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Name : Yericho Adrimarsith Pratama Balo

Class : 6TP-2
Nim : E1D118117

“Mengapa Semantic itu perlu ? dan apa manfaat dari mempelajarinya ?”

First thing first that we will discuss in this text is abot semantic especially in English Semantics
class that was teached by Mr Ariffudin (Thankyou so much sir), why semantics ? Semantics is the study
of the relationship between words and how we draw meaning from those words. People can absolutely
interpret words differently and draw different meanings from them. Some examples of semantics will
help you see the many meanings of English words. In my opinion, this semantic lecture is very important
and needs to be followed because by learning sematics we can understand more deeply the meaning of a
word, sentence, expression, etc., which we never really know the meaning of. There is also kind of
semantics it self such as Formal sematics (Formal semantics uses techniques from math, philosophy, and
logic to analyze the broader relationship between language and reality, truth and possibility), Lexical
Semantics (Lexical semantics deconstruct words and phrases within a line of text to understand the
meaning in terms of context), and the last is Conceptual Semantics (Conceptual semantics deals with the
most basic concept and form of a word before our thoughts and feelings added context to it).
Not only that we also learn about semantic future analysis, Semantic features are theoretical units
of meaning-holding components which are used for representing word meaning. These features play a
vital role in determining the kind of lexical relation which exists between words in a language, we too
study about what is symbol and logo not only definition but also exampel about it, And by studying
sematics we get enormous benefits in our lives as we can know the implied or express message of a word
or sentence that someone wants to convey to us so that we don't misinterpret the message that the person
wants to convey, and also we can understand a meaning or meaning of a symbol, improve someone's
language skills, we can make it easier for journalists to process words when providing information to the
public and the last is it will easier for teachers when teaching students the meaning contained in a
language. So is there any reason that semantics is not important ? so we concluded semantics is important
for us not only for study, but semantics also we can use in our daily activity.


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