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Running head: SIP401 – ASSIGNMENT 5.


Community Contribution

Samantha Hernandez

University of Advancing Technology


Community Contribution

Statement of Intent

Since my major is Business Technology, I am pushed more towards providing a guide

and updates to the overall society. The exquisiteness of this society is that it can relate to anyone

no matter the age. Everyone interacts with technology and businesses in their daily lives

someway, somehow in order to get tasks done. Technology is all-encompassing and widespread

with many tiers branching out of it at the end of the day. When you intertwine business and

technology together it creates much more opportunities to explore within each one as they both

go hand in hand in this day in age.

Personally, I feel fully engaged about the technology usage community. This

international community had become more prominent within the last couple of years as more

business slowly moved towards a more technology centric environment. As the usage of

technology grows along with how we manage daily tasks, the more internet-based ethics that will

be needed to be taught to ensure it is being used properly. Communities around the globe need

that necessary guidance to allow them to safety use the technology provided around the business

industry to allow a much efficient service for customers. In order for technology to be a constant

in our daily consumer lives, we must learn as a society and community how to rightfully use it

for the better.

On example would be the usage of technology in schools during the pandemic we live in

since March 2020. Schools worldwide had to suddenly switch from person-to-person to fully

online based schooling. The thing that is very concerning with the sudden change to online is

that they didn’t have time to ensure online protection for the staff and mostly the students who

are being taught virtually. The change was like a culture shock to many parents and students as

they had to quickly adapt to the idea of online learning as well as parents struggling to teach

them concepts, they may not have the right understanding about. The sudden change to online

school can be harmful as hackers can find gaps that may exist within a school district portal to

gain information. Also, another very important topic is that not many students know how to

properly navigate through the internet on their own, so most of them are struggling to find their

assignments which is affecting their grade point.

Overall, my goals to enhance this technology usage community would be to offer ways

for the society to be aware of the correct ways to handle internet usage especially in public areas.

As well as continuing to teach many people along the way on how to use certain technology

devices to allow them a start in this fast-paced internet world we live in. Usually, I help my

family members and friends with their technology issues as I love to problem solve internet

issues, they may have encountered because of the little to no knowledge they may have of

navigating a powerful device. More so ever, during these pandemic times where technology is

being used much more now, I would like to help anybody out with their technology centered

issues to allow them to continue their work or school a little less stress-free as these are very

trying times for the world we live in.

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