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1. How do you connect pump in series? B RIGHT 1

A. Different RMP
B. Same gpm
C. Same horsepower
D. Different pressure
2. Construction of septic tank should be located A RIGHT 1
at a distance away from the source of water
supply to prevent sanitation

A. 15 meters
B. 10 meters
C. 20 meters
D. 5 meters
3. It is compartment in the septic tank usually C RIGHT 1
extended above the surface of the ground to
overcome surface water infiltration

A. Leaking chamber
B. Sedimentation chamber
C. Chlorination chamber
D. Sewage chamber
4. The retention period or the time for which A RIGHT 1
suspended matters in septic tank would settle
and stabilize is:

A. 24 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 18 hours
D. 30 hours
5. A septic tank is a water tight receptacle for C RIGHT 1
which the sewage is digested than a biological
action mainly by microorganism.

A. Facultative bacteria
B. Aerobic bacteria
C. Anaerobic bacteria
D. enzymes
6. The top cover and the manhole of a septic A RIGHT 1
tank usually extended above the surface of the
ground to overcome surface water infiltration.

A. 15 cm
B. 10 cm
C. 5 cm
D. 20 cm
7. The soil branch piping installed in horizontal A RIGHT 1
run must be supported by substantial iron
hanger at close interval to prevent sagging,
approximate a distance

A. 1.50 meters apart

B. 2.00 meters apart
C. 1.00 meters apart
D. 3.50 meters apart
8. Soil pipe is the part of the drainage system, D RIGHT 1
which conveys waste water containing organic
waste, whereas waste pipe is apart that conveys
waste containing.

A. Acid
B. Salt
C. Other element soluble in water
D. All of these
9. The soil branch must be slope at a grade so D RIGHT 1
that waste content is given a flow of pipe
velocity to assure a self-scouring condition and
lesson the possibility of seal losses stoppage and
retarded flow.

A. Acid
B. Salt
C. Other element soluble in water
D. All of the above
10. It is temperature at which water vapor forms C RIGHT 1
above liquid fuel.
A. Power point
B. Fire point
C. Flash point
D. Boiling point
11. Pour index horsepower is how many foot lbs B RIGHT 1
per minutes
A. 30,000
B. 33,000
C. 33,333
D. 30,333
12. The speed at which an exact model of the D RIGHT 1
pump would have to run if it were designed to
deliver 1 GPM against 1 feet head per stage

A. Peripheral speed
B. Exact speed
C. Transition speed
D. Same speed
13. A positive displacement pump is D RIGHT 1
A. Rotary pump
B. Centrifugal pump
C. Turbine pump
D. Piston pump
14. A pressure gage register 50 psig in a region D RIGHT 1
where barometer is 1.25 psia. Find the absolute
A. 64.25 Kpa
B. 10.125 psi
C. 86.25 kpa
D. 64.25 psi
15. A pump used in underground B RIGHT 1
A. Surface pump
B. Submersible pump
C. Piston pump
D. Centrifugal pump
16. The property of a fluid whereby its own C RIGHT 1
molecule are united or attracted to each other is:

A. Ideal fluid
B. Pilot tube
1. A secondary pipeline in sewerage a common B RIGHT 1
sewer to which no other sewer is tributary is

A. Interceptor
B. Lateral
C. Dead end
D. Branch
2. That pipe which conveys waste water and A RIGHT 1
water carried waste without fecal matter

A. Waste pipe
B. Wet stand pipe
C. Vent pipe
D. Wet vent
3. A bacteria living or active in the absence of B RIGHT 1
free oxygen is called
A. Aerobic
B. Anaerobic
C. Facultative aerobic
D. All of the above
4. A vent for a single fixtures or battery of A RIGHT 1
fixtures which is connected into the same stack,
is not which the fixtures discharge

A. Unit vent
B. Local vent
C. Wet vent
D. Continuous vent
5. A vent which also serve as a drain is called A RIGHT 1

A. Wet vent
B. Local vent
C. Loop vent
D. Back vent
6. A method of installation not allowed in a A RIGHT 1
lateral to avoid pressure and retardation of flow
of waste water causing deposition of solid is

A. Sharp curve
B. Elbow
C. Gate valve
D. Cross-connection
7. The sanitary drainage system for public health C RIGHT 1
reason, must discharge to
A. Waterway
B. Public storm drainage
C. Public sewer system
D. Septic tank
8. What do you call that vents for fixtures A RIGHT 1
intended to ventilate the foul odors and remove
air from adjacent area?

A. Local vent
B. Ventilation pipe
C. Vapor relief pipe
D. All of these
9. What happen when air comes into contact B RIGHT 1
with wastewater in the drainage system

A. Dragged along with the fixture along the

B. Sudden vacuum occur in the system
C. Flooding of the fixture along the system
D. Circulation of the air in the system stop
10. What is that device use to prevent backflow D RIGHT 1
whereby air is admitted to the supply pipe
whenever a vacuum occur?

A. Gate valve
B. Air relief valve
C. Float valve
D. Vacuum breaker
11. Pipe materials used inside the buildings and B RIGHT 1
premises shall conform to standard specifications
set forth this organization?

A. American Water Works Association (AWWA)

B. Philippine Standard Council (PSC)

C. American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM)

D. United Laboratories (UL)

12. When heat is applied to water; molecular B RIGHT 1
activity intensified and such particle expand in
itself, followed by the change in behavior

A. Became abnormal
B. Increases the volume
C. Decreases the volume
D. Became contracted
13. What is the prescribed color coding of piping D RIGHT 1
under Steam Division of a high pressure pipe
A. Black
B. White
C. Red
D. Blue
14. What is that controlled outlet in a pipeline A RIGHT 1
used to discharge water or drained the system

A. Blow-off
B. Dead end
C. Clean-out
D. All of these
15. Which of the following is not a function of all A RIGHT 1
A. Temperature control
B. Volume control
C. Level control
D. On/off control
16. What is the basic element of a cold water D RIGHT 1
supply in a building?
A. Downspouts
B. Subsoil drain lines
C. Riser run outs
D. Water closet
17. What is that receptacle installed at corner D RIGHT 1
wall that collect rain water from a balcony

A. Downspout
B. Bee-hive roof drain
C. Roof drain
D. Scupper drain
18. What is that system of arrangement of B RIGHT 1
venting so installed that one vent will serve two

A. Relief vent
B. Unit vent
C. Wet vent
D. Local vent
19. What is the minimum size of fire hose outlet D RIGHT 1
of an interior wet standpipe?
A. 25 mm dia
B. 41 mm dia
C. 20 mm dia.
D. 38 mm dia
20. A building subdrain is located at what level? C RIGHT 1
A. Below the level of the public sewer
B. Above the level of a public sewer
C. Below the basement floor level
D. Above the basement floor level
21. What is the term with reference to the load D RIGHT 1
producing effect on the plumbing system for
different kind of plumbing fixtures?

A. Flush tank volume

B. Demand load
C. Fixtures value
D. Fixture unit
22. Caulk joint shall be firmly packed with oakum A RIGHT 1
or hemp and poured with pure lead, what is that
depth of lead over oakum?

A. 25 mm
B. 32 mm
C. 38 mm
D. 13 mm
23. What is the depth of the building sewer when B RIGHT 1
A. 1 m
B. 0.3 m
C. 0.65m
D. 1.2m
24. Which of the following is not a type of C RIGHT 1
A. Splash-back
B. Ledge-back
C. Reverse trap
D. Countertop
25. The connection of sewer service line into a C RIGHT 1
sewer main is made y entering the sewer pipe at
what point?

A. Above the flow line of the sewer

B. At the bottom of the sewer main
C. At the top of the sewer main
D. At the side of sewer main
26. What type of end connections which are B RIGHT 1
used for valves smaller than 2 inches in

A. Flanged
B. Threaded
C. Compressive
D. Union patent
27. What do you call that point which is B RIGHT 1
unobstructed open edge of the fixture?
A. Flushing surface
B. Rim
c. Blister
d. Drain board
28. Normally, storm water should not be C RIGHT 1
discharge into this body of water?
A. Lake
B. River
C. Dry well
D. Ground water
29. Dry standpipes shall have sufficient strength C RIGHT 1
to withstand a water pressure of how much
when ready for service?

A. 5 kg/cm2
B. 10 kg/cm2
C. 20 kg/cm2
D. 25 kg/cm2
30. PD 1095 prescribes that dry standpipe is A RIGHT 1
required for every building of how many floors?

A. 3 storey or more
B. 4 storey or more
C. 2 storey or more
D. 5 storey or more
31. On most two-handle faucets, the stems: D RIGHT 1
A. Rotate clockwise
B. Rotate in the same direction
C. Rotate counterclockwise
D. Rotates clockwise & counterclockwise
32. Flush meter is another name for: D RIGHT 1
A. Flush tank
B. Relief valve
C. Vacuum breaker
D. Flush valve
33. The water service is a pipe that extends from D RIGHT 1
A. Water riser run out to the water tank
B. Water main to the water meter
C. Water main to the water tank
D. Water main to the building
34. In term of discharge, one fixture unit C RIGHT 1
represent the flow rate approximately:
A. 4.75 gal
A. 5.2 gal
A. 7.48 gal
A. 6.5 gal
35. The area of hole of roof drain to effectively A RIGHT 1
collect and drain rain water in roof is:

A. 2 x the area of drain pipe

B. 3 x the area of drain pipe
C. 7 x the area of drain pipe
D. 5 x the area of drain pipe
36. The space between the liquid level line to the A RIGHT 1
inside top cover of septic tank is called:

A. Air space
B. Freeboard
C. Overflow
D. Ventilation space
37. The trap provision required to restaurant and B RIGHT 1
other establishment where sewage covers large
amount of grease prior to discharge to sewer

A. Drum trap
B. Grease trap
C. Catch basin
D. S-trap
38. It is the pipe extension of a solid or waste A RIGHT 1
stack above the highest horizontal drain
connected to the stack:

A. Vent stack thru roof

B. Stack vent thru roof
C. Local vent
D. Loop vent
39. It is the arrangement of venting so installed B RIGHT 1
that one vent will serve two traps?

A. Local vent
B. Unit vent
C. Wet vent
D. Relief vent
40. It is pipe which convey only liquid waste free C RIGHT 1
from fecal matter
A. Back vent
B. Loop vent
C. Wet vent
D. Yoke vent
41. It is a portion of the vent pipe through which D RIGHT 1
liquid waste flow:
A. Local vent
B. Utility vent
C. Individual vent
D. Wet vent
42. It is a loss of trap seal due to unequal C RIGHT 1
atmospheric pressure condition and due to rapid
flows of water thru the trap:

A. Wind effect
B. Capillary attraction
C. Siphonage
D. Back pressure
43. It is a loss of trap seal due to suspension of C RIGHT 1
foreign object such as string rugs or lint into the
trap seal extending over the outlet arm of the

A. Wind effect
B. Evaporation
C. Capillary attraction
D. Siphonage
44. The top cover and the manhole of a septic A RIGHT 1
tank usually extended above the surface of the
ground to overcome surface water infiltration

A. 15 cm
B. 10 cm
C. 5 cm
D. 20 cm
45. It is a compartment in the septic tank for the B RIGHT 1
settlement of floating or suspended matters,
sand debris and any excessive amount of grease
or oil from sewage:

A. Bathing chamber
B. Sedimentation chamber
C. Chlorination chamber
D. Sewage chamber
46. A septic tank is water tight receptacle for C RIGHT 1
which sewage is digested than a biological action
mainly by microorganism such as

A. Facultative bacteria
B. Aerobic bacteria
C. Anaerobic bacteria
D. Enzymes
47. The retention period or the time for which A RIGHT 1
suspended matters in septic tank would settle
and stabilize is:

A. 24 hrs
B. 12 hrs
C. 18 hrs
D. 30 hrs
48. The soil branch must be slope at a grade so A RIGHT 1
that waste content is given a flow of pipe
velocity to assure a self-scouring condition and
lessen the possibility of seal loss stoppage and
retarded flow:

A. ¼ inch per foot

B. ½ inch per foot
C. 1/8 inch per foot
D. 1 inch per foot
49. The cold-water supply is delivered into the A RIGHT 1
hot water-tank by means of a boiler tube; this
tube has a hole within 6 inches from the top of
the tank, the purpose of which is to serve as:

A. Vacuum breaker
B. Ventilation
C. Inspection hole
D. Blow-off
50. What vent pipe installation in the building D RIGHT 1
which has no connection whatsoever with the
plumbing fixture

A. Bleeder pipe
B. Ventilating pipe
C. Side vent
D. Exhaust pipe
51. Water closets shall be computed as C RIGHT 1
____fixture units when determining septic tank

A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8
52. Galvanized wrought iron or galvanized steel C RIGHT 1
pipe shall not be used underground and shall be
kept at least ____ above ground.

A. 200 mm
B. 312 mm
C. 152 mm
D. 225 mm
53. One fixture unit is equivalent to D RIGHT 1
A. 30 lit/min
B. 1 cu.m./ min
C. 1 cu.ft./min
D. 25 lit/min
54. For assembly places for public use, how many C RIGHT 1
water closets are required if the capacity is 115

A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 5
55. In above scenario, how many urinals are B RIGHT 1
A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 5
56. There shall be a minimum of ______drinking A RIGHT 1
fountains per occupied floor in schools, theater,
auditoriums, dormitories, offices or public

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
57. Drains in gutters in public shower rooms shall D RIGHT 1
be spaced not more than___ apart

A. 3.50 m
B. 4.50 m
C. 3.90 m
D. 4.90 m
58. All shower compartments shall have a A RIGHT 1
minimum finished interior area ______sq.m

A. 0.60 sq. m
B. 0.75 sq. m
C. 0.80 sq. m
D. 1.00 sq. m
59. Cast iron fitting up to and including 51mm in B RIGHT 1
size, when used in connection with potable
water piping shall be_____
A. Welded
B. Soldered
C. Galvanized
D. Anodized
60. Water pipes shall laid a minimum of ______ D RIGHT 1
above the sewer or drainpipe
A. 0.25 mm
B. 0.30 mm
C. 0.40 mm
E. 1 ½ ft
61. No building water service pipe shall be less D RIGHT 1
than _____in diameter
a. 19 mm
b. 25 mm
c. 1 inch
d. ½ inch
62. Shower head used in private has ___water D RIGHT 1
supply fixture unit
A. 1
B. 2.5
C. 3
D. 2
63. Clean-outs shall be provided at every ____ A RIGHT 1
length or a fraction thereof
A. 15 m
B. 10 m
C. 20 m
D. 18 m
64. Clean-out may be omitted on a horizontal C RIGHT 1
drain line less than ____in length

a. 2.0 m
b. 1.80 m
c. 1.50 m
d. 2.5 m
65. The minimum slope required for 102 mm A RIGHT 1
diameter pipe or larger drainage piping

A. 1 %
B. 2 %
C. 1.5 %
D. None of these
66. Vent opening shall terminate not less than C RIGHT 1
____ from any window, door or any opening
A. 1.0 m
B. 0.90 m
C. 3.0 m
D. 0.30 m
67. In hospital wards, 1 bath tub or shower shall C RIGHT 1
be provided per ____
A. 10 patients
B. 15 patients
C. 20 patients
D. 30 patients
68. Lavatories not affected by side walls, with A RIGHT 1
effective opening not greater than 13 mm dia.
Has minimum air gap of _____

A. 25 mmm
B. ½ inch
C. 38 mm
D. 2 inch
69. Water supply wells shall be located at least C RIGHT 1
_______ from building sewer
A. 10.00 m
B. 12.00 m
C. 15.20 m
D. 20.50 m
70. Gate valve used in drainage work having a A RIGHT 1
102 mm diameter or larger shall have

A. Cast iron
B. Cast brass
C. Bronze
D. Galvanized iron
71. Manhole in septic tank shall be provided with B RIGHT 1
minimum dimension of _____

A. 600 mm
B. 508 mm
C. 400 mm
D. 458 mm
72. Roof deck strainers shall have a total net inlet A RIGHT 1
area less than ______ times the area of the
outlet pipe to which the drain is connected.

A. One and one-half

B. Two
C. Three
D. Two and one-half
73. Which of the following fitting is not B RIGHT 1
recommended to be used in the change of
direction in drainage line?

A. 45 wye branches
B. 90 elbow
C. Combination wye and 1/8 bend
D. Long sweep elbow
74. A private plumbing system is composed of a A RIGHT 1
flush tank water closet, a lavatory, a shower
head and faucet. What is the total FU (water

A. 9
B. 16
C. 10
D. 7
75. A pipe fitting, which is threaded on both the B RIGHT 1
inside and the outside so that it can be used to
connect two pipes (or other fittings) of different

A. Cap
B. Bushing
C. Adapter
D. Flange
76. A pipe made from an alloy containing 85 A RIGHT 1
percent and 15 percent zinc and generally used
in local branch lines and in alteration to match
existing work.

A. Brass pipe
B. Galvanized iron pipe
C. Copper pipe
D. Lead pipe
77. A small concrete receptacle between the A RIGHT 1
septic tank and the drain field in which lines of
drain tiles extends and which acts as surge tank
to distribute the flow of sewage equally to each
line of drain tiles

A. Distribution box
B. Digestive cesspool
C. Domestic sewage
D. Drainage system
78. The least expensive but the noisiest water C RIGHT 1
closet; only small amount of standing water-
susceptible to fouling, staining and

A. Siphon jet
B. Siphon vortex
C. Siphon washdown
D. Reverse trap
79. A plumbing fixture used for washing the A RIGHT 1
middle part of the body, especially genitals. It is
also known as the Sitz Bath.

A. Bidet
B. Lavatory
C. Water closet
D. Urinal
80. Minimum trap diameter for laundry tub A RIGHT 1
A. 38 mm
B. 32 mm
C. 51 mm
D. 72 mm
81. It is considered to be the most quiet, most B RIGHT 1
efficient and most sanitary water closet.

A. Siphon jet
B. Siphon vortex
C. Reverse trap
D. Siphon washdown
82. Minimum trap diameter for shower bath D RIGHT 1

A. 38 mm
B. 32 mm
C. 76 mm
D. 51 mm
83. A receptacle attached to a plumbing system B RIGHT 1
other than a trap in which water or waste may
be collected for ultimate discharge into the
plumbing system

A. Water closet
B. Fixture
C. Drainage system
D. Storm drainage
84. Each shower receptor shall be constructed to A RIGHT 1
have a finished dam, curb or threshold of at least
_____ mm lower that the outside floor.

A. 25.4 mm
B. 52.4 mm
C. 24.5 mm
D. 54.2 mm
85. A plumbing fixture usually located in the B RIGHT 1
operating room in a hospital to enable personnel
to scrub their hands prior to a surgical
procedure; the hot and cold water supply is
activated by a knee-action mixing valve or by
wrist or pedal control.

A. Slop sink
B. Scrub sink
C. Shower bath
D. Laundry tub
86. This is less esthetic than aeration but more A RIGHT 1
certain oxidation process. It is commolly used in
cooling lower treatment and in addition
ozonation has very wide range of treatment

A. Coagulation
B. Filtration
C. Disinfection
D. Ozonation
87. A pipe within the structure or on the premises A RIGHT 1
which conveys water from the water service pipe
or meter to the point of utilization
A. Water distribution pipe
B. Water pipe
C. Riser
D. Water service pipe
88. What is the size of downspout if the rainfall D RIGHT 1
intensity is 100 mm Ɵ(4”) on a 1200 m2 deck roof

A. 75 mm Ɵ
B. 100 mm Ɵ
C. 200 mm Ɵ
D. 150 mm Ɵ
89. What is the size of horizontal rainwater pipe B RIGHT 1
with 2% slope if the max. rainfall is 100 mm on a
206 m2
A. 250 mm
B. 100 mm
C. 300 mm
D. 375 mm
90. How many lavatory shall be installed in a A RIGHT 1
school with 240 male students
A. 6
B. 3
C. 5
D. 4
91. What is the size of downspout if the rainfall D RIGHT 1
intensity is 100 mm (4”) if the deck roof is 435
A. 50 mm Ɵ
B. 150 mm Ɵ
C. 75 mm Ɵ
D. 100 mm Ɵ
92. What is the size of gutter 2 % slope if the max D RIGHT 1
rainfall 150 mm on 13 m
A. 175 mm
B. 120 mm
C. 200 mm
D. 150 mm
93. What is required when cast iron pipe and C RIGHT 1
fittings of different sizes are to be joined or

A. Gasket
B. Nipple
C. An increaser or reducer
D. Union patent
94. What is the fixture unit of 18 storey C RIGHT 1
dormitory building with 6 bathroom group on
every floor with class 2

A. 763
B. 765
C. 756
D. 645
95. What is the recommended size of service B RIGHT 1
pipe approved by MWSS for a 2 storey residential

A. 1 ¼” Ɵ -31 mm
B. 1” Ɵ -25 mm
C. ½” Ɵ – 12 mm
D. ¾” Ɵ - 19 mm
96. what is the cause of object desirable taste D RIGHT 1
and odor of water
A. mineral
B. nitrogen
C. oxygen
D. algae
97. How does the safety features of a service hot A RIGHT 1
water system works?
A. Automatically
B. Electrically
C. Mechanically
D. Manually
98. What is the minimum size of water supply for B RIGHT 1
water closet flush valve type?
A. ½ inch
B. 1 inch
C. 1 ½ inch
D. ¾ inch
99. How do you measure the rainfall intensity? A RIGHT 1

A. Inches/ hr
B. Inches/ min
C. Inches/ sec
D. Inches/ day

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