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hello guys welcome to my channel of your

florian channel you're probably

wondering why I'm using this formal

black blazer for my outer today it's

because in today's video I'm gonna give

an example of formal event hosting so

I'm gonna be a host for my university

graduation ceremonies let's jump to the

video good morning ladies and gentlemen

and welcome to the graduation ceremony

of media Mandela Catholic University

2020 sure is great to see everybody so

in - yesterday

my name is Nadia Thorian and of course

it is my pleasure to have the chance to

warmly welcome all of you and be the

hosts on this beautiful morning right

here at shangri-la hotel surah marij let

me welcome the Honorable Chancellor of

ours mr. Quinn Shara fo the Vice

Chancellors Dean of all Vakil T's in a

university including all of the faculty

members graduates and of course parents

or all the beloved family of every

graduates here this morning today we're

gonna celebrate the graduation of a

thousand and two hundred students it

seems hard to believe that this College

here has almost come to an end

sure it's been wonderful years to spend

study here and be a part of media

Mandela Catholic University

so now the black education may we call

on mr. yogi to lead us all in prayer to

all of the ladies and gentlemen seated

in front of me today is the day when we

get to celebrate each of you your

achievements and your successes with us

here at medium honor and before we start

the ceremony it is my pleasure to invite

our Chancellor the Chancellor of media

Mandela Catholic University the

deliverer is welcome address please

welcome mr. Kanchana pho all right sir

thank you for the insightful speech now

I know for sure you don't want to be

waiting and I know you guys are excited

for the next part

the main part so may I call mr. Quinn

Chara and the Vice Chancellors back on

stage to give our graduates the diplomas

as they walk in on stage to formally

close today's even may I call on one of

our graduates to give a brief of closing

address today she is from communication

science faculty year 2016 she's no other

than miss Jesse Pinkman give up Weldon

okay what a way to close this ceremony

thank you Miss pigment

so the closing hour has finally arrived

tomorrow new challenges and

opportunities await our great weights

that will further test their mettle as

improving individuals as they continue

with their lives may they look back to

this stage with fondness and pride

congratulations graduates you are now

automatically a member of media mandala

LMS thank you okay thank you guys for

watching and that's it for today's video

I'm not an expert at hosting an event so

see you on next few bye


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