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- pulsating organ that pumps blood through the arteries with each contraction causing pressure
pulses or pulse waves, normally pumps 5000 ml of blood per minute

- cells receive nutrients and remove waste products of metabolism

Cardiac Output
- the volume of blood expelled by the ventricles during 1 minute, determined by the heart rate (HR)
& the amount of blood pumped with each beat, equal to the amount of blood ejected with each
beat (stroke volume/SV) multiplied by the heart rate/minute
- CO=SV x HR

Stroke Volume
- amount of blood ejected with each beat, normally 60-70 ml or cc

- the wave of blood within an artery that is created by contraction of the left ventricle of the heart
- it is the palpable bounding of blood flow noted at various points on the body, indicator of
circulatory status, usually regular, recurrent expansion and contraction of an artery produced by
waves of pressure caused by the ejection of blood from the left ventricle as it contracts

Pulse Rate
- the number of pulsing sensations occurring in 1 minute, expressed in beats per minute (bpm)

- The time interval between heartbeats

- Quality of the pulsations that are felt ( Strength of the beat; can be weak: thready to full:

- also called quality or amplitude.
- Pulse strength is recorded using a four-point scale:
o 3+ Full, bounding
o 2+ Normal/strong
o 1+ Weak, diminished, thready
o 0 Absent/non-palpable

- Pulse equality refers to whether the pulse force is comparable on both sides of the body. For
example, palpate the radial pulse on the right and left wrist at the same time and compare whether
the pulse force is equal. Pulse equality is assessed because it provides data about conditions such
as arterial obstructions and aortic coarctation. However, the carotid pulses should never be
palpated at the same time as this can decrease and/or compromise cerebral blood flow.
- when the (l) ventricle of the heart contracts, blood is forced inot the aorta - creates a pulsating
wave that travels from the Aorta - the walls of Arterial system-wave is known as pulse

Pulse Deficit
- the difference between the apical and radial pulse rates
ex. A/R pulse of 80/70 has a pulse deficit of 10 (a discrepancy should always be documented and
reported to the MD)

Normal Pulse Rate Average of Adult

- 60-100 beats per minute

Normal Pulse Rate Average of adult men

- 60-70 beats per minute

Normal Pulse Rate Average of adult women

- 65-80 beats per minute

Normal Pulse Rate Average of children age over 7

- 70-100 beats per minute

Normal Pulse Rate Average of children aged 1-7

- 80-110 beats per minute

Normal Pulse Rate Average of infants

- 100-160 beats per minute

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