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Coping Mechanisms

Jacira Alexander

Sport and Medical Sciences Academy

Senior Seminar

Mrs. Amy Boutilier

March 28, 2021

Coping Mechanisms

During the pandemic a lot of the adolescents began to suffer. They started to experience

symptoms of anxiety, depression, and trauma causing a lack of motivation for school because of

that they began to fall behind. The lack of social interactions, playing sports, and being able to

participate in social activities caused excessive worry, irritability with those around them,

anxious and intrusive thoughts amongst the younger crowd. It's important for adolescents to

understand the significance of handling the stress and trauma they've been through. They can

learn how to handle the problems they face by learning some healthy coping mechanisms and

understanding how effective they are. Coping mechanisms are methods that people tend to use

when they are going through things that cause stress or trauma. They use these methods to

minimize emotions they cannot handle. It helps them adjust to what is going on by being able to

support their emotional well being. There are a variety of coping skills, good and bad. What

matters is how effective they are and what they do for your well being.

A grounding technique is a type of coping mechanism. It helps by guiding someone on

managing the stress and trauma. When grounding a person is stepping away from the negativity,

trauma, and stress. This allows a person to calm the mind and the body. Even though this

technique helps in calming down. This technique doesn't solve the problem. It's a temporary

strategy that a person can use to steer control over their emotions in that moment to step away

from all of the negative emotions a person is feeling and focusing the mind (Najavits, 2002).

Eventually there will be room for addressing the issue that is causing the uncomfortable

emotions. There are 3 types of grounding that can be used. Mental grounding is focusing your

mind. You can do this by describing the environment you are in. you can even start by using

your senses and identifying colors, objects, shapes, sounds, texture, smells that you see. Physical

grounding is using your senses to focus. You can run cold or warm water on your hands paying

close attention to how it feels. Touching items around you, it can be simple items like a table, a

pen, the shirt you’re wearing, etc. Compare the items you are touching to each other. you can

also focus on your breathing. feel and notice the sensations of each inhale and exhale. Think

about how it makes you feel. Lastly the soothing technique. Speak very kindly to yourself in a

nurturing tone. Say statements that will make you feel better, tell yourself things like “you've got

this” “you are going to be okay”. Treat yourself to something whether it be something small like

a long warm bath, doing skin care, or simply having a piece of candy, make the best out of it.

Think of your favorite things and think about why these things happen to be your favorite.

Problem solving techniques is a mental process a person can go through to eliminate the

issue that is causing stress and trauma to endure. During this mental process a person will

discover, analyze, and solve. The first step a person will take is defining the problem. This is the

most important step being able to clearly understand the problem is what's going to help you

most. you can start by writing down the problem and ask yourself 5 questions:

1.) What is happening? 2.)When does it happen ? 3.) Where does it happen? 4.) Who is

involved ? 5.) Why is it a problem for you?

The next step is going to be looking for solutions. you can create a list of all types of ways you

could potentially use to solve the problem. Think of the problem from every aspect and don’t be

afraid to be creative when coming up with solutions. After writing, take some time to look over

your list and choose the one you think will be most effective. If the solution a person has chosen

ends up being uneffective try your other options and compare the results. The last step a person

will take is making a plan. when coming up with a plan your plan should be able to fill out some

questions that can help you. Questions like: 1.) What steps do you need to take?

2.) What will you need to help you complete your plan? 3.) Who do you know that can help you?

And how can they help you? 4.) What is your target date for completing the tasks?

5.) How will you know the problem has been fixed?

After being able to fill out these questions a person should put their plan into action. If the plan

did not solve the issue, evaluate why it didn't go over the plan and fix it then try again. if you did

resolve the issue. you should celebrate and move onto tackling the next problem.

Meditation is another helpful coping technique used to bring relaxation, stress reduction,

and inner peace. According to the 2017 national health interview survey from the ages 4-17 5.4%

of this age group actually meditate (meditation in depth). Meditation is a state of deep relaxation

and a calm mind. “During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate the stream of

jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress” (mayo clinic. 2020.).

Mediating increases the emotional and physical well-being. Meditation can help keep the rest of

your day rolling smoothly by keeping you calm throughout the day. Some ways to meditate are

guided meditations. You create images in your mind that you find relaxing using as many senses

as possible. you can be led through this by a teacher or guide (mayo clinic. 2020.). Mantra

meditation is when you quietly and calmly use a word or phase over and over again. This

prevents thoughts from intruding and taking away your focus. Now onto mindfulness meditation,

according to the mayo clinic during mindfulness meditation, “You broaden your conscious

awareness. You focus on what you experience during meditation, such as the flow of your

breath. You can observe your thoughts and emotions, but let them pass without judgment” (mayo

clinic. 2020.). Meditating is a great coping mechanism because it brings you so much peace of

mind and clarity while being able to get rid of unpleasant emotions. The national institutes of

health found research that showed how “mindfulness can help reduce stress,and increase well

being, and helps treatment for anxiety and depression” (katella. 2020.) Now close this out by

connecting back to thesis… for example, mindfulness can help students during COVID …….

Healthy coping mechanisms could really help teens today and in the future because it

teaches them how to understand their feelings and how to process them without causing more

stress upon themselves. Teens learning coping skills can build resilience allowing them to come

back from challenges that are difficult for them to handle. Coping includes adjusting to usual

changes, demands, and stressors which can cause adolescents to be impulsive. Being able to get a

teen to use and understand the benefits of healthy coping will teach them how to think rationally

when it comes to stressful situations and making the right decisions.



Physical activity reduces stress. (n.d.). Retrieved April 01, 2021, from


Pharm.D., J. (2020, March 31). Grounding techniques for anxiety, ptsd, and trauma. Retrieved

April 01, 2021, from



: Seeking Safety by Lisa M. Najavits (2002). (n.d.). Problem solving. Retrieved April 19, 2021, from

Five coping Skills teens need to know. (2019, October 28). Retrieved April 19, 2021, from



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