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Compare your answers below with the correct answers on MyAP.

After opening both documents minimize them for a side-by-side comparision.

Your Multiple Choice Answers

1 B

2 A

3 B

4 B

5 C

6 C

7 B

8 A

9 D

10 B

11 A

Your Free Response Answers

a. The longstanding cultural ideology of Confucianism largely influences Hakuseki's negative

outlook on Christianity. COnfucianism emphasizes filial piety and deference to one's elder and
lord, because of this, Hakuseki believes that Christians are so dedicated to their god that they do
not hold respect or love for their father and lord. Confucianism also does not have one clearly
outlined god like Christianity does, so the idea that all poeple should fully love and rever their one
god contradicts ideas outlined in Confuciansim, further influencing Hakuseki's perspective on the

b. Unlike most other religous encounters, the Italian Priest was allowed to teach and talk about
his religion to people, especially to someone of a position of power. Most encounters with foreign

priests who represented religions such as Christianity were immediatley persecuted from the
ASian country. Countries such as CHina and Japan adopted anti-foriegner policies and built
animosity towards foreigners in general, so questioning and conversating with foreigner was a
rearity in the time period.

c. In response to the gorwing amount of European merchants that wanted to trade, Japan
closed the majoirty of its borders and allowed restricted amounts of trade through one its islands.
Using a small island, Japan allowed only two ships at a time during the day to travel into Japan
and have restricted trade with the nation. The Dutch were the only ones allowed to trade as well
and the ships had to leave at night otherwise they would be persecuted. This allowed for a
minimal amount of foreign influence.

a. The rise of the Mongols in China facilitated a large amount of trade through the Silk Road,
allowing caravans from the Middle East to travel to Asia. The Mongols were a strong power that
conquered a large part of China, and were looking to expand commercial interests. Their
mmilitary dominance allowing what would be the Silk Road allowed for safe trade routes to be
established. Caravans were able to safely travel through the middle east and into asia.

b. Through teh Silk Road, there was the spread of Islam. As caravans and Muslim diasporic
communities spread along the Silk Road there was an increase in religous interactions, allowing
for the spread of Islam. Muslim traders interacted with other traders and common folk, eventually
also spreading their religion. \

c. The development of maritime trade routes caused traders to abandon caravans and over lan
routes. Ships were much more efficient at traveling to locations, but envrionmental factors made
the trip much less safe. However, the creation of sea routes that avoided these environmental
dangers allowed for much more efficient travel and faster trade.

a. The event represented a change in the balance of power between European countries and
Asian powers, as he political power balance began to favor the British and other western
countries. European nations such as Britain began to develop and seek commercial interests,
causing them to pursue imperial means through colonies and trade agreements, and tax
agreements. Their expansion also began to diminish the power and influence of Asian empires
such as the Mughal empire which further emphasized the change in politcal power. 

b. Before th time period, Asian nations held the majoirty of the revenue produced and the area
held the richest nations, but European nations began to experience exponential economic growth.
The 18th century marked a change in economics as Europe began to create more products and
began to make more revenue than other land regions. This was only accelerated as the Industrial
revolution started in britaina dn spread to other European countries.

c. Britain's relationship with South Asia began with mutual agreements but later developed into
a one-sided imperialistic pursuit of power from Britain as the country dominated South Asia.
Britain used their superior technology and military to force unequal trade agreements and in some
cases establish colonies on South asian land. Britain imperial expansion caused South Asian
countries to have no say in their relationship.





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