that are in the back
- Use pictures
- Stack green words but spread red words
- Read story before reading to the children
- Read the story the same every time with the same expressions etc.
- Prepare sticky notes e.g. think about the story, build a sentence

First Read- Children

- Partner 1 points to the words
- Partner 2 reads the words
- Prompt partner to Fred talk
- Swap roles
- Take turns to read each page
- Re-read story until hand sign ‘stop’
- Note words that they may need to practise more on

Read Aloud- Teacher

- After the children have read the story
- Read the story aloud to the children
- Ask questions at the end to see if they understand what is happening in the story

Partner Practise
Speedy Green Words
- Repeat as before, but increase the speed
- Reduce Fred talk

Red Words
- Children say words as you increase speed

- Read the story but hesitate on a word so they can jump-in
- Read aloud the hesitated word

Second Read- Children

- Children p1, p2 read the story again
- Taking turns to read
- One will point, the other will read (Fred in head)

Think About the Story

TOL, MT-YT, Freeze Frame
- Display the story pictures
- Read the story aloud (no books open)
- TOL- about what the character might be like, talk about what other characters are like
and things that they have.
- Then talk about what they are like (happy, sad, greedy?)
- TTYP- how is the character feeling and why?
- Could use freeze frame to reinforce their understanding- acting out then freezing their

Third Read- Children

- Page each
- Swap over
- Children should now be able to use expressions

Questions to Talk About

Fastest Finger
- Ask children questions about the story
- They then find the page with the answer in (make sure you tell them the page
- Children skim read to find answer

Have a Think
- Get children to think e.g. why does he say “Biff Biff?”
- TTYP- Discussion about the question and why they think it

Writing Activities
Hold a Sentence
1) Say the sentence to children
2) “He is on his ship”
3) Children repeat the sentence until confident (MT-YT)
4) Use Fred fingers/punctuations
5) Re-read sentence
6) Hide sentence
7) After they have finished, display sentence then mark

Correcting errors
- Display sentence on board with the errors
- Read aloud
- Get them to spot errors
- Feedback
- Hide sentence and get them to correct
- Then write sentence correctly then mark as whole class

Build a Sentence- Orally

- Tell children what they’re doing later/tomorrow
- Description of red hat rob (example)
- Explain what he looks like for a wanted poster
- They will build a sentence to describe the character
- TTYP- what does he wear?
- TOL- What does his hate look like?
- Repeat modelling and writing process

Write About…
- Explain a ‘wanted poster’
- Ask questions
- TTYP- What has he done?
- Description of character- TTYP
- Feedback
- Demonstrate MT-YT
- Write idea down (whole class)
- They will build a sentence then they write it
- Keep saying sentence until memorised in head
- Say sentence aloud to partner before writing

1) Know set 1 sounds focus on special friends
2) Word time words
3) Alien words
4) Read ditty green words
5) Practise red words
6) Partner Practise
7) Read ditty story
8) Partner Practise
9) Adult reads book aloud
10) Jump-in
11) Hold a sentence

Special friends, Fred talk and read word (teach 10 red words)

Reading Activities
Story Green Words
Multi-syllabic words
- Fold card
- Get them to read first word then ending
- Then read whole word
- MT-YT (unfold)
- Repeat
- Fred talk if needed

Root words and suffixes

- Fold card so you can see root
- Hold it up
- Children read word
- Do same with suffix
- Repeat
- No Fred talk

Questions to Read and Answer

- Ask children to turn to a specific page
- Show partners how to take turns to read questions and find the answers in the text
- Then swap roles
- After they are completed the questions take feedback

Writing Activities
Fred Fingers- Spelling Green Words
- Say word, children repeat
- Show fingers, repeat word
- Pinch fingers as they say sounds
- Write words

Red Rhythms- Spelling Red Words

1) Write word on board
2) Say word, they repeat
3) Point to each sound as they say it
4) Say whole word, they repeat
5) Help them to spot tricky letters that aren’t on the speed chart and circle it
6) Point as you say letter names in a rhythm
7) Say word
8) Repeat all red words
9) Hide words that are on board. Say word again
10) Repeat

Spell Check
Yellow, Grey and Blue books only
1) Choose and say 1 of red/green words then cover up word
2) Help their partners to write the word
3) Look back at the listed word (tick and correct word)

Spell Test
1) Choose and say one red/green word
2) Say word aloud and ask to write

1) Remind them that a noun phrase is a group of words that has a noun as it’s main
word, with other words telling us more about the word
2) Write on board- “he is a bad dog” MT-YT

- Children need to widen their knowledge
- Which word means the same as ‘grabbed’?
- If unsure explain meaning of word (s)

Partner Practise
- Remind children of proof reading
- Share responses
- Capital letters, finger spaces and full stops

Words to Keep
1) Re-read writing
2) Select words they are most pleased with
3) Choose 4 favourite words

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