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(A) Journal Article Summary

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Name : Baiq Irma

NIM : 180107013

(C) Article information

 Title : Analysis of Curriculum Development Stages from
the Perspectives of Tyler, Taba and Wheeler.

 Author : Thariq Mehmood Bhuttah, Chen Xiaoduan,

Hakim Ullah, Saima Javed

 Name of Jurnal : European Journal of Social Sciences

 Volume Number : 58
 Year : 1 May, 2019
 Page Number : 14 - 22
 Keywords : Curriculum; models of curriculum developments;
analysis of Tyler, Taba and Wheeler model.

(D) Summary of article

1. Objectives.

The article contained discussion of the curriculum development model

based on some perspectives. The curriculum is a centerpiece of the educational
range, so the curriculum requires a kind of framework or skill of factors such as
designing, implementation, and evaluation as a form of update curriculum
development models to better know the needs of learners in learning and in their
way through better education. The purpose of the article is to compare and
review the curriculum development stages from the perspectives of three
different characters. Surely this model of development serves as a guide to
building the curriculum. There are three characters whose curriculum
development models are used for comparisons and assessments, Tyler to
deductive, hilda taba to inductive, and wheeler to cycle or cyclic. These three
different models play a very important role in the curriculum development

2. Main points.

The curriculum generally has a duty and purpose that is to build

connections between content or material subjects with students, teachers,
parents and communities. Miol and lewis argue that the purpose of the
curriculum is to involve students with the various types of information and
learning techniques that have been provided. According to ornstein and hunkins
(2019), there are three phases in the curriculum development system, among
which is the first: a curriculum design that constitutes a more specific
curriculum. Second: the application of the curriculum which is a valid
application. And third: a curriculum evaluation aimed at evaluating the
inconsistencies of established education. Ralph Tyler (1949) was one of the
pioneer curriculum development models with a technical scientific approach to
which the results of his subtle model relate to the current curriculum. The
deductive approach to curriculum development is not only inspired by Ralph
Tyler, a number of figures also makes this deductive approach such as oliva the
saylor, Alexander and lewis.

As mentioned earlier, Ralph Tyler applied a technical scientific

approach which aimed at the development of the curriculum so as to be useful
in managing the learning environment and also effective in transferring
instructions. There are four main components of the curriculum that Tyler
presents, among them: goals, experiences, methods, and evaluations. Tyler's
model is deductive, linear and moving from public to specific. Tyler focused on
the "nature and structure of knowledge, the needs of the community and the
needs of the learners" so that Tyler made the "community center" and placed the
middle-school curriculum as a tool to purify people's lives. For Tyler,
understanding the needs and interests of the child relate to psychology which
aims asa source to know the proper learning goals for the child. And society has
a role in the development of learning.

As for Hilda Taba, grass roots approach was actually a result of a

modification from Tyler's startups in 1976. And this approach emphasizes the
teacher's role in developing the curriculum. The approach that Taba applied is
step by step with the behavioral approach plan for building the curriculum
according to purpose. She also explained what methods students need to learn.
She felt that the teacher was instrumental in creating the development of the
curriculum, and this was called the grass-roots approach. To explain the roots of
the grass, Taba explained with seven important steps:

 Diagnosis of needs
 Formulation of Objectives
 Selection of Contents
 Organization of the Contents
 Selection of the learning experiences
 Organization of the learning activities
 Evaluation
Taba argued that by switching responsibility more to the teacher than
to the administrator, the model is different and more realistic.

And the last one is the Wheeler's model. In fact, wheeler also modified
Tyler's approach to the model of the cycle. Wheeler developed a cycle model
showing that the final stage of curriculum development is not an evaluation
because it can be a source of improvement in the other developed curriculum.
According to him, evaluation was the most important step because it was
used to compare the actual results and expectations (wheeler 1976). Although
the wheeler cycle wheel model is well-known in his teaching practice
because of flexibility and relevance, this cannot always be used in view of
the limitations of time. In short, the Taba's model is regarded as better than
Tyler in that it gives preference to people's needs before formulating a
purpose and wheeler model is better than Taba from an advanced
improvement perspective in the curriculum after obtaining feedback through
the medium of evaluation.

3. Conclusions

In the article, a discussion on the curriculum stages of development is

helpful for the continuation of the educational system. The development of the
curriculum with the model and approach used by Ralph Tyler with the
deductive model that states that society has an important role to develop the
structure and that he places the school curriculum as a tool to purify people's
lives and be useful to the environment. Next, hilda taba followed the behavior
plan step-by-step to build the curriculum as planned. He said the teacher was
also instrumental in creating the development of the curriculum. And the last is
wheeler with a cycle approach model that says the evaluation is the most
important step for comparison results. The wheeler repair model was also
thought to be better than taba because it centered on the step of the evaluation.

4. Personal comments

After reading and understanding the article, I became better acquainted

with the curriculum development stages with the models presented by some of
the characters. It also explains structured development processes step by step.
The article also featured the pictures so that it was easier to understand theory.
This is a good article and is able to provide a grip on the future curriculum
development process.

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