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Sub: Mechanics of Solid

Training Program for GET

Time: 30 Minutes

1) Principal planes are those planes on which

a) Normal stress is maximum b) Normal stress is minimum

c) Normal stress is either maximum d) Shear stress is maximum

or minimum

2) The element subjected to pure shearing stress “q”,then the maximum principal
stress is equal
a) 2q b) q/2
c) q d) 1 + q 2

3) The major and minor principal stress at appoint are 3Mpa and -3Mpa respectively.
The maximum shear stress at the point is
a) 0 b) 3Mpa
c) 6 Mpa d) 9 Mpa

4) If a small concreate cube is submerged deep in still water in such a way that the
pressure exerted on all faces of the cube is ‘p’ then the maximum shear stress
developed inside the cube is
a) 0 b) p/2
c) p d) 2p

 30 0
5) Mohr’s circle state of stress defined by   Mpa is circle with
0 30 
a) Centre at (0,0) and radius 30 Mpa b) Centre at (30,0) and radius 30 Mpa
c) Centre at (0,0) and radius 60 Mpa d) Centre at (30,0) and radius zero

Prepared by: P.R. Biswal
6) On an element stress are (in Mpa)  y = 30,  x = 110, xy = 30 =  yx . The radius of
Mohr’s circle and principal stresses  1 ,  2 ( in Mpa) respectively are
a) 50,120,20 b) 55,130,11

c) 60,140,20 d) 70,140,0

7) If  1 ,  2 are major and minor principal strains the greatest shear strain equal to
(1 −  2 ) b)  1 −  2
c) ( 1 −  2 ) d) None

8) The state of 2D stress at a point is given by following matrix of stresses:

 xx  xy  100 30 
   =  Mpa
 xy yy   30 20 
What is the magnitude of maximum shear stress in Mpa?
a) 50 b) 75
c) 100 d) 110

9) According to Indian standard, 50 H8-g7 means

a) tolerance grade for hole is 8 and b) tolerance grade for shaft is 8 and for
for shaft is 7 hole is 7
c) designation of fit on shaft-basis d) none of above

10) According to Indian standard, total number of tolerance grades are

a) 10 b) 20
c) 18 d) 8

Prepared by: P.R. Biswal

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