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4.0 Introduction

This chapter focuses on the presentation and analysis of the data gathered. The

researcher presents the findings and analysis of the data obtained through

questionnaires, document analysis and observations and interviews. In presenting

the data the researcher made use of tables and themes.

4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis

This chapter presents the results from all the respondents who took part in the

study. The researcher employed the style of presentation of results where

necessary using tables or figures to help readers summarize the findings from

the field. This chapter therefore examines in detail the findings on effective

use of suggested resources in the teaching and learning of accounting in

Sampakaruma cluster in Kariba District

4.2.0 First theme on the extent to which suggested resources are available in schools

4.2.1. Responses from school administrators on interview guides on the

extent at which the suggested resources were available in schools

The following are the results.

Interviewee 1, says:

“ICT tools are available in schools . At this school we have twenty desktop
computers which were donated by the government and we have accounting soft
wares such as msword and excel. However, due to lack of equipment teachers do
not use PowerPoints. We also have team teachers as resource persons and at
cluster level they have resource persons. Also, the whole cluster do not have exam
markers as resource persons.”

Interviewee 2 , we have 2 laptops for administration purposes and the whole school
do not have computers for teaching and learning purposes land teachers are not
using any Accounting software since there are no computers .Pertaining resource
persons , at school level we have three Accounting teachers and at cluster level
we have cluster resource persons. But as a cluster we have a challenge of ZIMSEC
markers as resource persons. The whole cluster does not have exam markers .

Interviewee 3, to some an extent ICT tools are available in schools considering

that my school have ten desktop computers which are being used for teaching and
learning purposes and two laptops which are used for administration purposes.
However, considering our school enrolment of 600 pupils these computers are in
adequate. For accounting soft wares teachers at times are using msword and excel
since accounting packages such as pastel are too expensive. As for the resource
persons we only resort to cluster resource persons of which it’s difficult to invite

Interviewee 4 , our school is facing a lot of financial constraints and A level

Accounting has been just introduced at the school. To a lesser extent ICT tools are
available my school. We have only one laptop for administration purposes as a
school and teachers use their personal laptops and smartphones to deliver lessons.
No accounting soft wares are used in teaching and learning. As a school we
encourage team teaching .

Interviewee 5, at my school we only have one laptop for administration purposes.

Teachers do not use any Accounting software in their teaching and learning.

Resource persons are available at school and cluster level .

From the responses above it can be deduced that to a lesser extent suggested

resources are available in schools.

On the availability of ICT tools, 60% of the school administrators said that they

do not have ICT tools whilst 40% implored that they have the ICT tools at their

disposal to use during the teaching and learning of A’ Level Accounting. From

these findings it can be deduced that the majority of the secondary schools in

Sampakaruma cluster do not have ICT tools to use during the teaching and learning

of accounting. Ngwu (2014), laments that most ICT resources are not adequately available in

schools. This therefore implies that, even though teachers are adequately trained and willing to

impart the knowledge they are blocked from doing so by this lack of technological equipments and

laboratory facilities

This may be attributed to the shortage of funds at the school, and poor payment of

school fees at the schools. According to Gwembire and Katsaruware (2013), if there

is inadequate provision of necessary essentials such as textbooks, tools and proper

infrastructure it results in ineffective teaching and learning. Kanyongo (2005) in

support of shortage of resources in schools, he postulate that most of Zimbabwe

rural schools lack adequate educational resources such as ICT tools.

In this study, the researcher also wanted to find out the availability of accounting

software at these secondary schools under study. It was noted that 40% of the

schools had accounting software. This study revealed that most (60%) of the

secondary schools in the selected cluster did not have accounting software. Hornby

(2010) echoed similar sentiments that unavailability of teaching and learning

resources hamper effective transmission and acquisition of knowledge and skills.

From the findings of the school administrators, resource persons such as team

teachers and cluster resource persons are available for all the five schools.

However, it has been noted that the whole cluster does not have an exam marker as

resource person. It was pointed out that the urban cluster is where exam markers

are available. However, some school administrators’ stresses that most teachers are

reluctant to invite resource persons even their peers because almost every school

have peer teachers in the commercials department. In support of this notion, Ajayi

(2009) concurred that a good teacher are good subject mastery, sense of

organisation, ability to use various methods of teaching and involve learners in an

evocative activities. Hence, failure to invite resource persons were teachers’

negative attitudes towards their job and incompetence.

4.3.0 Second theme

4.3.1 Factors which affect the availability of suggested resources

The aim is to find the availability of suggested resources in schools

Interviewee 1, the government is not providing grants and donations towards ICT
integration, lack of funds at schools in this agro based community, parents are
reluctant in paying school levies and teachers negative attitude towards work.

Interviewee 2, as a school we are financially crippled and our yearly income

cannot procure even two laptops per term considering that we have other financial
commitments as a school. Also, lack of parental support is another factor .

Interviewee 3, I think before embarking on implementation the new curriculum, the

government should provide adequate resources especially for rural schools. Also,
parents and students needs to be educated on the importance of the new curriculum
very well. Why I am saying this, is because parents are reluctant in paying fees
and provision of necessary resources such as smart phones for their children. Also
the government should be supportive .

Interviewee 4 , Finance is a major determinant factor on the availability of

suggested resources and teacher attitude towards work.

Interviewee 5 , lack of grants and donations from the MOPSED and lack of funds at

schools and lack of support by the school development committee .

Out of five school administrators who were interviewed, three of them

(60%) cited that lack of funds and grants are the most contributory factors which
necessitated lack of suggested resources in schools. Some clarified that their
yearly incomes as rural schools in remote areas are not enough to purchase even
two computers per year considering that there are other issues which needs to be
addressed .Also, about 60 % of the school administrators highlighted that lack of
funding by the government is another factor which necessitated shortage of
resources in schools. Most of them were of the opinion that the government should
give grants and donations to rural schools such as those in Sampakaruma cluster.
Also, government should give special grants for, instance School Improvement
Grants (SIG) which they receive from the government but were not eligible to
purchase computers. This is supported by Otieno and Yara (2010), they pointed out
that shortage of teaching resources in secondary schools is due to poor planning by
parents, Ministry of primary and secondary education and Non-Governmental
Organisations. One school administrator indicate that the School development
committee discourage them to purchase ICT tools fearing that students will not
benefit rather the teachers will benefit. . About 40 % of the school administrators
agreed that parents or guardian attitudes plays another role on the availability of
resources in schools. Most parents they do not pay school fees on time and some
wait for donors such as BEAM and CAMFED. Also, some are not willing even to
buy their children smart phones and laptops which they can use for academic
purposes. This is in line with Also,

Misozi etal (2013) indicate that some parents’ lacks interest in their children’s

learning and do not discuss career corridors with them, yet they are predictors of

their children academic and social development.

Third theme

Resources used by teachers in line with the new curriculum

Interview 1 , at my school Accounting teachers use desktop computers, msword and

excel in the teaching and learning of Accounting.

Interviewee 2, Accounting teachers are using their personal laptops and

smartphones to deliver lessons.

Interviewee 3, Teachers are using desktop computers, personal, smartphones, team

teachers and msword and excel as accounting soft wares .

Interviewee 4 , teachers are using their personal laptops and smartphones

Interviewee 5, teachers are using team teachers, personal laptops and

smartphones. Findings from the school administrators (40%) shows that for

schools with computers , teachers were using desktop computers as they were

readily available in their school which they find through donations and some

purchased by the school . Hence, teachers were using accounting software such as

Ms Word and excel. This was remarked by Asikhlia (2010) that good quality

materials can motivate interest and make learning more evocative. This implies that

there is need for the use of modern age instructional media.

However, some teachers from schools without computers it was indicated by the

administration that teachers were using their personal laptops about (60%) and

smart phones about (60%). Hence, it can be noted that from the data gathered,

desktops and accounting software were the most resources used by teachers in

schools with computers. Whereas, for schools without resources teachers were

using their own laptops and smartphones.

Fourth theme

An extent at which the suggested resources were being effectively used in the
teaching and learning of Accounting

Interviewee 1, I think to a lesser extent considering that computers are not

available and inadequate in schools. Also, some teachers are not used to ICT use.

Interviewee 2 , to some extent considering that at my school we offer computer

courses to learners and we encourage team teaching and accounting teachers I
have are well vested to accounting soft wares because they use them during
teaching and learning process

Interviewee 3 , to a lesser extent because at my school we only have one laptop for
administration purposes which is a common scenario in the whole cluster if not the
whole district .Hence, teachers do not use accounting soft wares.

Interviewee 4 , to some extent since some schools have ICT tools even though they
are inadequate. For instance, we have ten computers against 600 learners. Also,
some teachers do invite resource persons such as team teachers .As for the
accounting software some teachers are using them .

Interviewee 5, Most of the teachers are using their personal computers. Hence, to
a lesser extent the suggested resources are being used. Also teachers are reluctant
to invite resource persons.

About 60% of the administrators indicates that to a lesser extent the suggested
resources were being effectively used in the teaching and learning of accounting.
Whilst, 40 % pointed out that to some an extent the suggested resources were being
effectively used in the teaching and learning of Accounting. They indicated
contributory factors to effective use such as inadequacy of computers and, teacher
attitude. Samuel and Bakar (2006) in their research reveal that there are in insufficient computer
laboratories in schools, there are limited computer facilities for teachers, no central databases used,
poor support from the administration, and negative attitude from teachers and lack of technical
support are other factors which affect effective use of ICT tools in schools.

Fifth theme

Suggested ways of using the resources effectively

Interviewee 1, the government should source donations and give grants towards the
integration of ICT in schools. Also, there is need for thorough supervision to
teachers so that they may have a positive attitude towards work.

Interviewee 2 , there is need for both material and financial support from the
government towards resource mobilisation. Also, parents should be encouraged to
pay school levies on time.

Interviewee 3, there is need for schools to prioritise ICT department when

procuring resources and the government should provide computers in

rural schools and improve electricity facilities.

Interviewee 4, teachers should be trained in short computer courses, teachers
should also be supervised through peer supervision or by the administration

Interviewee 5, various stakeholders in education such as the MoPSed, parents,

donors (UNICEF) and school administrators should provide these suggested

resources in schools for effective utilisation to take place .

From the research findings, the school administrators were suggesting the

following ways of using the suggested resources effectively:

60% of the respondents were suggesting that the government should give grants in

line with ICT integration in schools considering that ICT was embarked on

implementation of new curriculum. Kanyongo (2005) highlights that recent massive

donations of teaching and learning materials by Education Transition Fund and

UNICEF was centred on compulsory and STEM was centred on Science subjects,

hence, commercials subjects are being left out.

20% of the school administrators support that teachers should invite peers as

resource persons when delivering their lessons. According to Cohen (2016) classroom visits

from informed professionals can be a valuable teaching tool. Resource experts serve as role models

and make community institutions more familiar. Resource persons can provide additional content

support to the classroom material s should be encouraged to participate in a critiquing and

debriefing activities which students take on various decision making roles.

20 % of the respondents were of the opinion that teachers should embark on in-
service training. In support of this view, . Bhasin (2012) supported the above view when he
purports that it is a well-known that professional teacher is a key to an integration of ICT in the
teaching and learning process. Calson (2002) further says that teachers should not be ignored if
there is need for successful use of technology. Bhasin (2012) also indicates that a digital classroom
starts by the teacher. Hence, training of teachers results in effective use of ICT tools for planning

. Hence, there is need for accounting teachers to have short computer courses.

40% of the school administrators agrees that there is need for thorough supervision

of teachers by their peers, HODs, administration and district office for an effective

use of resources in the teaching and learning of Accounting.

4.4 Findings from teachers on the extent to which suggested resources are

available in schools


Suggested Greater To some Not sure Lesser Not at all

resources extent extent extent

Desktop 0 4 0 0 0

Laptops 0 4 0 0 0
Smartphones 6 0 0 0 0
Ms word 0 4 0 0 0
Excel 0 4 0 0 0
PowerPoint 0 0 0 0 20
Resource 0 0 0 0 2

Table 1

Hence, from the findings above to some extent 20 % of the teachers are using

desktop computers, 20 % laptops and smartphones 30 % depending on the

availability of resources. To some extent accounting soft wares such as msword and

excel about 20 % of the teachers were using them to deliver lessons. Most of the

teachers indicated that they use these soft wares when they are preparing their own

documents and exams for learners. As for the power point, the whole cluster

indicates that it does not use it at all due to lack of equipment. In situations where

the resources are inadequate, the end result will be a compromise of students’

performance (Gwembire and Katsaruware, 2013). This indicates that the whole

cluster all schools have poor capital investment for provision of learning resources.

4.4Findings from teachers on factors which affect the availability of suggested


Teacher attitude 0 0
Administration factors 14 70
Availability of funds 3 15
Responsible authority 0 0

Parents / guardian 0 0

Donations / grants 3 15
Total 20 100
Table 2

However, 3 (15%) teachers agreed on lack of funds in their schools is another

factor which account for shortage of suggested resources in schools. But most of

them about 70% who

Were of the opinion that factors such as poor management of finance are the most
contributory factors in the non-availability of resources in schools. They all agreed
that School administrators should prioritise ICT in schools as a new learning area
without adequate resources. These, teachers responses concurs that it is also due to
poor planning by the school administrators because some computers who needs
repairs and maintenance they were not maintained on time . Kahn (1998) noted that
without resources, schools could opt for a one computer classroom. Only one computer and an
overhead projector could be found in the classroom.

. These findings were also supported by the researcher’s findings on document

analysis of the clerks asset register. At another school they were 20 desktop

computers available but only 10 were functional.

4.4 Findings from teachers on resources used in line with the new curriculum

in the teaching and learning of Accounting

Desktop computers 4
laptops 6
smartphones 10
Msword 4
excel 4
PowerPoint 0
Team teachers 4
Cluster resource persons 0
Zim 0

sec markers

The majority of the teachers indicates that they use their personal smartphones and

laptops in teaching and learning. This is supported by the mode of 10. Some says

they use their personal laptops as represented by a mode of 6. As for those from

schools with computers they show that they use desktop computers and they are

also the same teachers who are using accounting soft wares in their teaching and

learning. Only four out of twenty teachers’ invites team teachers as resource

persons, and the whole cluster teachers are not using cluster resource persons and

exam markers.Whilst ,according to Cohen (2016) classroom visits from informed professionals

can be a valuable teaching tool. Resource experts serve as role models and make community

institutions more familiar. Resource persons can provide additional content support to the

classroom material s should be encouraged to participate in a critiquing and debriefing activities

which students take on various decision making roles.Hence, teachers should invite resource


4.5 Findings from teachers on the extent to which the suggested resources were

effectively used in the teaching and learning


Suggested Greater To some Not sure Lesser Not at all

resources extent extent extent

Desktop 0 4 0 0 0

Laptops 0 4 0 0 0
Smartphones 6 0 0 0 0

Ms word 0 4 0 0 0
Excel 0 4 0 0 0
PowerPoint 0 0 0 0 20
Resource 0 0 0 0 2

Table 7

Hence, from the findings above to some extent 20 % of the teachers are using

desktop computers, 20 % laptops and smartphones 30 % depending on the

availability of resources. To some extent accounting soft wares such as msword and

excel about 20 % of the teachers were using them to deliver lessons. Most of the

teachers indicated that they use these soft wares when they are preparing their own

documents and exams for learners. As for the power point, the whole cluster

indicates that it does not use it at all due to lack of equipment. In situations where

there not enough resources the end result will be a compromise of students

performance (Gwembire and Katsaruware, 2013). This indicates that the whole

cluster all schools have poor capital investment for provision of learning resources.

Even if most schools and teachers in the cluster were not using ICT tools and

accounting software to deliver their lessons .Some teachers about 20 % in the

cluster of the five selected schools they use these suggested resources effectively

in the teaching and learning of accounting . This was also, evidenced by their

documentation. The researcher observed that, these teachers adhere to their

documentation. They clearly stated media they used when delivering their lessons

and their evaluation gives a clear picture about the lessons. Hence, in some schools

in Sampakaruma cluster, some teachers were using the suggested resources


4.2.8 Findings from teachers on suggested ways of using the resources effectively

N – 20

Suggested ways of using the Frequency

resources effectively
Resource mobilisation by the 12

Proper repairs and maintenance 4

of ICT tools
Staff development workshops 15

( seminars)
Invitation of resource persons 7

Table 8

60% of the teachers have the opinion that administration should make sure that

ICT tools and accounting software are readily available in schools through

prioritising ICT integration in schools and source donations.

20 % of the respondents agreed that administration should service and proper

maintenance of computers regularly.

75 % of the respondents have the view that, when the resources are available

administration should arrange staff development workshops and teacher seminars

where teachers are equipped with current requirements of the curriculum. This is

supported by Teferi (2011) if school administrators and educators lack in- service

training they fail to perform to excellence. They should be involved in seminars,

workshops and in-service programmes to upgrade their capacities.

35 % of the respondents have the opinion that administrators should arrange for

cluster seminars where resource persons such as ZIMSEC markers can be invited at

least once per year.

4.5 Findings from document analysis and observation on the extent at which

suggested resources were available in schools

The researcher observes that to a lesser extent the suggested resources were

available in schools. This was supported by the information obtained in the asset

registers and schemes of work of accounting teachers. For the five schools visited

by the researcher two schools were equipped with desktop computers. One with 10

computers and the other one with 20. As for the laptops almost every school was

having a laptop used for administration purposes. However , no school laptops

which was used for teaching and learning purposes. Same applies to smartphones,

no school in the whole cluster was using smart phones for teaching and learning


For those two schools with computers, teachers were using accounting soft wares

such as excel and msword to deliver their lessons. Whereas for schools without

computers no accounting soft wares were used for teaching and learning purposes.

The researcher observes that in schemes of work for twenty accounting teachers,

75% of them cited that they were using resource persons such as team teachers to

deliver their lessons.

Findings from document analysis and observation on factors which affect the

availability of suggested resources

From personal observation the researcher observes that administration factors,

availability of funds and teacher attitude are major factors which affect the

availability of suggested resources.

Findings from document analysis and observation on resources used by

teachers in line with the new curriculum

All schemes of work analysed by the researcher for the 20 teachers, teachers have

indicated they were using ICT tools such as computers, laptops and smartphones to

deliver lessons. As for the Accounting software only 4 schemes reflects that the

teachers were going to use excel and msword to deliver their lessons. Also, about

70% of the schemes analysed shows that the teachers will invite resource persons

such as team teachers and cluster resource persons.

The researcher finds out that most teachers in the cluster are using their personal

laptops and smartphones in the teaching and learning of Accounting.

Findings from document analysis on an extent at which suggested resources

were effectively used

The researcher observes that most teachers have the tendency of just listing

teaching media without proper consulting and use of them. This was evidenced by

20% of the schemes of work which were only adhered to through clear evaluation

they made. The rest of the schemes it was just indicated that the teacher will use

ICT tools and resource persons and the teacher will not use the resources as

previously plan. At the evaluation the teacher will just indicate the teaching aid

were not used because they were not available.

Also, the researcher observes that at a certain school the asset register shows that

the school have 20 computers whilst on actual fact 5 out of 20 computers were not


Even if most schools and teachers in the cluster were not using ICT tools and

accounting software to deliver their lessons .Some teachers about 20 % in the

cluster of the five selected schools they use these suggested resources effectively

in the teaching and learning of accounting . This was also, evidenced by their

documentation. The researcher observed that, these teachers adhere to their

documentation. They clearly stated media they used when delivering their lessons

and their evaluation gives a clear picture about the lessons. Hence, in some schools

in Sampakaruma cluster, some teachers were using the suggested resources


Findings from document analysis and observation on the suggested ways of

using the resources effectively

The researcher suggest that there is need for proper record keeping and

documentation by teachers. Also, the school bursar should maintain proper records

of assets held at the school and there is need for maintenance of computers in

schools by the administration.

4.2.10 Conclusion

This chapter focused on data presentation, analysis and interpretation. The data

was presented in tabular form and by make use of themes. The next chapter will

therefore focus on summary, conclusion and recommendations of the findings.


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