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Organizational Behavior


Final term paper

Submitted by:

Urooj Adil (62402)

Submitted on:


Submitted to:

Sir Muzammil



Section “B”

Q1) As a manager, consider the challenges of managing those who work at home or virtually
out of the organization. What are your challenges? Consider, for example, how to monitor
performance, motivate workers, and help them manage workplace problems.
Ans : Due to the recent pandemic COVID-19 and ongoing global crisis , the work from home is
become a new norm , to manage the work from home is very challenging for a manager .As a
manager ,the following challenges , I will face to manage the remote team .
1. Communication Challenge
Communication is very important and key success factor for work teams. But it is not easy
to collect input from all team members and to know the working positions of each person
when they work from home, it’s critical to foster open communication, in this situation
there are different strategies and methods of communication are used to overcome this
gap. Phone call and emails are common tools used for communication. Remote
communication policy will be developed is also an essential tool used to communicate with
2. Tracking the employee’s performance and work productivity
The second challenge is tracking the performance of employee and work productivity, it is
not easy to track the performance of employees that are work from home. Manager will
know how much task have been accomplished by employees and at what rate , when
employees work from home , it’s hard to track their progress , managers are mostly unclear
about it, as a manager I will establish ways to track the productivity and performance of
employees , like constitute the metrics which includes how much work is expected to
complete in a day such as creating company blog ,set schedule of work and assign task that
would be completed in a day .The KPI metrics is used to evaluate the performance and
productivity of employees that are working from home .
3. Motivation of employees
A research concluded that “The employees working from home are less motivated verses
employees working in office “. Less motivation due to economic pressure, emotional
pressure , protecting job and health . It is important to keep employees motivated. Create
the virtual office for employees; invest in video conferencing and collaboration tools. Create
the forum for employees where they can share personal and professional updates,
communicate the expectation clearly , assign collaborative task to promote the team work
and interaction among teams , encourage the team to work with each other and stay
connected . To keep their morale high and boost their performance, as an manager I will
create virtual team activiites like multiplayer games and quizzes, send appreciation email to
the employees in order to develop the recognition and appreciate their work .
4. Manage work force
Managing workforce is difficult in ongoing crisis, it’s a challenge to manage the workforce
effectively and keep them motivated. Managing the remote workforce is proactive
approach. Following strategies can be used to keep the workforce focused on
achievements, supporting to one another and improvements.
 Set clear expectation: A flexible schedule is an advantage of employees who are
working at home , but if you want certain hours to engaged , communicate clearly
your expectation , and allocate time and date , so they can available online .
 Communicate: Communication is key factor , you should communicate openly
thorugh email and phone calls.
 Foster the growth mindset : As an manager I will focus on both personal
improvements and goal performance , as manager when you focus on your team
potential you have to focus on both , so the remote workforce will open up to new
opportunities .
 Create visual scoreboard: create the visual scoreboard to track the performance and
keep employees motivated.
 Leverage technology: use online tools for collaboration that are high quality solution
and inexpensive for team work.
 Trust team : once you defined goals , objectives , expectations , now trust your team
for accomplishment

Q2a) did you learn anything that you didn’t already know about yourself? If so, what?
How do you think your personality will affect your work performance?
Q2b) is there anything you would like to change about yourself in order to improve
yourself? If so, what? If not, what type of job would seem to be most suited to your
Ans (a): I have learned self-esteem and self-control. before study of this subject I felt that
both are same concept , but when I study organizational behavior I came to know that this
two concepts are different , I have learned self-control, I didn’t know about it . I can
manage my emotions and feelings, so I think that I am composed person, step by step I
analyze myself , so I also knew that I am believer of internal locus of control, because I
believe that if work hard for my GPA , I achieved good GPA, most of the it happens , I didn’t
took too much interest in fianance courses , so I didn’t attained good marks , I didn’t blame
to any external force , I knew that I just worked for passing marks . I know about many
things about my personality , but I don’t know the exact name , after study organizational
behavior , I knew about my personality trait like internal locus of control , self-esteem and
self-control .
Personality has impact on work performance. Each person has unique personality ,
individual are differ on the basis of personality , if I analyze my personality by using OCEAN
model , conscientiousness and agreeableness indirectly affect organizational citizenship
behavior via their impact of job satisfaction – simply put, if I am happier in my job, I am
more likely to be better ‘citizens’ at work. I really like to experience new things , work with
new people and explore the knowledge , I really enjoyed challenging task assign by manager
. It will increase my work performance. Openness to experience help me to have an easier
time with workplace changes and are more adaptable and “less susceptible to a decline in
performance over a longer time period. As I am agreeable, so generally liked more and tend
to follow the rules. I demonstrate higher job satisfaction and am less likely to be involved in
workplace accidents. Low level of neurotism helps me to emotionally stable and manage
the work and family life effectively. I will try to manage the work life balance; it helps me to
improve work performance and productivity.
(b) I don’t want to change anything in myself.
The job suited for my personality is: As I am introvert person, the best suited job for me is
researcher, researcher is broad category, the position of researcher required two things
that are actually the strengths of introverts.
 Written communication.
 Extensive solo work.
 In some cases, these positions can be easy to transition into from your existing career,
which a godsend for introverts who feel “stuck” is doing something draining. Just be
aware of your preferred work style.
 Why I choose this profession , because I love research work , I enjoyed my research
courses , I have done three research different modes of research , when I was
completing my M.Sc in Biochemistry , I have done experimental research , for the
degree of Bachelor of Education , I have conducted survey research , currently for the
fulfillment of MBA , I have done cross sectional research . So I really want to pursue my
career as researcher.
Q3) in your own words, briefly explain Maslow’s theory of motivation. Relate it to work
Ans: Maslow theory of hierarchy is one of the famous theory, Maslow defined the hierarchy
of needs. Maslow defined that the motivation is the result of attempting or fulfilling the
five basic needs.
 Physiological Need
 Safety needs
 Social Needs (Love /Belongings )
 Self-Esteem
 Self-Actualization
Physiological needs: Physiological need s are basic needs like food , water , shelter. As an
manager , you can account for basic needs of employees are comfortable working conditions ,
flexible working hours and the necessary breaks to use washroom , eat and drink something’s .
Safety need : includes those that provide a person sense of security , financial security , health
security , As an manager you can account for safety needs for employees by providing safe
working conditions , secure compensation , job security , pension , retirement .
Social Needs (love / belongings): includes the sense of belonging and acceptance, because of
this need you can’t feel isolated, alone and depressed. As an manager, you can account for the
social needs for employees by ensuring each employee know each other, encourage
collaborative teamwork and promoting a good work life balance.
Self-Esteem: include the sense of respect and acceptance and accomplishment will be valued
by others. As a manager, you can account for the self-esteem needs for employees by offering
praise and recognition when the employee does well, and offering promotions and additional
responsibility to reflect your belief that they are a valued employee.
Self Actualization :when a person achieved his full potential , that is self-actualization need .
Because this need is individualized, as a manager, you can account for this need by providing
challenging work, inviting employees to participate in decision-making and giving them
flexibility and autonomy in their jobs.
Q5) What are some styles of charismatic leadership? What do they mean? Give an example.

Ans: Charismatic leadership is basically the method of encouraging particular behaviors in

others through communication, persuasion and force of personality. Charismatic leaders
motivate followers to get things done or improve the way certain things are done.

There are basically three styles of charismatic leadership proposed by Nadler and Tushman.

Charismatic Leadership Styles:

 Envisioning
 Energizing
 Enabling
 Envisioning: in this leadership style creating the picture of future or a desired future
state, with which people can identify and they can generate excitement.
Example: Articulating a compelling vision, setting high expectations.
 Energizing: in this leadership style directing the generation of energy, the motivation to
act, among members of the organizations.
Example: demonstrating personal excitement and confidence, seeking, finding and using
 Enabling: in this leadership style psychologically helping people act or perform in the
face of challenging goals.
Example: Expressing personal support, empathizing.

Q4) Job stress can have physiological, psychological, and behavioral effects. Give an example of
each and cite some research findings on the relationship between job stress and these

Ans : When the requirement of job doesn’t match with the resources , capabilities or the need
of employees it cause job stress , job stress has harmful effect on physical and mental health.
job stress has significant impact on health and work . It influences the physiological,
psychological and behavioral effect. Job stress cause by overburdening, long working hours,
conflicts with co-workers and employer. The symptoms of job stress include drop in work
performance, anxiety, depression and sleeping difficulties. Leung et al. (2012) further clarified
that stress is a psychological state of mind resulting from demands put on a person’s body.
From the medical point of view, stress has often been proven to be detrimental to health;
mismanaged job stress causes physical and emotional suffering in the workplace.

NIOSH described job stress and psychological disorders among the top 10 occupational health
hazards in the U.S. and the American Institute of Stress determined that job stress reached
epidemic proportions in the U.S. by the end of the 1990s.

Job-related stress has been repeatedly shown to affect three kinds of physiological responses—
cardiovascular, biochemical, and gastrointestinal. Cardiovascular responses to job stress include
elevations in blood pressure and heart rate (Kahn and Byosiere 1992 and Lundberg 1999).

Many studies of job stress include psychological responses; By far the most frequently cited
response to job stress is dissatisfaction with the job. More intense affective responses include
anger, frustration, irritation, and hostility toward supervisors and the organization as a whole.
Other negative responses correlated with job stress are more passive; among them are
boredom, burnout, and fatigue, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, and depressed
mood (Holt 1982, Cooper and Payne 1988, Kahn and Byosiere 1992, Lundberg 1999).

Two behavioral correlates of job stress are well replicated: reductions in job performance and
increased absence. The behavioral responses to job stress into five broad categories:

(a)Degradation/disruption of the work role itself (job performance, accidents, errors, etc.)

(b)Aggressive behavior at work (stealing, purposeful damage, spreading rumors, etc.);

(c)Flight from the job (absenteeism, turnover, early retirement, etc.);

(d)Degradation/disruption of other life roles (marriage, friendships, citizenship);

(e)Self-damaging behaviors (drug use, alcohol use, smoking, etc.).

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