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What would the benefits to the business be if you empower people with
more responsibility

 Improved communication: Staff feel like you trust and value their opinions and are
more open to approaching you with ideas or concerns.
 You will build a strong company culture: When you instill your trust in your employees,
you will be amazed by how they respond. Employees who feel like their boss trusts
them are confident in their work. They build rapport with clients more easily because
they are more relaxed. Most importantly, they feel a sense of ownership in the
company because what they do at work matters.  
 Productivity: Giving people ownership of tasks and projects spurs them on to complete
them – and want to do a good job.
 ‘Can do’ attitude among staff: There is nothing like a confidence boost to motivate
people. Once your team see what a good job they can do leading a project or managing
their own work, the more they will want to push themselves.
 Increased innovation: “Two heads are better than one!” You will enjoy more creative
solutions. Giving staff freedom encourages them to think and share creatively and you
never know what amazing ideas and innovative solutions they might come up with and
how they will benefit your business.
 High employee morale: As we all know, high employee morale brings with it benefits of
its own, including increased productivity and better retention rates.
 Happy customers: If staff are performing at their best, they are more likely to be
keeping customers happy, which can only be a good thing for your business.

2. What Would the Benefits to the Business Be If You Took More Responsible
 Risk-taking is critical to a culture of innovation
 Risk-taking builds employee confidence
 Risk-taking spawns new ideas for revenue growth
 Risk-taking can improve customer satisfaction

3. Benefits to the business if you put more focus on improving things

between departments
 An increase in internal collaboration between teams/departments, makes changes to internal
management structures in line with its changes to external reporting.
 Increases in multidisciplinary collaboration add to internal skillsets and lead to better, more
integral decision making.
 It increases respect within the organization. Each department improves employee
understanding of how each department adds value (or contributed to value creation).
 Internal engagement increases not just with the production of an integrated report, but as a
result of the final product.

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