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They are usually soft and easily eroded because they

are formed from particles of sand, shells,
pebbles, and other fragments of material.In
addiction,they more porous than other rocks
because there are gaps between the sediments
and water can in filtrate as there is not much
pressure.These all sediment may contain the
remains of animals or plants.So,sedimentary
rock can contain fossils.

The igneous rock cooled down deep in the crust
where temperature is high. This gives the rock
time to form crystals. Igneous rock can be hard
as it was formed when magma (molten rock
deep within the earth) cools and hardens.
Igneous rocks do not contain any fossils. This is
because any fossils in the original rock will have
melted when the magma formed.

The Metamorphic rocks are always hard and
strong as their mineral grains grew together
tightly during metamorphism. They often show
signs of stretching or squeezing, which will give
them a striped appearance. Metamorphic rocks
have been put under great pressure, heated,
squashed or stretched, so fossils do not usually
survive these extreme conditions.

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