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Dynamic Analysis of Manipulators:

Newtonian Approach

Berke Gür

Robotics 5/17/2021
Berke Gür 1
• Given the trajectory of (q, dq/dt, d2q/dt2), compute the joint
forces/torques that need to be applied by the actuators
• Given the joint forces/torques (Γ), compute the trajectory of
the manipulator links

Robotics 5/17/2021
Berke Gür 2
Dynamic Analysis of Manipulators
• Links are assumed to be rigid bodies
• We will first solve manipulator dynamics using the classical
Newtonian approach (vector based)
• The dynamics of the manipulator is investigated link-by-link
• Next lecture, we will solve the same problem using the
alternative Lagrangian approach (scalar energy based)
• In the Lagrangian approach, the manipulator is treated as a
whole in the dynamic analysis

Robotics 5/17/2021
Berke Gür 3
Linear Acceleration
• Linear acceleration is the rate of change in the linear velocity

 
 d 2  V p (t + ∆t ) − V p (t ) 
2 2

Vp =
V p lim  
dt ∆t →0
 ∆t 

• The linear acceleration of the origin of frame {2} with respect

to a fixed universal frame is expressed as

Universal reference  
frame {U}
V2 = v2

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Berke Gür 4
Angular Acceleration
• Angular acceleration is the rate of change in the angular

 

1  d 1  Ω 2 (t + ∆t ) − Ω 2 (t ) 
1 1
Ω 2= Ω 2= lim  
dt ∆t →0
 ∆ t 

• The angular acceleration of the origin of frame {2} with

respect to a fixed universal frame is expressed as

Universal reference  
frame {U}
Ω 2 =ω 2

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Berke Gür 5
Linear Acceleration with Frame Change
• Taking the time derivative of the linear velocity of point p
  1 2 1
1 1 2  ⋅ p+ V
Vp = 2 R ⋅ Vp + 2 R o2

we get

    
1  2
V p=
1 1
2 R ⋅ V p + 2 ⋅ Ω 2 × ( 2 R ⋅ V p ) + Ω 2 × ( 2 R ⋅ p )...
2 1 1 2 1

  2

... + Ω 2 × [ Ω 2 × ( 2 R ⋅ p )] + Vo2
1 1 1

which is valid if there is a (P) joint between frames {1} and


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Linear Acceleration with Frame Change
• Assuming that 1Vo2 = 0, we get

    
1  2
V p=
1 1
2 R ⋅ V p + 2 ⋅ Ω 2 × ( 2 R ⋅ V p ) + Ω 2 × ( 2 R ⋅ p )...
2 1 1 2 1

  
... + Ω 2 × [ Ω 2 × ( 21 R ⋅ 2 p )]
1 1

which is valid if there is a (R) joint between frames {1} and


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Berke Gür 7
Angular Acceleration with Frame Change
• Assume that {2} is rotating with respect to {1} with a velocity
of 1Ω2 and {3} is rotating with respect to {2} with a angular
velocity 2Ω3. Then we have

  
Ω3 = Ω 2 + 2 R ⋅ Ω3
1 1 2

Computing the time derivative, we get

 
1 

2 
 
Ω3 = Ω 2 + 2 R ⋅ Ω3 + Ω 2 × ( 2 R ⋅ Ω3 )
1 1 1 2

Robotics 5/17/2021
Berke Gür 8
The Iterative Newton-Euler Method
• For the given joint variables (q, dq/dt, d2q/dt2), we
compute the joint torques (iΓi) that need to be applied
by the actuators using an iterative approach
• Links are assumed to be rigid bodies
• The iterative Newton-Euler method consists of two loops
– The outward iterations
In the outward iterations, we compute the net effective (inertial
forces) acting on each link by computing the linear and angular
accelerations of the COM of each link. We start from link 0 and
proceed outwards to link N
– The inward iterations
In the inward iterations, we compute the torques required
(exerted by the actuators) to satisfy the dynamic force-torque
balance. We start from link N and proceed towards link 1

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Berke Gür 9
The Outward Iterations

• We compute the linear and angular accelerations of

the COM for each link
• For this purpose, we need to compute
– Angular velocity of each link (iωi)
– Angular acceleration of each link [d(iωi)/dt]
– Linear acceleration of each link [d(ivi)/dt]
• We start from link 0, and progress outwards to link N

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Berke Gür 10
The Outward Iterations
• From velocity kinematics for a (R) joint we have
 
ωi +1 =
i +1 i +1
i R ⋅ ωi + [0 0 θi +1 ]T

Taking the time derivative of above relation, we get

  
i +1
ω i +1 = i +1
i R ⋅ iω i + i +1i R ⋅ iωi × [0 0 θi +1 ]T + [0 0 θi +1 ]T

• For a (P) joint we get

   =  =
i +1
i +1
i +1
=Ri⋅ ω i
, (θ i +1 θ i +1 0)

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Berke Gür 11
The Outward Iterations
• Also from velocity kinematics

   
i +1
vi +1 = i +1
i R ⋅ i vi + i +1i R ⋅ ( iωi × i oi +1 ), (R) joint
i +1    
vi +1 = i +1
i R ⋅ i vi + i +1i R ⋅ ( iωi × i oi +1 ) + [0 0 di +1 ]T , (P) joint

• Note that

 c θi +1 s θi +1 0   ai c θi +1   ai 
i − c α sθ
i +1
R ⋅ o = c α i c θi +1 s α i  ⋅  ai s θi +1  =
 d sin α 
i i +1  i i +1     i +1 i 

 s α i s θi +1 − s α i c θi +1 c α i   di +1   di +1 cos α i 

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Berke Gür 12
The Outward Iterations
• Using the expression for linear acceleration we obtained in
slide 5, we get

      
vi +1
i +1
= i +1
i R[ iω i × i oi +1 + iωi × ( iωi × i oi +1 ) + i vi ] , (R) joint

  i  i  i  i i
i +1
vi +1 R[ ωi × oi +1 + ωi × ( ωi × oi +1 ) + vi ]...
i +1

i +1 
... + 2 ωi +1 × [0 0 di +1 ]T + [0 0 di +1 ]T , (P) joint

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Berke Gür 13
The Outward Iterations

• Linear acceleration of the COM of each link

  i +1  i +1  i +1   
vc ,i +1 =
i +1
ωi +1 × oc ,i +1 + ωi +1 × ( ωi +1 × i +1oc ,i +1 ) + i +1vi +1
i +1

where ioc,i is the vector from the origin of frame {i}

to the center of mass of link i expressed with respect
to frame {i}
• Gravitational forces are included by setting the linear
acceleration of link 0 to the negative of the
gravitational acceleration
Selecting d(0v0)/dt = −g results in a force
v = − g
0 balance of ΣF = m(ac − g) which takes
gravitational effects since ΣF + mg = mac
Robotics 5/17/2021
Berke Gür 14
The Outward Iterations

• Once all necessary velocity and accelerations are

determined, we determine the net effective forces and
moments acting on the link
• For a link
– The translational motion of the center of mass (COM) is
governed by the force balance equation (Newton’s equation)
 
∑ Fi = mi vc,i Velocity of COM with respect
to {0}

– The angular motion of the link about its COM is governed by the
moment balance equation (Euler’s equation)
   c ,i 
∑ M=i c ,i
I iωi + ωi × I iωi Angular velocity expressed in
the frame attached to link

Inertia tensor with respect to frame

Robotics attached to link 5/17/2021
Berke Gür 15
The Outward Iterations
• The effective (inertial) force & moment for each link acting on
the COM is given as

 i +1 
i +1
Fc ,i +1 = mi +1 vc ,i +1
 i +1  i +1  i +1 
i +1
M c ,i +1 = c ,i +1 
I ⋅ ωi +1 + ωi +1 × c ,i +1
I ⋅ ωi +1

  
 i
Fc ,i
M i +1 = i
i +1 R i +1M i +1


M c ,i

 LINK i
Fi  
Fi +1 = i
i +1 R i +1Fi +1

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Berke Gür 16
The Inward Iterations

• With outward iterations, all the net effective forces &

moments acting on the links are determined
• With the inward iterations, the joint forces and
torques are obtained from the force balance
 i i +1

Fi = Fc ,i + i +1 R ⋅ Fi +1
i i
  i +1
 i
 i i +1

M i = M c ,i + i +1 R ⋅ M i +1 + oc ,i × Fc ,i + oc ,i +1 × ( i +1 R ⋅ Fi +1 )
i i i i

• For an N DOF robot, the force & moments exerted by

the robot on to the environment is included in the
form of N+1FN+1 & N+1MN+1
Robotics 5/17/2021
Berke Gür 17
Example: Newtonian Dynamics of Planar (RR) Manipulator

• Derive the EoM for the (RR) planar manipulator shown below
using the iterative Newton-Euler method (assume that the
masses of the links are concentrated at the tip point of each


( R)
l1 m1
( R)

Robotics 5/17/2021
Berke Gür 18
Equations of Motion of a Manipulator
• The equations of motion of a manipulator can be expressed in
a general matrix form as

Γ = M (q)q
 + c(q, q ) + g (q)
– M is the mass matrix
– c is the vector containing the centrifugal (contains square of joint
velocities) and Coriolis (products of joint velocities) terms
– g is the vector of the gravity terms
• The mass matrix (M) is a symmetric positive definite matrix
(i.e., qTMq > 0 or the eigenvalues of M are always positive)

Robotics 5/17/2021
Berke Gür 19
Next Lecture
• Lecture topics
– Path Planning & Trajectory Generation
• Reading assignment: Ch. 7 in textbook
• Questions?

Robotics 5/17/2021
Berke Gür 21
Supplemental Notes:
Mass Moment of Inertia

Berke Gür

Robotics 5/17/2021
Berke Gür 22

• Tangential force
θ = ω
t rω ⋅ dm m
θ = ω
O r
• Moment of force Ft about point O is dm
t rω θ v
 r=
= rθ= vθ
M= ω ⋅ dm Ft = rω dm a= 2
O r n

• If we sum the moments over all dm

∫ ⋅ dm ω ∫ r=
r 2ω =  ∫ r 2 dV
dm ωρ
m m V

• The integral above is termed the inertia

Inertia about axis O I O = ∫ r 2 dm


Robotics 17.05.2021
Berke Gür 23
Inertia Tensor

• To be able to express rotation about any arbitrary axis,

we define the inertia tensor with respect to a frame {A}
attached to the body

 I xx − I xy − I xz 
 
 − I xy I yy − I yz  { A} Zˆ A

 − I xz − I yz I zz 




Xˆ A

Robotics 17.05.2021
Berke Gür 24
Inertia Tensor

• Ixx, Iyy, and Izz are termed the mass moments of inertia
• Mass moments of inertia are (+) valued

I xx = ∫∫∫ ( y + z 2 ) dm = ∫∫∫
rx2 dm

I yy = ∫∫∫ ( x + z 2 ) dm = ∫∫∫
ry2 dm

I zz = ∫∫∫ ( x + y 2 ) dm = ∫∫∫
rz2 dm

• Ixy, Iyz, and Ixz are termed the mass products of inertia
• Mass products of inertia can be (+) or (–) valued
=I xy ∫∫∫
xydm, I
= xzdm, I
V ∫∫∫ yz V

Robotics 17.05.2021
Berke Gür 25
Example: Inertia
• You are free to choose the geometry of the inifinitesimal mass
Choose geometry that simplifies the problem
Find the inertia of the cylinder about axis OOʹ

Robotics 17.05.2021
Berke Gür 26
Mass Moments of Inertia of Common Link Structures

Robotics 5/17/2021
Berke Gür 27
Mass Moments of Inertia of Common Link Structures

Robotics 5/17/2021
Berke Gür 28
Mass Moments of Inertia of Common Link Structures

Robotics 5/17/2021
Berke Gür 29
Parallel Axis Theorem
• The parallel axis theorem is a simple method to compute the
entries of the inertia tensor for a frame {A} with the same
orientation as frame {C}

I xx =C I xx + m( yc2 + zc2 ),
I yy =C I yy + m( xc2 + zc2 ),
I zz =C I zz + m( xc2 + yc2 )

where 0c = [xc yc zc]T are the coordinates of the COM defined

in frame {0}

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Berke Gür 30
Properties of the Inertia Tensor
1. If two axes of a frame form a Zˆ C

plane of symmetry for the

mass distribution, the r
products of inertia with the Yˆ C

indices of these two axes will C

=I xx C= I yy C= I zz 52 mr 2
be zero Xˆ C C
=I xy C= I xz C= I yz 0
2. The sum of the three mass
moments of inertia is invariant
under frames with different 1
I xx + 1I yy + 1I zz = 2 I xx + 2 I yy + 2 I zz
3. Eigenvalues of the inertia 0
I ⋅ C xˆ = C I xx ⋅ C xˆ
tensor are the principle
moments of inertia, while the
I ⋅ C
y = C
I yy ⋅ C

eigenvectors are the principle 0
I ⋅ C zˆ = C I zz ⋅ C zˆ
axes of the body
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