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Monthly Managers’ Meeting

Date: 12 July 2018
Meeting Room, South Ward.

Director (Mark Schofield) East Ward Manager (Seth Gorman)
Kitchen Manager (Jamie Priddle) West Ward Manager (Vincent Khoo)
South Ward Manager (Sonia Hurst) Building Manager (Chris de Kunder)
North Ward Manager (Brett Simons) Administration Manager (Jeremy Singh)

Mark Scoofield, the Director, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Previous Minutes:
Minutes from the meeting held on 11 June 2016 had been read and it was agreed they should be
adopted as an accurate record.
Business Arising from Previous Minutes:
There was no business arising from the previous minutes.
The Correspondence list was circulated and received.
Director Update:
Mark Schofield advised that he had attended a Board Meeting in July where the Business Plan for
2018-2019 was adopted. He said that the Board were pleased with the results from the previous
financial year and looked forward to ongoing business growth.
Activity Reports:
South Ward Manager, Sonia Hurst, advised that there were no unusual items to report from July.
She informed the meeting that the Nursing Team had been hit hard by the seasonal influenza
epidemic, but things were now getting back to normal. Sonia said that the new reception desk had
been installed and was functioning well.
Administration Manager, Jeremy Singh, handed out copies of, and explains, the Finance Report
for July.
East Ward Manager, Seth Gorman, gave a brief presentation of the new workshops that will be
offered to clients over the next four months.

West Ward Manager, Vincent Khoo explained that there had been some problems in receiving the
full shipment of bed linen, as the laundry service had issues with two of their machines. However,
with staff working overtime, the stock levels should be back to normal within a week.
Building Manager, Chris de Kunder, advised that the maintenance staff had been affected by the
flu last month, too. Casual labour had to be used in order to keep the garden in an attractive state.
North Ward Manager, Brett Simons, advised that all of the world’s curtains have been replaced as
planned, and the new ones are already hanging. Everyone is pleased with how the new colours
lighten up the rooms.
Director’s concluding remarks:
Mark thanked everyone for their attendance and participation and reminded them that the next
meeting would be on 14 August.

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