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Dmitri Tsagoi

The Flame Incarnate

Age: 21
Race: Outsider (Incubus), demigod* Divine rank 5
Class: Gestalt Racial/Adventurer to level 6
Gestalt Assassin/Adventurer to level 12
Level: 6, ECL +7
Prestige Class: Assassin
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

STR: 17 +3
DEX: 22 +6
CON: 17 +3
INT: 23 +6
WIS: 19 +4
CHA: 33 +11 3/3/3/2/2/2/2/1/1
+5 Divine bonuses to all ability checks
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Height: 5’11
Weight: 165lbs
Movement: 60*/Fly 200* (average)
Languages Spoken: Abyssal Celestial Common Draconic Elven
BAB +31/+25 +5 Divine bonus Melee +35/+29(Wis instead of Str mod)
Hit Points 286 DR 43/ cold iron or good
AC +18 natural, +6 Dex, +3 Tumble, +5 from armor, SR
+ 11 Deflection*, Divine AC +5
Initiative +6

Saving Throws Base Attribute Misc Total

Fortitude 7 3 +5 Divine bonus 10/+15
Reflex 10 6 +5 Divine bonus 16/+21
Will 7 4 +5 Divine bonus 11/+16

Skills *indicates bonus from class/other source (attributes added in) +5 Divine bonus
(Climb+3, Jump+3, Ride+4, Listen+12, Swim=3, Spot+12) at Level + 3
Balance+14, Escape Artist+14, Hide+14, Move Silently +14, Open Locks+14, Sleight of Hand,+14, Tumble+14, Use Rope+14
Decipher Script+14; Disable Device+16, Forgery +16, Knowledge (the Planes) +16, Knowledge (Occult) +12, Sense Motive +14
Bluff+21, Diplomacy+21, Disguise+31 (+10 from alternate form), Gather Info+21,
Intimidate +21
Special Abilities
Racial- +2 Str , +2 Dex, +2 Con, +6 Int, +4 Wis,+16 Cha,
Darkvision 60 ft, Claws (x 2) 1d6 +3, Poison immunity, +8 to Listen and spot, Resistance acid, cold, fire 10, Immune to electricity
Energy Drain (at will, by touch), I negative level DC 13+ Cha mod to remove, suggestion spell is DC 13+Cha mod or victim accepts another
kiss from the Incubus
Alternate form (+10 to Disguise checks, humanoid forms only), Spell like abilities (at will)- darkness, detect thoughts, suggestion,, ethereal
jaunt(self + 50 lbs), teleport without error(self + 50 lbs)
Tongues spell (at will),Telepathy 100ft
HELLFIRE CONTROL- Dmitri can manifest blast of raw hellfire that inflict damage equal to (½ HD) in d6’s.
Assassin Class
Sneak attack +3d6.
Death Attack- after 3 rounds of study, if you can make a successful melee sneak attack within the next 3 rounds, the target must make a Fortitude
save vs. DC 10 + Class Level + your Intelligence modifier +2 or die / be paralyzed (your choice). Paralyzation lasts (Class level + 1d6) rounds.
You are trained to never accidentally poison yourself when applying it to a blade
Uncanny Dodge - Retains Dexterity modifier to AC even if caught flat-footed or attacked by someone invisible
Adventurer Class (60 points)
Attack Combat Mastery (3pts) - +1 to BAB
Katana space (3 pts) - His katana space holds his chained daggers, his money pouch, and his demonic contract folder.
Regeneration (4 pts) - He regenerates 1 point per round.
Extra Feats- (7 pts*)
Telekinesis (Fire only- Rank 3 {6 pts})-Dmitri can generate and manipulate fire sources in a large area.
Natural weapons: (1pt)
Back Spikes- Dmitri can manifest a row of spikes down his spine, just like his father. They inflict 1d4 + Str.
Extra Arms- (4 pts)
Dmitri has long, luxurious hair that he can animate as up to 8 additional, useful limbs. They grant no extra attacks.
Elasticity (Rank 1, hair only)- The character can stretch one body part up to 5x its regular dimensions and receives +1 to Unarmed
Attack/Defense (Grappling) Skill checks.
Art of Distraction- (Rank 6) -The character can distract a very large crowd (200-1000 individuals), or 95-100% of an audience will be motivated.
If the character is trying to directly distract a potentially hostile group, such as an angry mob or a group of security guards, his or her
Rank dictates how many people are distracted. If the character has an audience that is already prepared to listen, the Rank determines
the percentage of that audience that is distracted or moved enough to take action, whether that involves buying the character’s next
CD, donating money to a charity, or voting for the character in an election.
31 points left
Salient Divine Abilities
DIVINE BLAST- Dmitri may use this ability 14 times per day (3 + Cha mod). The ray extends up to 4 miles (1 mile per divine rank and targets
take 15d12 damage, no saving throw, although Dmitri still has to hit with a ranged touch attack (1d12 per divine rank PLUS 1d12 per point of
Charisma bonus). This ray destroys wall of force, prismatic wall or prismatic sphere; the ray itself is unaffected. It is countered by a divine
shield. It manifests itself as blackish-purple hellfire in appearance.
ALTER REALITY- This allows the deity to remold reality to suit itself. This allows the deity to duplicate any 9th level or lower spell as a
standard action, with no XP or material component (DC= 20 + Divine Rank + Charisma mod). Spells may also be duplicated with inbuilt
metamagic feats (this requires one round of rest per level that the metamagic would add to the spell) it requires one round to utilize. The deity can
render a spell or supernatural effect as permanent (requires 10 minutes rest per HD/10ft cube of materials enchanted. The deity can also make
temporary magical items or creatures that last 1hr per divine rank, as well as reshaping a landscape, creating any style of terrain imagined (this
requires 1 round of effort per 10ft cube and 1 day’s rest per 10ft cube shaped).
DIVINE FIRE MASTERY- Dmitri gains a bonus equal to his divine rank on attack rolls, damage and AC if he and his opponent are touching
fire or using weapons with the flaming or flaming burst special abilities. He is immune to all fire and heat. He automatically senses any
corporeal creature within 10ft/divine rank by sensing disturbances in ambient temperature. He also has complete control over nonmagical fire
and can duplicate the effect of any spell with the fire descriptor as a standard action
BATTLESENSE- It is impossible for any creature, other than a higher ranking deity, to surprise, flank or sneak attack Dmitri. He retains his
Dex bonus to AC even if flatfooted or attacked by invisible foes.

FEATS *indicates bonus feat from class/other source (7)

Weapon Panache- Choose 1 light melee weapon (daggers). You may add your Charisma bonus to attack rolls with this weapon, due to your
brash, self confidence.
Jack of All Trades- You may use any skills as if you had been trained ½ rank in them.
Improved Critical Daggers critical on 17-20
Insightful Strike -This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+0: You may use your Wisdom Modifier in place of your Strength Modifier for your melee attack rolls.
+1: Your attacks have The Edge against an opponent who has a lower Wisdom and Dexterity than your own Wisdom, regardless of
relative BAB.
+6: Your melee attacks have a doubled critical threat range.
+11: You make horribly telling blows. The extra critical multiplier of your melee attacks is doubled (x2 becomes x3, x3 becomes x5,
and x4 becomes x7).
+16: Any Melee attack you make is considered to be made with a magic weapon that has an enhancement bonus equal to your
Wisdom Modifier (if positive).
Subtle Cut -This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+0: Any time you damage an opponent, that damage is increased by 1.
+1: As a standard action, you can make a weapon attack that also reduces a creature's movement rate. For every 5 points of damage
this attack does, reduce the creature's movement by 5'. This penalty lasts until the damage is healed.
+6: As a standard action, you may make a weapon attack that also does 2d4 points of Dexterity damage.
+11: Any weapon attack that you make at this level acts as if the weapon had the Wounding property.
+16: As a standard action, you may make an attack that dazes your opponent. This effect lasts one round (DC of 10 + half your level +
your Intelligence bonus).
Horde Breaker *-You kill really large numbers of people.
Benefits: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+0: You gain a number of extra attacks of opportunity each round equal to your Dexterity Bonus (if positive).
+1: Whenever you drop an opponent with a melee attack, you are entitled to a bonus "cleave" attack against another opponent you
threaten. You may not take a 5' step or otherwise move before taking this bonus attack. This Cleave attack is considered an attack of
+6: Bonus 5' step every time you are entitled to a Cleave attack, which you may take either before or after the attack.
+11: You may generate an aura of fear on any opponents within 10' of yourself whenever you drop an opponent in melee.
The save DC is 10 + the Hit Dice of the dropped creature.
+16: Opponents you have the Edge against provoke an attack of opportunity from you by moving into your threatened area or
attacking you.
Two Weapon Fighting*- Your penalty for fighting with two weapons simultaneously (or with a double weapon) is reduced by –2 on your primary
hand & –6 on your secondary hand. This works out to –2 on both hands when wielding a Light or One-Handed weapon in your primary hand and
a Light weapon in your secondary hand. As part of a Full Round Attack, you may make a single attack with your secondary weapon
Improved Two Weapon Fighting*- Gains an extra attack with the off-hand weapon
Infernal Pact*-Not including any role-playing or monetary resources at your disposal, you can create any one of the following supernatural gifts
for a mortal as part of a pact: +4 to one ability score, +10 on checks with one skill, +10 hit points, darkvision, temporarily cure a disease or
suspend a physical drawback (such as making a crippled leg fully functional). Altering the mortal to grant his gift requires momentary
physical contact, though some demons enjoy theatrics such as swearing in blood, signing contracts and so on. Accepting a demonic pact
automatically reduces a mortal’s Wisdom by two points; interfacing with your matrix is traumatic and fundamentally damaging to mortals despite
any gifts you grant them.
You can end a pact as a standard action (the mortal doesn’t need to be present), which immediately causes the mortal to lose his pact-
granted gift and severs the link that provides you Anima. You or another demon can forge another pact with the mortal (though by all
rights he should be suspicious of such a contract, having had it unilaterally broken once before). The only way a mortal can end a pact
unilaterally is to die, though he can have you end it for him. (Most demons require a suitable mortal replacement before they agree to
do this.)
A mortal can have only one pact at a time. (Trying to forge a second one automatically fails.) You can maintain one pact per point of
your Charisma bonus. An unbroken pact counts as an acquaintance-level sympathetic connection between the mortal and you (see
Chapter 5: Magic, “Spells,” Spell Range.) You cannot forge a pact with an animal or another demon, but you can form them with
humans, Awakened, mages, vampires and werewolves. You can forge a pact on behalf of another demon (building a link between it
and the mortal). The other demon normally provides the means to create the pact and some additional payment (a service, information
and so on). Once you create the pact, you are no longer involved and the other demon is considered the pact’s creator. Action:
Standard Duration: Instantaneous
Cold Blooded Killer*- +2 DC to resist your death attack. add +1d6 to the sneak attack damage.
Master Manipulator*-Gain the following two abilities. Each cannot be used in combat & you must share a language with your target.
Captivating Speech – you may distract (1 + Charisma modifier) creatures within 20’ as long as you speak, inflicting a –4 penalty on
each ones Listen, Sense Motive, & Spot checks. You must make a Diplomacy check opposed by the target’s Diplomacy or Will save
(whichever is better).
Trap of Words – if a creature attempts a Bluff vs. Sense Motive check against you and you win, you lead the creature to believe
his/her “lie” worked. After 1 minute, make a Diplomacy check opposed by the creature’s Bluff check. If successful, you trick the
creature into revealing the lie & the reason making it
Missile Immunity* - You gain the ability to protect yourself from arrows and other missiles as per the spell Protection from Arrows on page 239
in the PHB CR I. The effect lasts 2 rounds per character level and may be used a number of times per day equal to the character's Charisma
Modifier to a minimum of once per day.
Leadership- I can attract a 16th level cohort, 90 1st level, 9 2ndlevel, 5 3rd level, 3 4th level, 2 5th level and 1 6th level minions.
Weapon Attack Roll Damage Crit Range Ammo Notes
Chained Daggers +44/+39 (1d4+5)+1 17-20, x 3 10ft 1 point of Wounding, due to Subtle
Cut feat, crit mod improved via
Insightful Strike,
Improved Two Weapon +42/+42/+37/+37 As above As above - - Considered to have a +4 enchantment
Fighting: Chained versus Outsiders

+2 Outsider
bane elongating chained daggers
+3 glamered leather armor (+5 total armor bonus, full Dex bonus)
Dmitri always wears the finest garb and jewelry he can afford.

4140 in gems.

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