You are on page 1of 27

During Pilotage which of the following is not mandatory for the OOW

Offering tee te teee iio te ever o0 iintteeh

Enhtring i re freqtente p hitei n io teteing

Overheeing teee eeoihi n f r ever hingoe eeoi rder given b teee iio te

Inf riing teee iio te if teeere ih iin r pr boei in teee hteeering i te r

In most cases of accidents

tee tge teee ehhentei o inf ri tei n tee te c tod e ve preventeed teee ccidente w h v io boe ite
w h n te thed b tee he rehp nhiboe f r teee n vig tei n f teee vehheo

teee ehhentei o inf ri tei n tee te c tod e ve preventeed teee ccidente w h in ptboic tei nh tee te
were n te n teee bridge

teee ehhentei o inf ri tei n tee te c tod e ve preventeed teee ccidente w h n te i de v io boe te
teee w tece keeper

c nceooed ce rteh were thed

A VTS is used for

Atete in i xiiti ter fc c w

Aoo teee ptei nh

Ah Vehheo Finder

M n ging vehheo ter fc

The planned track should always be plotted

te coe r e z rdh te h fe dihte nce

in teee directei n f f v tr boe ctrrenteh

witee o nd in vihiboe r nge

o ng teee he rteehte dihte nce

The ultimate responsibility of the passage Plan is on

teee Sec nd Ofcer

teee Ceief Ofcer

teee M hteer

teee N vig teing Ofcer

BRM focuses on

tee iw rk

c iitnic tei n

Aoo teee ptei nh

decihi n-i king

Le derheip

Amendments to the List of Lights and Fog signals is given in

Sectei n 'III' f teee Weeko N teiceh te M rinerh

Sectei n 'V' f teee Weeko N teiceh te M rinerh

Sectei n 'IV' f teee Weeko N teiceh te M rinerh

Sectei n 'VI' f teee Weeko N teiceh te M rinerh

In the Notices, the word used to denote that a new object has to be added





Indication for the next chart to be used (especially if the next chart is of a
larger scale) should be marked

T w rdh teee end f teee ctrrente ce rte

On L teitetde dr wn n teee ctrrente ce rte

On L ngitetde dr wn n teee ctrrente ce rte

weere ite ih reqtired te c nhtote tee te ce rte

Tidal Height predictions should be documented only for

Arriv o p rte Ono

Aoo criteic o re h f ter nhite

Dep rtetre i rte Ono

Sec nd r i rteh no

GPS position information is not correlated to any particular geodetic

Seoecte ne:

F ohe
Details of DGPS Stations are available in

ALRS V otie 5

ALRS V otie o

ALRS V otie 2

ALRS V otie 1

Charters and Insurers prefer vessels being weather routed

Seoecte ne:

F ohe

The Gazetteer ( Listing approximate position of Ports) is available in which


Gtide te i rte Enter

Adiir ote Lihte f R di Sign oh

S ioing Directei nh

Oce n i hh geh f teee W rod

Clearing Bearing s and Clearing Ranges are of great assistance

Seoecte ne:

F ohe

A Parallel Index should be marked only from

L nd

A fxed R d r c nhpict th bjecte

A fxed bjecte

A R d r c nhpict th bjecte

Two sister ships on the same voyage between the same ports but carrying
different cargo will be identically weather routed
Seoecte ne:

F ohe

The hacksaw blade ( 14 teeth to an inch) is used for Chart correction to


Inteern tei n o M riteiie B rder

Stbi rine iipeoineh

Fiheer Z neh

Stbi rine C boeh

What is not true for simplifed symbols

S ib oh re v io boe in Ni 5012

centere f teee h ib o ih teee p hitei n f teee bjecte

S ib oh re v io boe in Ni 5011

i de f hter igete oineh r hiipoe circoeh

Amendments to Sailing Directions are available in

B tee teee ptei nh

Annt o Stii r f N teiceh te M rinerh

Ctito teive N teiceh te M rinerh

Neiteeer f teee Optei nh

When the description / characteristics remains unchanged; position is

changed by a small distance the word used in the Notices is

Ce nge



M ve

Shore based organizations that do weather routeing

F r ter nh ce nic p hh geh

Ono f r Etr pe n W teerh

Ono f r Etr pe n nd Aieric n w teerh

Aoo w rod wide p hh geh

When planning a course through a TSS one must

ow h dr w teee c trhe o ng teee p rte edge f teee o ne

ow h dr w teee c trhe o ng teee centere f teee o ne

ow h dr w teee c trhe o ng teee hte rb rd edge f teee o ne

ow h dr w teee c trhe in teee gener o directei n f teee ter fc c w

Purpose of the Chart Correction Log is

Ahhihteh ttee riteieh te ceeck / tdite rec rd f ce rte c rrectei nh

F rih b hih f g d nd h fe w rking pr cteiceh f oo wed b teee he f rer

T pr vide i riner witee n e h te the diinihter teive f cioite f r i inte ining d ctiente r
rec rd f ce rte c rrectei nh

Aoo teee ptei nh

The list of amendments to the Sailing Directions in force is published in

the weekly notices to mariners

Ever o i nteeh

Ever i ntee

Ever week

Ever 6 i nteeh

In the Notices, the word used with 'delete' command, when 'move'
command is not practical.





Contingency Anchorages are

peri nenteo i rked n teee ce rte nd reherved f r vehheoh in dihterehh

dehign teed te be thed b vehheoh rehtericteed in teeeir bioite te i n tvre

ie nte te be thed b vehheoh N te tnder C ii nd

re h f tnd htite boe te nce r inc he teee vehheo experienceh bre kd wn in criteic o re

Details of Daylight Saving Time are available in

ALRS V otie 6

R tteeing Ce rteh

ALRS V otie 2

S ioing Directei nh

Part 2 of the Chart Correction Log has how many sections

To be called an ECDIS the hardware of the ECS has to be approved by




Chapter Index diagram in the Admiralty Sailing Direction does not provide
information on which chapter

Ce pteer 2

Ce pteer 4

Ce pteer o

Ce pteer 1

Waypoints must take into account

Vehheoh Ttrning Circoe

Vehheoh hpeed

Aoo teee ptei nh

Expecteed Ctrrenteh

The weekly notice number up to which the chart is corrected is entered at

the bottom right hand corner
Seoecte ne:

F ohe

The position of own ship on ECDIS is unreliable if the position sensor and
the displayed chart information have different geodetic coordinate
Seoecte ne:

F ohe

On the chart the Notice Number should be entered frst and then the
corrections should be applied
Seoecte ne:
F ohe

When selecting an anchorage the following is usually not considered

Tee wind ge re f teee vehheo

Tee directei n f teee teid o Stere i

Tee oengtee f teee vehheo

Tee dr tgete f teee vehheo

While approaching a port the frst mark will be for

C nter o Tehteing

Ste nd b e Engineh

Tr tte Engineh Ahteern

N teice te Engine R i

Action taken after being situationally aware

c theh n n heri th incidenteh

c theh i riteiie ccidenteh

incre heh teee vehheoh hpeed

bre kh teee err r ce in deveo ping

The guidelines for Voyage Planning state that

C ipreeenhive briefng f oo c ncerned witee teee n vig tei n f teee vehheo he tod be c rried
tte pri r te vehheoh dep rtetre
Aoo teee ptei nh

teee inteentei nh f pio te re ftoo ccepte boe te teee vehheo'h n vig tei n o hte ff

Cr hh-ceecking f individt o eti n decihi nh he tod be enc tr ged

In the ALL&FS the following volume does not exist

Data on Berth details can be obtained from

S ioing Directei nh

Own heip i rteicto rh

S ioing Directei nh

ALRS V otie VI

Gtide te i rte Enter

The mariner can rely solely on the output of a single position fxing system
Seoecte ne:

F ohe

When planning to cut across the TSS one must

d h witee teee o rgehte ngoe p hhiboe

d h witee teee hi ooehte ngoe p hhiboe

N ne f teee ptei nh

d h in directei n perpendicto r te teee o ne

Which is the correct statement with respect to the indication of the

method of position fxing

Ono teee prii r ptei n ithte be indic teed

irii r , Sec nd r nd Tertei r ptei nh ithte be indic teed

N ne f teee ptei nh ih terte

irii r nd Sec nd r ptei nh ithte be indic teed

Data on predominant currents is available in the

Gtide te i rte Enter

R tteeing Gtideh

Adiir ote Dihte nce T boeh

Adiir ote S ioing Directei nh

Communication breakdown could be because of

Aoo teee ptei nh

io in iihtnderhte nding

Differente pr cedtr o ietee dh

L ck f c ii n o ngt ge
If for any compelling reason, a ship does not follow the mandatory ship's
routeing system, it should

Aoo teee ptei nh

Rec rd ite in teee o g b k

Send iehh ge te teee Fo g Ste tee

Send iehh ge te teee c ip n

Which is not true about the Safety contour

ir videh vihiboe b tnd r beteween “h fe” nd “tnh fe” w teer

Ite ih o ri boe

Tee v ote inptte b teee i riner ih ow h heoecteed

irehenteh coe r ce nge f c o tr

This may be posted on the outer side of a Chart folio

Aoo teee ptei nh

A oihte f ce rteh witeein ite nd te boe f c rrectei n rec rd

Tee d tee teee f oi w h hte rteed

T te o ntiber f ce rteh witeein

When planning to navigate in areas with a reduced under keel clearances

the following should be considered

Dr tgete f teee vehheo in reo tei n te teee Ce rteed Deptee

Speed f teee vehheo

Ehteii teed Sqt te

Aoo teee ptei nh

Which of the following is a case of subtle ambiguity

Tw independente nd hep r tee p hitei n fxeh d n te gree

Jtni r Ofcer n te c nfdente te r ihe eih d tbteh

Tw ieiberh n te greeing tp n p inte f ctei n

Ece h tnder d eh n te gree witee teee ce rteed deptee

Which is the frequency is used to send RT Distress alert in Sea Area A1?

Ce nneo 16

Ce nneo 70

2187.5 Kz

2182 Kz

Minor corrections to the ALL&FS is done by pen

Seoecte ne:

F ohe

The ALRS Volume that deals with Piracy Reports is

ALRS V otie 1

ALRS V otie 2
ALRS V otie 5

ALRS V otie o

In the Notices, the word used with 'insert' command, when 'move'
command is not practical.





Having chosen the landfall position, its adequacy for daylight, darkness
and reduced visibility should be assessed.
Seoecte ne:

F ohe

Shore based weather routeing was started because

Aoo teee ptei nh

Tee kn woedge nd experience f inteerpreteing teee d te i be p r nb rd

Tee teiie te hhehh teee f rec hteh nd heoecte htite boe r ttee ih d r tew pri r dep rtetre
nd tee te ih ween teee crew ieiberh re te teeeir bthiehte witee c rg w rking nd teeer
heipb rd dtteieh.

Redtceh teiie f r p hh ge po nning

The following is not mandatory on the Documented Voyage Plan for the
arrival port
Stnrihe / Stnhete teiie

Dete ioh f teee perh n in Ce rge f teee Agenc

Tee Bertee ntiber

Ste nd rd teiie kepte

Details of Stations transmitting the Weather Facsimile Reports are

available in which Volume of ALRS

Clearing Bearings are marked as

M re r oehh


Lehh tee n nd Gre teer tee n


(T) and (P) notices are to be entered in which column of the Chart
Correction Log




It is safe to use buoys for position fxing

Seoecte ne:
F ohe

The frequency at which the position is to be fxed should be determined

for each section of the passage
Seoecte ne:

F ohe

Recommended Routes are available in

Oce n i hh geh f teee W rod


Aoo teee ptei nh

R tteeing Ce rteh

Record of Admiralty Notices to Mariners affecting Admiralty Navigational

Charts are maintained in this section

The Admiralty Weekly Notices to Mariners contains how many sections

When planning to join a TSS lane one must

j in te teee o rgehte ngoe p hhiboe

j in in directei n perpendicto r te teee o ne

N ne f teee ptei nh

j in te teee hi ooehte ngoe p hhiboe

This is not included in the computing of the Squat / UKC tables

Vehheoh hte teic dr tgete

Ce rteed deptee

Miniiti teide f teee d

Higeehte teide f teee d

When making landfall, approaching land from windward may be avoided

Seoecte ne:

F ohe

Which is not true about the Safety depth

Uht oo thed ween htite boe S fete C nte tr ih n te v io boe

Eipe hizeh h tndingh n teee dihpo eqt o te r oehh tee n teeih v ote.

Tee v ote inptte b teee i riner ih ow h heoecteed

Ite ih o ri boe

Select the correct option to fll in the blank:

Unjustifed departure from clearly defned passage plan ____________ be
recognized as a breakdown of situational awareness


c n

c tod

Which of these are a primary focus of BRM to ensure proper situational

awareness during Coastal Passages

Vehheo Tr fc

Aoo teee ptei nh

Vehheo R tteeing

Vehheo Rep rteing

Arriving at an area having shoal patches on a deep draughted vessel

would lead which of the following factors of consideration under Execution
of the plan

Tee reoi bioite nd c nditei n f teee vehheo'h n vig tei n o eqtipiente

Ehteii teed teiieh f rriv o te criteic o p inteh f r teide eeigeteh nd c w

Tr fc c nditei nh, ehpeci oo te n vig tei n o f c o p inteh

D teiie verhth nigete-teiie p hhing f d nger p inteh

Drawing exactly what is on tracing onto the chart is an Error
Seoecte ne:

F ohe

An important beneft of ECDIS is

Redtcing n vig tei n o w rko d

Siipoe nd reoi boe tpd teing f teee ENC

ir viding ppr pri tee o rih r indic tei nh

Aoo teee ptei nh

Data on percentage of Fog observed is available in



R tteeing Ce rteh

Gtide te i rte Enter

Which information need not be given by the vessel to the 'Ocean Route'

We teeer Enc tnteered

N ie f teee M hteer
Speed f teee vehheo

Btnkerh rei ining n b rd

Btnker C nhtiptei n

In the ALL&FS a light with a nominal range exceeding how much is shown
on bold

10 NM

18 NM

15 NM

12 NM

Distance to go should be calculated on this distance

Obte ined fr i i hh ge io n - Bertee te iio te Ste tei n

Obte ined fr i i hh ge io n - iio te hte tei n te iio te Ste tei n

Obte ined fr i i hh ge io n - Bertee te Bertee

Obte ined fr i Dihte nce T boeh

How many sections are there in the Annual Summary of Notices to


Data on Meteorological Information Stations are available in

ALRS V otie II

ALRS V otie I

ALRS V otie VI


Minimum clearance required under the keel to be mentioned for every leg
of the passage
Seoecte ne:

F ohe

Which of these can also be used as Leading Marks

Coe ring R ngeh

S fete M rginh

Tr nhite Be ringh

Coe ring Be ringh

Which statement is correct as per IMO regulations

Teere he tod ow h be tew ECDIS n b rd

ECDIS i e ve n deqt tee b ck tp rr ngeiente

Teere he tod ow h be teeree ECDIS n b rd

ECDIS ithte e ve n deqt tee b ck tp rr ngeiente

Standard Folios are arranged on board on the basis of

Ge gr peic regi n

Ce rte Ntiber

Eiteeer f teee tew

Neiteeer f teee tew

Abort point is the point beyond which

Tee vehheo ithte never ter veo

Tee vehheo he tod n te pr ceed tnoehh oo ih in re dinehh.

Tee vehheo i ter veo no witee teee iio te n b rd

Tee vehheo i ter veo no ween tetg ih in teteend nce

INDSAR was started to conform with this International Convention

M riteiie Se rce nd Rehcte


L d Line


The notice number of a small correction affecting the chart must be

inserted in the log in

In Vi oete Ink no


Eiteeer in Ink r in iencio

Parallel Index should be planned from

A fxed r d r c nhpict th bjecte no

An pr iinente i rk

An Fixed bjecte

L nd no

Except for Display Base, the operator selects chart data for display that is
relevant to the current passage
Seoecte ne:

F ohe

An entry of NC in the Chart correction Log indicates

New Ce pteer

N C rrectei n

New Ce rte

New C rrectei n

Arriving at the entrance of the Casquets TSS in the English Channel would
lead which of the following factors of consideration under Execution of the
Tr fc c nditei nh, ehpeci oo te n vig tei n o f c o p inteh

Ehteii teed teiieh f rriv o te criteic o p inteh f r teide eeigeteh nd c w

Tee reoi bioite nd c nditei n f teee vehheo'h n vig tei n o eqtipiente

D teiie verhth nigete-teiie p hhing f d nger p inteh

The publication "How to Keep Admiralty Charts up – to – date" is also

known as

Ni 292

Ni 29o

Ni 291

Ni 294

Data on charts required for a passage along with their editions is available

Ni 1o4

Ni 1oo

Ni 1o1

Ni 1o6

Deploying additional personnel would not include

C ooing f eeoihi n

C ooing i hteer
Ce nge f N vig tei n o W tece keeper

Ce nging UMS hte teth te i nned hte teth

The Nib of the pen used to enter any data on the chart should be of this

0.25 ii

0.10 ii

0.20 ii

0.15 ii

Which of the following charts must be corrected frst

Ctrrente V ge Ce rteh

Specifc Ce rteh h per M hteerh Dihcretei n

Nexte V ge Ce rteh

Specifc Ce rteh h per teee dihcretei n f teee N vig teing Ofcer

INDSAR reports should be sent over INMARSAT C using code




Arriving at a port where the buoys are reportedly unlit would lead which of
the following factors of consideration under Execution of the plan

D teiie verhth nigete-teiie p hhing f d nger p inteh

Tr fc c nditei nh, ehpeci oo te n vig tei n o f c o p inteh

Tee reoi bioite nd c nditei n f teee vehheo'h n vig tei n o eqtipiente

Ehteii teed teiieh f rriv o te criteic o p inteh f r teide eeigeteh nd c w

ECS is not intended to comply with the up-to-date chart requirements of

Seoecte ne:

F ohe
Details of SAR coordinators are available in

R tteeing Ce rteh

Ni 1o6


R tteeing Gtideh

This organization publishes the Guide to Port Entry

Seipping i rteh Lted

Adiir ote

Keovin Htgeeh

Seipping Gtideh Liiiteed

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