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Most Dangerous Sport!

By MaKayla Moore!

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The Moore’s guide to Competitive

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Table of Contents
The Moore’s guide to is back and better than ever! Page 3

Most Dangerous Sport…….. Page 4

Gotta Know it All; What is competitive Cheer….. Page 5

What It Takes: What goes into a competitive cheerleading routine. Page 6

Judges Jobs! Page 7

Word Search Page 8

The Author’s Story:Hear my story. Page 9.

Fun Facts: 10 fun facts about Competitive Cheer. Page 10.
Helpful Tips. Page 11
Ducky and Doug attempt…. Page 12
Introducing the Ankle Rubicon Page 13
Based on statistics page 14
Welcoming back the Moore’s Guide to the shelves in June 2021 Page 15
New gym opening in July of 2021 Page 16
Hear from the expert! Page 17
Moore’s guide will return to you soon! Page 18
ACL VS. MCL tear. 19-22
Take note of…Page 23
Answer to wordsearch. Page 24
Glossary. Page 25-28
Citation. Pages 29-31
The Moore’s Guide to…. Is back and better than ever!
Are you often bored of the same models in the magazine every week? Don’t worry! You can have
fun and learn about new sports everyweek here with ‘The Moore’s Guide to…’ We have a new
issue coming out and the topic is… Competitive Cheer! You learn what goes into a competition
routine, What Competive Cheer is, Most Dangerous Sport, you’ll hear from a few experts, fun facts,
and so much more. So buckle up because remember Moore’s Reaches for the stars.
Most Dangerous Sport
Being a Competitive Cheerleader can take its toll on your body sometimes. You constantly put
your body in naturally dangerous situations. The most common injuries would include ankle, neck, knees,
back, and wrists. Cheer injuries are far more dangerous. Everyday you are putting yourself at risk mainly for
severe back injuries. Twisting or rotating in a stunt, tumbling passes, and definitely from lifting, catching,
and from falling in a stunt sequence. Stunting causes 42 to 60% of cheerleading injuries, including 96% is
concussions from falling from a stunt. It is highly recommended to stretch out, condition, and keep in shape
to prevent further injuries. Ankle injuries. Competitive routines have a lot of running, jumping and flipping.
Practicing these routines multiple times a week can put stress on a cheerleader’s ankle. A sprained ankle
takes at the least 6 weeks to heal while a break, or tearing of a ligament can result in the need of surgery.
Sidelining the cheerleader for months. Back Injuries. An injury to your back that can happen is
Spondylolysis. Spondylolysis is a stress fracture in the lower back. Spondylolysis is commonly confused
with Spondylolisthesis. Spondylolisthesis is when a vertebra slips out of place over the vertebra below it.
Spondylolysis usually causes it because the crack causes the bone to shift. It is a common injury in people
who do a lot of jumping, tumbling or back-bending activities. Symptoms include lower back pain that
spreads across the lower back, feels like a muscle strain, is made worse with extension. Spondylolysis is
treated by activity modifications and physical therapy. Surgery for spondylolysis is very rare. Some people
need surgery to balance the spine. Wrist injuries. Wrist injuries are common in flyers because flyers tend to
fall and use their hands for stabilization and while that does not do damage to the hand, it can do severe
damage to your wrist. Including, spraining, dislocating, and breaking your wrist. Even though wrist injuries
aren’t season ending. The healing time of a wrist injury can be weeks to months to heal. Knee injuries. The
Gotta Know It All: What is Competitive Cheer
Competitive Cheer is when different cheer teams compete against each other. The Competitive
Cheer usually is sorted into different rounds. Highschool Competitive teams compete in three
different rounds, while Jr. High Competitive teams compete in two different rounds. They constantly
are in the fight for gold. Many people see different competitions like some are routines full of music,
dancing, stunts, tumbling. Teams are judged based on Voice projection, Tightness, Stunts,
Jumps, skills, unity, timing, spirit and so much more. Many points are marked off when the timing
is off. Timing is the most important part of a routine. Teams compete based on difficulty levels.
Many people think that competitive cheerleading is not a sport but competitive cheerleading takes
a lot of practice, precision, and perseverance to get the routine right. As you’ll learn later, The Yale
Jr. High’s Competitive Cheerleading season went really well, we placed 4th at our first competition,
2nd at our last two competitions.
What It Takes: What goes into a competitive cheerleading routine.

Every year coaches create a new routine to showcase at a newer competition. Competition
routines include, jumps, dance, stunt sequences, standing tumbling, pyramid sequences, and
especially running tumbling.
Jumps: The more jumps the better! Jumps are a very crucial part of the routine. Today judges
require atleast 4 jumps. A 4-whip is four jumps linked together. NCA stresses that you should do
your two best jumps to cover the four jumps unless you want to throw your two worst jumps in and
end up losing a lot of points.
Stunt Sequence: The stunt sequence is hardest of the routine. Being a backspot your eyes must
stay on the flyer the whole time. Flyer’s I highly recommend staying very tight. The tighter you are
the less likely you are to fall. It only lessens the chance, not bringing the numbers to 0. You still
have at least a 25% chance of falling.
Running tumbling: Running tumbling can include Round-off backhand spring, round-off triple back,
front handspring, or an aerial. Running tumbling is the most tiring part of a routine. Your running
and flipping but it can put a lot of pressure on your ankles and knees.
Judges Jobs!
There are many different jobs that a judge preforms. Each judge is watching a different part. Judges point
deductions are usually are when the timing is off. The judges look for you being tight in every routine. You
must stay tight especially in between moving from one place to the next. I highly recommend if you are a
flyer you should stay as tight as possibe. Judges are looking for how high your jumps are. They look for
pointed toes in tumbling sequences. This year with Covid-19 they have been checking to make sure the
masks stay over your nose and mouth. Many other judges are there for different points of view. The judging
is very harsh the older you get. Judges are looking for voice projection, stunts, timing, tumbling and
pyramid sequence. Each team has a time limit of 2:30, you must finish in the width of that time otherwise
you will lose points.
Word Search
Backhandspring backlayout competition hurdler
hurkey Roundoff splits toetouch tumbling
The Author’s Story:Hear my story.
I first started cheer during the summer before 6th grade. I had never cheered before. I walked up and I didn’t know anyone
there. I was super nervous. Time skip to today, I have been cheering competitvally for 2 years. Our season was cut short
due to Covid-19. We competed in 3 competitons this year. At our first competition we were a wreck. I’m not trying to offend
anyone but we were a dizaster. We placed 4th. At our second competition we were doing a whole new routine compared to
the last competition. Our timing was a lot better. We ended up placing second at this competition! And now for our best
competition overall, Our third competition. We might have made a few mistakes but that’s what it takes in becoming a good
cheerleader. I mean everyone makes mistakes on their way to becoming something great. From my point of view, It took me
years to become a half-way decent pitcher for softball or becoming a good backspot. I would be a good base but it hurts
my elbow to base and to call myself out I hate heights, they scare me. Competitive cheer has brought me the best friends I
could ask for. My team taught me the true meaning of friendship.

I highly recommend trying cheerleading. You’ll meet a bunch of new friends, learn the importance of sportsmanship, and
the fundamentals of being a cheerleader overall.
Fun Facts: 10 fun facts about competitive cheer
97% of all competitive cheerleaders are female

Men are the creators of competitive cheer

Cheerleading started at Princeton University in 1884

Four U.S. Presidents were cheerleaders

Largest pyramid held 60 people!

Most cheerleaders keep a gpa of a b

The largest competition is NCA All-star National Championship

The cheerleading capital of the U.S. is Texas.

The Dallas Cowboys were the first NFL team to have a reconized cheer squad!

In the U.S. alone there are 4 million cheerleaders!

Helpful Tips!
There are a lot you should know and these tips will help you! Know the rules: This may seem like
common sense but it’s highly recommended that you know the rules so you don’t make a egg-head
mistake. Research! Research, Research: Just like the football sits down after every game and rewatches
the plays from previous games, you should do the same. You should watch a competition from a month
ago then watch then watch the most previous competition and take notes on what you did better and what
you can do better at the next competition. Don’t think that ‘Your too good for the basics:’ it might seem
crazy to go back to the basics but even going over the movements can help your squad benefit at the
competition. Many people don’t see the slightest issue with the simple movements you learned your first
year, but issues can spike at any given point. Memorize the words: I highly recommend memorizing the
words because at our 2nd competition our team repeated the same phrase over and over again. We were
lucky enough to get second place, that caused us to spend an hour and a half conditioning at our next
Ducky and Doug attempt to do the splits
I did it
Let’s try to do the splits,

I give up -_-
Introducing the Ankle Rubicon!

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Starting at the price of just $12.95 you can

run, tumble, and so much more with the
Ankle Rubicon! Order today!!!
Based on statistics.
I went around Yale Junior High School and asked 100 students and staff members the following
questions. The questions were, ‘Do you agree with the following statement,”Competitive Cheer
isn’t a sport?” “What do you think is the hardest part of a competitive routine?” “What is the worst
injury?” Responses from the first question were 55 students disagree with the statement while 44
students were in between. One student agreed with the statement. The second question was
more spread out with answers, 50 students answered that standing tumbling was the hardest part
of the competition routine. While 19 students each answered that stunting was the hardest part of
the routine. While 20 students said that flying was the hardest part. Only 11 students answered that
running tumbling was the hardest part. The final question sparked up a lot of confusion at first. With
15 people saying that Spondylolysis is the worst injury possible, while 19 people argued that
Spondylolisthesis was far worse. 31 people said that a broken bone is the worst injury, while 25
others argued that a dislocated joint leaves a player out longer.
Welcoming back the Moore’s guide to the shelves this June!
It’s been months since The Moore’s guide has added to the collection and this has left many of ther fans
on the edge of their seats waiting for a new edition. And officially the wait is over. MaKayla recently made
an announcement that their newest edition will be coming out in June of 2021. The topic of the magazine
being competitive cheer. “We will bringing Ducky and Doug comics,” Moore stated in an interview with Fox
on Friday.
Starlight Explosion is set to reopen on July 1st.
After the hurricane hit Florida in August of 2020, and the destruction of Starlight Explosion Cheer gym. Owners Amanda Douglas, Marian
Underwood, and MaKayla Moore, announced last night, “We’re proud to say after 10 months of repair and remodeling, Starlight will be reopening
their doors to the public on July first.” Class times have changed. Amanda will continue to host pratice with the 4-8 year olds at 3-5pm on Monday,
Thursday, and Sunday. Marian will begin pratice for the 9-14 year olds on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 3-6pm. The first competition
will be on July 19th 2021. MaKayla will continue practice 15-20 year olds everyday of the work week from 6-10pm. Competition season for the
senior team opens on July 7th. We expect our team to have their uniforms, cheer shoes, water bottles, snack for practices longer than 2 hours. Our
Juniors and Seniors are expected to set and example for our freshman team. We are accepting registrations from now until June 31st. Please
contact your childs coach with any questions, comments or concerns.

MaKayla’s Phone Number: 239-200-8499

MaKayla’s Email:

Amanda’s Phone Number: 305-202-1880

Amanda’s Email:

Marian’s phone number: 239-601-7643

Marian’s Email:

Starlight Explosion Phone Number: 239-920-0936

Hear From The Expert!
On Tuesday May, 25th, I interviewed my mom Melissa Moore. “Of your years being a coach, what’s your favorite part?” My mom answered,”The
kids.” She has coached for 2 years. I questioned,”How do you keep the kids focused?” “Execersise a lot!” I then asked,”What do you feel is the
hardest part of a competitive routine?” “This is hard to answer but I’d say probably, Stunting.” “Of your years of being a coach, what’s the worst injury
you’ve had a player get?” “Dislocated shoulder.” “ Do you think voice projection is important?” “yes it is one of the key parts.”
Moore’s guide to will return to you soon.
As fans know MaKayla Moore has a lot of famous magazines known to a lot of people in the United States. Moore said in an interview with Gregory
Hall WBGQ spokesman,”Amanda Douglas, Marian Underwood, and I have been hard at work trying to get the gym up and running. We have done
equal work during the magazine. I’m proud to say the Doug and Ducky make another debut to the world again.” Douglas, Underwood, and Moore are
hard at work everyday sewing uniforms, making routines, booking positions. Douglas said in an interview, “I don’t think starlight has had this many calls,
or emails in years.” Underwood explained in an interview, “I can’t go 15 minutes without getting a phone call from new costumers, or old costumers.
Day by day we’re booking spot after spot, so if you want to register I highly suggest you call sooner rather than later. If money is an issue please let me,
MaKayla, or Amanda know and we will help you or your child to become the best cheerleader you can be. We don’t want money to hold you back from
doing what you love.” Douglas added,”MaKayla is working so hard on the uniforms and we’ve seen and added a sneak peak to the uniform down
below. Also she’s completed the freshman and junior teams uniforms last night.” Moore finalized in the interview,” Varsity gets to decide per cheerleader
which uniform they want to wear.”

The three choices the

varsity team will have.
J.V. and Freshman uniforms.
Knee injuries

As seen before ACL and MCL are one of the worst injury in the knee to get but you should know the difference. Tearing of one of these ligaments can sideline an
athlete for months. The MCL is found on the inside of of the knee while the LCL is found on the outside, these ligaments help keep the knee from moving in
awkward ways. Cruciate ligaments are ligaments in the knee that control the forward and backward movements of the knee. The ACL and PCL are intersecting
ligaments crossing and making an ‘X.’ The ACL is located infront and the PCL is located in the back.

What is the ACL? Three bones meet at your knee joint: The tibia, the femur and the patella. The ACL is apart of the Cruciate ligaments section of the knee.

What is the MCL? The MCL or Medical Collateral Ligament is a band of tissue responsible of keeping the knee from bending inwards. The MCL is commonly torn
from head on collison with the knee. The MCL is apart of the Collateral ligament sections of the knee.

What is the Quadriceps tendons? The Quadricep tendons are the 4 tendons that run down and connects to the patella and is responsible for helping the knee to
straighten and bend. Without the Quadricep tendon you would not be able to straighten your knee.

What is the Patellar tendon? The Patellar tendon is the tendon that connects the bottom of the patella to the tibia. The patellar tendon is connected to the
Quadriceps by the quadriceps tendons.

What is the Hamstring tendon? The hamstring tendons connects the hamstring muscles to the pelvis, knee, and shin bone.
Knee injuries Continued.

What is an Quadriceps tendon tear? Quadriceps can either partially or completely tear. Partial tears only cause an issue similar to the over-stretching
of a rope. While complete tears tear the soft tissues apart.

What is a Patellar tendon tear? A Patellar tendon can either partially or completely tear. Partial tears don’t disrupt the tissues. While complete tears
will split the tissues in two.

What is a Hamstring tendon tear? A tear of the connection of the muscle can cause great damage.

What is the knee dislocation? Movement of the knee in a wrong direction causing the tendons in the knee to partially or completely tear.

What is an MCL tear? The tearing of the MCL is typically caused when the knee is hit on with force causing the MCL to tear. Symptoms may include
pain on the inner side of the knee, bruising and swelling in the side of the knee, stiffness in the knee, a feeling as if the knee is going to give out or
buckle or even pain with walking.
Knee Injuries Continued.
What’s is an ACL tear? The ACL is responsible for keeping the tibia from moving too far. When the ACL is torn, you will hear a loud popping sound as
the ligaments tear. Pain will start almost immediately, swelling will come within one to two hours of the time of injury, walking is difficult, and the knee
feels unstable.

Diagnosis for tears: During the doctor’s examination, the doctor will check for swelling and inflammation of the knee. The doctor may order x-rays to
rule out a fracture of the knee. After the doctor rules out a fracture they will most likely order an MRI, an MRI can show the exent of the ACL injury.
Finally if the injury doesn’t show up on the MRI then the doctor will use an ultrasound to show the tendons, ligaments, and muscles of the knee.

Treatment for ACL tear: ACL tears will most likely need surgery and 6 months of rehabilitation. A torn ACL is a serious injury and should be assesed
by an orthopedic surgeon. Surgical treaatment is reccommended so reinjury doesn’t occur. Doctors may replace the torn ligament with the following
Patellar tendon autograft, Hamstring tendon autograft, Quadriceps tendon autograft, allograft, patellar tendon, Achilles tendon,
semitendinosus, gracilis, or posterior tibialis tendon.

Treatment for MCL tear: MCL tears will most likely not need surgery. Doctors reccommend a lot. Usually your doctor may give you a knee brace that
prevents you from bending the knee, locking it straight. After the pain and swelling decreases, you’ll start physical therapy. Recovory time depends
on the grade of the injury.
Knee Injuries Continued.
Treatment for torn Patellar tendon: treatments for a torn patellar tendon depends on the grade of the injury, size of tear, activity level and age.
Treatment would be Immobolization, or physical therapy. Most people will require surgery to have to regain function of the knee. Surgical repare
reattaches the tendon to the patella.

Treatment for torn Quadriceps tendons: A weakened tendon is more likely to tear than a normal tendon like Tendinitis, chronic diseases like chronic
renal faliure, Leukemia, ect. Although it is very rare but quadriceps tendons tears often tear after the dislocation of the knee or after knee surgery.

Treatment for torn Hamstring tendon: Treatment for Hamstring tendon tears would depend on the grade of the injury. If a torn hamstring is left
untreated it can lead to functional debilitation. This injury can sideline a player for months on end.

A complete tear of the ACL.

Take Note of this...
Answers to wordsearch.
Spondylolsis: stress fracture in the lower back Glossary.
Spondylolisthesis:when a vertebra slips out of place over the vertebra below it.

Unity: being united or togetherness.

Voice projection: The use of the voice stretching to project or make your voice louder.

Pyramid: two or more stunt groups conjoined by the fliers grabbing hands, waist, feet, or legs.

Backhandspring: A form of jumping back and flipping backwards.

Competition: Act of condition of competing commonly with more than one team.

Hurdler: A jump where one foot is tucked underneath the body and the other is pointing straight out with candlesticks out.

Hurkey: A jump with one foot angled and out to the side of the body and the other foot is pointed towards the side you are using
and only one arm is out and the other is on your hip.

Round-off: A cartwheel but your meet and come together at the top and then you snap down from there.

Toe-touch: A jump in which both legs reach out to the sides and you are reaching for your toes with your hands.

Tumbling: Any gymnastics move used in the routine.

Glossary continued

Candlesticks: A movement in which the cheerleader sticks out their arms straight out in front of them insinuating
that they are holding out a light candle on the other end.

NCA: National Cheerleader’s Association.

Backspot: The job of holding of the back, waist, or ankles to keep the flyer balanced and in the air.

Base: The athletes responsible of holding the flyer in the air. Bases are typically very strong and decided based on

Sportsmanship: Fair and equal treatment from team to team espicially in sports.

Fudementals: base or core of something,

ACL: anterior cruciate ligament

MCL:medial collateral ligament

Glossary continued
Patellar tendon: attaches the bottom of the knee cap to the top of the shin bone.

Hamstring tendon: connects the hamstring muscles to the pelvis, knee and shin bones.

Quadriceps tendon: help to straighten the knee.

Allograft: a tissue graft from a donor used for medical treatment

LCL: lateral collateral ligament

PCL: posterior cruciate ligament

Achilles tendon: tough band of tissues that connects the calf to the heel bone.

Semitendinosus: Muscle of the thigh

Glossary continued
Gracilis: another muscle in the thigh

Posterior tibialis tendon: attaches muscles to the bone

Citation Page
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"Cheerleading: The Most Dangerous Sport.",cheerleading%20are%20caused%20by%20stunts.,,cheerleading%20are%20caused%20by%20stunts.,

Minesota, University of.,

"DID YOU KNOW? 10 FACTS ABOUT CHEERLEADING.", Omni Cheer, 14 Oct. 2020,

Protection, Ankle. Trilok Ankle Brace. 2020, , ankleprotection.


17 Dream Cheer Gym. 2018, , Pinterest.

"What does Voice projection mean? Definitions for Voice projectio.",

Cheer, Superior., 2017,

Cheer, Superior. "CUSTOM CHEER UNIFORMS.",

"Tumbling Glossary.", CheerCoachConnection, Jan. 2021,

Moore, MaKayla M. Personal interview. 25 May 2021.

Citation page Continued.
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0(tibia)., Mayo Clinic,,to%20your%20shinbone%20(tibia

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not.&text=MCL%20tears%20are%20typically%20easi, Ventura Orthepedics, 22 Mar. 2018,,an%20MCL%20tear%20will%20not.&t


Cheerleading Fall Video: . 2012. 2012.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries. 2021, , Private collection.

"Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries.", Orthoinfo, 2021,
Citation page continued.
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collateral%20ligament%20tear%20is., Cedars Sinai, 2021,,medial%20collateral


"Quadriceps Tendon Tear.", Orthoinfo,

Clinic, Mayo. "ACL injury.", Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research ,

Mallac, Chris. "Uncommon injuries: Proximal hamstring rupture – act sooner rather than later.", Sports Injury Bulletin logo, 11 May 2017,

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