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What differentiates people who succeed?

- Systems that help them follow through.


1. Identify what’s most important to you

a. Write down your vision of success ( 1 year, 5 year and 10 year)> Review
b. Create a skills acquisition list with the steps to reach your goals.
c. Map out possible ways to improve your skills ( Read books , online course, learn from
d. Keep a long and review how you spend your time.

2. How many goals should you have?

a. Prioritise two professional goals at a time.
- Review your vision timeline.
- Which goals are important and time sensitive.
- Assess if one goal lets you accomplish multiple things. (kill two birds with one arrow)
- Focus on goals for 6 months at a time.
- Fewer goals can help to accomplish more.

3. The difference between a goal and a to do list.

a. To do list > document that helps you track tasks.
3 Types of To-Dos
- Maintenance activities (Get minor tasks done as quickly as possible)
- Manifestations of strategic priorities ( Spend time on tasks that help you advance your
top goal.)
- Other’s priorities for you (Guard against these tasks)

b. Goals > high level strategic priorities.


1. Get an accountability partner.
Helps you to stay on track
- Camaraderie
- Social pressure
- Regular check-ins
- Experiment with the frequency and methods of check-ins.

2. Make your intentions public.

- Consider sharing your goal publicly > helps you do it.
- Set rewards and consequences > leverage peer pressure.
3. Build systems to help you succeed.
- 40% of our daily activities are our habits.
- Form the right habits and success becomes automatic

a. Decide which habits you want to cultivate

- Start with one habit.

b. Give yourself time to form a habit.

c. Recognize you are retraining and rewiring your brain.
- Identify the cue for your bad habit.
- Substitute a new behaviour with a reward.


1. Review your goals every 3-6 months
- Do you still want to pursue your goals?
- Do you need to adjust your tactics for reaching your goals?
- Sunk Cost Fallacy > People don't like to give up, even when something’s not working.
- If starting today, where should I invest?

2. Learn to ignore the unimportant.

a. Prioritize requests from your boss, key clients, family and close friends.
b. Access the urgency of the request.
c. Batch less important tasks together.
d. Examine tasks or meetings that cause time management issues.
e. Find time to focus on meaningful projects that get you noticed.

3. Reward yourself for success

a. Stay aware of small successes.
b. Define milestones you will reach on the way to the goal.
c. Determine how you will reward yourself.
d. Share your success with others.


1. Write down your vision of success > in 1 , 5 and 10 years.

2. Prioritise two professional goals at a time.
3. Review your goals every 3-6 months. (Goal Review Sheet)
4. Celebrate your Wins.

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