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Title no. 86-S2

Interaction of Concrete and Curved Reinforcement as

Applied to Construction Practice

by Josef Wunsch

Reactive lateral pressures of curved reinforcement are discussed and nents of moments in their own direction, and if the in-
evaluated. The interaction between concrete and curved bars is uti- teraction between the concrete and its curved reinforce-
lir.ed to form so-called self-restraining mats for flat slabs. This new
method of reinforcement is described and a design example is given. ment is taken into account.
A loading test is recommended to establish the confidence necessary e. Tangential reinforcement can be simplified by re-
to use this method in all countries that employ reinforced concrete placing concentric circles with a spiral. This reduces the
design. number of welds required.
Keywords: columns (supports); concrete slabs; flat concrete plates; flat con- If we modify Smulski's method of reinforcement
crete slabs; lateral pressure; reinforcing steels; spiral reinforcement; welded wire (known as the S-M-1 system) according to the preced-
ing items (d) and (e), we arrive at a method of rein-
The interaction between concrete and its curved re- forcement called the "W -system," that was later devel-
inforcement is a concept that can be used to form a so- oped in Prague.
called "self-restraining mat." Such self-restraining mats
are able to resist moments in both tangential and radial THEORY OF SELF-RESTRAINT
directions. This paper deals with the applications of this Spiral mats are a form of tangential reinforcement
interaction to flat-plate floors. and are therefore primarily for resisting tangential mo-
Smulski' developed a method for reinforcing flat ments. As a result of the reactive pressures of their
slabs that uses an arrangement of concentric circular
bars supplemented by radial ones. He was the first to
recognize the advantages of the circle in reinforced
concrete design.
However, it can be shown that there are certain
weaknesses in this approach, which can be explained as
a. Rotationally symmetric reinforcement is not justi-
fied in the strips between columns, nor in the middle of correct solution of
a panel, unless the dead load greatly exceeds the live anchorage
b. Radial top bars, anchored at the supporting col-
umn into a concentric circle of radius ro [Fig. 1(a)),
must be welded, because they could be shifted by vi-
brations of the concrete [Fig. 1(b)]. They might thus
become ineffective, since the concrete's aggregate can-
not penetrate the narrow gaps.
c. The anchoring circle must have a cross-sectional Fig. 1-Smulski's reinforcement of flat slabs: a) ar-
area that is n/2-rr times greater than the cross-sectional
rangement in column area; b) suggestion for anchorage
of the radial bars
area of each of the n-anchored radial bars, to assure
that both systems of bars-tangential and radial-are
uniformly stressed. Received Feb. 27, 1987, and reviewed under Institute publication policies.
Copyright © 1989, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including
d. The radial bars can be omitted altogether if the the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright propri-
etors. Pertinent discussion will be published in the November-December 1989
tangential bars are correctly dimensioned for compo- AC! Structural Journal if received by July I, 1989.

ACI Structural Journal I January-February 1989 13

Josef Wunsch is a consulting engineer in the field of concrete structures, in
Prague, Czechoslovakia. He was formerly a professor of reinforced concrete
design and applied mathematics at the Technical University of Bratislava, and
has published several books on the design of reinforced concrete bridges. He
was awarded the title of Doctor of Science by the Eastern European states, and The tangential moment produces another lever arm z,
is the author of several patents registered in Czechoslovakia and West and East like the radial moment. In general, z =;:. i, but the dif-
ference z - i can be neglected. Eliminate z and z to
wrappings, they also secondarily resist radial moments obtain the differential equation of self-restraint
and shear. Spiral mats are thus referred to as "self-re-
straining'' reinforcements. 1
- m = - -m<P (1)
The theoretical proof is simple: Imagine a concrete r r r
slab, top-reinforced in the column region by a thin steel
plate, that is finely cut along concentric circles so that whose integral is

l -):
no stress is propagated in the radial direction. If such a
reinforcement is activated by the deformation of the
m, (r,cp) = r 2 m<P(r,cp)dr + C(cp)] (2)
loaded plate, the negative tangential moment - m<P(r,cp)
produces tangential tensile forces of - mq,drlz and
- (mq, + dmq,)drlz, respectively [Fig. 2(a)], in a differ- This equation defines the magnitude of the radial
ential element of the curved thin plate. Neglecting sec- moment m, which should create the same stress state in
ond-order terms, consider only the radial "action" the concrete plate as the reaction pressures of the spiral
force - mq,(r,cp)drdcp/z, which maintains the necessary wrappings brought into tension by the negative tangen-
balance in the thin element, and the "reaction" pres- tial moment. m, is called the "self-restraining mo-
sure, which is immediately transferred to the concrete. ment." The boundary condition M ,(r = rk,cp) = 0
Changing the separate cuts of the steel plate from the along the outer edge of the spiral mat of radius rk de-
tangential to the radial direction, consider next the in- fines the function c(cp).
fluence of the negative radial moment - m,(r,cp) on a Moving inward, the moment m, becomes positive
similar differential element. Though such a radial ele- and, if the spiral mat is large enough, is able to coun-
ment does not exist in the W-system, it is meaningful teract the influence of the negative radial moment
nevertheless to investigate the influence of such a radial m,(r,cp) that is produced by external loading.
reinforcement for the derivation of the following dif- Our only concern will be to dimension the spiral
ferential equation. Again, neglecting second-order wrappings according to the tangential moments and to
terms, consider the action force - (m, dr- d m, r)dcp!z choose a spiral mat of sufficient outer radius rk such
and the reaction pressure that is immediately trans- that in the entire range
ferred to the concrete [Fig. 2(b)]. Equating both radial
forces gives (3)

upper force: action from concrete to reinforcement (aJ

lower force : reaclion from reinforcement to concrete (rl
instead of .. ~m dr" or instead of "~rd¢"
~r ril¢

Fig. 2-Moments and forces acting on a differential element of the flat slab rein-
forced by a conceptualized steel plate: a) active reinforcement in tangential direc-
tion only; b) active reinforcement in radial direction only
14 ACI Structural Journal I January-February 1989
If this condition is not satisfied, it is then necessary
to enlarge the spiral mat. Neither increasing the num-
ber of wrappings per unit length nor enlarging the
cross-sectional area of the bars will help if the self-re-
straining mat itself is not enlarged.
~ £


- i-10ml30.5ft)---
The appearance of the new moment m, should not be
confused with the usual redistribution. This latter
expression should be reserved for successive long-term
changes or changes that signal an overloading of the
area in question.


During load tests with incrementally increasing loads,
three stages can be observed around the column.
1. In the elastic state, the plate is restrained along the
circumference of the column (with a horizontal tan- Fig. 3-Flat-slab solutions where spiral mats simplify
gent). the steel reinforcement arrangement: a) headplate, b)
2. In the state of hole-bottom-edge support, a circu- shear and self-restraining compression, and c) satellite
lar crack occurs at the top around the column, propa- headplates
gating towards the bottom of the plate, where a small
supporting plug of concrete remains under high
compression. 2•3 This state starts at about 30 percent of
the ultimate load. Outside the crack the plate remains
in an elastic state. Setting the safety factor to s = 1.5 and k 1.0, we
3. In the ultimate state, additional radial cracks occur. obtain
Each successive state leads to a relief of tension in the
plate material with an increasing transfer of load. 1
a ~ arctan- = 33 deg (4)
The cracks in the second state may be of a size that 1.5
is unacceptable in most building codes. This predica-
ment can be avoided by introducing a circular pre- The safety of the slab is not reduced if, for architec-
stressed headplate [Patent CS-144 928, Fig. 3(a)]. These tural reasons, openings for ducts that need to be near
plates are prestressed by wrapping the precast concrete the columns are placed in the prestressed headplate.
with wire under high tensile stress. The opening must be lined with a thick-walled seamless
The headplate is plac~d on top of the column. The tube, which need not be bonded to the slab with shear
shear forces from the surrounding cast-in-place con- connectors.
crete plate are transmitted by friction at the bottom of There is a variation in the use of head plates and self-
the headplate. This friction must be assured by suffi- restraining spirals, which consists of satellite head-
cient radial compression at the bottom of the sur- plates arranged around the columns in the panels of the
rounding plate, which is generated by the effect of the floor slab, as shown in Fig. 3(c). Instead of columns,
self-restraining sprial reinforcement. In case of possible they are supported by inclined struts leading from the
temperature cracks at the upper contact surface of the columns to the center.
headplate, small radial bars can be arranged that ex- Whenever headplates are used, the self-restraining
tend beyond the present disk [Fig. 3(b)]. This prevents spiral mat represents the only solution for the rein-
reflection cracks in floor covers of brittle material. forcement.
The self-restraining moment m, is always accompa-
nied by a self-restraining compression n, per unit
length, which is given- just as T= C in any bending SPIRAL MATS
situation - by n, = m/z. The spiral mats are prefabricated from thin (#4 and
The lever arm z is, to be precise, continuously vary- #5) bars. They may be wrapped mechanically using
ing - it decreases with increasing moments such that it special equipment or by hand; in both cases, either a
falls in the range of 0. 90 to 0. 95 d. With regard to the continuous coil or longitudally welded bars may be
transfer of shear by friction, accepting greater values of used. The steel for the spiral reinforcement must be
z reduces the calculated pressure and friction and puts weldable because full-capacity butt welds are neces-
us on the safe side. When circular headplates are used, sary. If hand made, an eight-armed underlying frame
the outside contact area should be rough, so that it has with notched grooves is used, arranged in accordance
a large friction coefficient k. If p, denotes the radial with the equation of a spiral. The bars are embedded in
shearing forces per unit length and if, is the self-re- these grooves, so that every wrap is fixed in eight
straining compression along the prestressed headplate places. A closed circle is placed on the inner border
circumference, the following must be true [Fig. 3(b)] with radius roo and on the outer border with radius rk>
ACI Structural Journal I January-February 1989 15
Grade 60 sleet ;;4 In comparison to the classical method of reinforce-
ment, spiral mats have the following advantages:
• They reduce the reinforcement to one structurally
significant layer and thus profit from the greatest
110.8 lever arm z.
• They increase the stiffness of the column area.
• They facilitate the vibration of concrete as a result of
greater clearance between wraps.
• They need not be made of the same steel grade as the
bottom reinforcement, which is separate.
• They eliminate steel losses due to anchoring and cut-
• They are easy to prefabricate and thus accelerate
construction work.
r0 =0.27
• They counteract, with their wraps, moments of the
first principal direction, and at the same time, bal-
Weight of the mat
ance, with their reactive compression, moments of
110.8 X 0.994 : 110.1 kg
the second principal direction.
• They thus reduce the steel material requirement by
Fig. 4-Example of spiral mat for solutions without
headplates countering moments in both principal directions si-
thus insuring that the spiral ends can be welded for an-
chorage. The inner circle adds protection against DESIGN METHOD
punching, while the outer circle gives the spiral the re- The design is based on the theory of elastic plates.
quired rotational symmetry. After the spiral is Dimensionless values are used until the end, at which
wrapped, a radial bar is welded on the spiral along point real values are introduced in dimensioning the
every arm to maintain the shape of each wrap during reinforcing bars. For example, the bending moment is
lifting by crane. Such a mat is placed upside down on designated by M, and unit moment by m. The corre-
the formwork, so that the radial bars, on which sup- sponding dimensionless moment number is p.. The de-
porting lugs may be welded in advance, constitute the flection is w and the dimensionless deflection number is
second layer from the top. If spiral rebars cannot be w. The radial directions, expressed in dimensional and
welded, the tangential bars must be connected by over- dimensionless forms, are rand p, respectively. The
lapping and the radial bars must be tied on. same rule applies in rectangular coordinates X, ~, and
In slabs without headplates, the spiral mat must be Y, 11·
dimensioned in accordance with the first two states For the purposes of calculating a unit moment m, the
previously mentioned, the elastic state and the state of following general formula is valid
hole-bottom-edge support. In the elastic state, the large
radial moments must be covered, and the eight radial
m = JJ.k, (5)
bars can be taken into account when all conditions are
met (see Fig. 1). For the second state, the tangential
Values of the dimensional constant K, are given in
moments determine the reinforcement at each radius.
the Appendix.
Spiral mats dimensioned for these two stages are also
The deflection is
sufficient for the third state, without the need for
proof. An example is presented in Fig. 4. In solutions
with headplates, the spi raJ is designed for the elastic w =wk., (6)
state exclusively.
Hitherto the Archimedes spiral equation r = ao + where K" is the constant that provides the dimension
a1cp was used as the base, such that the spiral wraps had (see Appendix).
a constant spacing s. Tangential moments decrease The ratio A = f/fx is a characteristic parameter of
quickly in the direction from the support to the panel the panel. For all types of panels and ratios that arise
center; it is thus more economical to use a quadratic in practice, tables of moment numbers p., deflection
spiral equation r = a, + a,cp + a 2cp2 • Coefficients of numbers w and special coefficients c,, en are prepared in
this eqvation, the shape of the wraps and their total the Appendix. The sketch and the equations in Fig. 5
length, and steel consumption may be calculated using illustrate their significance. For direct calculations
programs presented in the Appendix.* The programs (without tables), the appropriate formulas are given in
are intended for use on programmable hand-held cal- Table A of the Appendix.
culators. Fig. 6 shows the three main types of panels which
may occur: interior panels, exterior panels, and canti-
*Because of space limitations the Appendix is not presented here but will be levers. These panels may be arranged in strips so that
kept permanently on file at ACI headquarters where photocopies will be avail-
able at cost of reproduction and handling. in the longitudinal direction, only panels of the same
16 ACI Structural Journal I January-February 1989
, ~-y- 1 A 2 1 ; f[____l__ 2 J(I> 2• cos 2nl'l. Value of A
w(,,¢)·64~ -811\'(lm~-1l+4C~+L 4(2n+1)c"~ •En
\p interio-r ponel•4l.
¢ ;,.., ' • n.1 • conlrlever· ..... 8
NAB(w)=~+j_ ~+~~"t~'-tlin~+Ic.~'"~os2n¢,

--' exterm panel'

~- .t~ Dl~(w) ~- ~~ ~ ~~2 - ~ I[~~ .~2"

-J'l = +? ]· +
+ 4n(2n-1 )~:~.~~]=~:¢,
A ly1
!----·-'·~..::·l._ ___, . "OR ( J=L(J.~w)~-'n[k "'"+ 2( 2n- 1)e .,z•-•Jcos 2n,.
6 ""
Poisson's ratio
I " W ~ ~ ',}\') L. 2 n, n~ '1'' CJ = 0.15
~4~ ·~ 1
fx tJr(~.¢) •- Ht15NAB + 0 85 DIF,.l. tlf"- 2 [1.15 NAB- 0 85 DIF,.], fJ,,=-0 85 TOR_,

p,-- 0·7825 m2--4A (l15lmn+0725)+0.575c,•(-015c ro2+1.7C )cos2¢- f[0.575- 0425nc B~-17n 2n-_1 e .. 2•-•J
~ 1l ~ · '' ' L. 2n-1 "' · 2n-~ "'
p,(~.¢) = g~[--t~ + f11
j__ -2 ~nc.~ 2 •- 1 cos
2n¢]. Transformation Polar-Rectangular xcos2~·~C(¢).
~ •·1 ( DIF.y ) (cos 2\'l -2sin 2¢ ) ( DIF;', )
fJ,(~.¢)•-0.575NAB(~.<Il)-0.425DIF.y(~.¢) TOR = .!.sin2¢ cos'M! x TOR
' KY 2 r-
fJy (~.¢) ~- 0.575 NAB(~.¢) + 0.425 Dlfiy(~.¢), f.Jxy (~.\'l) • -0.85 TOR, (~.¢).

Fig. 5-Basic formulas for computation of p and w numbers and transformation

matrices with operators DIF (w) and TOR (w) introduced by the author

canti ever
interior anel exterior panel canti lever
over hang E over nang j


~ r------~,---L--.1
..... 6....


- ><

[--------1 ;r------- - - - - [ -


iCfl\ "' ~·\.y

~'g' ..:
~,er QJ

' QJ ['I iii
~ I '
I c._ ! 0'1
'0 I QJ I
~ r-------~.-x-...,.-------t QJ

tx .2!:-
QJ lx
l ~ ".'

+ + ~
+ + -..!

I +
... ·· I I I
-ly---t-- 4--+-ly-
D I--
ly ____,_____ ly ----.1
1---ly-+--lr -1 1- £y-- ty--;
LEGEND •I pornt
point of w-number
and drrectron
q~ven in tables d Appendix
of fJ- number grven rn tables of Appendix
'/ p
"'Y ""x = · ':
). rj
Fig. 6-Types of panels and the appropriate boundary conditions for the compu-
tation of tables

span ex and the same loading are present. In the trans- Similar conditions would be required in stress states
verse direction, there may occur panels of different that are dependent on various parameters other than A,
types, transverse spans fy, and loading. An interior such as:
panel is regarded as part of an infinite slab. An exte- 1. When there is a transition from the usual point
rior panel and a cantilever are parts of infinite strips support towards full restraint in the first state, or to-
composed of pairs of panels. If one panel is coupled to wards the hole-edge support in the second state.
another (according to the arrangement given by the ar- 2. When there are edge or corner panels that are
chitecture), then the horizontal tangents in the Y-direc- freely supported or restrained.
tion and zero shear and torsional moments are always 3. When there are satellite head plates.
along adjoining lines. Strictly speaking, there is no On the other hand, the presence of a headplate
complete equilibrium and no geometric compatibility over the column has little effect on the coefficients c,
for random conditions along an adjoining line. In ac- and c, so that no corrections are needed.
cordance with all current codes, achieving full compat- In general, the slab without headplates must be
ibility is unnecessary if identical, identically loaded checked for allowable shear stress on a section enclos-
panel strips are arranged in sequence, or if the differ- ing the column at d/2 from the column face. For slabs
ences in the random conditions are small and can be with headplates, it is enough to prove that Condition
neglected. Otherwise, it can be taken into account by (4) is met. A sufficient compression ii, always repre-
small corrections of c, and c,. sents the best security against shear. 6
ACI Structural Journal I January-February 1989 17
With regard to slab loading by horizontal forces, as- Diameter of headplate: 2 f"0 = 1.8 m (5.9 ft.).
sume that these forces are directly transmitted to some fc = 4000 psi = 27.6 MPa.
special walls, and that the columns are loaded by verti- Design load w = 1.4 x 6.2 + 1.7 x 2.5 = 12.9 kPa
cal forces only. (269 psf).
Dimension constant: See Eq. (5).
DESIGN EXAMPLE K, = 12.9 [10/2]2 = 322.5 kN.
Consider a 10 by 10m (32.8 by 32.8 ft) interior panel Top reinforcement - #5 bars: Ab = 200m 2, fv = 60
of a flat plate with headplates. ksi = 414 MPa.
Spiral mats around headplates (see Fig. 7).
A= f/fx = 1. Bottom reinforcement: smooth welded wire mesh in
h = 240 mm (9.4 in.). orthogonal and diagonal sheets, supplemented by a
d = 240 - 20 - 0.5 x 15.9 = 212 mm (8.3 in.). spiral mat of #4 bars (Ab = 129 mm 2) or Size W20
smooth wire of Ab = 129 mm 2 •
fy = 65 ksi = 448 MPa (Fig. 8).
Safety against shear at the circumference of the
headplate [Eq. (4)] (see Fig. 7).
a = arctan 0.53 = 28 < 33.
In the tables of the Appendix, we denote the coeffi-
cients c, and c" as functions of A for both regions: for
calculating negative moments around the headplate
(Appendix Table 1) and for positive moments in the
middle of the panel (Appendix Table 2). We store these
values in the calculator and commence Program M.
tJ•t-09m I
p,(r.r,.<ll·O)· First we calculate /.1. numbers of the top reinforcement
·2223 kN im. given input Po = 2 rolf = 0.19, Pk = 2rk!f = 0. 75 and
n,lr-r,,<l>· Dl·
- 417.6 kN/m subsequently ~-t·numbers of the bottom reinforcement \
p,(r.r,.¢·0) ·0 53
n, lr-r. ell· O) · using input Po = 0.35, Pk = 0.8 for the four radials (¢
= 0, 15, 30, and 45 deg). We recognize that in all re-
Fig. 7- W-system reinforcement of the calculated 10 by gions 1~,1 > 1~-t,l holds true, and that the most disadvan-
10m flat-plate interior panel- top reinforcement tageous tangential moments arise along the radial ¢ =

steel 2,
smooth';;' tx
w1re ~
·,,~P!'JIImat of ull_?.~~-(;
welded -wYre-fabr i
6•1B- W6•W6
width 14•6"= 2.13 m++-l-+-1e+-+++-+-++
length 26• 6"·11.B m
weight 73.B kg

~~~~~~r---~~- The Spiralmat,

length of bars
235.6m #4
}------\weight 234 kg

Fig. 8- W-system reinforcement of the calculated 10 by 10m flat-plate

interior panel- bottom reinforcement
18 ACI Structural Journal I January-February 1989
0 deg. The functions P.n /i" and /1-.p are shown in the top
and bottom, respectively, of Fig. 7.
Solving the integral

we can determine the number n of necessary bars

(wrappings) by


km, Ab, and fy are, respectively, the aforementioned di- Fig. 9-Flat slab loading test, Bratislava, 1982
mension constant, the cross-sectional area of the bars,
and their yield strength. cp = 0. 95 is the safety factor Arrangement of "tanks"

and z is the lever arm. The area of the diagram p.rp(r) .A /

must now be divided into n strips of equal areas. The T

centers of gravity of these strips determine the posi- 0

tions of the covering wrappings. Similarly, the position
of the straight bars between the spirals are determined f---25m·82'----l

by the area of diagram p.xfy) (Fig. 7). Program S (see Headplate- Panel
Appendix) performs the required calculations.

e{oshc-adhesive S(I(Jbnt
Analogously, for the bottom reinforcement, we cal-
culate the spiral mat and the 0 (orthogonal) and D (di-

' '
agonal) sheets of the welded wire fabric (Fig. 8). In the
inner region of the spiral mat there are no more wrap- •25-t------10.00~--1000---+2 54 "3.3041-2_8., - headplate on
h·O 28 the middle column
pings, but the self-restraint remains and we can thus
reduce the wires of D as shown in the lower lefthand Fig. 10-Suggested arrangement of reinforcement of
corner of the figure. Thew number, w = 0.0928, given the flat plate to be tested until destruction
in Table 3 of the Appendix leads to the deflection in the
middle of the panel; see Eq. (6). The usual orthogonal reinforcement in X- and Y-di-
rections is transformed into a more efficient, rotation-
LOAD TESTS ally symmetric system. The forces in this system are
The W -system presented herein was first applied in further transformed into a tangentially active rein-
1971 in the construction of the Prague "Museum" forcement in the shape of a spiral that can cover signif-
subway station. The structure had to meet rigorous icant radial moments in a self-restraining manner.
static and dynamic load-test requirements. The station This system can be combined effectively with pre-
has been in use for 16 years; similar slabs with self-re- stressed and prefabricated headplates. These are pre-
straining reinforcement have since been built and tested cast concrete disks that reduce the usually high shear
in various towns in Czechoslovakia. Another load test, forces in the adjacent concrete, thereby eliminating the
up to the full destruction of the slab, was conducted in danger of punching shear even in relatively thin plates.
1982 on the terrace of a new hospital at Bratislava (Fig. Remaining questions about the validity of nonsym-
9). Four tanks were built for a maximum water height metrical design features can be addressed by load tests.
of 2.3 m (7.5 ft); however, failure was not reached and
it was not necessary to repair the slab after the test. REFERENCES
I. Taylor, Frederick W.; Thompson, Sanford E.; and Smulski,
To verify the design concept in the context of cur-
Edward, Concrete-Plain and Reinforced, 4th Edition, John Wiley
rently prevailing codes and economic considerations, & Sons, New York, 1931, V. I, p. 367.
the author suggests the construction of an experimental 2. Kinnunen, S., and Nylander, H., "Punching of Concrete Slabs
setup (Fig. 10 of this paper and the Appendix's Fig. Without Shear Reinforcement," Transactions, Royal Institute of
11 ). It is proposed that comprehensive dynamic tests be Technology, Stockholm, 1960, p. 48.
conducted first and then a static load be gradually ap- 3. Andra, H.; Baur, H.; and Stiglat, K., "On the Load Carrying
Capacity, Design, and Dimensioning of Flat Plate Floors (Zum
plied until failure occurs. In load tests, sufficient vari- Tragverhatalten, Konstruieren und Bemessen von Flachdecken),"
ation can be built in so that questions regarding the va- Beton und Stahlbeton (Berlin), No. II, Nov. 1984, p. 308.
lidity of calculations on nonsymmetrical spiral mats in 4. Nadai, A., Elastic Plates (Eiastische Platten), Berlin, 1925.
corners and edges can be answered. 5. Tolke, F., "Stress States of Flat Rectangular Plates (Uber Span-
nungszustande in dunnen Rechtechplatten)," lngenieur-Archive
CONCLUSIONS (Berlin), No. 5, 1934, p. 187.
6. Reifenstuhl, H., "A Critical Analysis Concerning Shear-Rec-
It is shown that radial negative moments in flat plate
ommendations Regarding a New Design Principle (Kritik am
floors around columns can be taken care of by spiral 'Schub'-Verschlag fur einen neuen Bemessungsgrunsatz)," Beton
top reinforcement through "self-restraint." und Stahlbetonbau (Berlin), No.3, Nov. 1987, p. 68.

ACI Structural Journal I January-February 1989 19

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