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Miss Kinza Ashraf


Reflective/Journal entry

MOHAMMAD AZEEM (F2019346030)

My best Friend

My best friend name is Usman Ibrahim. We have been spent more than five years together. We met at
the mosque where we had completed our course of Hafiz-e-Quran. We became best friends in a few
time. Once upon a time, I was in the problem that problem I could not share with anybody. I pray to
God please help me then suddenly his face came into my mind and I thought I want to share my issue
with him when I told him about my situation he support me., he helped me when I was alone. He called
me every hour and said that I am with you, don’t worry about it at all. I am always with you. That
support I can never forget. Our real friendship began after this and we are not only friends our
relationship is like a family member. When I think about him I thought I am the world’s rich boy. I can
share my every problem without any hesitation and he always understands me. If sometimes I am
doing wrong he calls me and tells me, you are not doing good. These kinds of friends are the God gift.
I only pray to God please don’t separate us and keep our friendship as it is. Please protect our friendship
from the evil eye.

The best event life of my

It was the day of 8 February 2015. I had completed my was the great achievement of my life.
On this occasion my father & my teachers arranged an event that is called Dastar Bandi. All my
friends and teachers are invited on it. This was the time of 8:30 PM when the event started with the
name God and Hafiz Mohammad Usman invited for this after this hafiz khuzaymah were invited for
the Nat. When khuzaymah had done one of my teachers whose name was Hafiz Yasir came front on
the mike and deliver his speech to the audience. He told us about the life of Holy prophet PUBH and
about his saying for the hafiz. He told us about the saying of prophet PBUH which is “hafiz can
request to the God for those people who would be thrown in the Jahanum”.it is the honor of the
hafiz in our religion. one another teacher joins him and gives a good collection of Islamic books as a
gift and advised me to recite the Holy Quran daily otherwise It could be forgotten me. One of my
brothers came and told the father the meal is ready and uncle calling all of them for the dinner.
After the dinner, all teacher met me and again advised me to recite the Holy Quran and also told
me it is a great honor for you and your family and also told me it is a big responsibility on your was the time when the event has been ended and everyone had gone to their home.
My Favorite Family Member

My favorite member of my family is my mother. Mother is the great blessing of Allah to the
people. I am Hafiz of the Holy Quran. It is very difficult to achieve this title. It is not easy for me.
I have achieved it but it is not only my hard work, it is the hard work of my mother he got early
in the morning and send me to the mosque for the recitation of the Holy Quran. She made
breakfast for me when I came back home in breakfast brake. She did not care for herself and
made breakfast in every situation. When the breakfast brake get over she again send me to the
mosque. She is my support system I can do nothing without him. She prays for me in every
prayer. If I ask her for the food at midnight he does not give me negative reaction she gets up
happily and makes bread for me. This is my personal experience no one can do that thing for
you that can a mother do. We should try to pray for her and respect her and obey her order in
every situation. May Allah keep my mother with me is my great wish that I will do
something great something unique for my mother.

The day when I realized I was no longer a child

It was an unforgettable day for me. I do not know the exact date and time of this incidence. I was fighting
with my younger brother badly. He was seriously injured when my mother sees him, his clothes were red
with his blood. She became very nervous and did not know what could be she do. When our neighbor heard
the noise of crying my mother they came and called the ambulance. He got 6 stitches on the head. When
he came back home my mother called me and politely teach me a lesson. She said you are the elder brother
what are you doing? I you would do this type of behavior how your other brother gets inspiration from you.
Your brothers are your strength. Kindly change your behavior it will be for your future life. It was the day
when I realized that I am no longer a child. I had been decided that I would change myself according to the
advice of my mother. That was the last day of my un-mature behavior. After that day I never fought with
anyone and also share my everything with my brother. I have been worked hard on the bonding of
brotherhood. May Allah always keep us to gether.
Importance of Failure for a Child
Failure is not disgraced for a child. It is the 1st step of success. If a child fails in his 1st attempt its
does not mean he cannot do it, it's not mean he cannot achieve his goals. If he will not do work
hard and give up that is the true unsuccessful for him. Failure teaches us how we face difficulties,
how we survive, how we can achieve our goals. A child should follow the great saying:

” Try try again until you succeed”

it is the key to success. Every failure teaches us a lesson that is very helpful for everyone’s failure.
The person who gets the lesson from his failure, he achieves his goals maybe after some struggle
but the person who does not get a lesson from his failure that can do nothing. He only thought
his every try will be a failure. He can never do anything. That kind of his thoughts are the forks
between his success and he can never jump from him. AS someone says:

“Failure is an event, not a person. There are things that you and only you can do. Things that
will never be done if you do not do them.”

May ALLAH always give us the potential to work hard and get success in our life.

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