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ALITAPTAP (firefly) FOLKDANCE ¾ TIME SIGNATURE (originated in Batangas)

Part 1 is Curtsy/Saludo

Figure 1 – basic steps

Basic Waltz (step-close-step)

Kumintang (hand movement)

4x from right to left

Boys hold at the back/Girls hold at the skirt

Doing: Waltz to R – Waltz to L then lean your body and do the kumintang (R-L)

Figure 2 – arms in lateral position forward

Touch step (RF to R side, RF to LS)

Waltz Turn

2x from right to left

Doing: waltz, hand in lateral position RL, then touch step (RF to R side, RF to LS) then waltz back then
waltz turn

Figure 3 – lateral on one side 2x to R and 2x to L / step close

Waltz dosido 1x

Figure 4 – step right / double tap LF in front of RF (touch step)

Elbow to elbow (step close step forward then raise RH and LK then LH is elbow level)

Step left / double tap RF in front of LF (touch step)

Elbow to elbow ( step close step back then raise LH and RK then RH is elbow level)

4x reps (the last measure is intended to turn to left side)



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