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Roman surgical


a) What was the innovation? What was the new thing that the Romans created? How was this
different to what was used before?
The innovation was the invention of a collection of Roman Surgical tools where different to
what was used before because they were more sanitary.
a) Outline some details about the design of the invention

All the surgical tools were made from bronze, this Was most likely because bronze
was the most common material they had.
b) How did the invention contribute to the success of the Romans? (IE. How did it help the
Romans in their daily life, or to achieve military or political goals? How did it improve life for
Romans? How did it help the Romans to become/remain powerful?)
It helped the romans by giving them the tools to help wounded soldiers on the battle field, so
that they would not lose as many soldiers.
c) How much has changed since Roman times in relation to this technology? (IE. Do we still use
this technology? To what extent has the technology changed?)
The technology has changed a little. We now have anaesthetic and sterilizing liquids, but the
overall shape and use of the tools hasn’t changed that much.

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