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Факультет романо-германських мов

Кафедра англійської мови та літератури

для студентів першого курсу факультету романо-германських

Укладач: Пелипенко О.О.

Острог – 2016
Лабораторні роботи з практичної фонетики англійської мови для
студентів першого курсу факультету романо-германських мов.

Укладач: Пелипенко О. О. – викладач кафедри англійської мови та

літератури Національного університету "Острозька Академія".

Коляда Е. К., к.ф.н., доцент кафедри практики англійської мови
Волинського державного університету імені Лесі Українки.
Новоселецька С. В., к.п.н., доцент кафедри англійської мови та
літератури НУ "Острозька Академія".

Посібник "Лабораторні роботи з практичної фонетики англійської мови

для студентів першого курсу факультету романо-германських мов" націлені
на розширення та інтенсифікацію самостійної роботи студентів. Кожна
робота включає завдання для автоматизації вимови звуків, ритму та інтонації
в діалогах, віршах і монологах.

Рекомендовано до друку Методичною радою

Національного університету "Острозька академія"
(протокол №1 від 22 жовтня 2002 року).

© Пелипенко О.О., 2016

© Видавництво
Національного університету
"Острозька академія", 2016


"Лабораторні роботи з практичної фонетики англійської мови" призначені

для студентів першого курсу факультету іноземних мов. Вони націлені на
розширення та інтенсифікацію практичних видів роботи над звуками та
інтонацією, зокрема роботи над оригінальними записами англійських
монологів, діалогів, віршів та ритмічних джазових віршів. Основна мета цієї
навчально-методичної розробки - навчити студентів правильно відтворювати
і самостійно вживати в мовленні звуки та інтонаційні структури.
Ілюстративний матеріал відібраний з підручників Headway Pronunciation
(elementary, pre-intermidiate, intermidiate, upper-intermidiate), "Jazz Chants"
Caroline Gragham, "Фонетичний практикум англійської мови" Лебединська Б.
Я., "Вправи для роботи в лінгафонній лабораторії" Стамбурова Л. Г. та ін.,
"Посібник з англійської інтонації" Антипова Є. Я.
Навчально-методична розробка включає в себе 13 лабораторних робіт (по
5 робіт в першому та другому триместрах та 3 роботи в третьому триместрі)
на матеріалі діалогів та монологів, скоромовок та прислів'їв, віршів та
ритмічних джазових віршів, що служать ілюстрацією правильної вимови
звуків та вживання інтонаційних моделей у мовленні.
Вправи посібника призначені як для самостійного виконання в
лінгафонному кабінеті, так і для аудиторної роботи.
Вдумливе, уважне, методично правильне виконання лабораторних робіт
допоможе краще оволодіти вимовою, навичками безпомилкового мовлення,
вміння розуміти на слух і читати англійські тексти.
До розробки додається аудіокасета із записами всіх завдань лабораторних

(total 5 points)

1. Listen and memorize the chants from Unit "Greetings". ("Jazz Chants" Unit
1, p.2) Recite them phonetically correctly maintaining a clear, steady beat and
rhythm (0,5 points for each chant, total 1,5 points)
Hi! How Are You? Hello. How’ve You Been?
(a casual greeting) Hello. How’ve you been?
Hi! How are you? It’s so good to see you.
Fine. How are you? It’s good to see you.
Hi! How are you? How’ve you been?
Fine. How are you? Just fine.
Hi! How are you? Hello. How’ve you been?
Hi! How are you? Hello. How’ve you been?
Hi! How are you? Hello. How’ve you been?
Fine. How are you? Just fine.
Just fine.
It’s so good to see you.
How's Jack? It’s so good to see you.
Hi! How are you? It’s good to see you.
Fine. How are you? How’ve you been?
I'm fine. How's Bill? Just fine.
He's fine.
How's Mary?
She's fine.
How are the children?
They're fine.
How's your job?
It's fine.
How's Jack?
He's sick!
Oh no!

2. Memorize the poem "Rain" by R.L.Stevenson and recite it phonetically
correctly paying attention to the pronunciation of the sound /r/ (0,5 points)
The ˈrain is ˈraining all a`round, |
It ˈfalls on ˊfield and `tree, |
It ˈrains on the umb`rellas here, |
And on the ˈships at `sea. ||

3.* Memorize the rhyme and recite it phonetically correctly paying attention to
the pronunciation of the sounds /s, z/.
ˈSixty ˈseconds ˈmake a `minute, |
ˈSixty ˈminutes the ˈclock `ticks in it, |
ˈSixty ˈtimes ˈmake an `hour. ||
To ˈstop its ˊfly we have ↑no `power. ||

4. Read the following tongue twister phonetically correctly paying attention to

the pronunciation of the sound /r/ (1 point)

ˈRobert ˊRowley | ˈrolled a ˈround ˈroll ˋround. ||

A ˈround ˊroll | ˈRobert ˊRowley | ˈrolled ˋround. ||
If 'Robert ˇRowley |'rolled a 'round 'roll ˇround |
`Where's the 'round ´roll |'Robert ´Rowley | 'rolled `round? |

5. Listen to the dialogue (T.4.3.A."Headway Pronunciation Elementary", p.12).

Transcribe the dialogue and mark sentence tress, intonation, linking and weak
forms. Read the dialogue phonetically correctly (2 points)

M Do you have children, Shirley?

S Yes, a son and a daughter.
M Oh, that's nice, what do they do?
S My daughter Jenny's a music teacher, and Michael, my son, is at
college - he wants to be a pilot!
M Oh, lovely!
S Yes…
M Do they live at home?

S Michael lives with me, but Jenny lives in London - she's married
with two children.
M Oh! So you are a grandmother!
S Yes, she has a girl and a boy too - Rebecca and Thomas.
M Oh, lovely - how old are they?
S The girl's seven and the boy's two - do you want to see a
M Oh yes. … Ah … aren't they beautiful!

(total 3 points)

1. Listen and memorize chants from "Jazz Chants" Unit 2 "Introductions", p7.
Recite them phonetically correctly maintaining a clear and steady beat and rhythm
(0,5 points for each chant, total 1 point).

Harry, This Is Mary. I'm Glad To Meet You.

(an informal introduction) I've Heard So Much About You
Harry, this is Mary. I'm glad to meet you.
Hi. I've heard so much about you.
Hello. I'm glad to meet you.
(a more formal variation) I've heard so much about you.
Harry, this is Mary. I'm glad to meet you.
How do you do? I've heard so much about you.
How do you do? Thank you.
(a formal variation) I'm glad to meet you.
Harry, I'd like you to meet I've heard so many nice things
my sister Mary. about you.
How do you do, Mary? I've heard so many nice things
I'm very glad to meet you. about you.
Thank you, I'm glad So many nice things.
to meet you. I've heard so many nice things.
I've heard so many nice things
about you
I'm glad to meet you.

I've heard so much about you
Thank you. I'm glad to meet you.

2. Listen to the dialogues (T.5.3.B. "Headway Pronunciation Elementary",

p.17). Transcribe them and mark sentence stress, intonation, linking and weak
forms. Memorize them and recite phonetically correctly (1,5 points)

a. - Hello. Can I help you?

- Yes, please. Is the Museum of Modern Art near here?
- Mmm, just a minute ... here's a map...

b. - Next, please.
- Hello, can you help me? I want a hotel for three nights.
- Sorry, we don't have information about hotels. Try next door.
- Thank you.

c. - Excuse me...
- Yes, sir?
- Is there a bookshop near here?
- Sure, on the left opposite the underground station.

3.* Memorize the rhyme "Thick and Thin" and recite it phonetically correctly
paying attention to the pronunciation of the sounds /θ, ð/

I can 'think of 'six 'thin `things, |

'Six 'thin `things, ˊcan you? ||
`Yes, | I can 'think of ˊthin 'things |
And of 'thick 'things `too. ||

4.* Memorize the following sentences and recite them phonetically correctly
paying attention to the pronunciation of the sound /θ/.

1. 'Think things ˊover. ||

2. When 'three 'Thursdays come to`gether. ||
3. 'Thad'll 'go through 'thick and `thin. ||

4. You've 'thrust the 'thing into my `throat. ||
5. 'Theo 'threw the 'thing into his `teeth. ||
6. I must 'speak the ˊtruth, | and 'nothing but the `truth. ||

5. Memorize the following sentences and recite them phonetically correctly

paying attention to the pronunciation of the sound /w/ (0, 5 points for the task)

1. Be'twixt and be`tween.||

2. 'Every ˊwhy | has a `wherefore.||
3. 'Time works `wonders.||
4. When 'wine is ˊin | 'wit is `out.||
5. 'Where there is a ˊwill | there is a `way.||

6.* Memorize the tongue twister and recite it phonetically correctly paying
attention to the pronunciation of the sound /w/.

'Why do you `cry, 'Willy? ||

'Why do you `cry? ||
`Why, 'Willy, | `why, 'Willy, |
`Why, 'Willy, | `why? ||

(total 5 points)

1. Listen and memorize chants from Unit 3 "Saying Good-bye" ("Jazz Chants"
p.12). Recite them phonetically correctly maintaining a clear, steady beat and
rhythm (0.5 points for each chant, total 1 point).

Good-bye, Good-bye Have a Nice Weekend

(a casual good-bye to a friend) Have a nice weekend.
Good-bye, Good-bye. Thanks, you too.
See you tomorrow. Have a nice weekend.
Bye-bye. Thanks, you too.
Good-bye, see you tomorrow. Have a nice weekend.

Good-bye, see you tomorrow. See you on Monday.
Bye-bye. Have a nice weekend.
See you tomorrow. Thanks you too.
Bye-bye. Have a nice weekend.
Bye-bye. See you on Monday.
So long, see you tomorrow. Have fun.
So long, see you tomorrow. Thanks, you too.
So long, see you tomorrow.

2. Memorize the poem "Toast" and recite it phonetically correctly paying

attention to the pronunciation of the sound /θ, ð/ (1 point)

Here's a 'health to all ˊthose | that we `love.||

Here's a 'health to all ˊthose | that love `us.||
Here's a 'health to all ˊthose | that love ˊthem |
That 'love ˊthose | that 'love `us.||

3.* Memorize the following sentences and recite them phonetically correctly
paying attention to the pronunciation of the sound /ð/.

1. 'That's neither ˊhere | nor `there. ||

2. 'Then there is aˇnother 'thing. ||
3. I'd 'do ˇanything | rather than ˇthat. ||
4. There is `no one 'there, | neither ˊmother nor `father. ||
5. 'One 'law for the ´rich, | aˇnother for the `poor. ||
6. The 'less 'men ˊthink | the 'more they `talk. ||

4. Listen to the dialogue T.6.3.A. ("Headway Pronunciation Elementary",

p.19). Transcribe it and mark sentence stress, intonation, linking and weak forms.
Memorize the dialogue and recite it phonetically correctly (3 points).

Bob My mother's parents, Thomas and Frida were a strange

couple. They were married nearly sixty years. They were very rich,
but they weren't very happy.

Jack Why?
Bob Frida wasn't English …she couldn't speak English very
Jack Where was she from?
Bob Berlin…Germany.
Jack Could Thomas speak German?
Bob Well, he could speak many languages, but he couldn't
speak German.
Jack That's strange! And what about your mother? Can she
speak German?
Bob Well, she can understand it very well, but she can't really
speak it.

(total 6 points)
1. Listen and memorize chants from Unit 4 "Giving and Receiving
Compliments" ("Jazz Chants", p.17). Recite them phonetically correctly
maintaining a clear, steady beat and rhythm (0.5 points for each chant, total 1

You Look Wonderful Today I’m Afraid My English Is Not

You look wonderful today. Very Good
So do you. I’m afraid my English is not
You look wonderful today. very good.
So do you. Don’t be silly.
That's a nice colour on you. It’s wonderful.
Thanks a lot. I’m afraid my English is not
That's a nice colour on you. very good.
Thanks a lot. Don’t be silly.
I'm glad you like it. It’s wonderful.
That's a wonderful colour on you. It’s terrible.
Thanks a lot. Don’t be silly
I'm very glad you like it. It’s terrible.
Don’t be silly
I’m afraid my English is not

very good.
Don’t be silly.
It’s wonderful.

2. Memorize the following sentences and recite them phonetically correctly

paying attention to the pronunciation of the sound /ɜ:/ (1 point for whole task)

1. A `worm will ˊturn .||

2. 'Erna is a ˊproverb and a `byword. ||
3. It is an 'early ˊbird | that 'catches the 'first `worm. ||
4. As is a ˊworkman | so is the `work. ||
5. 'One good `turn | de'serves a`nother. ||
6. A 'light ˊpurse is a 'heavy `curse. ||

3. Listen to the text (T.8.4. "Headway Pronunciation" elementary, p.25).

Transcribe it. Mark sentence stress, intonation, weak forms and linking. Transcribe
the text. Memorize the text and recite it phonetically correctly (2 points)

On the first of June nineteen ninety-two, a French burglar broke

into a house in Paris. He went into the living room and stole two
pictures. Then he went into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and
saw some cheese. He was hungry, so he ate the cheese. Next, he
saw two bottles of champagne. He was very thirsty, so he drank
both bottles. Then he felt sleepy. He went upstairs for a rest, but he
was tired and fell asleep. When he woke up the next morning, there
were four policemen around the bed.

4. Listen to the dialogue, memorize it and recite it phonetically correctly paying

attention to the pronunciation of the sounds /æ, ʌ/. Transcribe the dialogue (2

Daughter Mum…what have we got for supper?

Mum Sorry, there's not much… ham… scrambled eggs… or
there's some mushroom salad left.

Daughter I'll just have bread and jam … have we got any butter?
Mum Sorry, love. There's none left.
Daughter Oh Mum! There's nothing I want!
Mum Well, have a nice cup of hot chocolate.
Daughter Mm…you make lovely hot chocolate… Thanks Mum!

(total 5 points)

1. Listen and memorize chants from Unit 5 "Inviting, Accepting, Refusing"

("Jazz Chants" p.22). Recite them phonetically correctly maintaining a clear,
steady beat and rhythm (0.5 points for each chant, total 1 point).

You call Me or I Call You Would You Like to Go to

(making indefinite plans to meet) the Movies Tonight
You call me or I call you. Would you like to go
You call me or I call you. to the movies tonight?
Let's have lunch together someday. I'd love to.
OK. I'd love to.
I'll call you. I feel like going
You call me to the movies tonight.
You call me I do too.
You call me or I call you. Let's go.
You call me I feel like going
You call me to the movies tonight.
You call me or I call you So do I.
When's the best time Let's go.
to call you? I don't feel like studying
When's the best time tonight.
to call you? Neither do I.
I'm usually home after seven. Let's go.
I'm usually home after seven.
When's the best time
to call you?
I'm usually home after seven.

2. Listen to the dialogue (T.10.1.C."Headway Pronunciation Elementary, p.30).
Transcribe it. Mark sentence stress, intonation, weak forms and linking. Memorize
the dialogue and recite it phonetically correctly paying attention to the
pronunciation of the sound /h/ (2 points)

M Who's that with Henry Higgins?

W It's his wife Hazel.
M Hazel? But his wife's name's Helen!
W Oh, no, Helen left him… he's married to Hazel now.
M No! How did it happen?
W Well, you know last Easter, Henry and Helen had a holiday in
M Yes… what happened?
W They had a horrible holiday, and when they arrived home,
Helen left him!
M I see… and who are those horrid little girls?
W Holly and Hannah, Hazel's children from her first marriage.
M But Henry hates children!
W Mm… how interesting!

3. Listen to the dialogue T.3.3.A ("Headway Pronunciation Pre-Itermidiate,

p.9). Transcribe it. Mark sentence stress, intonation, weak forms and linking.
Memorize the text and recite it phonetically correctly (2 points)

B Hello. Can I speak to Miss Moneypenny?

S Speaking.
B Hello, M here, I'm phoning from the Ritz. I'm looking for James
Bond. We had a lunch appointment at twelve. Is he there?
S I'm sorry, sir, but he's gone to Budapest.
B I was afraid of that. Where exactly?
S He's staying at the Hotel Royal.
B Why didn't he listen to me? He's just asking for trouble.
S He's only staying there for a couple of days.
B All right. Contact him and tell him from me he's a damn fool.
Oh, and you can tell him I'm waiting for his call.
S Yes, sir.

5.* Memorize the following sentences and recite them phonetically correctly
paying attention to the pronunciation of the sound /e/.

1. 'Many ˊmen | 'many `minds. ||

2. 'Better 'late than `never, | but 'better never `late. ||
3. 'All is ˊwell | that `ends well. ||
4. 'Better to ˊdo well | than to `say well. ||

(total 5 points)
1. Listen and memorize chants from Unit 6 "Expressing Likes and Dislikes"
("Jazz Chants", p.28). Recite them phonetically correctly maintaining a clear,
steady beat and rhythm (0,5 points for each chant, total 1point)

How Do You Like It? It's All Right, I Guess

How do you like it? (an unenthusiastic agreement)
I love it. Will this be OK?
How do you like it? It's all right, I guess.
I like it a lot. I guess it's all right.
How do you like it? It'll do.
I like it a lot. Are you sure it's OK?
It's wonderful. It's all right, I guess.
I'm glad you like it. I guess it's all right.
Is this OK? It'll do.
It's wonderful. It'll have to do.
Is this all right? It'll have to do.
It's wonderful. Are you sure it's OK?
Is this OK? It'll do.
It's wonderful.

I'm glad you like it.

2. Memorize the following tongue twister and recite it phonetically correctly

paying attention to the pronunciation of the sounds /w/, /ɒ/, /ð/. (0,5 points)

'Whether the 'weather be `fine, |

Or 'whether the 'weather be `not, |
'Whether the 'weather be `cold, |
Or 'whether the 'weather be `hot, |
We'll `weather the 'weather |
What`ever the 'weather, |
'Whether we ˊlike it | or `not. ||

3. Listen, read and memorize the poem "Future Intentions" (T. 5.3.A."Headway
Pronunciation Pre-Intermidiate, p.14). Mark sentence stress and recite it
phonetically correctly maintaining the rhythm. (2 points)

Future Intentions

In ˈJune this ˈyear I'll ˈfinish ˈschool,

And the ˈsummer's ˈgetting ˈnear.
My ˈclassmates all ˈknow what they ˈwant to ˈdo,
But I ˈhaven't got ˈany iˈdea.

ˈPippa's going to ˈtravel round the ˈworld,

ˈHannah's going to ˈstay at ˈhome.
ˈPeter's going to ˈjoin the ˈpunk rock ˈband,
And ˈRichard's going to ˈteach in ˈRome.

Aˈmanda's going to ˈmove to ˈHollywood

Where she ˈhopes to beˈcome a ˈstar.
ˈFrank's going to ˈpass his ˈdriving ˈtest,
And ˈthen he's going to ˈbuy himself a ˈcar.

ˈPaula's going to ˈstudy up at ˈCambridge,
And ˈRoger's going to ˈlearn how to ˈcook.
ˈEmma's going to ˈhave a lot of ˈbabies,
And ˈSarah's going to ˈwrite a ˈbook.

ˈSteven's going to ˈbe a ˈscientist

And ˈtry to help the ˈhuman ˈrace.
ˈHelen's going to ˈbe in the Oˈlympic ˈteam,
And ˈfinish in the ˈlong jump in first ˈplace.

ˈIan's going to ˈbe a millioˈnaire,

And ˈAnna's going to ˈhelp the ˈpoor.
But I ˈstill don't ˈknow what ˈI want to ˈdo,
So I'll ˈsit here and I'll ˈthink some ˈmore.

4. Listen, read, transcribe and memorize the dialogues (T.8.3.B. "Headway

Pronunciation Pre-Intermidiate", p.24). Recite the dialogues phonetically correctly
paying attention to the intonation of the alternative questions. (0,5 points for each
dialogue, total 1,5 points)

a. A Do you want tea or coffee?

B Oh, coffee, please.
A Black or white?
B White, please.
A With sugar or without?
B Oh, no sugar for me, please.

b. C Would you like beer or wine with the meal?

D Mmm… I think wine would be nice.
C All right. Would you prefer red or white?
D Erm… white I think.

c. E Next, please. Can I help you?

F A hamburger and a coke, please.
E Large or regular coke?
F Regular, please.
E To eat here or take away?
F Take away, please.
(total 5 points)

1. Listen and memorize chants from Unit 7 "Expressing Ability or Inability to

Do Something/Making Excuses/Giving Encouragement" ("Jazz Chants" p.34).
Recite them phonetically correctly maintaining a clear, steady beat and rhythm
(0,5 points for each chant, total 1 point)

Can You Speak English? Will I Ever Learn to Speak English?

Can you speak English? Will I ever learn to speak English?
Not very well. Of course you will.
Can you speak Spanish? You are doing fine.
Not very well. You're getting better all the time.
Can you speak French? Will I ever learn?
Just a little. Will I ever learn?
Can you speak Chinese? Of course you will.
Not at all. Do you think I can do it?
Can you understand French? Of course you can.
Just a little. Am I doing all right?
Can you understand Spanish? Am I doing all right?
More or less Of course you are.
Can you understand Turkish? You're doing fine.
Not at all. You're getting better
Can you understand your teacher? all the time.
Most of the time. You're getting better every day.
Can she speak French? You're getting better
Of course she can. all the time.
It's her native language. Will I ever learn?
She was born in France. Will I ever learn?
Can he speak Japanese? Of course you will.
Of course he can. You are doing fine.

It's his native language. You're getting better
He was born in Japan. all the time.

2. Listen, readm transcribe and memorize the dialogues. Recite the dialogues
phonetically correctly paying attention to the list intonation, linking and
pronunciation of the sounds (1 point for dialogue 4 and 1 for dialogue 7, total 2

Dialogue 4
Some more, some more Some flour
Can I have some more? Some salt
Can I have some more? Some chillies
Some vegetables Some chillies if you've got some
Some butter Some chillies if you've got some

- `Mmm …|De˄licious, 'John. || Can I 'have some `more? || 'How

do you `make it by the way? ||
- `Oh, | you 'need some ˊlean 'meet, | some ˊvegetables, |some
ˊbutter, | ˊflour, | ˊsalt, | ˊchillis, | some `garlic | if you've `got
some.|| `Lots of 'things.||
- 'Who 'gave you the `recipe? ||
- `Oh, | some `woman I `know.||
- 'What a ↑really is 'some ˄dish! ||
- 'So is ˄she. || 'Now, | did you ˊsay you 'wanted some `more,
ˊdarling? ||
- ˇWell, | if I'm to 'have some ˇpudding…| Per'haps `not. ||

Dialogue 7
A bottle of milk The bag
A can of beans The bottom of the bag
The jar of jam In the bottom of the bag
A packet of biscuits
Two tins of peaches
Two bags of sugar
Boxes of matches
Three boxes of matches

- There you `are, | ˇBetty, | a 'bottle of ´milk, | 'three 'boxes of

´matches, | a 'can of ´beans, | 'two 'bags of ´sugar, | a 'packet of

´biscuits, | the 'jar of ´jam, | the 'bottle of 'lemon ´squash | and
'two 'tins of `peaches.|| 'That's a 'lot of ´things, OˇK? ||
- `Thanks, | 'dear. || 'How `much was it? | ˊOh, | 'what's `this in
the 'bottom of the `bag?||
- `Oh, | `yes.|| 'Half a dozen `eggs. ||
3. Listen to the story T.10.2.A. ("Headway Pronunciation Pre-Intermidiate",
p.29). Transcribe it, mark the sentence-stress and intonation, read the text
phonetically correctly paying attention to the strong and weak forms of the
prepositions (1 point)

My friend Suzy met her husband in a strange way. She was tra-
veling to Eastern Europe by train one summer. For some time she
looked at the handsome young man sitting opposite her.
Finally he smiled at her and said "Hello". It was a long trip and
they talked about a lot of different things. He came from Hamburg,
and he was very interested in politics and English. When he got off
the train in Hamburg, Suzy felt a little sad because she didn't even
know his name. Then she noticed a book on the floor. It had an
address, but no name in it. She didn't know if it belonged to the
handsome German man, but she decided to write to the address in
the book. After a couple of weeks she got a reply. The following
summer he visited her in England, and last year they got married.

4. Listen and repeat the names of the countries and their nationalities.
Transcribe, memorize and read them phonetically correctly. (T.13.2.A, B,
"Headway Pronunciation Pre-Intermidiate") (1 point)

Neˈpal - ˌNepaˈlese ˈCanada - Caˈnadian

ˈPoland - ˈPolish ˈRussia - ˈRussian
ˈHolland - Dutch Jaˈpan - ˌJapaˈnese
ˈItaly - Iˈtalian ˈGermany - ˈGerman
Koˈrea - Koˈrean ˈBelgium - ˈBelgian
ˈChina - ˌChiˈnese Greece - Greek
Braˈzil - Braˈzilian ˈEgypt - Eˈgyptian
France - French Auˈstralia - Auˈstralian

Maˈlaysia - Maˈlaysian ˈHungary - Hunˈgarian
ˈNorway - Norˈwegian Spain - ˈSpanish
ˈSwitzerland - Swiss ˈEngland - ˈEnglish
ˈTurkey - ˈTurkish ˈPortugal - ˌPortuˈguese
Uˈkraine - Uˈkrainian

(total 5.5 points)

1. Listen and memorize chants from Unit 8 "Apologizing/Accepting an

Apology" ("Jazz Chants" p.40). Recite them phonetically correctly maintaining a
clear, steady beat and rhythm (0,5 points for each chant, total 1 point).

I'm Sorry. That's All Right. It's All My Fault

I'm sorry. It's all my fault.
That's all right. It's all my fault.
I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done it.
That's all right. It's all my fault.
I'm terribly sorry. It doesn't matter.
That's all right. It's not important.
Don't worry about it.I'm terribly sorry.
That's all right It's all my fault.
I'm sorry I'm late. Don't be silly.
That's all right. You couldn't help it.
I'm really sorry. I'm terribly sorry.
Never mind. It's not your fault.
Don't worry about it. Don't be silly.
That's all right You couldn't help it.
Never mind. I'm terribly sorry.
Don't worry about it. It's not your fault.
Never mind.
Don't worry about it.
I'm really sorry.
Never mind.
Don't worry about it.

That's all right.

2. Listen to the Weather Forecast and repeat the phrases paying attention to the
word linking. Transcribe the text and read it aloud. (T.5.3.A, B, C "Headway
Pronunciation Intermidiate", p.25) (1,5 points)

And now here is the weather forecast for the next twenty-four
hours for the whole of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern
Ireland. At starting with Southern England and the Midlands, well it'll
be mainly dry and sunny, but quite cold, with temperatures around
six or seven degrees Celsius. It should stay dry all day, but there'll
be quite a wind, so wrap up warm.
And in the west country, Wales and Northern Ireland. You can
expect some rain in the morning and afternoon and quite strong
north easterly winds, and the temperature will be lower than
yesterday, around the three or four degrees mark. I don't think
you'll see much of the sun: cloudy all day, I'm afraid. The East coast
of England will see the best of today's weather. It'll be warmer than
yesterday, no winds, and sunshine, so quite warm for the time of
In Scotland and Northern Ireland, however, there'll be heavy rain
and maybe some snow during the afternoon, and on the hills
temperatures will drop to below freezing, minus four or five, and on
the highest spots minus ten. Over much of Scotland it will be
cloudy, and windy too as the cold front moves in over the Atlantic.
Northern Ireland can expect the same, but the rain will end
before dark. But again very cold, with temperatures not going above
freezing. And that's all from me.

3. Listen, read and memorize the dialogue (T.5.5."Headway Pronunciation

Intermediate", p.27). Transcribe the dialogue and recite it phonetically correctly
paying attention to the emphatic stress, intonation and linking (1 point).

Sally I'm going to meet Ann, grandfather.

Grandfather You're going to meet Sam? Who's Sam?
Sally Not Sam - Ann. We're going to play tennis.
Grandfather You're going to play with Dennis? And who's Dennis?
Sally Not Dennis. Tennis. We're going to play tennis in the park.
Grandfather You're going to play with Denis and Mark? Who are
all these boys you're going to meet?
Sally I'm not going to meet any boys, grandfather. I'm going to
play tennis - in the park - with Ann, a girl … oh, never mind … see
you later!
Grandfather Sam…? Dennis…? Mark…? The girl's going mad!

4. Read the short texts attaching the unstressed syllables to the preceding
stressed word rather than to the following one (2 points).

1. 'As we felt 'hot and 'dusty 'after our ˊtrip | we 'bathed and
`rested a while. By that 'time it was 'five `thirty, | and we de'cided to
'stroll 'down to the ˊdining-room | and 'see 'what was on the 'menu
for `dinner. We de'cided not to 'eat until 'six o'`clock. 'So 'since
there was 'half an 'hour to ˊkill | we 'went into the 'lounge to 'watch
the ˋtelevision for a 'while.

2. A 'bad 'tempered ´dog | 'one ´day | 'found his 'way into a

`manger, | and 'found it so 'nice and ˇcomfortable | that he 'made
up his 'mind to `stop here. When 'ever the 'cattle came 'near to 'eat
their ´hay | he 'growled and 'barked at them to 'frighten them `off.
«'What a 'very 'selfish `dog», | ex'claimed 'one of the ˋoxen. "He
'can't 'eat the 'hay him´self | and he 'won't let `us 'eat | who `can."

5.* Memorize the following tongue twister and recite it phonetically correctly
paying attention to the pronunciation of the sounds /s, ʃ, ð/.

She 'sells sea 'shells on the `sea shore. || The ´shells | that she
´sells | are 'sea 'shore `shells, | I'm `sure. ||

(total 4.5 points)

1. Listen and memorize chants from Unit 9 "Talking About Food" ("Jazz
Chants" p.45). Recite them phonetically correctly maintaining a clear, steady beat
and rhythm (0, 5 points for each chant, total 1 point)

What Are You Going to Have? I'd Like a Sandwich

What are you going to have? I'd like a sandwich.
Chicken soup. I'd like a sandwich.
Mm mm. That sounds good. I'd like a tuna salad sandwich.
What are you going to have? Tuna salad.
Chicken soup. Tuna salad.
I think I'll have the same. Tuna salad sandwich.
What are you going to have? Whole wheat toast.
Chicken soup. Whole wheat toast.
What are you going to have? I'd like a tuna salad sandwich
Chicken soup. on whole wheat toast.
What are you going to have? Whole wheat toast
Chicken soup. Whole wheat toast
I think I'll have the same. I'd like a tuna salad sandwich
Mm mm. That sounds good. on whole wheat toast.
That sounds good. I'd like a large bowl
That sounds good. of chicken soup.
Chicken soup! I'd like a large bowl
That sounds good. of chicken soup.
I think I'll have the same. I'd like a large bowl
of chicken soup
And a tuna salad sandwich
on whole wheat toast.
*I Haven't Decided Yet
What are you gonna have for lunch?
I haven't decided yet.
What are you gonna have?
I haven't decided yet.
What are you gonna drink?
I haven't decided yet.
What are you gonna have?
I haven't decided yet.
What are you gonna have for dessert?
I haven't decided yet.
What are you gonna have?
I haven't decided yet.
I haven't decided yet.

2. Listen, read and memorize the dialogue (T.7.4.B "Headway Pronunciation

Intermediate", p.36). Transcribe the dialogue and recite it phonetically correctly
paying to the strong and weak forms of the auxiliary verbs, intonation and linkin
(1,5 points).

A Have you ever been to Ireland, Pete?

B Yes, lots of times. My parents go over there every year, you see.
A Do they? Why's that then?
B Oh, my Dad was born in Dublin.
A Was he really? He doesn't sound Irish at all!
B No …Well, his family left when he was about ten. What about
you? Have you ever been over there?
A Well, we were going to Dublin last summer and then there was
that long ferry strike…
B That's right, there was.
A Anyway we were hoping to go this year instead but hotel prices
have gone up so much…
B Yes, I know they have, it's terrible. I tell you what, shall I give
you my cousin's address? Perhaps you can stay with her for a few
A Are you sure we can? It seems a bit cheeky…
B No …

3. Listen, read and memorize the dialogue (T.7.8 "Headway Pronunciation

Intermediate", p.39). Transcribe the dialogue and recite it phonetically correctly
paying to the intonation, linking and pronunciation of the numbers, dates and
spelling (1point)

TA Hello, Pentagon Travel.
C Hello, I'd like to fly return to Madrid. Can you tell me how much
it would cost?
TA When would you like to travel?
C I'd like to go on Sunday, the twenty-third of September and
come back on Friday, the twenty-eighth of September.
TA Well… I'm afraid you'll have to pay the full fare then… that's…
three hundred and sixty nine pounds return.
C As much as that!
TA You can't wait and come back on the thirtieth?
C Does that make a difference?
TA Yes, you can get a special reduction if you stay for seven days
- it would only be a hundred and seventy nine pounds.
C Oh, that's quite a big difference, isn't it? I'll do that then. Can
you give me the times and the flight numbers?
TA Yes, on the way there you leave London Heathrow at 9.55
(nine fifty five) and arrive in Madrid at 11.45 (eleven forty five.) The
flight number's BA 741.
C And coming back?
TA You come back in the afternoon - you leave Madrid at 16.20
(sixteen twenty) - that's twenty past four and arrive back at
Heathrow at 18.10 (eighteen ten) - that's ten past six. Shall I make a
reservation then, Madam?
C Yes, please. My name's Susan Sarrell - that's S-A-R-R-E-L-L.
TA Thank you. And could I have your address and telephone
number too, please?
C Yes, it's ten Rookery Avenue…
TA How do you spell that?
C R-O-O-K-E-R-Y. It's London SE13 (thirteen). The phone
number's 983-2115.
TA Right. Thanks a lot. Remember, you should pay before the
fifteenth of September.
C Fine … thank you for your help. Goobye.

TA Goodbye.

4. Sentences for rapid reading. Read the sentences phonetically correctly. Note
the loss of stress (1 point)
1. He's 'two hours'late a`gain.
2. I 'shan't stay a 'minute ˋlonger.
3. Can I 'see him if I 'come back `later?
4. We've 'both got the 'same ˋanswer.
5. 'Why did he run a`way?
6. I can't find my ˋpipe.
7. 'What makes you ˋthink so.
8. It isn't 'quite what I ˋthink.
9. But she 'hasn't sent it off ˎsoon enough.
10. Don't 'ever do that aˋgain.
11. He 'can't 'make up his ˋmind.
12. For 'goodness 'sake 'make up your own ˋmind.
13. Your 'very good ˋhealth!
14. Is 'Mike 'still doing ˊwell?
15. We'd 'better make ˋsure.
16. Are you 'still in that 'dingy little ˊoffice?
17. We're 'quite sold ˋout.
18. 'Time to get ˋup.
19. It's 'right next 'door to the ˋstation.
20. What a de'lightful surˋprise!
21. How 'perfectly ˋcharming of her.
22. It 'turned out 'fine after ˋall.
23. It de'pends 'which way you ˋgo.
24. 'That wouldn't 'matter in the ˋleast.
25. ˋThat's what ˋeverybody 'says.
26. 'Ten or e'leven hours a ˋweek.
27. 'How long did you stay in ˋLondon?
28. 'Why not come 'down for a week-ˋend?
29. What 'ever 'made you do ˋthat?
30. 'When will you get ˋback?

31. Does it 'really make 'very much ˋdifference?
32. 'Let's go ˋon.
33. Than 'make it ˋup with her.
34. 'How much d'you ˋwant for it?
35. Then 'don't let him ˋbully you so.
36. I'magine how ˋsilly I'd 'look.
37. Then for 'heaven's 'sake 'go and lie ˋdown.
38. 'Try 'turning it the 'other way ˋround.
39. 'Poor old ˋchap.
40. 'Better 'luck next ˋtime.
41. It's ˋnot as 'complicated as you'd ˋthink.
42. 'Which one do you preˋfer?
43. 'How long do you in'tend to ˋstay there?
44. 'How did you get ˋon?
45. How ˋold is she?
46. The 'tower looks ˋbeautiful.
47. Is 'everything ˊready for Miss 'Warren?
48. Well, 'when did you 'have it ˋlast?
49. Yes, but `did she 'bring it 'back in 'fact?
50. Now 'what's the 'price of this ˋother one?


(total 5 points)

1. Listen and memorize chants from Unit 10 "Speaking about Money" ("Jazz
Chants", p.50). Recite them phonetically correctly maintaining a clear, steady beat
and rhythm (0, 5 points for each chant, total 1 point)

Put It In the Bank. Pennies, Nickels, Dimes and Quarters

Save it Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.
Save it Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.
Put it in the bank. How many pennies in a nickel?
Save it Five.
Save it How many nickels in a dime?

Put it in the bank. Two.
Spend it. Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.
Take it out of the bank Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.
Spend it. How many dimes in a dollar?
Take it out of the bank Ten.
Save it How many nickels in a dime?
Spend it. Two.
Save it
Spend it. Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.
Save it Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.
Spend it. How many quarters in a dollar?
Put it in the bank. Four.
How many nickels in a dime?

2. Memorize the tongue twister and recite it phonetically correctly paying

attention to the pronunciation of the sounds /e/, /b/, /æ/, /ʌ/ (0.5 points)

'Betty 'Batter 'bought some `butter, |

And she 'said my ˊbutter's `bitter, |
'If I 'put it in my ˊbatter |
It will 'make my 'batter `bitter. ||
'If I 'buy some `better ˊbutter |
It will 'make my ˊbatter `better, |
So she 'bought some 'better `butter |
And it 'made her 'batter `better. ||

3. Memorize the following tongue twister and recite it phonetically correctly

paying attention to the pronunciation of the sounds /i:, ɪ, e, p/ (0,5 points)

'Peter ˊPiper | 'picked a 'pack of 'pickled `peppers. ||

A 'pack of 'pickled ˊpeppers | 'Peter 'Piper `picked. ||
'If ˇPeter ˇPiper | 'picked a 'pack of 'pickled ˇpeppers |
`Where's the 'pack of 'pickled ˊpeppers | ˈPeter ˈPiper `picked? ||

4. Listen, read and memorize the dialogue (T.8.1.B. "Headway Pronunciation",
intermediate, p.40). Recite the dialogue phonetically correctly paying attention to
the intonation, linking and pronunciation of the sound /з:/ (1,5 points).

A Are all your friends from university working now?

B Nearly. Kirsty's doing research work at Bermingham University
and Shirly's gone to work as a nurse in the Third World - Burma or
A Really? That's adventurous. What about Perl?
B Oh, Perl's turned really conservative. She's a civil servant now.
She and Kirk live in some suburb somewhere.
A And how about Dirk?
B Oh, haven't you heard about Dirk? He's working in Turkey as a
windsurf instructor! He's learned Turkish and he's earning a fortune
… or so I've heard.

5. Listen, read and memorize the dialogue (T.12.4 "Headway Pronunciation",

intermediate, p.24). Recite the dialogue phonetically correctly paying attention to
the linking and sound changes (1,5 points)

Steve Hello this is Steve - can I speak to Alison please?

Paul I'm afraid she's having a shower at the moment - can she
ring you back?
Steve Mmm … well, all right, but I'm going out in a couple of
minutes. I'll be back in about two hours okay - can she phone me
back then?
Paul I think she is going out later herself - oh hang on, she's just
coming out of the shower - I'll pass you over to her okay…

6.* Listen, read and memorize English sayings (T.13.1.C "Headway

Pronunciation", intermediate, p.72). Pay attention to the pronunciation of the
sounds /u:, ʊ/.

a. No news is `good news. ||

b. I 'wouldn't 'like to be in `your 'shoes.||
c. He's 'getting ↑too 'big for his `boots.||
d. The 'proof of the 'pudding is in the `eating.||
e. It's 'too 'good to be `true.||
f. He's 'got a `screw loose.||

7.* Listen and read the tongue twisters (T.14.1.B "Headway Pronunciation"
intermediate, p.80). Pay attention to the pronunciation of the sounds /d, j/.

a. In his `youth, 'Jerry ˇJoseph, | the 'New 'York millioˋnaire, |

'used to 'play ˋjazz on a 'huge 'German `tuba.||
b. 'Julian ˇJones is 'jealous of 'Eunice's `Jaguar, | but ´Eunice
'Jones is 'jealous of 'Jason's Ja`cuzzi, | and ´Jason 'Jones is 'jealous
of 'Julian's `yacht.||
c. That 'fabulous 'jade ˊunicorn | is the most 'beautiful 'Japanese
`statue in 'any Euro'pean mu`seum.||
d. 'Journalist 'Jane ˊYoung |'stupidly 'damaged 'George 'Joyce's
'new 'yellow ˋjeep |on the 'edge of the ˋbridge.||


(total 10 points)

1. Listen to the poem "The Owl and the Pussy-Cat" by Edward Lear. Repeat the
poem following the model (4 points). Learn by heart.

The 'Owl and the `Pussycat |'went to `sea |

In a ↑beautiful 'pea-'green `boat.||
They 'took some ˇhoney and `plenty of ˇmoney |
'Wrapped ´up | in a 'five-pound `note.||
The 'Owl 'looked 'up to the 'stars a'bove |
And 'sang to a 'small gui`tar: ||
"´Oh, | 'lovely 'Pussy, | ´Oh, 'Pussy, my 'love, |
'What a `beautiful 'Pussy you `are, you `are. ||
'What a `beautiful `Pussy you `are. ||

`Pussy `said to the ˇOwl, |
"`You, | 'elegant ˇfowl, |
How ˇcharmingly `sweet you 'sing." ||
"'Oh, | 'let us be ˋmarried, |
'Too 'long we have `tarried, |
But ˇwhat shall we 'do for a `ring?" ||
They 'sailed a'way, for a 'year and a `day, |
To the 'land where the `bong-tree 'grows; ||
And 'there in the ´wood | a `Piggy-wig `stood, |
With the 'ring at the 'end of his `nose. ||
His ˊnose? | With the 'ring at the 'end of his `nose. ||
"`Dear ˊPig, | ˈare you 'willing to 'sell for one 'shilling your
ˊring?" ||
ˈSaid the ˇPiggy | "I `will!" ||
ˊSo | they 'took it aˋway | and were 'married 'next `day |
By the `turkey | who 'lives on the `hill. ||
They 'dined on ˊmince, | and 'slices of ˊquince, |
Which they 'ate with the ↑runcible `spoon. ||
And 'hand in ˊhand | on the 'edge of the ˊsand |
They 'danced by the 'light of the 'moon, the 'moon, |
They 'danced by the 'light of the `moon. ||
And 'hand in ˊhand | on the 'edge of the ˊsand |
They 'danced by the 'light of the 'moon, the 'moon, |
They 'danced by the 'light of the `moon. ||

2. Listen to the text T.1.6.A (Headway Pronunciation Upper-Intermediate p.5).

Transcribe the text. Memorize the text and recite it phonetically correctly paying
attention to intonation, linking and phrasing (1 point)

"Vo`cabulary!"|| Mr. 'Parkhill `thought.|| "Above ˇall I must 'help

them in'crease their vo`cabularies." ||
He was ´probably `right. || 'What the `students in the be'ginners'
'grade most ´needed, | 'what they could 'put to `instant ´use, | was
a 'copious supp'ly of `words:| `English words, | 'words for 'naming

'ordinary `objects, | 'asking 'simple `questions, | des'cribing
'everyday ex`periences. || 'If one 'weighted the res'pective ˇmerits
of vo´cabulary | and, say ˇspelling, | as Mr. 'Parkhill had 'spent
↑many an 'hour `doing, | one would be 'forced to de'cide in 'favour
of de'voting ↑more 'time to the ´former than the `latter. || However
↑basic 'spelling ´is | (and to Mr. ´Parkhill | 'nothing was `more
ˊbasic) | it is ˇnonetheless | 'not 'so 'pressing 'outside a ´classroom
| to ´adults | who 'do 'little 'actual ´writing | in their 'daily ´work
and `life. ||
"After `all, " | Mr. 'Parkhill had 'put it to Miss `Higby, | "one does
'not 'need to 'know how to ˊspell 'English | in 'order to `use it!" ||
"Our 'students 'certainly 'prove `that, " | Miss 'Higby had re`plied. ||

3. Listen to the dialogue T.3.6.B (Headway Pronunciation Upper-Intermediate

p. 18). Transcribe the dialogue and mark the stresses and tunes. Memorize the
dialogue and recite it phonetically correctly (2 points)

M ˄Peter! || 'Are you 'going 'anywhere over 'Easter this ˊyear? ||

P `Well, | `yes, | as a `matter of ˊfact | we `are. || We're 'off on a
'tour of `Italy | for a 'week or `two.||
M `Mmm. | That 'sounds ↑really `wonderful. || 'Where eˋxactly
will you be ˈgoing? ||
P `Oh, || ´here and ˇthere.|| `Rome's 'more or 'less `definite, |
but a'part from ˇthat | we're 'open to sug`gestion. ||
M 'Are you 'traveling by ˊcoach? ||
P `No, | by `car, | ˇactually. ||
M 'Dear 'old `Italy! | 'When you're in ˊRome | you ↑must
re'member to 'throw a `coin over your `shoulder into the 'Trevi
`fountain. ||
P ˇReally? || 'What `for? ||
M ˇWell, | 'if you 'do ˇthat, | it ˈmeans that ´sooner or `later, |
you are 'sure to re`turn. ||

4. Listen to the dialogue T.5.1.C. (Headway Pronunciation Upper-Intermediate
p.29). Transcribe the dialogue and mark the stress and tunes. Memorize the
dialogue and recite it phonetically correctly (2 points)

Simon ˄Sally, | have you 'got 'anything 'planned for ˊThursday? ||

Sally For ˊThursday, | 'Simon? ||
Simon For 'Thursday the thir`teenth. || It's my `birthday, | you
'see. ||
Sally ˄Simon! || Your ˄birthday! || 'Thank `heavens you `said! ||
Simon `Yes, | I'm 'going to be 'thirty-`three. || I'd 'thought I'd
'throw a ˊparty or `something | to `celebrate. ||
Sally 'What a 'super i`dea! ||
Simon Do you 'think you'll be `free? ||
Sally For ˇThursday? || `Yes | I `think ´so. ||
Simon `Fine, | so I'll 'see you `soon. || It 'starts at `six. ||
Sally `Yes. | `Thanks…|| ´oh, | and ˇSimon…||
Simon ˊYes? ||
Sally `Sorry I'm 'so `slow. ||

5. Listen and memorize chants from Unit 12 "Asking For and Giving
Information" ("Jazz Chants", p.60). Recite them phonetically correctly maintaining
a clear, steady beat and rhythm (0, 5 point for each chant, total 1 point).

Walk Two Blocks Is the Post Office Open Tomorrow?

and Turn Right Is the post office open tomorrow?
Is there a bank near here? It’s open from nine to five.
Yes, there is. Is the post office open tomorrow?
Walk two blocks and turn right. It’s open from nine to five.
Is there a phone near here? What time does it open?
Yes, there is. It opens at nine.
Walk two blocks and turn right. What time does it close?
Is there a newspaper stand near here? It closes at five.
Yes, there is. It opens at nine and closes at five.
Yes, there is. It’s open from nine to five.
Walk two blocks and turn right. Are the stores open tomorrow?

Is there a coffee shop near here? They’re open from nine to five.
Yes, there is. Are the stores open tomorrow?
Yes, there is. They’re open from nine to five.
Walk two blocks and turn left. When do they open?
Turn left. Turn left. They open at nine.
Walk two blocks and turn left. When do they close?
Turn right. Turn right. They close at five.
Walk two blocks and turn right. Are the stores open tomorrow?
You can't miss it. They’re open from nine to five.


(total 6 points)

1. Listen to the poem "O Captain, my Captain" by Walt Whitman. Repeat the
poem following the model. Memorize it (4 points)

O, 'Captain, | my 'Captain! | Our 'fearful 'trip is `done.||

The 'ship has 'weathered ↑every `wrack | the ↑prize we `sought is
The 'port is `near, | the `bells I 'hear, | the 'people all e`xalting.||
While 'follow 'eyes,|the 'steady 'kill,| the 'vessel 'grim and `daring.||

But oh `heart, | `heart, | `heart! ||

'Oh, the `bleeding 'drops of `red, |
Where on the 'deck, | my `captain 'lies, |
`Fallen, | `cold | and `dead. ||

O 'captain, | my 'captain, | 'rise 'up and 'hear the `bells||

Rise ˊup | for `you the 'flag is ˊflung | for `you the 'bugle `trills |
For `you bou'quets and 'ribbon ˊwreathes | for `you the`shores are
`crowding. ||
For `you they 'call the ↑swaying 'mass,|their 'eager 'faces`turning.||

ˋHear 'captain, |'dear ˇfather! |

This `arm beneath your `head.
It is some `dream that on the 'deck
You've `fallen, | `cold | and `dead.||

My 'captain does 'not `answer, | his ↑lips are ↑pale and `still.||
My `father does 'not 'feel my `arm, | he has ↑no `pulse nor `will.||
The 'ship is 'anchored↑safe and `sound,|its 'voyage 'closed and
From `fearful `trip the `victor-ship 'comes `in with 'object 'won.||

E'xalt, 'oh, ˋshores, | and 'ring, 'oh `bells

But 'I with 'mournful `tread.||
`Walk | the 'deck | my 'captain | `lies, |
`Fallen, | `cold | and `dead. ||

2. Listen to the text T.5.7.A. (Headway Pronunciation Upper-Intermediate

p.32). Transcribe the text, memorize and recite it phonetically correctly paying
attention to the word linking, intonation and phrasing (1 point)

"'Anywhere 'special you want to ˇsit?" || Mr. 'White `asked. ||

"It's 'all the 'same to ˄me", | 'answered Mr. `Green. || "It `won't be
for `long, 'anyhow." ||
The 'two ˊmen | 'made their ˊway 'up to the 'front of the
`carriage, | and 'sat 'down to'gether in the `seat | just be'hind the
'driver's `cab.|| There were ↑plenty of 'empty `seats; | Mr. 'White's
'question had ↑evidently 'been a `sign | that he was acˊcepting, |
thus 'early in the `evening, | the 'role of `host. || 'Since he was
'taking his 'friend 'home to `dinner at his ˊhouse, | he 'wished to
as'sume responsi'bility for his 'comfort straight a`way, | as 'soon as
they 'boarded the `train. || Mr. 'Green 'lived on the ↑other 'side of
`Manchester, | and 'usually 'went 'home from the 'office by `bus; |
so 'that, | in a `sense, | the 'train was al'ready `foreign 'ground to
him, | and 'home ground to Mr. `White. ||
'Recog'nizing this situ´ation, |Mr. 'Green volun´teered, | "'Makes
a 'big `difference, | `doesn't it? || 'Having them electriˇfied." ||

"All the 'difference in the `world, " | 'said Mr. `White. ||
The ˇdriver, | who had been 'leaning 'out of his ´window |
con'versing with a 'man on the ´platform, | 'settled into his `seat. ||
The 'train `started. ||
"˄Smooth, " | 'said Mr. `Green. ||
"'Makes a ↑very 'easy `journey of it, " | 'said Mr. `White.||
They 'might have been dis'cussing some `fitting in Mr. 'White's
'own `house. ||

3.* Listen and memorize the dialogue T.5.3. (Headway Pronunciation Upper-
Intermediate p.30). Recite the dialogue phonetically correctly paying attention to
the intonation, word linking and the sounds /t, d, s, z, р, θ/.

A 'How are ˊJudith and 'Timothy 'Thorpe's `triplets? ||

B 'Those ´three? || ˇWell…| 'both ´Heather and `Cathy are 'very
`healthy, | but I `think they are 'having ↑rather a ↑lot of 'trouble
with `Matthew. ||
A With ˇMatthew? | 'What's the `matter with 'Matthew? ||
B `Teething 'troubles, | I 'think, | and then he 'won't `eat
'anything. ||
A 'Teething ˇtroubles? | But 'how `old are the 'triplets ˈnow? ||
B I 'think they are about 'thirteen `months. ||
A 'Thirteen ´months? | `Oh, | I 'thought they were a ↑lot 'younger
than ˇthat.||
B `No, | they ↑must be 'thirteen `months | because it was their
↑first `birthday at the 'end of 'last `month | - on the `thirtieth…| or
was it the 'thirty-`first? ||
A `Oh, | `dear, | and I 'didn't 'send them `anything, | 'not even
the `birthday card…| I 'wonder what 'Judith and 'Timothy `thought?
B `Don't dis'tress yourself 'dear, | they 'didn't 'say 'anything to

4. Listen and memorize the chants from Unit 13 "Giving and Receiving
Thanks"("Jazz Chants", p.66). Recite them phonetically correctly maintaining a
clear, steady beat and rhythm (0, 5 point for each chant, total 1 point)

Thank You So Much. Thanks Again

It's Just What I Wanted. Thanks again.
Thank you so much. Any time.
It's just what I wanted. Thanks again.
I'm glad you like it. It was my pleasure.
I'm so glad you like it. Thanks again.
It's just what I wanted. Don’t mention it.
I'm glad you like it. Thanks again.
It's just the right size. You’re welcome.
I'm glad you like it. Thanks again.
It's just the right colour. I enjoyed doing it.
I'm glad you like it. Thanks again.
It's just what I wanted. Thank you.
I'm glad you like it. Thanks again.
It's perfect. You shouldn’t have done it.
I'm so glad. I wanted to.
I love it. The pleasure was mine.
I'm glad.


(total 4 points)

1. Listen to the text T.9.8.A. (Headway Pronunciation Upper-Intermediate

p.59). Transcribe the text, memorize and recite it phonetically correctly paying
attention to the word linking, intonation and phrasing (3 points)

I was fif`teen. || He was nine`teen and al'ready 'doing `well. ||

He was a `tailor like his `father | and `worked with him. || 'One 'day
my `grandmother ˊcame and `called me. || She 'took me to 'one
ˊside and ˊsaid, |
" ˇZeina, | you're 'going to 'marry ˆSobhi." ||
"But, ˇSetti, | 'how 'do I `marry him?" | I `asked. ||
He was my `cousin: | the 'son of my 'dead mother's `sister, | but
I 'knew 'nothing of `marriage. ||
"You'll be his ˊwife | and he'll be your `husband | and you'll
ˊserve him | and `do | what he `tells you." ||
I 'started to `cry. ||
"Will I 'have to `leave you, | ˊSetti?" ||
The 'old 'woman 'took me in her `arms: |
"`No, | `no, | you'll 'have your 'own `room in the ˊhouse | and I'll
'always `be with you. || You are a 'big `girl 'now. || You can ˊcook
and `clean | and 'look after a `man | and he's your `cousin, 'child, |
he's 'not a ˆstranger." ||
`Well …| I 'went 'out to the 'other ' girls in the `yard | but my
'heart was 'full of my 'new im`portance. || I 'didn't say `anything |
but in a 'few ˊhours | 'everyone `knew 'anyway | and 'Sobhi 'stopped
'coming to our 'part of the `house. || From the 'time 'Setti ˊtold me,
| I 'only 'saw him a'gain on the `wedding night. ||

2. Listen and memorize chants from Unit 14 "Expressing Confusion" and from
Unit 15 "Making Plans" ("Jazz Chants" p.71 and 76). Recite them phonetically
correctly (0, 5 point for each chant, total 1 point).

Who Has the Keys? Let’s Make a Date

Who has the keys? Let’s make a date.
What keys? Are you busy tomorrow?
My keys. I’m free at two.
I thought you had them. What about you?
I gave them to you. That’s fine with me.
I’ll meet you at two.
Who has the tickets?
What tickets? I’d love to see you.
Our tickets. When are you free?
I thought you had them. Call me tomorrow.
I gave them to you. I finish at three.

Can we get together
Who has the money? tomorrow at three?
What money? I’m sorry that’s a little too early for me.
My money. How about eight?
I thought you had it. That’s a little too late.
I gave it to you. I’m sorry, but eight’s
just a little too late.


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