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Van Gile M.

Ecleo GEC102-Ww

Title: Playing Games to Overcome Fear of Failure

General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of how playing games can help to overcome fear of
Central Idea: Playing games is fun, works out both body & mind, and a perfect way for
to overcome fear of failing.

I. Introduction
A. (Gaining Attention): Finding ka-duo? Yung kayang sabayan and trip mo? Edi, PM mo!
B. (Motivate the Audience): Playing games specially with your closest friends is really fun and
memorable. Or if you are playing with strangers, then you got to
know new people. So, if you don’t have anything to do, try to
socialize, play and make friends with the people around you.
C. (Establish Credibility): I was once a loner, I rarely hangout with my friends and never played
any sports because I don’t want to be the cause of losing. But living in
this new era made me do so.
D. (Preview of Main Ideas): Now, I will tell you how playing games helped me to overcome
My fear of failure.

II. Body
A. What games to play
B. How to be a good sport
C. How playing games can overcome fear of failure

Everyone has their own interests specially in playing games. Others prefer online games
like DOTA or Mobile legends, some intelligent people love playing mind games like chess and
solving puzzles. But in my case, I prefer playing physical and interactive games like basketball,
football and volleyball. But whatever your sport may be, always remember to wish good luck to
Van Gile M. Ecleo GEC102-Ww

cheer-up everyone. Stay calm even when emotions and intensity arise while playing. Then
always be a good sport, accept when you lose and be humble when you win. In that case
everyone would like to play with you and you are going to have new friends. Then, deeply, as
you go along with them, you won’t notice that you will feel like winning does not matter as long
as you can play and hangout with them. And the best part of it is that you will learn to believe in
yourself the way others did, you try to work hard and focus in training your body and mind.
That’s the way we can overcome fear of failure because when we fail, that’s the time when we
know that we have to believe in ourselves and work hard so that the next time, we won’t fail as
easy as the first time we did. And we work harder until the day that we succeed.

II. Conclusion
A. (Signal the End): To sum it up.
B. (Review the Main Points): I have told you the different kinds of games suitable for your
interests. Now, after choosing what games you will play,
remember that be a good sport always. Go along with others, have
fun, always give your best hot and don’t be scared of failing
because failure is a part of success.
C. (Reference to Introduction): Like me and my best friend since elementary, we still hangout
play basketball together, although, we cannot play right now due to
the pandemic.
D. (Ending with Impact): Always remember that in any sport you play, you never lose. It’s either
winning or learning. So, don’t be afraid to play! Tomorrow might be your
lucky day!

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