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   The setting of the social and ballroom dance is a

social gathering with the more formal atmosphere
 With each passing year, customs and beliefs of than the simple and informal parties in which the
groups of people get built little by little, slowly with recreational dances are the usual forms. Social and
time forming into traditions. Folk dances represent ballroom dancing are generally held in the
one of the strongest ways these traditions of evenings. The participants are usually in formal
countries and regions can be showcased to the attire.
public. Even though many traditional dances bear
the name of an ethnic dance, not all of them
remained folk dances, but all of them try to  Examples are Waltz, Cha-cha, Rumba,
emphasize the cultural roots of the particular
dance.  Tango, Jive, Samba, Swing.

     Some of them morphed over time into religious 2. Recreational Dance

dances, and as such, they are not primarily used to      Recreational dance refers to any form of
showcase tradition but to enhance religious dancing that is done primarily for its social,
ceremonies and beliefs. Such dances are often educational or health benefits; it includes social
called religious or ritual dances. dance and amateur dance instruction and
     Folk dances are usually danced at social
gatherings, which can be formed spontaneously or      Recreational dance is dancing without any real
during yearly celebrations, that can but are not structure. Recreational dance classes are meant to
required to have a particular dancing stage and are be fun and freeing, and the goal is for dancers to
almost always so simple to dance that new dancers focus less on form and technique and more on the
and amateurs are encouraged to start dancing with joy they feel from dancing.
everyone else.  This Includes dance mixers, square dance round
and couple dances. Many of these dances have
simple patterns and combinations of walking steps,
 Examples of folk dances are the rural and polka step and the waltz step. The setting is usually
country dances, jotas, mazurkas, informal gatherings and parties, reunions etc.

pandanggos, among others with foreign 3. Creative Dance

     It is the highest form of dance. Creative dance is
 Examples of ethnic dances are the dances a type of dance that combines movement with
of the mountain peoples of the Cordilleras, artistic expression. It is the end-product of
exploration and improvisation of movements as the
dances of the ethnic groups in the Cagayan dancer or the choreographer expresses his feelings
or emotions, ideas, and interpretations. 
Valley Region and the ethnic dances in the
Mindanao Regions.      Dancers have the opportunity to create their
own personalities and create their own
1. Social and Ballroom Dance      This is a dance with a definite form: a beginning
and an ending. The principles of art form are all
     Social dancing is partner dancing that is observed in the composition of the dance.
informal, relaxed, and danced for the enjoyment of
the partners - rather than to meet the criteria of a
dance school or an audience. Social dancing is  Examples of this dance are ballet, jazz, and
danced for enjoyment, socialization, recreation and
health. The test for social dancing success is how modern or contemporary dance.
much the dance partners have enjoyed the dance -
not how they have danced in the eyes of others or
how "correctly" they have danced.

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