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Controls what comes into and out of cell; found Members only can come and go
in plant and animal cells

Ridged outer layer of a plant cell I'm a brick wall

Gel-like fluid where the organelles are found Sail through my plasma

Produces the energy a cell needs to carry out its I am a "mighty" power
functions house

Uses chemicals to break down food and worn out I clean things up! (Hint: Lysol)
cells parts

Stores food, water, wastes, and other materials I'll store anything (Hint: vacuum

Receives proteins & materials form ER, packages I'm a "GOlden"

them, & distributes them packer

Captures energy from the sunlight and

uses it to to produce food in a plant cells Make me something sweet to eat

Has passageways that carry proteins and other I'm a transportER

materials from one part of the cell to another

Assembles amino acids to create proteins I make 'some" nice proteins

Control center of the cell; Contains DNA

I'm the control center

I am the little nucleus

Found inside the nucleus and produces ribsomes

Tiny strands inside the nucleus that contain the I'm a "tin" of information
instructions for directing the cells functions

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